Oh your df really doesn't help himself does he!!!! When is his day off this week? I think he needs a 'day in the life of bailey' experience! Then he'll know what it's like to be tired. Keep meaning to ask you if you took your engagement ring back in the end after the weekend?
Rubbish about those ice packs, chances are your back will be better by the time they come but at least you have them ready for if it comes back? Are they the ones that can be made hot to? At least you can use for AF pains then.
Sorry to say this but I feel awful for sleeping so long, need to start setting an alarm on days I don't have plans. When I woke up I was so dizzy from not eating or drinking for so long. Still have jobs to do but I just feel the need to veg today!
I was just looking at my antenatal notes from yesterday and my FH was 36 yesterday, at 37+5. Is this because he's 3/5 engaged and dropped down? He's still plotting on the average line. Im also a bit cross cos we discussed my birth plan last appointment, but all she's put in my notes is a tick by each box saying we've discussed things, nothing about my preferences etc!