~*Mamas of Reflux Babies*~

Kamw hugs hon.
It's def tough.
We hve all cried and felt a bit insane with this at times I think. Xx
Do u drive ? If lo stuck crying I find it helps us both hve a breather.
Or a walk outside with lo in buggy ? Xx
Sezzo maybe ur one of the lucky ones xx
Bubs do grow out of it .maybe urs is already .
I really hope so xx
It's so hard yo know what to do for um isn't it.
For ages ds would be fine at docs too.
Last time we went.he wasn't
They were shocked how choky he gets.
We got a referral to get his swallow checked fast
Cos he had a stroke and has mild cerebral palsy.
In case anyone else panics xxx
I think they thought I was exaggerating.
I prob didnt complain enough actually.
Took um a wee bit to take me seroously xx

Aww, poor lil man. I'm glad they took you seriously eventually. It amazes me how Drs can be so relaxed when it comes to babies! It takes so much convincing sometimes.

I'm really unsure about Aidens reflux...what do you think of the following?!...

Today he has coughed and spluttered on a couple of feeds and swallowed loads of air while drinking and his stomach is churning/sloshing as he drinks. I can't be sure if its just because he's so used to thickened milk and now we are back on aptamil 1st or if its reflux. He's been arching his back too but that could be because of the air he was swallowing while drinking. I put a gaviscon in his last bottle and it went down more easily. X
Did u change back to slower teat with lighter milk? Might help.
Simon is still on num 1 teat but he has a strong suck.
I was also told by speech and language therapist to gently pull out the bottle every 5 sucks to stop him swallowing so much air. It does make a difference.
How long does it take him to drink a bottle and how big a feed does he take hon?
His symptoms do sound kinda refluxy.
Could be milder silent reflux.
Does he get hiccups and hate lying flat?
Sorry if u hve said. I get confused between people's stories xx
Can u see him swallowing some time after a feed?
Does he arch his back?
It's so hard to know for sure.
Was he happier on zantac before the green poo?
Switching to comfort milk made a big difference for us.
I know everyone is different though
Kamw hugs hon.
It's def tough.
We hve all cried and felt a bit insane with this at times I think. Xx
Do u drive ? If lo stuck crying I find it helps us both hve a breather.
Or a walk outside with lo in buggy ? Xx

no i dont drive but yes i do need to start getting out and about instead of sittng in being miserable

yeah it made me feel a whole lot better when you all said you cry and get stressed too, it feels good to talk about it with others that understand xx
lilys tummy makes that noise sometimes, i think its to do with the reflux or if you havnt already then try some infacol and burp after every ounce

fingers crossed the gaviscon works
Kamw hugs hon.
It's def tough.
We hve all cried and felt a bit insane with this at times I think. Xx
Do u drive ? If lo stuck crying I find it helps us both hve a breather.
Or a walk outside with lo in buggy ? Xx

no i dont drive but yes i do need to start getting out and about instead of sittng in being miserable

yeah it made me feel a whole lot better when you all said you cry and get stressed too, it feels good to talk about it with others that understand xx

I go out lots of days . I only stay at home for a whole day once or twice a week.
I might only g out for an hour r so but change of scene helps xxx
tOtherwise cabin fever strikes ;-) xx
Did u change back to slower teat with lighter milk? Might help.
Simon is still on num 1 teat but he has a strong suck.
I was also told by speech and language therapist to gently pull out the bottle every 5 sucks to stop him swallowing so much air. It does make a difference.
How long does it take him to drink a bottle and how big a feed does he take hon?
His symptoms do sound kinda refluxy.
Could be milder silent reflux.
Does he get hiccups and hate lying flat?
Sorry if u hve said. I get confused between people's stories xx
Can u see him swallowing some time after a feed?
Does he arch his back?
It's so hard to know for sure.
Was he happier on zantac before the green poo?
Switching to comfort milk made a big difference for us.
I know everyone is different though

From about 3/4 weeks he showed all the usual symptoms..gulping, gasping for breath and screaming, hiccups, grunting and won't lye on his back, bad congestion, smelt of acid etc. he still will only sleep on his side or tummy, elevating crib made no difference, I just think its his preferred way.

Currently he does not do the random gulping, gasping, no congestion and has occasional hiccups. At the moment he just gulps his feeds..6/7 oz every 4 hours day and night. I tried less oz on a more frequent basis but it didn't suit him as 3 hours falls in his nap time usually and he's fussy with his bottle if I try more often. Oh and I feel I can't plan anything much at the moment as he is really struggling to stay awake during the day for any longer than an hour and wants to sleep for 2 hours, he goes from happy smiley to super grouchy in minutes lol, growth spurt prehaps? He used to stay awake for an hour and a half. I also tried the buggy instead of carry cot instead and he settles nicely, sleeping for nearly 2 hours if I keep walking for that long lol....on his back I might add which he will not do at night haha

I'm on dr brown level 2 so I will try level 1 again. So far symptoms are the same, spluttering and coughing with bottle, swallowing air and even after holding up upright for 30 mins after a feed he is sick within an hour of me lying him down which is waking him up. Going to use gaviscon in his night bottles
Kamw hugs hon.
It's def tough.
We hve all cried and felt a bit insane with this at times I think. Xx
Do u drive ? If lo stuck crying I find it helps us both hve a breather.
Or a walk outside with lo in buggy ? Xx

no i dont drive but yes i do need to start getting out and about instead of sittng in being miserable

yeah it made me feel a whole lot better when you all said you cry and get stressed too, it feels good to talk about it with others that understand xx

Baby carriers are fab aswell. I just got a Mai tei and lo will happily be in it for hours. He used to go straight to sleep in it but now he's nosy he just looks around when out walking and takes little naps. Lol...I'm just finishing a hour and a half walk...tired legs but hopefully the fresh air will help him sleep when we get it. I'm trying to get him to start napping in his cot when we are home during the day :-)
Def sounds like reflux sezzo xx
We had a bad tummy day here today.
He had been a good deal better.
Doc checked on Monday and zantac level is good she reckons.
So I dunno.
He has new physio ive been doing with him.
Might be that.
I'm so sick of trying to juggle both.
Bad day for simonmakesme super grumpy ;-)
Hope ye all had better days xx
Def sounds like reflux sezzo xx
We had a bad tummy day here today.
He had been a good deal better.
Doc checked on Monday and zantac level is good she reckons.
So I dunno.
He has new physio ive been doing with him.
Might be that.
I'm so sick of trying to juggle both.
Bad day for simonmakesme super grumpy ;-)
Hope ye all had better days xx

Aww, sorry you had a bad day :-(

We had a bad night last night. Numerous wake ups from being sick and coughing, fists in mouth and arching his back so I'm thinking I need to get going on the Zantac again.

He was prescribed 0.7ml 3 times a day but the Dr didn't really give me any other info and the leaflet doesn't say when to give. He takes it really well with a syringe. Do you mind me asking when you give yours over the 24 hours and how close to feed times?

Surely the meds wouldn't work this fast but I gave his his first dose half an hour before his morning feed and put him down for his morning nap, he hasn't even stirred for an hour and a half. He never usually sleeps that well in his cot during the day. I'm usually holding him or out in the pram. Must be a co-incidence? Xx
Def sounds like reflux sezzo xx
We had a bad tummy day here today.
He had been a good deal better.
Doc checked on Monday and zantac level is good she reckons.
So I dunno.
He has new physio ive been doing with him.
Might be that.
I'm so sick of trying to juggle both.
Bad day for simonmakesme super grumpy ;-)
Hope ye all had better days xx

Aww, sorry you had a bad day :-(

We had a bad night last night. Numerous wake ups from being sick and coughing, fists in mouth and arching his back so I'm thinking I need to get going on the Zantac again.

He was prescribed 0.7ml 3 times a day but the Dr didn't really give me any other info and the leaflet doesn't say when to give. He takes it really well with a syringe. Do you mind me asking when you give yours over the 24 hours and how close to feed times?

Surely the meds wouldn't work this fast but I gave his his first dose half an hour before his morning feed and put him down for his morning nap, he hasn't even stirred for an hour and a half. He never usually sleeps that well in his cot during the day. I'm usually holding him or out in the pram. Must be a co-incidence? Also since changing to normal milk with gaviscon from reflux milk, he's gone from drinking 7oz every four hours to 5 oz or less every 4 hours...not sure if that's good or bad. He doesn't seem to be leaving it because he distressed, just starts playing with the teat xx
When I got zantac first I asked doc how fast it should work.
Shr said straight away. I think it starts straight away but takes a week or so for full effect.
I give itore or less every 8 hrs.my lo gets 1.5 MLS 3 times.
I give it with a feed. Doc and leaflet with it say that's fine.
I syringe it into side of his mouth while he starts to drink.
He is awake
I give him one dose with his middle of nt feed. 3 ish am.
Then around 11 am and with last feed before he hoes yo sleep.
I've tried giving it on its own but he gulps air and gets trapped wind then.
im looking for some guidance because im between thinking i have the start of pnd or my baby has acid reflux, each time i take him to the docs with it (4) then listen to his tummy quick check over tell me he's a happy contented baby and nothing wrong with him, BUT HOW AM I FEELING?....

right now i have psoriasis on my scalp and a stye coming on my eyelid where im just at my wits end over this.

This is why i suspect reflux

He was constipated - doc said we were feeding too much, so changed from on demand to every 3 hours and i offer 5 oz a feed but start to take it away at 4oz - if i gave him an 8oz bottle hed finnish it, he never stops. cranial osteophath started doing work on him and got him from pooing every 3 days to daily, when i decided to let him direct me and feed what he wanted he finnished every 5oz bottle and then didnt poo for 3 days again.

He was born c section grunting which came and went depending on his position
He grunts like a goat which comes on during a feed
Hes a windy baby and we have to wind him all the time, after a feed and on the hour after. and tummy bloats

we learnt very early on to elivate him so hes never really been a screamy baby which makes me wonder if im creating symptoms but from day dot the minute he cries ive had him on my chest upright.

things have now moved on hes 7 weeks and now vomits after each feed about half oz but also produces a clear liquid which smells like erm you know when youve held lots of coins in your hand its tangy like that.

if i feed him then lay him in the bed hes up very quickly, thrashing grunty and wants to be picked up

or if i keep him there he falls asleep and will stay asleep up to 4 hours till next feed, however if i try and put him down he starts thrashing, hands in mouth, crawling up my body, kicking my tummy ans headbutting me, screaming, spits out dummy. and latches onto my noes until he gets fed -

feeding- arching back during feed, waving hands at bottle, and arching slumping forward afterwards, goes into a tight ball. he gulps his food and makes a g-gong noise as he does, and often sounds wet when he burps.

oh and coughing, sneezing and hiccups

im not sure what to do, go to hv to speak to gp, or accept that my baby will always be asleep in my arms, or in the sling - id quite like to play with him
vegas you and me both chick. i have no idea whats going on with my baby. she has become awfully congested the last two days. she is bubbling at the mouth and looks like she is swallowing something. she is not a big screamer unless she is starving but sometimes she cries before she passes wind. she gets hiccups usually a couple of times a day and sneezes a few times a day too. she coughs a fair amount too. the osteopath tells me she has an irritated tummy and thinks a few more sessions with her plus probiotics will help but i am not convinced. i am starting to feel i may be getting pnd also. i cant face doing anything these days and dread every night as i am exhausted. i feel terrible saying this as i love my daughter more than anything but i am starting to really miss my old life and dont feel i am enjoying her newborn days. i am a terrible mother!
I give him one dose with his middle of nt feed. 3 ish am.
Then around 11 am and with last feed before he hoes yo sleep.
I've tried giving it on its own but he gulps air and gets trapped wind then.

Thanks, I gave all 3 doses during the day today but I might change to giving one at night as that is when he is worse. Luckily Aiden seems to love the taste and takes it really nicely from a 1ml syringe tiny bits at a time. He's had a good day today, slept quite alot. Hopefully he will only wake for feeds tonight rather than in discomfort :-)
im looking for some guidance because im between thinking i have the start of pnd or my baby has acid reflux, each time i take him to the docs with it (4) then listen to his tummy quick check over tell me he's a happy contented baby and nothing wrong with him, BUT HOW AM I FEELING?....

right now i have psoriasis on my scalp and a stye coming on my eyelid where im just at my wits end over this.

This is why i suspect reflux

He was constipated - doc said we were feeding too much, so changed from on demand to every 3 hours and i offer 5 oz a feed but start to take it away at 4oz - if i gave him an 8oz bottle hed finnish it, he never stops. cranial osteophath started doing work on him and got him from pooing every 3 days to daily, when i decided to let him direct me and feed what he wanted he finnished every 5oz bottle and then didnt poo for 3 days again.

He was born c section grunting which came and went depending on his position
He grunts like a goat which comes on during a feed
Hes a windy baby and we have to wind him all the time, after a feed and on the hour after. and tummy bloats

we learnt very early on to elivate him so hes never really been a screamy baby which makes me wonder if im creating symptoms but from day dot the minute he cries ive had him on my chest upright.

things have now moved on hes 7 weeks and now vomits after each feed about half oz but also produces a clear liquid which smells like erm you know when youve held lots of coins in your hand its tangy like that.

if i feed him then lay him in the bed hes up very quickly, thrashing grunty and wants to be picked up

or if i keep him there he falls asleep and will stay asleep up to 4 hours till next feed, however if i try and put him down he starts thrashing, hands in mouth, crawling up my body, kicking my tummy ans headbutting me, screaming, spits out dummy. and latches onto my noes until he gets fed -

feeding- arching back during feed, waving hands at bottle, and arching slumping forward afterwards, goes into a tight ball. he gulps his food and makes a g-gong noise as he does, and often sounds wet when he burps.

oh and coughing, sneezing and hiccups

im not sure what to do, go to hv to speak to gp, or accept that my baby will always be asleep in my arms, or in the sling - id quite like to play with him

This does sound like if could possibly be reflux. My boy also comfort eats due to reflux and is a hefty 15lb 10oz at 15 weeks old. Because he is a good weight and is all smiley when we go to the Drs it took a while to get them to listen to me. I finally got them to listen to me when I mentioned how concerned I was about his night time congestion and gasping for air when the acid seemed to be coming up. Also I mentioned that it had got to the point where I could smell the acid on his breath. They first prescribed gaviscon, then Zantac. I'd go back to Dr if I were you. It's a struggle enough having a reflux baby, worse if no-one takes you seriously! X
Vegas and Jessy. Both bubs sound like could be reflux.
I don't know if ye hve pnd but I think lack of sleep and worry about bubs will bring u down and make u feel like u hve.
Def worth goin back to doc .
I had to go a good few times before I got zantac.
Best o luck xx
We r always here for a chat or a whinge ;-) x
Sezzo I used to give him all by day too cos he used to sleep through the nt.
He has added the 3 ish feed so I cam spread it more evenly now.
It is a little better I think but coyld bemy imagination. ;-)
Fx for great nts all round xx
Ps Vegas good description of the smell.
Its hard to describe but that nails it ;-)

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