Ttc boo for a BFN but like you say you're not out yet x
Cupcake you are going to cook next week
Bailey sounds like you had a nice day out

I'm in London next week for my scans
Sath I hope you are topping up your tan
Afm we decided to take the afternoon off work and go out in the boat as the weather is so nice, we took our fishing stuff and off we went. I caught a mackerel then about 10 mins later I threw up, but then I felt better so we carried on, then hubby caught another mackerel about an hour later and I was feeling sick again so headed back home. I'm fine while we are moving but I can't sit and bob

hubby has the fish for tea as I can't have fish this close to my scan and I've got sausages, both on the barbie
I hope you all have a lovely weekend