Yey for the house bailey but boo for moving!!!! The extra room will be great and like you say better to move now the when preg!! What do your inlaws think about you moving?
I dunno what Zach weighs tbh, he's not being weighed again for 3 weeks. He feels heavier every day tho, and I worry I'm over feeding him as he has between 4 and 5 oz per feed, 6 times per day, but if I just give him 4 he doesn't seem satisfied at the end. I guess he has a breast milk feed per day so maybe that doesn't fill him so much.
Hubby is off til the 7th Oct, ages still!
Need some ideas, it's his birthday this Friday, and have for his present for that sorted, but for his first day back at work I wanted to make him a little bag of treats to help him through his first day as he's gonna be on a major downer after 4 1/2 weeks off! I've got him an acrylic block print of a picture of Zach for his desk, gonna get him some Percy pig sweets from m & s. Any other ideas?