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Male Factor Roll Call

I know...the financial impact will be just nuts and I don't even know when I will have the money. I absolutely hate holding off life until this happens, but it isn't something I can wait like 5 or 10 years to do. If I were 25 (oh if only) I would have 10 years to save money and dawdle around with our time if I so choose, but nope, 35 and just starting to go downhill fertility-wise (according to statistics) and cannot afford to wait too long...sigh
It's mad how infertility forces us to feel older than we normally would... This continous race against the biological clock is maddening. Making a baby is for most people a time in their lives when they reaffirm their committment and love, and mature deciding to be a family not a time they are forced to contemplate their mortality every time they think of it.
MissAma I agree with you so much about how this is supposed to be a time of positive affirmations - and instead we feel every short coming and fault more intensly.
My DH also has low fertility issues ,just waiting on an appointment to see what is the next step
I thought DH and I were doing the smart thing by waiting a couple of years into our marriage to start trying for a baby. Be responsible, save up a little money. Never did I think I would have to save up this much money! I keep thinking of the "What's if's." Unfortunately life doesn't come with a crystal ball for us!
Fingers crossed for everyone that whatever treatment option you are using is the one that works!
I know MissAma about what you said...sad eh? Wish this part of our lives was finished and we had our babies. And wo to your siggy weight loss pics! Good F'ing job! I need to go walking and watch what I eat...why can't I just get started? uugghhh
Anyone know of anyone who got prego naturally DESPITE low count and low motility? Ladies, exactly how optimistic should I be? Let's be realistic here- it's better than having your hopes crushed month after month. What are the chances we can conceive like a 'normal' couple?
Count- 12 mil
moltility- 17%

hope we all can overcome these struggles but it's so great to know you're not the only one out there.
I had Dr. Silber's (one of the docs who helped pioneer IVF) book and the exact stats I don't remember, but it went something like this: with counts 10-20 million 90% eventually gets pregnant within 2 years if she has no problems herself of course. And it is like 90% after 8 years with under 5 million. Sooooo after reading that I was hopeful, but I am in the extreme section with under 1 million! I think that is changing though with meds.
This book: https://www.amazon.com/How-Get-Pregnant-New-Technology/dp/0446674052
that's interesting, thanks again grneyednurse. Do you know though it these statistics take into account other issues, motility and moprhology? Probably not.

In light of all what finding out we had MI factor has meant to us, the hardest thing to come to term with in our case is that I did manage to fall pregnant first cycle ttc. I am torn apart between telling myself that it did happen so easily, it is very likely that it will happen again, and telling myself that this was a complete coincidental miracle. Then of course, there is not knowing whether the miscarriage was related to it or not....
ooh...just noticed this thread.....

Count me in

OH: 1st SA count 1m (although motility and morphology ok for them!)
2nd SA Embryologist wouldn't even put a number on it....and said ONLY option is ICSI, so clearly worse than the first one!! Just don't know why,have been told poss due to the fact he had umbilical hernia repair aged 5?

Ho Humm ... FS appt in May, so will get the word from the horses mouth then!

I was just wondering if I could also join? Just found out hubby has high content of abnormal sperm, and also on the low side. I'm feeling so very lost at the moment and would like to get to know other ladies in the same position, we have been told IUI is our next option, but i need to get my bmi down first.

that's interesting, thanks again grneyednurse. Do you know though it these statistics take into account other issues, motility and moprhology? Probably not.

In light of all what finding out we had MI factor has meant to us, the hardest thing to come to term with in our case is that I did manage to fall pregnant first cycle ttc. I am torn apart between telling myself that it did happen so easily, it is very likely that it will happen again, and telling myself that this was a complete coincidental miracle. Then of course, there is not knowing whether the miscarriage was related to it or not....

The doctor in this book said that morphology and motility are less important than count I forget why....I think they fluctuate more than a mans average count I think. The book is worth getting as it goes over all aspects of fertility, conception, infertility in detail. A must read for anyone going through infertility or even TTC! I read it cover to cover and the section on male factor over and over!
ooh...just noticed this thread.....

Count me in

OH: 1st SA count 1m (although motility and morphology ok for them!)
2nd SA Embryologist wouldn't even put a number on it....and said ONLY option is ICSI, so clearly worse than the first one!! Just don't know why,have been told poss due to the fact he had umbilical hernia repair aged 5?

Ho Humm ... FS appt in May, so will get the word from the horses mouth then!

Hey there! *wave*


I was just wondering if I could also join? Just found out hubby has high content of abnormal sperm, and also on the low side. I'm feeling so very lost at the moment and would like to get to know other ladies in the same position, we have been told IUI is our next option, but i need to get my bmi down first.


Absolutely you can join! We sure know what you are going through!

How low did they say your BMI had to be?
Dear mummytofour i have just read that your DH had a vr and you had 4 children after this, thats really lovely to hear, my DH has his first SA after his reversal in a couple of weeks, i'm not sure what the normal amount of sperm is? I've also got pcos however this is quite well managed so i'm just hoping for good results from SA really and its gives me hope knowing you had 4 children after your vr! X
Aaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhh I just erased the actual stats as I found them! Pisses me off how a flick of a finger can erase 10 min of work typing! If anyone is interested...I will type it again....sigh
Hi Miss Ama!

I have to get it to 29, its currently 35 :blush: The GP was actually quite rude, as she had assumed the problem would be me, but all my results came back fine, but I am back to weight watchers, and now have the next step is down to me. We can't do any more until I loose weight.

Well done on your massive weight loss! Would you recommend the cambridge diet? Im currently doing weight watchers, but want to loose the weight now!! Which is stupid I know!!

Hiya Nichub83 gosh I remember that feeling so welll, waiting on the app to hear DH first SA results!
I can remember sitting there and the consultant saying, "yes it has been successful..." , after that point DH and I just sat grinning at each other like complete morons!!!!
The consultant did say his count however was very low at only 2 million which we both said to him "it only takes one yes?!"LOL!!!:happydance:

His VR was at the end of June and I got my first BFP in September that same year!
The worst bit was that we didn't tell anyone he was going for a VR and the day he came out of hospital, his family came over and he had to go and chop wood at the bottom of the fields with his man bits in a sling!!!:blush::haha:

Good Luck with your SA and don't give up hope!:hugs:
My last 3 kids were also all concieved not only after his VR but also after my DH had undergone major surgery for bowel cancer, chemo and radiotherapy for over 6 months!
We had his semen frozen prior to his chemo in case he went infertile, but after conceiving again, he donated it instead to infertile couples.:thumbup:
Would you recommend the cambridge diet? Im currently doing weight watchers, but want to loose the weight now!! Which is stupid I know!!


Not in all situations or for everyone but in your situation -e.g. not that much to lose so not too extensive of period to be on it- then I would definitely. It is not easy and then maintaining is very very difficult but I would guess you'd be at the necessary weight in 2 months or so depending on how your body responds.

In other words and to sum up my view on weight loss - one can do low calories -WW being low and Cambridge being Very Low- or, preferably low carb. They both work. The latter is a lifestyle and the healthier alternative without a doubt and the calorie restriction works more as a quick fix but I have met successful maintainers from all methods. Just pick something that fits your personality (e.g. if you're a counter then WW, if you are impatient and need results to keep motivated then Cambridge and if you are in it for your overall health and in order to forever change and stay slim then low carb (Protein Power, Atkins, LCHF, SouthBeach, etc)

They are rude about weight. After our failed IVF, before we got on the public funded list we nearly had another paid go but we abandoned that when the consultant took one look at me and said "well at your BMI (it was nearly 50 to be fair) you can never have IVF or have a baby, you are the problem" when we had no bloody sperm, all my tests were fine and we had just had IVF. It is ridiculous and the BMI is a silly measure -for instance I had to jump back aboard the shakes train over the past week to bring it under 25 for the appointment we have on Monday- but it is as it is and we have to play their game.

Thanks for the kind words on my loss too!

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