M/C June 2012 - recovery & TTC buddies wanted

I'm going to jump in here. My husband and I lost our 2nd pregnancy on June 1st. It was completely natural and HCG levels were to 0 within a week after it happened. We jumped right back in with ttc, but so far nothing.
Hey dodgercpkl - so sorry for your loss. Lots of luck with ttc.
I think the reason I'm so nervous is my boss is a male! I'm dreading to tell him. I'm giving myself 5 more min? :wacko:

** Edited **
Finally worked up my nerve and told him. Before I even said anything, I began to tear up! :dohh: He looked so concerned! And I told him I had a miscarriage 2 weeks ago and need to follow up with some procedure so I need to take tomorrow off. And he said.. "Of course of course. Take as much time as you need. We've been through it too"....

So... PHEwwww... A HUGGEEE rock has been lifted off my chest!

You poor thing. It is often the fear of doing something that is worse than the actual doing..... so glad he was understanding. Keep us updated. xx
Thanks Sam. It's been a whirlwind of tests and researching things since the 2nd miscarriage. I'm hoping that maybe we'll get a happy surprise from this cycle. I'm 4dpo (according to FF, though I have a suspicion that I might be more dpo then FF says. lol)

@lxb - Glad you had a weight lifted off you and your boss was understanding! *hugs*
Lbx, glad you told your boss and he understood! I have not told anyone at work about my pregnancy and misscarrage but sometime wish I had so that they could understand why I am not myself.

Powell gutted for you, fingers crossed for next cycle!!

Dodgerckl hi, fingers crossed for you this month, good luck!!
Dodger - sorry for your loss. Fx for you Hun!

Powell - argh... Hope she leaves soon and this is the last time she'll be here and you're af-free for the next few monthssssss!

Xannax - don't think I would tell him if I didn't have to. I just don't want to keep asking for sick days for no good reason. It certainly has been a relief knowing that he'll understanding the next time I need to ask some time off for dr's appt.

How are you ladies?

Afm, took all 12 pills required. So far I've had cramps but nothing as severe as when I passed the gestational sac, and no bleeding (yet) And lots of diarrhea!! Googled and it seems like it is a side effect? :shrug: I guess I shall wait and see then.
@Powell - Stupid witch! Sorry she got you and brought horrible cramps with her. :(

@Xannax - Thank you! I've been pretty open about my miscarriages to my co-workers and while it wasn't fun explaining to people, it WAS a relief to have people understand and to talk to about it.

@lxb - Thank you!

Here's a bit about me since I haven't really introduced myself: I'm 36, hubby is 30 and we've been ttc our first since June of 2010. We went through 17 months of no cycles, finding out and working to manage PCOS, and then in November of 2011, I got my first BFP. We were SOOO excited! And then we miscarried just 2 weeks later.... in a horrible drawn out, 2 month long saga. At the time of my first pregnancy, I was diagnosed with borderline Hashimotos and have been working on THAT.

Luckily after my first mc, my cycles came back on their own Thank God! 3rd cycle after the first mc, I was pregnant again. This time we had a couple days longer of being happy and then on June 1 (at 4w5d), I miscarried again. This one was as fast as the other was drawn out. It ended up being basically a very late period and just a week after it started my HCG levels were already down to 0.

After this I felt that I had to push and see what testing that I could get done. I'm not young and we've been trying for a while. Ofc this wasn't an easy thing since I'd switched jobs and consequently insurance companies so I had to find a new OB and see what (if anything) they would do. In the meantime I asked my Endocrinologist (outside of insurance completely) if there was anything she could recommend/order. She's been amazing and has started me on a slew of tests. Through her I've found out that I have a homozygous MTHFR mutation (the C677t variety) as well as a few other things that are inflammation based or influencing.

My new OB turned out to be great and got me a referral right away to an RE that would be (at least partially) covered under my insurance. She also got me genetic testing and my husband and I both did Chromosomal Analysis tests. Those came back normal.

The RE on the other hand isn't really inspiring much confidence in me. He barely knew anything about MTHFR and what he did know wasn't up on the latest research... he refuses to prescribe Lovenox/Herapin (blood thinners commonly given to ladies with MTHFR) unless my homocystein level is high, yet he goes by standards that more current research is showing go way too high. To be fair, there are some good things about him... once I get pregnant again, I'll get serial u/s's and lots of watching over. He's also prescribed me progesterone suppositories (something I've been worried about since my first mc) and told me to take baby aspirin.

So that's me in a nutshell. I'm a researcher, so since finding out about the MTHFR, I've been studying like crazy to find out all the information that I can about how best to help myself. From that research, I'd tell anyone to research things for themselves. I've found soooo much information that says that folic acid isn't that great for us. It's a synthetic that our bodies do NOT handle the same way that they do folate (natures version of folic acid). I recommend people to look up "synthetic vs natural folic acid" and make your own decisions - but do look. To me, even if I didn't have to change things because of the complications that the MTHFR causes, now that I know what I know, I'd stay far away from folic acid.

Wishing much sticky baby dust to everyone!! :)
Dodger - welcome and sorry for your loss!

Powell - sorry to hear about your cramps but I'm sure things will be better this cycle!!

lxb - sooo happy to hear that things worked out for your with your boss! I think most people are pretty understanding, but it's still nerve-racking to have to explain yourself!

As for me, I have some good news: my OPK finally tested positive today! I started doing the First Response digital tests on day 5 after my m/c. I was really starting to get impatient because I kept getting "no-" every morning. Then, finally, today I got a "Yes+" :thumbup: It has been 18 days since my m/c, 12 days since I stopped bleeding, and about a week since my home preg test was negative.

I had a feeling it was going to happen this week, and I had some ewcm and breast tenderness for the last couple of days (sorry if tmi!) but it's just a relief to get the confirmation that it's happening and things are going back to normal. My husband and I have been bd'ing pretty much every day since I stopped bleeding anyway so we wouldn't miss the window of opportunity lol.:sex::sex::sex:

Question: for those who are ttc right away, how often do you "do it"? For us, we have done it every day (except once) since I stopped bleeding, and now that I have the positive opk, we will do it twice a day today and for the next 2 days (am and pm). This seemed to work for us last time I got pregnant. I read somewhere that even though they say that sperm can live for up to 5 days, often they will only live for a matter of hours; since the egg only lives up to 12 hours, it seems like timing in SO important. And from what I've read, it seems like the more you do it, the better your chances (unless your partner has low sperm count, which mine doesn't).

Anyway, we will be doing it like crazy for the next couple of days, and then I will be in the 2ww. Fingers crossed!
Hi Sherstan, great news on your +opk! In answer to your Q, When we are 'on it' on my normal 29 day cycle, we do it every day from about day 9 and then twice a day when I get an +opk around day 13/14.

L x
Sherstan - Thanks for the welcome! :) As for your question, I never know when my ovulation is. We BD every other day from the moment I stop bleeding until the moment I start again. We've gotten pregnant 2x's within 8 months following that, so I'm not going to push for more. :p We are both happy with our bd schedule as it is. :p
I'm all for SMEP. Which is BD every other day after AF ends until +opk. Then BD that day, and BD the next 2 days. Skip a day, then BD again.
Hey ladies! Sorry I've been MIA for a little bit, been busy. I've decided I'm going to try Soy this cycle. Starting tonight. So let's hope it gives me a good O and we catch that eggie :)
Hey all! I had a follow-up appt with an OBGYN yesterday. Everything seems great, and my blood preg test came back negative. He was ok with the fact that we are already ttc, even though I haven't had my period yet since the mc.
According to a transvaginal ultrasound, I have a bicornuate uterus so he is sending me for an MRI to confirm that diagnosis and also to see the severity - unless I am pregnant, in which case the MRI will be delayed (fingers crossed!!!) 2 ultrasound techs have told me that it is "barely" bicornuate, so I'm optimistic that it won't be an issue.

So now I'm just in my 2ww...pretty sure I ovulated sometime over the last 2 days...

Last time, I tested positive at 9dpo..how about the rest of you?
I tested positive at 8dpo the first pregnancy and 10dpo the last pregnancy. I'm at 7dpo today! :D
Almost negative hpt for me this morn, so will be starting opk's tomorrow. Usually I get + day 12 but no knowing what will happen this time after the ERPC>

I'm tempted by the SMEP method, but also hate to waste an opportunity so try to dtd most days around ov time!

Luck to all!!! xxx
SamsMum - great news that the hpt is almost negative!

Dodger - good luck!! :)

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