~*Mamas of Reflux Babies*~

So sorry to hear things did not go well at your appointment. Aiden tends to be exactly the same with all Doctors...all smiles or peacefully sleeping! He even slept through being stripped of and having an examination the other day, Dr saying how perfect he is!

I'm really confused to how his reflux is going. He is 14 weeks now. He had a bad cold a week ago which made his reflux worse then he had about 4 days of sickness, green poo and frantic sucking. Health visitor thinks he may be teething but Dr says he probably had a viral illness. That seems better now but while he had it I stopped the ranitidine as i thought if may have been that causing it all. He's not had ranitidine for 3 days now and I'm waiting to see how his reflux is. He was abit Grundy and congested again last night but he'd had his injections so wasn't having a great night anyway. Will see how he is the next couple of days and decide whether to restart. Can't believe he is 14 weeks old and this last week he has gone back to 4 hourly feeds at night after doing 8 hour stretches a couple of weeks ago!!! I'm hoping its just because he has been unwell!!
Oh I really hope that was it, Sezz! Would be great if his reflux has settled much! Nathan gets his shots in 2 weeks. :nope: Luckily, it's our lovely nurse that will administer them so I know she'll prepare us well with the possible effects and be there for us if we need her assistance. Really hoping for some good news from you guys in a few days :winkwink:
Oh Nela I'm really sorry to hear how badly the appointment went.

I know a little boy whose reflux was AWFUL he vomited everything that went down and was terrified of the bottle, nothing worked turns out he had a small stomach.

My dd is 9 weeks old and seems to be doing well this week, she on a mix of 3 scoops of aptamil comfort and 3 scoops of aptamil reflux milk. Oh thinks we should ask for a thickener for the comfort milk instead of half and half as its costing us £24 a month on milk which we can't really afford along with 3 medications as he's the only one working ATM but I'm a bit relictant to mess with a good thing hahaha the Prozac the doctor put me on has really helped keep me calm and deal with the crying when it happens. We've also found that taking dd for a walk really helps calm her down too.

On another note I got Los name tattooed on my ribs last week :) does anyone else have a tattoo dedicated to their lo?
Dd's name is Aria which means lioness in Hebrew and she's a Leo so that's the inspiration behind it .


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o that sucks, what is wrong with them

i think you should record your son at night to show them how he is, as they dont see it, i know someone else who did this and then they found the problem

Lily wants to be held all day when she is having a bad day with the reflux, it is a pain in the ass as you cannot get anything done lol

are you breast feeding or formula?

when i was breast feeding, i found it made her worse, maybe cos i have suh a sweet tooth, but i know that if you are changing your diet can help loads, you should research foods that help reflux and eat plenty of them

I know how you feel sometimes i think i belong in a straight jacket haha

ul be fine just rant to us

with the new stuff they have given you, it will take a couple of weeks for them to get use to it, so it will cause problems at first, the reflux milk we use did at first but it does sort itself out in the end, their little tummys arent use to it, my hv said an ounce of cool boiled water a day but no more than that and the constipation sorted itself out but again if your breast feeding then do not do this without asking first x
Oh Nela I'm really sorry to hear how badly the appointment went.

I know a little boy whose reflux was AWFUL he vomited everything that went down and was terrified of the bottle, nothing worked turns out he had a small stomach.

My dd is 9 weeks old and seems to be doing well this week, she on a mix of 3 scoops of aptamil comfort and 3 scoops of aptamil reflux milk. Oh thinks we should ask for a thickener for the comfort milk instead of half and half as its costing us £24 a month on milk which we can't really afford along with 3 medications as he's the only one working ATM but I'm a bit relictant to mess with a good thing hahaha the Prozac the doctor put me on has really helped keep me calm and deal with the crying when it happens. We've also found that taking dd for a walk really helps calm her down too.

On another note I got Los name tattooed on my ribs last week :) does anyone else have a tattoo dedicated to their lo?
Dd's name is Aria which means lioness in Hebrew and she's a Leo so that's the inspiration behind it .

i love you tattoo, whats prozac?

me and my husband were thinking matching leo signs as all 3 of us are leos, although Lily was ment to be a virgo lol
Hi ladies, joining you too. This is my second baby and I am not sure what I did wrong in my life but he got a reflux too just like his sister. The very thing I was afraid of.. With a toddler running around, dealing with a reflux baby makes it just impossible. So far we've been lucky to avoid meds and I'm just using colic calm with him but considering switching to meds as it helps less and less and I find myself using it more (almost at 3 doses now).

KAMW -- our babies were both born at 35 weeks. I read somewhere that the reflux picks up at 6-8 weeks. In my mind this is the worst right now but if I do adjusted age he's only 2 weeks old. If the worst is yet to come, I am lost. Did you find with your daughter that it got worse with her real or adjusted age?? xx
i love you tattoo, whats prozac?

me and my husband were thinking matching leo signs as all 3 of us are leos, although Lily was ment to be a virgo lol

Prozac is an antidepressant. It doesn't make you feel like a zombie like I've heard others can though it just makes it easier to take a deep breath and deal with the screaming instead of crying myself lol
i found it was worse between 3 - 8 weeks real age, now it seems to be getting better but i dont know if its just a good patch with it as she does still have a day here or there of it being really bad but at least its not everyday so thats a start, i found it got better when my milk dried up so i had to put her on aptimil reflux, i really hope the worst isnt yet to come as she is 6 weeks adjusted age today

I cry with it too lol i just havnt wanted to tell my hv or doctor as i was worried they would get social services involved but if things get bad again then i might have to speak to them x
So, I'm abit confused lately of my lo's current symptoms and was dissappointed with the Dr who has admitted she doesnt have much knowledge on reflux but wouldnt refer so I have decided to start from scratch. If you all don't mind I think I'll write updates on here so I can keep a log of his symptoms and what's working.

15 weeks old
15lb 10oz

Stopped ranitidine 4 days ago.

Changed from anti reflux milk to aptimal 1st today.

Current routine: 7oz 4 hourly during the day, 5 hourly at night. Occasionally does an 7/8 hour sleep.

Current Symptoms: constipation, discomfort with excessive wind, some congestion, grunts and thrashes around most of the night.

I'm going to see how he gets on with normal formula as after 4 weeks with the reflux milk he has become horribly constipated. I also have ranitidine if I need to restart it but do far we've had no gulping/gasping episodes and the congestion isn't too bad.
Would u try aptamil comfort milk for colic and. Constipation sezzo
Would u try aptamil comfort milk for colic and. Constipation sezzo

Yeah, I never thought of that one. Although he is getting better with the wind and constipation now he's on normal milk again. He had a really watery poo this morning though, do you think that could just be due to the change in milk?

I just can't believe he has gone back onto 4 hourly feeds at night again this last week after doing quite alot of 8 hour stretches at night. Tried just to cuddle and give his dummy last night but he screamed until he had bottle in his mouth. I've worked it out that he's having 42oz in 24 hrs now he's waking up for 2 night feeds. Seems so much. He is a big baby though...15lb 10oz. I don't think it's comfort eating for reflux as he always wakes at the same times and so far hasn't seemed to have any reflux episodes.

Does anyone know how long it takes for ranitidine to wear off? It's been about 5 days now since we stopped. X
i found it was worse between 3 - 8 weeks real age, now it seems to be getting better but i dont know if its just a good patch with it as she does still have a day here or there of it being really bad but at least its not everyday so thats a start, i found it got better when my milk dried up so i had to put her on aptimil reflux, i really hope the worst isnt yet to come as she is 6 weeks adjusted age today

I cry with it too lol i just havnt wanted to tell my hv or doctor as i was worried they would get social services involved but if things get bad again then i might have to speak to them x

why would they involve social services? because you cry?? omg if that's true, I'd have a line of social services from US to UK :)
Would u try aptamil comfort milk for colic and. Constipation sezzo

Yeah, I never thought of that one. Although he is getting better with the wind and constipation now he's on normal milk again. He had a really watery poo this morning though, do you think that could just be due to the change in milk?

I just can't believe he has gone back onto 4 hourly feeds at night again this last week after doing quite alot of 8 hour stretches at night. Tried just to cuddle and give his dummy last night but he screamed until he had bottle in his mouth. I've worked it out that he's having 42oz in 24 hrs now he's waking up for 2 night feeds. Seems so much. He is a big baby though...15lb 10oz. I don't think it's comfort eating for reflux as he always wakes at the same times and so far hasn't seemed to have any reflux episodes.

Does anyone know how long it takes for ranitidine to wear off? It's been about 5 days now since we stopped. X

i think it's about a week or so? I might be wrong though. I remember that I stopped around 4 months with Isabella and it never came back. I still have to get it for DS now :cry:
Would u try aptamil comfort milk for colic and. Constipation sezzo

Yeah, I never thought of that one. Although he is getting better with the wind and constipation now he's on normal milk again. He had a really watery poo this morning though, do you think that could just be due to the change in milk?

I just can't believe he has gone back onto 4 hourly feeds at night again this last week after doing quite alot of 8 hour stretches at night. Tried just to cuddle and give his dummy last night but he screamed until he had bottle in his mouth. I've worked it out that he's having 42oz in 24 hrs now he's waking up for 2 night feeds. Seems so much. He is a big baby though...15lb 10oz. I don't think it's comfort eating for reflux as he always wakes at the same times and so far hasn't seemed to have any reflux episodes.

Does anyone know how long it takes for ranitidine to wear off? It's been about 5 days now since we stopped. X

Poo is most likely from new milk. Takes 2 weeks to adjjust to change.
Comfort milk was best for my ds.
Simon was having 40 oz a day to comfort himself before zantac.
Now he has 27 to 32 a day.
He also used to sleep through the nt but now wakes at about 3 for one nt feed.
He is more relaxed this way so a nt feed is a small price to pay.
He has zantac 3 times a day so nt feed makes it evenly spaced over 24 hrs.
Why did u take him off zantac hon?
Not criticising just asking x
For constipation I give Simon 4 oz of half strength bottle ie 2 scoops to 4 water.
Pure water chokes him but he cam handle half strength.
Also comfort milk. He still isn't fab with poos. But he goes every day
aand its not hard.
i found it was worse between 3 - 8 weeks real age, now it seems to be getting better but i dont know if its just a good patch with it as she does still have a day here or there of it being really bad but at least its not everyday so thats a start, i found it got better when my milk dried up so i had to put her on aptimil reflux, i really hope the worst isnt yet to come as she is 6 weeks adjusted age today

I cry with it too lol i just havnt wanted to tell my hv or doctor as i was worried they would get social services involved but if things get bad again then i might have to speak to them x

It's completely normal to feel this way! I have cried so much and I've had numerous melt downs. I spoke to the H/V and GP who offered to refer me to counciling or to start anti-depressants. So far with the help from my family I have managed without. I still get anxious though and have recently been getting palpitations. I don't particularly feel down/depressed I just feel to tired and over whelmed. I think its really helped me to talk about it xx
Would u try aptamil comfort milk for colic and. Constipation sezzo

Yeah, I never thought of that one. Although he is getting better with the wind and constipation now he's on normal milk again. He had a really watery poo this morning though, do you think that could just be due to the change in milk?

I just can't believe he has gone back onto 4 hourly feeds at night again this last week after doing quite alot of 8 hour stretches at night. Tried just to cuddle and give his dummy last night but he screamed until he had bottle in his mouth. I've worked it out that he's having 42oz in 24 hrs now he's waking up for 2 night feeds. Seems so much. He is a big baby though...15lb 10oz. I don't think it's comfort eating for reflux as he always wakes at the same times and so far hasn't seemed to have any reflux episodes.

Does anyone know how long it takes for ranitidine to wear off? It's been about 5 days now since we stopped. X

Poo is most likely from new milk. Takes 2 weeks to adjjust to change.
Comfort milk was best for my ds.
Simon was having 40 oz a day to comfort himself before zantac.
Now he has 27 to 32 a day.
He also used to sleep through the nt but now wakes at about 3 for one nt feed.
He is more relaxed this way so a nt feed is a small price to pay.
He has zantac 3 times a day so nt feed makes it evenly spaced over 24 hrs.
Why did u take him off zantac hon?
Not criticising just asking x
For constipation I give Simon 4 oz of half strength bottle ie 2 scoops to 4 water.
Pure water chokes him but he cam handle half strength.
Also comfort milk. He still isn't fab with poos. But he goes every day
aand its not hard.

Thanks for the advice. My lo will not drink water either, he chokes on it so I will try that with the formula if he gets constipated again.

I stopped the ranitidine as I he started throwing up lots and his poos turned green, he seemed very unhappy esp at night and I couldn't get a Drs app for a few days. He'd been on the meds for 2 weeks at the time. Dr thinks all that was down to a virus though. However, 5 or 6 days now and no reflux symptoms....Just lots of squirming and discomfort for an hour or so before he has a poo. Before the ranitidine he was on omeprazole liquid for a month...until the Dr realised the price of it and changed it!!!

I guess Im wanting to make sure I was definately right about the reflux in the first place. Sometimes I feel maybe its just my imagination and I'm just struggling being a mummy and looking for reasons why my lo cries so much, especially when each time I take him to the Drs he is all smiley and they announce him to be perfect. I don't know why I doubt myself though as he did have all the classic symptoms. Part of me is hoping now he's over 3 months he will be better but I know that unfortunately with reflux that us usually not the case! X
I thought they might be worried that id harm my baby if i told them that i cry, sometimes it gets too much and i just put her in her moses basket and just stand outside for a minute, they said to me before if your not coping then tell them and they said to me about parents shaking their babies, so i think it just worries me that they might think id do this

i get anxious sometimes and it makes me feel itchy all over, i dont really have much support where i live which doesnt help, ive asked my husband if we can move so i can be closer to friends and family but well he says his job is fun so i guess i really need to speak to my HV

i know it all sounds silly but i dont have anyone to talk to about it, so i just worry x
I thought they might be worried that id harm my baby if i told them that i cry, sometimes it gets too much and i just put her in her moses basket and just stand outside for a minute, they said to me before if your not coping then tell them and they said to me about parents shaking their babies, so i think it just worries me that they might think id do this

i get anxious sometimes and it makes me feel itchy all over, i dont really have much support where i live which doesnt help, ive asked my husband if we can move so i can be closer to friends and family but well he says his job is fun so i guess i really need to speak to my HV

i know it all sounds silly but i dont have anyone to talk to about it, so i just worry x

I think most new mummies have moments when they just need to take a minute and collect themselves. I have done the same thing a few times, just leave the room, take a few deep breathes and remember that it's ok to just let them cry for a few minutes. Better to do that then become too overwhelmed. It's easy to say all this though...doesn't change the fact that at the time it's flippin horrendous! I have seriously wanted to run away numerous times lol. Hopefully this thread will be of some help/support. Hugs xx
thanks it helps a lot to here that other mums feel the same way

i always try to see the funny side of things as i find it helps a lot, like when she brings up her whole feed all over me i just laugh

hugs to you, hopefully in a years time this reflux thing will be nothing but a memory to all of us lol
Sezzo maybe ur one of the lucky ones xx
Bubs do grow out of it .maybe urs is already .
I really hope so xx
It's so hard yo know what to do for um isn't it.
For ages ds would be fine at docs too.
Last time we went.he wasn't
They were shocked how choky he gets.
We got a referral to get his swallow checked fast
Cos he had a stroke and has mild cerebral palsy.
In case anyone else panics xxx
I think they thought I was exaggerating.
I prob didnt complain enough actually.
Took um a wee bit to take me seroously xx

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