MACA Pregnancy and Baby Buddies!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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I'm just starting this thread for the ladies from the maca thread who have got their bfp or had their babies!

A place to chat about symptoms, and babies :baby::baby:

x x x
:hi: everyone :D

Sbb - congratulations :D :happydance: :happydance: wahoo babe!!!! How you feeling??

Missed you ladies :hugs: been soo busy lately!!

Hi SBB :hugs::hugs:, fantastic idea. I don't like to post to often in the Maca thread anymore as it's for ladies trying to conceive and I always feel like I'm rubbing there noses in it. I keep checking back for any up dates though.

A massive congratulations on your pregnancy SBB, that's fantastic news. I'm soooooo jealous lol. I hope we can all share in your new pregnancy here. Here's to a happy healthy 9 months :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thank you both :D

I guess I shouldn't have posted on the other thread, I just didn't really think... Oh well will keep it to here now...

I'm feeling really sick but ok, excited to find out how far along I am!

Really worried about BF Sammuel through the pregnancy but just hoping it will be ok...

How are you ladies & babies?

X x x
hi everyone

great idea to start this thread - I know we talked about it a while ago - similarly I was conscious of posting in a TTC thread and not wanting to upset anyone - but I feel like I've been on a long journey with you guys and wanted to stay in touch. Also, ever since I've been on the thread there'd been a mixture of those TTC and those pregnant, and some with babies and it felt really nice that everyone was still in touch and supporting each other. But, this way it means there's a choice and it doesn't feel like we're posting in an inappropriate place so well done SBB for starting this.

have had a difficult few evenings with Kia - I think she's going through a growth spurt where she just wants to feed constantly! Mind you, it does then mean she sleeps for 2 blocks of about 4 hours a time during the night which is great!!!

SBB - congratulations again!! 7 weeks or so already!! Wow. I dunno if there's any implications of breastfeeding when pregnant - I'd guess it would be really important to eat healthily as in a way you're eating for 3 now!!!! :haha: people I know where there's a small age gap between siblings say it's great in terms of their tending not to be much sibling rivalry because the older sibling hasn't had a long period of being the only child

Char - how are you doing honey? How's everything with the new place? I swear Kiara gets cuter and cuter in every picture you put up!!!!

Sparkle - how are you doing? Am I guessing you're feeling a bit broody at SBB's news?

Aw she's getting extra food to put on some weight / it's very draining though I know... At least she's sleeping 4 hours :) Not sure how I'll magage with a newborn cluster feeding and Sammuel!

I may end up tandem nursing if he feeds through pregnancy ok. I wanted to wean him as naturally as possible, letting him decide when he'd had enough... And I don't want to take that away from him because of another baby!

At 16 weeks your milk changes and can even dry up, so that's the crucial stage to get through. Also a lot of people find it irritating/sore to feed.

Fingers crossed it will all be ok though!

So sparkle are you having any more?!

X x x
Hey girls!

Great to see a new thread we can all chat on...I've missed you all. I didn't really think either posting on the other maca thread, i've been on a long, and at times tough journey but I was always still so happy for everyone and liked to hear how you are all doing.

SBB - not that i'm any expert but you should be fine feedling Sammuel whilst pregnant, it shouldn't interfere in any way.

Well I managed to get some baby things from a very good friend of mine so it feels like i've finally done something. I can't wait to look around the January sales for bits and bobs!

Hope you girls are all well :)
Hi ladies :hugs:

No, no more for me I'm afraid SBB :cry: 4 is enough I think :wacko: my eldest is almost 19 so I suppose I could be a granny in the next 10 years lol.
I still have that ache for another and it makes me feel sad that I won't have anymore, but the DH says we are done :dohh: We have been lucky to have Isla, it took quite a while to have her so I'm enjoying every minute with her, I'm actually a little possessive with her :blush:
I'm sure you can breast feed through out pregnancy, well done for continuing with the feeding :thumbup: I admire breast feeders, I'm a bottle feeder, I didn't have a great experience with my second born and never tried it again :blush:

Isla is 11 months now, I can't believe it :cry: she has been a dream she is so laid back, she is only just beginning to wean lol. Isla does sit but that's it :winkwink: she is quite happy just to let the world go by. The HV is having a fit with me but I'm just happy to let isla tell me when she is ready to do things. Oh she does have 2 teeth :happydance:

It's so nice to catch up with you ladies :hugs:

Leeze, glad to hear your getting some sleep lol :hugs: it's hard in the first few
weeks but they fly by so quickly :hugs::hugs:

Yazzy, my word almost half way through :wacko: what is your due date ?

Right I'm off to buy a new fridge ready for Christmas :thumbup:
Sparkle....I know, I told my mum and immediate family members when I had a scan and it showed everything was all good at 10 weeks then I had my official 12 week scan which showed I was 13 weeks so I started telling other family members and friends from then - not everyone knows yet so they are like....'that far already!' Starting to get a little bump now so won't be able to hide it in about a months time I don't think but i'll be 5 months by then.

Isla sounds like a very chilled baby, I think you are right....leave them to do things when they are ready. We are all individuals so you can't force every baby to be doing things at the same time....and just think when she is walking everywhere you'll be forever chasing her lol!

I caved and hired a doppler, i've just been nervous so I wanted piece of mind between appointments...anyway i've just heard my baby's heartbeat for the first!!!
Hiya ladies!!!

It's so nice that this thread has begun, I haven't been in here for weeks cos I just never knew where to put myself :)

Firstly big congrats leeze. I remember those early days of constant feeding. Unfortunately that never stopped for me and I made it only to 14 weeks. I thought I'd be relieved but I was sad for a few weeks, it's all good now though. It will get easier, maisy only went two hours at most up until we stopped so she already seems to be doing good!!

Secondly congrats sbb. That's fantastic news, any due date (sorry if you've said, just skim read) how's Sammuel doing?

Thirdly hi sparkle & yazzie & char. So nice to hear from you all again :)

Maisy is ten months old now, I'm loving being a mum and we have a good little life. Everything seems to be falling into place FINALLY! She's a dream to feed, loves food, has three teeth, sits and attempts to crawl only she more drags herself backwards. Mostly she just wants to stand but can't do it herself so that's fun for me. She's been a terrible sleeper and only the last few weeks started sleeping past 6 but she's getting there. Back at work in ten weeks and gutted. . . . ,may be if I could convince OH to have another............ Ha ha.
Hey Linny :wave: no due date yet I've gt MW tuesday so hopefully will get a scan fairly soon... I didn't even get a period since Sammuel so no idea really how far along I am!
Sucks you have to go back to work :(

Yazzy that's so cool you heard the HB for the first time :cloud9: I have a Doppler that I admittedly used yesterday, didn't hear anything but I really didn't expect to!

Sparkle I have to say I love breastfeeding. I always planned to do it but didn't think about how long for. I know some people think it's crazy I'm 'still' feeding him but I don't want to stop til he's ready and I don't feel he is! It can be hard at the beginning especially and I had a rough time with his Tongue tie and mastitis twice, but I'm so glad I persevered! I have to say the thought of washing and sterilising bottles makes me want to cry! I did it for a week when I was expressing and I just hated it - too much effort for me :haha:
I love when we go and lay down on the bed for a feed and have a cuddle :cloud9: he's just so cute!!!

We should all post some recent pics :D

X x x
Ok here we go:

Sammuel squealing! He is such a squealer, he chases the cats screaming with excitement and of course they shit themselves!! The other day at a group I go to he was playing and squealing so much he made a toddler cry!!! :blush:

This is us at my birthday a few months back

In one of his carriers (I have a few :blush:)


That's it for now!!

X x x
Oh and sparkle I forgot to say, totally agree re babies just doing things at their own pace... I can't stand when 'professionals' try to tell you what your baby should be doing :growmad: they're all individuals... And they'll get there in the end, surely it doesn't matter if it's a few months before or after the average!

X x x
SBB - gorgeous pics! Nice to see how everyone is getting on. And yes with the doppler it can be really difficult to hear bubs because they are so small. I know at my appointment tomorrow the midwife will try to listen but in some areas they don't because it can still be hard to find.

On Saturday I was feeling loads of little fluttery movements and then yesterday nothing...I think bubs must have moved and tucked him/herself away...I want to feel more wiggles!

Hope everyone is well :)
Heya Ladies

Im glad this was started because I always felt bad writing anything in the other thread about my girls in stuff. I didn't know what to say unless someone asked a question or one of you got preggo! So woohoo :happydance:

Sbb- Congrats hun....I made a new FB page so not sure if I have you on my new one anymore. As im sure you know the reason I made a new page. :cry:

Glad to see Sparkle and Linny and Char too! Yazzy I can't believe your 16 weeks...your in second tri the honeymoon stage. :happydance:For me I never had any kind of honeymoon phase.. I was miserable the whole time. :haha:

Anyways, I haven't been on much lately because Amy has left me. She left actually when the girls were 5 weeks...they are almost 10 this week. :cry: So being on BNB was kinda bittersweet. Because I came here to get help from you ladies for us to have a family...and now im a single mom of twins. But ya without all the crazy drama details....the girls are great and are my driving force everyday. I was BFing them but when this happened my milk dried up even with the RX to increase milk and that fangueek or whatever.. LOL so they are formula fed now. Which honestly is a little less stress at the moment! :dohh:

Im so glad this thread was started... I dont really post anywhere else except the twins pages because its hard for me to "fit in." And you ladies all know my story so I dont have to explain or feel like im gonna be bashed or I feel comfy with ya'll! :hugs::hugs::flower:
Aw TNT it's lovely to hear from you, I was wondering what happened on fb I figured you were taking time out :hugs:

Are you coping ok? Your girls are just beautiful!

Sammuel has a viral infection and is really hot :( poor baby!

X x x
TNT - good to see you on here hun and lovely to hear the girls are doing great. I'm sorry to hear that Amy has left, I'm not sure what to say but you know we are all here for you.

Yep 2nd tri...not sure about the honeymoon phase though lol! I am feeling loads better but still shattered in the evenings and had all sorts of aches and pains but that is easing a bit now. Very happy at the mo and just feel so lucky to have this little one growing inside me!
Hi everyone :hugs:

I'm just jumping on to say hi, but will post some pictures and catch up properly tomorrow :hugs:

SBB, what a very handsome young man you have there :hugs:

TNT, I'm so sorry to hear that Amy has left. I hope you are doing ok :hugs::hugs:

Linny :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I have missed you :hugs:

Speak to you all tomorrow I'm being glared at cause my tea is going cold :winkwink:
:wave: Tnt...i don't remeber the last time we spoke but these are for you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I'm so sorry about whats happened, i can't begin to imagine how you feel or what your going through, just know i'm thinking of you. Big love to your girls too they are gorgeous :)

Yazzy...wowzers second tri, how exciting. I think i began to feel better around 16/17 weeks and by 20 i felt great. Had a big appetite, more energy and just very content and excited for the future!

SBB...ooh will be exciting to find out how far along you are. My friend had the same thing, found out she was pg because she was feeling tired so took a test. Total surprise cos also had no AF and in the end had to get a private scan cos MW was rubbish. Turned out she was nearly 8 weeks.....she's now 34 and her other LO is 16mths. Your LO is GORGEOUS!!!!!

Spark....aww missed you too. Missed you all in fact :)
Now can i work out how to upload pics again before Maisy wakes from her nap......?!!


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YEY I did. First two were on holiday in September.....Maisy always shuts her eyes with the flash :D

Third one is August at a car booty, fourth obviously most recent on Halloween. I had a party for the baby group :)

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