Hi ladies,
I'm afraid I had a bit of a meltdown this morning. I was so hopeful for today's appointment. Instead, it was a complete and UTTER waste of time. They didn't say or do a single thing they hadn't said or done the last time we saw them. I was fuming the whole freaking time. Telling us things like "well make sure you keep him upright after feeding" etc. No *censored*! Really?! I had NO idea. *Rolls eyes*
They seemed a little annoyed that we were there if maybe the constipation was making the reflux worse. Yeah, not like THEY told me that when I called them and told him he was constipated and having a really rough go with the reflux again. If I had been told, I wouldn't have taken so long to piece it all together and get him something! Why do I constantly have to figure out what is wrong on my own? I am a frist time mum and I am not a doctor! They were also a bit annoyed that we were there so soon after starting the Lactulose that we got on Friday. Yeah, whose fault is that exactly??? I had told them 2 weeks ago that he was constipated and not doing well. They told me to 'wait and see'. Meanwhile, his reflux and constipation got worse so when his nurse came over, she told us to get the Lactulose from the family doctor as it would be easier to get. Of course, this was on Friday and I didn't want to leave him like that all weekend with no one to call so we got it! Not my fault our appointment with them was already booked now was it? Geez. Anyway, now they told me it is possible the Lactulose is causing him more gas which is causing more pain, more crying, and hence more reflux. So now, we have the Nutriton helping but not curing the reflux, the Lactulose maybe helping the Nutriton's effects but maybe causing worse, and the Infacol trying to deal with what I can only assume is the extra gas caused by the Lactulose.
I have NO idea why the physio therapist was even there as there was absolutely nothing different from our last appointment with just the speech therapist. In fact, it was like a mirror appointment, just more speeded up.

All we got out of this is my OH losing hours of work and us being more frustrated and discouraged.
Of course, Nathaniel, being the adorable sweet child he is, was perfectly fine at the hospital this morning. Of course, he screamed and twisted in pain all night, but why would he show them that when he can make us look completely insane? He drank his bottle and happily drifted off to sleep. relaxing his hands after I had just told him that it's extremely difficult to get him to relax. Oh, and the topper? An enormous smile when we left. I might strangle him before his first birthday...
I updated our community nurse (the one who pushed to have us seen because she feels Nathan isn't well at all yet) and she called me straight away. She's just as annoyed with it all and feels that they are really just bouncing us around. She brought up something so simple as well... Has his poop softened? Yes. Okay, if the poop is softer and is coming out several times a day, we can rule out constipation. If we can rule out constipation, then his crying and reflux is not due to the constipation itself is it? It's either a) related to gas from the Lactulose or b) just is not under control yet. Bravo, she figured it out in 2 minutes, not 5 days (they told us to wait until Friday to see if the Lactulose works or not!)! Omg.
Ladies, at this point, screw the coffee, I need something stronger.

I asked the nurse where the psychiatric hospital is because I'm about to head there.

Seriously, it's a good thing she is around because I don't know what I would do without her. She is going to contact our community doctor and see what the doctor can do and see if she can bypass all this and send us straight to the pediatrician because our nurse just isn't satisfied with their handling of us.
Oh and we've basically been told that they've told us all we need to deal with the reflux and that there is nothing more to be done if it is an issue. So I guess that's that then, no Gaviscon, no nothing!
On a good note, they say he's a month ahead in his motor development.

Everyone keeps telling us that. I was surprised when he grabbed his pacifier out of his mouth and flung it yesterday but what do I know? Lol. In fact, they told me he's maybe a bit too advanced for his own good as his brain still can't actually process what he's physically doing and taking in.Tell him that, he's the one constantly wanting to bounce around and do things!
The other good thing is that he seems to be wanting to be in my arms more and more. This is especially nice since I've been told several times that maybe my stress is stressing him and making him reflux.

Sure helps to know that I am not being such a bad mommy if he actually wants me around!
Dear oh dear, this is sooooo not what I had in mind when we found out he has reflux. We can send men on the moon but we can't help our babies with heartburn? What is up with that?
How are you ladies doing? By the way, how old is everyone's LO? Have your lil ones passed the 3-month-hopefully-cured stage? Hope to hear from you guys soon. Hang in there ladies!