Sorry I went AWOL ladies, was meeting my friend. We went to a garden centre for cake, was lovely but sooooo horribly hot. She has 3 children, twins of 1 and a 3 year old and they were playing up so we went for a walk and it almost killed be in the heat. And my back us really twingey in my sciatic area after carrying a really heavy tray. Hope I've not done it in again!
Cath that's a lot of tattoos! Your very brave. I don't have any, I'm too scared I'd get bored of them! Good news about the SA! Did they check motility etc to?
Mrs d did you say you were sick again today. I think the twinges are just baby snuggling in!
Bailey what yummys did you buy? I'm a nightmare shopping at the moment, just want naughties!