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Male Factor Roll Call

hi again mummytofour, sounds like you've had everything to deal with, im so pleased everything has worked out for you though, we didnt tell anyone when DH had his VR until afterwards either!! ive got my fingers crossed it has worked anyway im currently on my 2ww at the mo!!!! i just hate the feeling of getting my hopes up to be dissapointed!!!
Yes MissAma you are looking good! I swear a lot of docs just jump on the "you are fat and therefore that is your problem and nothing else" train rather quickly!

I still need to post those stats from the book...I was more optimistic than the actual study, but the study is also a lot more optimistic than your doctor will ever be with you! Once I get my head on straight I will post (just worked 3- 12.5 hour shifts and I slept all day after a CPR class...I am bushed!

I never went for my own tests as far as progesterone goes as I was working, but I am 10DPO and my tummy is bloated and fussy today...waiting for AF tomorrow or the next day or so...still giving hubby his meds.
Hey all, add me to the list as well Low count and motility here. Very lacking on detail as we have a consultant and GP of few words!
We are on an ICSI journey starting in April hopefully due to sperm morphology of 2%. Waiting for my tests to come back but I'm hoping I'm ok x
We are on an ICSI journey starting in April hopefully due to sperm morphology of 2%. Waiting for my tests to come back but I'm hoping I'm ok x

Same here were doing the ICIS starting april, well we shall get referred to the hospital for the ivf tests in april.. crap PCT dont have funding till April so wont even refer us till then!! :growlmad:
Ladies, it's been two months since DH's last SA. Since that last test, he changed his diet and starting taking a variety of vitamins and herbs. I'm thrilled to report that his total motile count tripled! Up from 3.6 million to 14 million!
I am so proud of him.
We might try for an IUI now. What do you think?
Wonderful news suzie! :happydance:

Gives us all hope! U must be so excited! Sorry if have asked before but what vitamins was he on? Ur definitely good for IUI now I think.

Wonderful news suzie! :happydance:

Gives us all hope! U must be so excited! Sorry if have asked before but what vitamins was he on? Ur definitely good for IUI now I think.

Thanks! It was a big bump of hope for me! :happydance: I hope we can get our BFP soon.

He is on a LOT of vitamins. They are:
1 men's multi vitamin
1 g Vit C
Vit E
Ginseng (for low motility)
Maca - about 1500 mg a day or 3 pills
Co Q 10
Horny Goat Weed (to increase libido even though he doesn't really need it)

Yes, I put them in an old person's weekly medicine storage container. :haha: But, at least it makes it easier for him to take.

I've heard the success rates for IUI aren't great, even though, everything has checked out OK with me thus far. We're meeting with our male infertility specialist Monday. I wonder if we should just go straight to ICSI. Been TTC for 9 months now. Do you all think I should give it more time naturally or do IUI or ICSI?

Any opinion is greatly appreciated.

Anyone have success story with male factor and IUI?
Its really hard to know what would be better. There are some success stories with IUI and male factor but again since the success rate is not that great I am not so sure. I guess it all depends on money situation. If there are no money issues then I would think a few IUI's and then go for ICSI.

How about plain IVF? If ur doctor says u can do IUI then u can also do IVF.

Nine months is not that long(I know it must feel like forever) and you may even be able to conceive naturally. You could wait a few months and then go for treatment as well. It all depends on how you feel I guess.

Good luck Hun with what ever u decide!
My dh has low motilty 36% they said normal would be 40% other than that his numbers are in the normal range...we should be trying iui within the next few months
hi ladies, well i have dropped in for a bit of a sob... DH has just gone to work and i didnt want him to see me having a good old cry:cry:We just had our appointment with FS and got dh's results back, they were really bad, count 4.9 million, motility 5%, morphology 2%. The specialist said there really is no way except ICSI, chances of a natural conception next to nothing. So we are going down this route, probably starting our first icsi cycle mid may. I just feel like i am in some sort of bad dream. DH is upset too, but mainly because he is worried about me. DH wants a baby dont get me wrong but he also says he will be happy with life either way and i know he is doing all this fertility stuff for me. It seems a bit ironic that i am the one who desperately wants a baby and he is the one with the fertility problems. I could never say this stuff to him because i know its not in his control but are there any ladies out there who know how this feels and how do you cope with it? Sorry for the rant, i am just in shock feel like screaming. The only good thing to come of this is that we only waited 6 months before getting investigated. I was getting a bit of crap from my friends saying i was being too obsessive and it is normal to take a year - luckily i didnt listen to them
Hi Gracy,

We've just gone through our first cycle of ICSI. Like you, we were devastated to find out that DH had a low count (even lower than yours at 1million/ml) and that our chances of conceiving naturally were next to nothing. We went through all the feelings, sadness, anger, bitterness, despair, but eventually, you come to accept that if you want your own children enough, you will do whatever it takes.

Don't get me wrong, it's not an easy road, and even during the cycle, there were tears - feeling sorry for myself, anger at his mother, bitterness that we have to do this when others have it so easy and even accidentally.

DH feels guilty, like he's let me down, and also feelings of inadequacy and of being 'less man' - I think that's pretty normal, so I guess you just to be there for each other and pull each other through this.

All the best, Gracy - I hope your TTC journey will be short and sweet. :hugs:
Thanks peartree. I am so impatient! if we have to do this, i want to do it now, not in may! It just seems like there is so many steps involved, from the initial testing, to EC, then waiting to see how many make it, then see if it all works, hmmm i think i am going to have to learn some patience and probably some coping skills... So it looks like you are just about due for testing? I really wish you all the best :hugs: I guess the TWW after IVF is a million times worse than the usual TWW?
hi ladies, well i have dropped in for a bit of a sob... DH has just gone to work and i didnt want him to see me having a good old cry:cry:We just had our appointment with FS and got dh's results back, they were really bad, count 4.9 million, motility 5%, morphology 2%. The specialist said there really is no way except ICSI, chances of a natural conception next to nothing. So we are going down this route, probably starting our first icsi cycle mid may. I just feel like i am in some sort of bad dream. DH is upset too, but mainly because he is worried about me. DH wants a baby dont get me wrong but he also says he will be happy with life either way and i know he is doing all this fertility stuff for me. It seems a bit ironic that i am the one who desperately wants a baby and he is the one with the fertility problems. I could never say this stuff to him because i know its not in his control but are there any ladies out there who know how this feels and how do you cope with it? Sorry for the rant, i am just in shock feel like screaming. The only good thing to come of this is that we only waited 6 months before getting investigated. I was getting a bit of crap from my friends saying i was being too obsessive and it is normal to take a year - luckily i didnt listen to them

Gracy - We are in the same boat. We have been refered for ICSI we have our appointment for next month. I have PCOS and DH has a low count but I don't know how low. The FS just said we have 3 options ICSI, Donor or adoption!! DH was devastated, he took it really hard. The FS was really off with my DH and basically destroyed him.

We might be going through ICSI at the same time, it would be great to have a ICSI buddy :flower:

Have you looked into acupuncture. DH and I are going to book an appointment with a Chinese Doctor this week

i wish you all the best with your ICSI journey. I'm due to start this - meds in mid april, EC in may and its been a long hard road, feels like forever till may. OH has low morphology so this is why we're doing this.

Aclio that's awful the FS with really off with ur DH, are you nhs or private? if that's private then that's not good!

Gracy - try and ignore your friends, good job you didn't listen and friends can often be ignorant and not understand. We've had the same old chestnuts "it'll happen when it happens" "if you have to wait a while its not the end of the world" bla bla bla all being said while they are expecting!!

We've not told our friends or anyone about treatment apart from my parents. Think it will stay that way too!! xx
Thanks peartree. I am so impatient! if we have to do this, i want to do it now, not in may! It just seems like there is so many steps involved, from the initial testing, to EC, then waiting to see how many make it, then see if it all works, hmmm i think i am going to have to learn some patience and probably some coping skills... So it looks like you are just about due for testing? I really wish you all the best :hugs: I guess the TWW after IVF is a million times worse than the usual TWW?
To be honest, once the tests and cycle is underway, the time just flies by - injections, scans, egg collection, transfer - it's just flown by for me.

I'm being pragmatic about things and not letting it get to me. Filling my days doing things I enjoy, and most of time, I forget I'm waiting on the most important news of my life so far. :hugs:
I hope my time goes quickly too! I think once I start on day 19 which should be around 16/17 April I think time will go quickly its just the build up to it!!

Good luck peartree, when will u find out? xxx
I have a blood test on 1st April. I might test on the morning of that day, if only to save myself the trip down to the hospital if I get a BFN. Don't think I'll do it before, in case I start obsessing and become googleholic.

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