Try not to feel stupid, Jai! Even if you had seen a "traditional OB" you may not have known any sooner... My friend didn't have her first ultrasound until 10 weeks. I think that's common at some practices. Early care is always a safe route to check mom's health and baby's development, so hopefully that will give you some reassurance next time around, and it's a good idea.
Hopefully your family is at least supporting you, knowing what you and your partner are experiencing. That is one thing that my husband and I lack. We didn't tell anyone but our parents, and it's difficult to carry a secret pain when everyone expects you to be in normal "happy" mode, and you feel like breaking down from time to time - especially in the presence of others' pregnancy talk, and questions like "When are you two going to have a baby?!?!" (Eyes well up...We're trying.... We lost it.....Waaaaaa!!!!!) But we answer, "When it happens it happens!" (Forced smile!) I'm sorry you are hurting, and I hope this experience doesn't take away from your joy next time, even though your plans might be slightly altered. Hang in there!