Making Miracles in March || Testing Thread

@Suggerhoney I ran out of opks around ov time so I'm just guessing I'm 12dpo today.
Af should be here by tomorrow. And I really feel like shes on the way had come cramping yesterday and just that feeling that she's coming. But I had some odd spotting yesterday too, some brown tinted cm which I thought was af coming imminently, but then later on I had some ewcm with a dark red streak in, and then one pink watery streak on wiping. I really thought af would show tull force this morning but nothing yet. I'm still testing bfn today though so I am thinking I'm out just clinging to hope that it might have been Ib x
Also, I've woken up this morning and my boobs are more sore and heavy than yesterday, this usually vanishes as soon as I get af x
@josephine3 sorry your feeling down hun, it’s so hard the longer it takes. My longest to conceive was dd3. She took us 18 months and I still remember how I felt. Apart from the one I just lost it’s always taken me a year minimum to fall. Felt too good to be true when I conceived very first try in September and that turned out to be true. I really hope it happens for you soon and your waiting can be over

@Teanna sorry you’re out. Hope next month flies by for your so you can get back to trying.

@Hevalouaddict thinking of you today. I hope your scan goes perfectly.

@Pink.Rose good luck for when you test. Fx’d

@NightFlower and @ehjmorris i can’t imagine how hard it is for you both trying so long. Praying your bfp’s are coming very soon lovelies

@Suggerhoney praying for you so much this cycle

:hug:To all who need them :hugs:
Oh no lovey I’m so sorry. I know you been trying for absolutely ages and it stinks.
I’m so sorry your getting BFNs, I can only imagine how exhausted you are. Sending you the biggest and warmest of hugs.
will you still test? The lady that started this thread got her BFP at 13dpo. ❤️
I also got a faint BFP in early feb at 13dpo. I lost mine but just clutching onto some straws for you that you still have time. Rooting for you always hon:flow:

Thinking of you lovely. Really hope your scan goes well[-o<

Thanks lovely.

Oh yes I can remember you saying you had ran out of opks.
I’m so so sorry hon. BFNs suck so much:hugs:

How’s you today love
How are you doing hon?

anyone ever hear from @S_Dowd I really hope she is ok.
Hi everyone, just popping in. Not sure if I will be testing in March or not. I miscarried our little bean on February 1, and just got my period for the first time today. We are going to have an IUI this cycle, so our specialist will be monitoring everything. My first scan of my uterus is going to be Friday morning. Send us some baby dust!

Hi lovely.
I’m so so very sorry for your loss.
Sending big hugs your way and loads of extra sticky baby dust:dust::dust:
@Suggerhoney I’m doing ok, thanks for asking. Depressed a bit because a wave of women irl are pregnant and the lttc is frustrating of course. Im hopeful about having used the menstrual cups this cycle. 4dpo for me so i’ll test on my birthday, the 17th.
How are you feeling? Idk why but i’ve been feeling like we’ll end up in the same due date group.

@Pink.Rose how are you feeling? I think you’re 1 day ahead of me, right? 5dpo?
@Suggerhoney I’m doing ok, thanks for asking. Depressed a bit because a wave of women irl are pregnant and the lttc is frustrating of course. Im hopeful about having used the menstrual cups this cycle. 4dpo for me so i’ll test on my birthday, the 17th.
How are you feeling? Idk why but i’ve been feeling like we’ll end up in the same due date group.

@Pink.Rose how are you feeling? I think you’re 1 day ahead of me, right? 5dpo?

Just waiting to see how this month goes, not having -that- feeling yet but it's still early. We'll see. I got my peak late Sunday night, pretty sure I ovulated Monday so that puts me 4 dpo as well
My mind is heavy tonight.. Does anyone else feel like their SO just isn't as invested in this as you are?

I brought up the idea of IUI again to my husband today, and he basically brushed the idea off. He pretty much just insists on continuing to try naturally and just wait to see what happens. I honestly feel like he doesn't care if it happens or not. I'm over here feeling devastated month after month that it's taking so long, and I can't even let my feelings out to him because he clearly doesn't want this as much as I do. He pretty much just has the attitude of "If it happens, it happens and if it doesn't, oh well".

I asked him tonight why he would go through the pain of the reversal if it would all be for nothing? To which he replied "because I told you I would" I mean, what kind of response is that?! Its not like I forced him into this! It was always our plan to consider our options after his initial vasectomy, and reversal is the option he chose.

He wouldn't have put himself through all that pain if he wasn't ok with having another, but he apparently doesn't want it enough to consider assisted conception methods.

I'm not ready to give up on this, but sometimes it's hard to stay hopeful that it's ever going to happen.

Anyway, sorry for the emotional novel, I just don't have anyone really to talk to about this.
My mind is heavy tonight.. Does anyone else feel like their SO just isn't as invested in this as you are?

I brought up the idea of IUI again to my husband today, and he basically brushed the idea off. He pretty much just insists on continuing to try naturally and just wait to see what happens. I honestly feel like he doesn't care if it happens or not. I'm over here feeling devastated month after month that it's taking so long, and I can't even let my feelings out to him because he clearly doesn't want this as much as I do. He pretty much just has the attitude of "If it happens, it happens and if it doesn't, oh well".

I asked him tonight why he would go through the pain of the reversal if it would all be for nothing? To which he replied "because I told you I would" I mean, what kind of response is that?! Its not like I forced him into this! It was always our plan to consider our options after his initial vasectomy, and reversal is the option he chose.

He wouldn't have put himself through all that pain if he wasn't ok with having another, but he apparently doesn't want it enough to consider assisted conception methods.

I'm not ready to give up on this, but sometimes it's hard to stay hopeful that it's ever going to happen.

Anyway, sorry for the emotional novel, I just don't have anyone really to talk to about this.

My dh is the same really hun. He didn’t really want another tho but he agreed when he realised how much it meant to me. But I also think if this doesn’t happen it would make no difference to him. He gets frustrated with me for having to ‘obsess’ every month and gets annoyed everytime new opks and pregnancy tests come through the door. He doesn’t understand why I can’t just let it happen. It’s just not the same for them. They’re not the ones that experience it all. The waiting to ovulate and the nervous wait to find out if you’re pregnant. He can’t see why I have to keep testing all the time and why I just can’t wait for af. He tells me I’ve got problems and that it’s not normal for me to have so many tests. Makes me giggle tho because if he came on here he would realise it is absolutely normal for most women. They don’t experience carrying that new little life and giving birth to them. For my husband the whole process actually stresses him out. He worries about me and baby all throughout that something could go wrong. It’s one of the main reasons he didn’t want another because he worried we were pushing our luck as we’ve already had 5 healthy babies. Then I miscarried and he was so upset it made me feel worse that I’d put him through what he feared. He’s willing to try again but I think he still has the attitude that if it happens it happens and if it doesn’t it doesn’t. He worries about his age as he’s 43 next month and he doesn’t like the thought of being an older parent. So I feel like I’m on a time limit and that he’ll want to stop eventually if this doesn’t happen soon. He’d be fine with that but I would be devastated so I need this to happen asap. He commented the other week that having that miscarriage in October has set us back months. So I really worry he’ll change his mind if this takes too long. It’s where I get frustrated with him when he gets on my case about tracking my cycle and taking opks and timing sex around ovulation, why I can’t just let it happen, but it’s him that worry’s about it taking time and I keep explaining we don’t have time to be relaxed and let it happen and obviously I want to know i’ve done all I can to fall pregnant. Maybe if they were the ones that had the baby they’d feel totally different about it all. Everyone else in my life is the same really. My mums not too impressed with me wanting another and after the miscarriage I had a couple of other family members tell me it’s probably a sign it’s not just meant to be. It’s why I come on here to you ladies because you all get it so much. You all understand exactly how it feels and are so lovely and supportive. We can all relate to each other. My husband is fab don’t get me wrong. He comforts me when I’m down about it all but he doesn’t really understand certain parts, like the testing and needing to track my cycle. I try to not to discuss much with him during my cycle. He only know when I’m ovulating and when I get af. So it helps so much having the support of ladies in the same situation.
I hope he comes around to trying iui for you hun and that you get you bfp very soon :hugs:
@Babydreaming9 i hope alls still going well with you hun. When is your next scan?
If you have chance I have a testing date for the front page now fertility friend has given me crosshairs today. I’ll be testing at 9dpo on 17th

Not sure what to make of my chart already. I had a nice dip on ovulation day and a decent jump 1dpo but it’s just gone down the last 2 days and today at only 3dpo it’s already sitting just above the cover line
This is where I wish I could bring myself to stop temping until af because I’m always over analysing it and it stresses me out, but I can’t. I just have to see where their at #-o
Important thing is that ovulation has been confirmed I guess. Also looking back at dd4’s chart my temps were all over the place with her so I just need to remember they won’t tell me if I’m pregnant and so long as they stay about the cover line that’s all that matters
Awww, hello baby. What a relief, I’m assuming that means baby will be unaffected by it? It’s always terrifying seeing blood when pregnant. So glad all is ok

yeah it’s not connected to the baby. The midwife said I might bleed for a little while but baby is fine and growing beautifully with a strong heartbeat.
Today should be be 10dpo (I didn’t confirm), and I thought I’d give a cheap test a whirl. I’m going with BFN, but still thought I’d post.

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My dh is the same really hun. He didn’t really want another tho but he agreed when he realised how much it meant to me. But I also think if this doesn’t happen it would make no difference to him. He gets frustrated with me for having to ‘obsess’ every month and gets annoyed everytime new opks and pregnancy tests come through the door. He doesn’t understand why I can’t just let it happen. It’s just not the same for them. They’re not the ones that experience it all. The waiting to ovulate and the nervous wait to find out if you’re pregnant. He can’t see why I have to keep testing all the time and why I just can’t wait for af. He tells me I’ve got problems and that it’s not normal for me to have so many tests. Makes me giggle tho because if he came on here he would realise it is absolutely normal for most women. They don’t experience carrying that new little life and giving birth to them. For my husband the whole process actually stresses him out. He worries about me and baby all throughout that something could go wrong. It’s one of the main reasons he didn’t want another because he worried we were pushing our luck as we’ve already had 5 healthy babies. Then I miscarried and he was so upset it made me feel worse that I’d put him through what he feared. He’s willing to try again but I think he still has the attitude that if it happens it happens and if it doesn’t it doesn’t. He worries about his age as he’s 43 next month and he doesn’t like the thought of being an older parent. So I feel like I’m on a time limit and that he’ll want to stop eventually if this doesn’t happen soon. He’d be fine with that but I would be devastated so I need this to happen asap. He commented the other week that having that miscarriage in October has set us back months. So I really worry he’ll change his mind if this takes too long. It’s where I get frustrated with him when he gets on my case about tracking my cycle and taking opks and timing sex around ovulation, why I can’t just let it happen, but it’s him that worry’s about it taking time and I keep explaining we don’t have time to be relaxed and let it happen and obviously I want to know i’ve done all I can to fall pregnant. Maybe if they were the ones that had the baby they’d feel totally different about it all. Everyone else in my life is the same really. My mums not too impressed with me wanting another and after the miscarriage I had a couple of other family members tell me it’s probably a sign it’s not just meant to be. It’s why I come on here to you ladies because you all get it so much. You all understand exactly how it feels and are so lovely and supportive. We can all relate to each other. My husband is fab don’t get me wrong. He comforts me when I’m down about it all but he doesn’t really understand certain parts, like the testing and needing to track my cycle. I try to not to discuss much with him during my cycle. He only know when I’m ovulating and when I get af. So it helps so much having the support of ladies in the same situation.
I hope he comes around to trying iui for you hun and that you get you bfp very soon :hugs:

Thank you, that does make me feel better. You're absolutely right, men just don't get it unfortunately, and how could they? I totally understand the weird looks and comments with the tests and other ttc things. Its definitely nice to have others here to do the TWW with though, and as much as this long term thing sucks for all of us who are in this situation, it's nice to know you're not alone.

I guess all I can do is keep trying and hope he changes his mind on the IUI eventually, if it doesn't happen on its own. It really sucks feeling like you're doing everything right and still knowing you have no control over conception. At times it makes me feel like there must be something else to try, something I'm missing..

He has low count and motility now after his reversal and there's not much we can do about it. He is taking his fertility supplements I bought for him, but I have to remind him each day and he complains they give him heart burn. The bottle says it takes 3 months to see the full effects though and I'm not even sure it's going to help as its likely the scar tissues from the surgery that are causing the issue..but at least he's doing something for me.

I'm so sorry for your loss and the lack of support from your family. I can't imagine how alone that must make you feel around them. I hope we both get our BFPs soon!
@Babydreaming9 i hope alls still going well with you hun. When is your next scan?
If you have chance I have a testing date for the front page now fertility friend has given me crosshairs today. I’ll be testing at 9dpo on 17th

Not sure what to make of my chart already. I had a nice dip on ovulation day and a decent jump 1dpo but it’s just gone down the last 2 days and today at only 3dpo it’s already sitting just above the cover line
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This is where I wish I could bring myself to stop temping until af because I’m always over analysing it and it stresses me out, but I can’t. I just have to see where their at #-o
Important thing is that ovulation has been confirmed I guess. Also looking back at dd4’s chart my temps were all over the place with her so I just need to remember they won’t tell me if I’m pregnant and so long as they stay about the cover line that’s all that matters

Hi hun,

I’ve added you on! Thank you for asking about me, I’m ok, my next scan is on the 21st so a little while to wait yet but I feel reassured that the morning sickness nausea is kicking in now. I actually don’t mind the feeling as it makes me think they’re growing ok! It’s nowhere near as bad as my first pregnancy so hoping it stays this mild [-o<

Hope you’re ok, I don’t ever temp as mine are always up and down every cycle and I just don’t understand how to track it so I usually just stick with EWCM that’s a good gauge for me. Fingers crossed you’ll catch this month!
So happy all is ok hon. Congratulations. Nothing like seeing that beautiful little Hb beating away.

So glad your symptoms have come back again. I really think everything will be ok. And pray it is. Hope that time flies for your scan.

I would absolutely love to be in the same due date group as you hon.
Funny how you have a funny feeling we both will be. Hope that feeling rings true.
I’m doing ok. I’m not going to talk about where I am in my cycle, when I ovulate or when I do, how many DPO I am. Not going to be posting any faint faint lines if I get them or my peak opks.
I’m just trying to not focus so much on it,
Not temping and not tracking.
Just taking each day as it comes.
I’m just so done with falling and losing that just decided to support all you ladies but keep my cycle etc to myself.
Hope you ladies can understand that.

I know the feeling with others being pregnant when your still trying. And have been trying for a long time and it’s not easy. So sending you big hugs hon. Hopefully it will be our turns soon[-o<

@Laurabub84 and @Pink.Rose
I’m feeling you ladies so much.
My husband is the same and can’t understand the opks and tests and tracking and temping ect.
He’s just like just let it happen naturally blah blah.
I’m actually not tracking this cycle and not temping either.
I’m just going to use my opks but when there gone I don’t think I’ll be buying more and will try my husbands way for a month or two.
Will see how this cycle goes first.
Feels crazy it’s cycle 13 ttc now. My husbands lucky number is 13. So be interesting to see what this cycle brings.
Probably more BFNs but hey ho you never know.
I feel so awful for women that try and try for a year or over and just get constant BFNs that must be awful.
As much as it’s horrible having losses. It has given me that tiny sliver of hope.
got everything crossed for both of you this cycle.<3
Today should be be 10dpo (I didn’t confirm), and I thought I’d give a cheap test a whirl. I’m going with BFN, but still thought I’d post.

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sorry for the bfn. Good luck for next test

Thank you, that does make me feel better. You're absolutely right, men just don't get it unfortunately, and how could they? I totally understand the weird looks and comments with the tests and other ttc things. Its definitely nice to have others here to do the TWW with though, and as much as this long term thing sucks for all of us who are in this situation, it's nice to know you're not alone.

I guess all I can do is keep trying and hope he changes his mind on the IUI eventually, if it doesn't happen on its own. It really sucks feeling like you're doing everything right and still knowing you have no control over conception. At times it makes me feel like there must be something else to try, something I'm missing..

He has low count and motility now after his reversal and there's not much we can do about it. He is taking his fertility supplements I bought for him, but I have to remind him each day and he complains they give him heart burn. The bottle says it takes 3 months to see the full effects though and I'm not even sure it's going to help as its likely the scar tissues from the surgery that are causing the issue..but at least he's doing something for me.

I'm so sorry for your loss and the lack of support from your family. I can't imagine how alone that must make you feel around them. I hope we both get our BFPs soon!

I really hope it all works out for you and quickly. Ttc is so hard :hugs:

Hi hun,

I’ve added you on! Thank you for asking about me, I’m ok, my next scan is on the 21st so a little while to wait yet but I feel reassured that the morning sickness nausea is kicking in now. I actually don’t mind the feeling as it makes me think they’re growing ok! It’s nowhere near as bad as my first pregnancy so hoping it stays this mild [-o&lt;

Hope you’re ok, I don’t ever temp as mine are always up and down every cycle and I just don’t understand how to track it so I usually just stick with EWCM that’s a good gauge for me. Fingers crossed you’ll catch this month!

thanks hun. Hope your scan comes around quickly for you. I’m sure all will be fine. I’m glad the morning sickness is reassuring you. I always suffer bad with morning sickness in the first tri and it’s hard. Hope it stays manageable for you

So happy all is ok hon. Congratulations. Nothing like seeing that beautiful little Hb beating away.

So glad your symptoms have come back again. I really think everything will be ok. And pray it is. Hope that time flies for your scan.

I would absolutely love to be in the same due date group as you hon.
Funny how you have a funny feeling we both will be. Hope that feeling rings true.
I’m doing ok. I’m not going to talk about where I am in my cycle, when I ovulate or when I do, how many DPO I am. Not going to be posting any faint faint lines if I get them or my peak opks.
I’m just trying to not focus so much on it,
Not temping and not tracking.
Just taking each day as it comes.
I’m just so done with falling and losing that just decided to support all you ladies but keep my cycle etc to myself.
Hope you ladies can understand that.

I know the feeling with others being pregnant when your still trying. And have been trying for a long time and it’s not easy. So sending you big hugs hon. Hopefully it will be our turns soon[-o&lt;

@Laurabub84 and @Pink.Rose
I’m feeling you ladies so much.
My husband is the same and can’t understand the opks and tests and tracking and temping ect.
He’s just like just let it happen naturally blah blah.
I’m actually not tracking this cycle and not temping either.
I’m just going to use my opks but when there gone I don’t think I’ll be buying more and will try my husbands way for a month or two.
Will see how this cycle goes first.
Feels crazy it’s cycle 13 ttc now. My husbands lucky number is 13. So be interesting to see what this cycle brings.
Probably more BFNs but hey ho you never know.
I feel so awful for women that try and try for a year or over and just get constant BFNs that must be awful.
As much as it’s horrible having losses. It has given me that tiny sliver of hope.
got everything crossed for both of you this cycle.<3

Really hope this month is the one for you [-o&lt;

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