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Male Factor Roll Call

Both sets of parents know about DH's SA results. Only my parents know about our appointment with a specialist I think, unless DH has told his parents. I don't think they realise that we're having trouble conceiving. I don't talk to them about it. I'd go crazy if I didn't talk to my family about it though.
Sorry for the rant yesterday ladies, was having a bad day :wacko:
I'm up for trying anything and God knows I've tried most TTC things and beyond but what is the eggwhite stuff for? Lubrication? Case in which PreSeed is a FAR safer and better alternative....
Yes I am scared of infections from egg whites. But some people have used them successfully.
I've read about that and was tempted myself but then thought sod it I'd rather use pre seed and take evening primorose to increase CM than risk that. Plus in our case it probably wouldn't have helped anyway!
Hi everyone, if there is anything good to come out of this male factor thing its that symptom spotting is now a thing of the past and i dont convince myself that i am pregnant all the time. For instance at the moment i have really sore breasts and bad skin (post ovulation) which i have had every month leading up to now as well, but at least this time i am not reading anything into it, its kind of a relief to know ......

I just took my 2 gorgeous furbabies for a big long walk, its so good for the soul:thumbup:
I really dont think the egg white thing is a good idea.... if you end up with infection it can be really serious and could hinder ttc even more.
Ladies - If your OH or DH are not on Maca then tell him to get it lol All I can say is I'm smiling alot since last nights :sex: my DH even said that the big O was alot different. We are putting it down to the new vits so hurry up and buy them lol :haha::haha:
We're on them but I haven't noticed a difference for either of us! lol Been on them 2 months now xxx
hi my dh has low sperm count and motility. He is taking vits and quit smoking. Hopefully next SA will show an improvement!!
Hi wishful think do you mind if I ask you how low? My hubby has 24 ml with 30% motility and 30% morphology. has he been advised what vits to take? thanks :) xx
hi le_annek, his sperm count is 2.7 ml (which is really terrible compared to your dh) and his motility is 11%. Our doc had no advice on any vitamins or tablets that might help so i went searching myself on the net!!! First just had him on zinc tabs until the vits arrived in the post - fertilaid for men!! I'm really hoping they make some sort of difference. My gyne also put me on clomid, even though i'm ovulating, she said one of my hormone levels were low but hopefully the more eggs released would give my dh swimmers more of a chance, so fingers xxx
My hubby recently had a blood clot in his leg so going to phone the warfarin clinic to see what he can take. Fingers crossed for you :) have they offered you IUI ? x
hey le_annek. IUI was mentioned by my doctor as a route we may have to go down but my gyne wants to give me three months on clomid before referring us to fertility clinic. It makes me so mad, just refer us now so at least we will be moving up a waiting list!!!!!!! Whats the story with the blood clot?? Sounds serious!!!
He broke his leg in Jan when we had that awful weather. It came after his op he should be off the tablets soon as the clot has dispersed. We still haven't heard off the urologist yet (its only been a week) lol see what they have to say and will take it from there. Its really annoying though I feel like i've wasted a whole year of our lives if you know what I mean xx
I know it does feel like a year has been wasted for me too. I kept going to my doc because i was having irregular cycles and think he was sick of me basically LOL. so he said he would get the 'ball rolling' if we were still trying at nine months. So exactly on the nineth month i was knocking on his door with dh. At least we are getting somewhere with tests now but i think you kinda have to be a little bit pushy. If i had of left it we would still be just waiting for a miracle!!! Think at my next gyne appointment i'm gonna insist on being referred further!! It's just coming up to the year mark now and it will be 15 months trying by the time im back with gyne. It's so annoying when they say "we will see u again in 3 months". Do they not realise how hard it is waiting all that time??? Next step for us is second SA (which again i had to push for with my doc only after my gyne said dh would have to go for 2nd SA) and then urologist in May. Sometimes i wish the docs involved would have more heart, if ya know what i mean??
Totally with you on that. I nagged my doctor for blood work to see if I was ovulating she told me not to stress and it can take people over a year!! well its been a year May get me on a list ready in advance lol and if I do get pregnant b4 surely they can just take me off :) My hubbys doctor sort of felt bad I think he tried to say that 15% mortility was ok because first SA he had 140 million but second SA he had only 24million so referred straight away what he should of done in the bloody first place!! Let me know how you get on and I will do the same :) xx
Cramping 5 dpo. Strange. Don't want to get my hopes up but I get them hope E.V.E.R.Y single month and always get AF.

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