Making Miracles in March || Testing Thread

11 dpo BFN x4 stark on everything.
Not going to test again. Just wait for AF.
I think I knew this cycle post COVID that I would likely not ovulate. I am sad, but I kind of expected it.
After last cycle's chemical with good lines, I just feel defeated. I think I am going to do myself a favor next cycle and stay away from the forum, and ditch opks.
View attachment 1114654 No amount of planning and tracking seems to be doing anything anyway.

I’m so sorry for the bfns hun. I hope you do stick around but understand if you need time away. Hugs to you

Sorry to everyone with bfns

Good luck to everyone waiting to test and waiting to ovulate. Laura I conceived my baby I lost at 14 weeks from an oops 5 or 6 days before I ovulated - BDing every day in the lead up to o but missing o day itself is not going to harm your chances.

Babydreaming9 I'm sorry to hear you fell down the stairs. Glad you had a reassurance scan. I hope the sch they found won't pose a problem.

Sorry I haven't been participating in this thread. I've been wrecked by some pretty devastating news the other day and my head is still reeling. I don't even know whether I should be TTC any more at this point as a result.
I don't want to elaborate too much here, and will be keeping it mostly to my parenting journal, but in brief I found out I am homozygous for both BRCA1 and BRCA2 which guarantees all my children to have both genes as well since I don't have any good genes to pass on. I feel like a ticking time bomb now with an 85% (or greater) chance of getting breast cancer and 45% chance of ovarian cancer. With those kind of odds how can I choose to have another child?

Oh my gosh, that is scary. I’m really sorry you’ve had that horrible news. Can’t imagine how you must be feeling. Will you discuss your results with your dr and see what they can advise? Hopefully as you’ve found this out you’ll be able to have regular monitoring so that if, god forbid, you did get it, it can be found early and treated. God, massive hugs sweetheart

Hey ladies, I’ve just woke up and have red bleeding and passed a clot. Waiting for my doctor to ring me back. I’m terrified

Oh love, how scary. I really hope baby will be fine. I’ve had bleeding in the first trimester with dd3 and she was fine. I really hope this is the case for you. I think bleeding in the first tri is more common than we realise. Please keep us updated. Keeping everything crossed all will be ok.

Thank you for your advice. I could have peaked earlier as it was the one day I didn't test in the morning. I didn't notice EWCM but I wasn't sure if the miscarriage could have affected that, however the next day I had the worst ache around mu uterus. Which I do remember when I conceived my first son I had a very similar ache the day I ovulated so I guess that is a sign.
My boobs have also been tingly since then too.
I guess I'll never know if I did ovulate or not unless we get a BFP[-o<
I am still OPK testing until my AF just to get an idea of what my cycle is doing.
Fingers crossed we both get our rainbow soon!

oh, I hope you have ovulated hun and get a sticky, healthy bfp. Keeping everything crossed

11dpo faint line/evap from 3 mins on blue strip can't see much on the other one, though if I get a bfp after 10dpo it normally indicates a loss for me so not holding on to anything now, will be trying for a December baby now x

View attachment 1114657

I can definetly see what you mean on the blue handle test and either I have line eye but I swear somethings catching my eye on the other one. Good luck for your next test and for a sticky little bean
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Oh no that’s so scary. I did have red bleeding with my son at 6 weeks and again at 14+5 weeks with tiny clots and pain. Turned out it was a cervical erosion. I hope it’s just something like that for you and nothing bad. Thinking of you and praying all will be ok. it’s awful seeing any kind of blood when pregnant. Please let us know what the doc says. I hope they can get you in for a scan.
Sending hugs your way. Thinking of you.

Oh no so sorry it’s another BFN hon. I felt exactly the same when I was getting BFN esp after seeing lines with the chemical. I just felt so defeated. I did carry on testing until 15dpo but new with the bfn at 10 and 11dpo I was out. Praying for this cycle for me and next cycle for you lovely. Can understand if you need time away from here. It’s just so so hard and so disappointing :hugs:

Sorry the pink one isn’t showing much hon.
I’m with you on the loss thing. I had faint lines 2 cycles ago at 13dpo and when I read about late implantation it said it usually ends in loss. So I just new it. Even tho I’ve had alot of losses with implantation at the normal time too. Hopefully next cycle is the one love. Fx

Those opks are mega dark peak. Fx so much for you lovely.

Oh love that’s devastating to hear. I’m so so sorry. You must be so scared. I wish I had the rite words to say but I know nothing will bring you any comfort.
Just know we are all here for you. And if you want someone to ever chat or rant or what ever too my PM is always open.
I will keep you in my prayers. :hugs:

Good luck and many blessings love ❤️

How are you doing love? Silly question I know but I have been thinking of you alot.
@Hevalouaddict how scary for you I hope everything is OK at your scan xx

I think I'm 11dpo too, think I'm out, not seeing much of anything on tests today, can see a hint on the cb I got from home bargains but can't pick it up on camera. I've got cramps like af is on the way too. I'm feeling very out now and pretty down x
@Hevalouaddict hope everything goes okay for you at your scan. That's scary, I had bleeding with my daughter from 6-7 weeks and it was terrifying but good outcomes are possible.

@littlewitch aw sorry about the BFN. I may see something on the blue one

@josephine3 aw sorry, hopefully you still have a chance.

Pretty sure I'm out as well. 14dpo and waiting on af today. Saw pink tinged cm yesterday so am positive it won't be long now. I'll be skipping March since Decembers a crazy month for me usually and want to avoid it. I've also got an April vacation I may as well enjoy with a few drinks. I guess I'll be testing again in May.
sorry for the bfn's ladies :hugs: your time will come, and when it does, this wait will be behind you and won't be as painful as it is going through it :hugs:
I'm so fed up of getting bfns every month, getting hopeful after ov every time, dtd right at the right time and nothing at all happening. Its been about 15 months of ttc and another 5 months before that ntnp. Im starting to think it's never going to happen again. I had one chemical that's the only line I've seen in that time and I feel like that was my one chance and its gone x
I'm so fed up of getting bfns every month, getting hopeful after ov every time, dtd right at the right time and nothing at all happening. Its been about 15 months of ttc and another 5 months before that ntnp. Im starting to think it's never going to happen again. I had one chemical that's the only line I've seen in that time and I feel like that was my one chance and its gone x

Girl I am right there with you.. this is cycle 15 for us too and I haven't seen anything but some bad indents. Hang in there!
Thanks for writing that hon. Seeing BFN or having recurring pregnancy loss is just so hard. I’m onto cycle 13 now. I know it will be all worth it when it finally happens. Have you thought about trying again yourself yet or are you still a bit unsure? It’s so lovely having you here cheering us all on. ❤️

Im so sorry hon. Hope AF isn’t to harsh and comes quickly. It’s awful knowing your out and having to wait for it. Mine showed in the end so your not too far behind me.
I expect I’ll still be here trying when you return in May. So will see you then.

I’m so sorry hon. I know how I felt getting constant BFNs for 8 cycles. It really is so disheartening. Having that recent chemical has given me a glimmer of hope that it will happen eventually. Really thought that miscarriage back in June was my last chance. Didn’t think I’d see another BFP again and then in feb, totally out of the blue I get another BFP.
Sucks it’s didn’t stick but it has given me that little push to keep on trying.
I feel so sad for you because I can remember when you ovulated and you felt so positive. I’m just so sorry it was another BFN cycle. It really really is so so crappy. How many dpo are you now? So sorry if you have already said.
when is AF due?

That’s good the bleeding has stopped hon.
That’s what mine did with my son.
Really hope and pray it is just down to something like a cervical erosion. I wasn’t told that with the 6 weeks bleed but I they did a internal examination when I was bleeding at 14+5 weeks and that’s when she saw it. I was told they are very very common in pregnancy.
They don’t harm the pregnancy.
Will be thinking of you tomorrow hon. Please let us all know how it goes.
Hugs to you ❤️
Girl I am right there with you.. this is cycle 15 for us too and I haven't seen anything but some bad indents. Hang in there!

When will you be testing hon?
I hope you get that surprise BFP when you do.
Probably on the 16th if I can hold out that long.

I hope that comes around quickly for you hon.
I have everything crossed so firmly for you. I’m glad we all have each other. I definitely wouldn’t of been able to of carried on without all you ladies. Pray it’s our turn soon[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<

How are you sweet? I did ask after you on here the other day. I have been thinking about you❤️
I hope that comes around quickly for you hon.
I have everything crossed so firmly for you. I’m glad we all have each other. I definitely wouldn’t of been able to of carried on without all you ladies. Pray it’s our turn soon[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<

How are you sweet? I did ask after you on here the other day. I have been thinking about you❤️
I'm doing okay. The bleeding stopped yesterday. Im cd7 now.

Sorry I didn't see your comment earlier. Just waiting on ovulation and doing what we do before then we'll start later tonight.

I've been around was just lurking till I felt like posting. Feeling tired just thinking about ttc.
I'm doing okay. The bleeding stopped yesterday. Im cd7 now.

Sorry I didn't see your comment earlier. Just waiting on ovulation and doing what we do before then we'll start later tonight.

I've been around was just lurking till I felt like posting. Feeling tired just thinking about ttc.

I was only asking how you was hon. This thread moves fast, I didn’t come on for a day or 2 and then came back on and there was about 5 pages to read lol.
All good tho. I like to see how everyone is getting on.
I can totally understand that hon. I’m totally fed up with trying now, and you have been trying longer than me. 13 cycles feels like forever so I can’t bear to think what you ladies that have been trying alot longer must be feeling. I have a feeling I’m going to be trying for quite a while yet tho.
When we first started trying. , you know when it was exciting, I really thought it was going to happen quickly this time around. I thought it wouldn’t be as long as we were ttc last time. 11 cycles felt like so long , but now I’ve passed that and we’re on cycle 13 I just feel I’m still going to be trying for a while yet.
I’m trying to stay positive and tell myself it will happen. But I know at my age there is a high chance it won’t. But I’m gonna keep going at it.
I’m on all the same stuff and same amount as I was when we fell with Harley. With the added ubiniquol Q10, so I’m just praying we catch again quickly now and they help me to get a sticky. Praying we both do and we can then put all this heartbreak of trying and trying and trying and losing and losing and losing behind us. And celebrate the new lives we will have growing inside us. I really wanted a autumn or winter birth so I’m praying it happens soon. for us both [-o<

sorry been Mia, 10/11dpo and bfns, ran out of frer so only have pregmates left but still out this month I reckon, also stopped temping…

I’m at least two years properly trying and a year of ntnp, I’m exhausted!

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