Mamas or soon to be mamas who are morbidly obese, lets be buddies!

thansk sweetheart, they are looking into Bipolar 2 with me at the mo, I am filling in a mood diary. I had puerpal psychosis too and ended up in a mother and baby unit over 3 hours from home :( I thought my baby was someone else :( I have been hospitlised twice more in the last 10 months due to psychosis- I hear voices and have hallusnations normally about people or things trying to take my son away from us its all very sureal, but am getting a lot of help now.

Thank you for sharing, you have given me hope especially as you say your second pregnancy was better thats so good to hear sweets :)

xxx Hugs and happy new year to you xxx

Oh its awful isn't it :( do you feel you are on the right medication at the moment? I've got mine right now but obviously still have a hard time, I think 2015 needs to be a year I focus proper on mental health and most parts of my life.
Happy new year to you and if you ever need to talk just message :)
Thank you sweetie, I came out of hospital about 5 weeks ago and am on a new meds an injection with a mood stabilizer and an anti psychotic along with antidepressant and anti anxiety med and sleeping tablets. I hope I am on the right consternation but, It can be tough going as I am still hearing voices and occasionally hallucinating-BUT a lot less than before I went into hospital.

Thank you for the offer of PM you hun , not many people have had pursal psychosis so its "nice" (not that I wanted you to go through it hun) to meet someone who has been through the same thing. The same goes for me hun if you ever want to talk just PM me xxx

Hopefully 2015 will be our year for MH hun and 2016 you will hopefully have your baby boy (see your wtt ticker :))

Happy Happy new years ladies! I just browsed through the replies since i am holding a party atm. Currently pumping milk so have some time to myself. I'll come back tomorrow once everyone leaves

I eat white bread and rice. I dont like wheat. I think you should dtd as soon as you get a positve opk or to be on the safe side do both day of and after. I got a faint positive when I conceived Zachary and Jayden was a total surprise but I remember conceiving him when I had sticky cm.

Btw this is not related but where you able to bf?
Thank you sweetie, I came out of hospital about 5 weeks ago and am on a new meds an injection with a mood stabilizer and an anti psychotic along with antidepressant and anti anxiety med and sleeping tablets. I hope I am on the right consternation but, It can be tough going as I am still hearing voices and occasionally hallucinating-BUT a lot less than before I went into hospital.

Thank you for the offer of PM you hun , not many people have had pursal psychosis so its "nice" (not that I wanted you to go through it hun) to meet someone who has been through the same thing. The same goes for me hun if you ever want to talk just PM me xxx

Hopefully 2015 will be our year for MH hun and 2016 you will hopefully have your baby boy (see your wtt ticker :))


Thank you for the friend request :)
How often do you see therapist/psychologist?
My hallucinations didn't last as long only a few months, and I wasn't diagnosed proper until within last year when I changed doctors and town. I knew myself it was puerperal psychosis but no one in my own town that I saw took much notices and as soon as I moved every medical person I seen said it was that without saying it myself.
I hope your treatment can control your hallucinations/voices soon. Can you explain what the voices in your head are kind of like? If you don't want to explain it on here pm me. Its just I was trying have a conversation with my husband the other day and he said that what I experience now isn't voices just what every one does in your head but I do a lot more.
Happy Happy new years ladies! I just browsed through the replies since i am holding a party atm. Currently pumping milk so have some time to myself. I'll come back tomorrow once everyone leaves

I eat white bread and rice. I dont like wheat. I think you should dtd as soon as you get a positve opk or to be on the safe side do both day of and after. I got a faint positive when I conceived Zachary and Jayden was a total surprise but I remember conceiving him when I had sticky cm.

Btw this is not related but where you able to bf?

Happy new year!!! Hope you had a nice party :)
Its really getting to me all this stressing contradictive swaying for a boy and I'm not even TTC yet, it feels so much easier for girl swaying for me because don't really have to bother opk just every other day DTD.
No I wasn't able to bf because of meds after being told they would be OK in first place.
You say your planning on TTC in summer, is it once jayden has turned 1? How much weight do you hope to lose before TTC?
Is there any months you wouldn't want your baby to be born?
I wouldn't really want an august baby because being youngest in school year and ideal I'd like a winter baby around months October-december but being asking ste and he's not bothered.
I'm thinking I see how much weight I've lost around Jasmine's 1st birthday in September and maybe start trying then with the 1 time thing for a few months, I'm not sure yet though see how things plan out.
Happy Happy new years ladies! I just browsed through the replies since i am holding a party atm. Currently pumping milk so have some time to myself. I'll come back tomorrow once everyone leaves

I eat white bread and rice. I dont like wheat. I think you should dtd as soon as you get a positve opk or to be on the safe side do both day of and after. I got a faint positive when I conceived Zachary and Jayden was a total surprise but I remember conceiving him when I had sticky cm.

Btw this is not related but where you able to bf?

Happy new year!!! Hope you had a nice party :)
Its really getting to me all this stressing contradictive swaying for a boy and I'm not even TTC yet, it feels so much easier for girl swaying for me because don't really have to bother opk just every other day DTD.
No I wasn't able to bf because of meds after being told they would be OK in first place.
You say your planning on TTC in summer, is it once jayden has turned 1? How much weight do you hope to lose before TTC?
Is there any months you wouldn't want your baby to be born?
I wouldn't really want an august baby because being youngest in school year and ideal I'd like a winter baby around months October-december but being asking ste and he's not bothered.
I'm thinking I see how much weight I've lost around Jasmine's 1st birthday in September and maybe start trying then with the 1 time thing for a few months, I'm not sure yet though see how things plan out.

I want to try neXT summer starting June so I can have a spring baby but we might delay it until march of next year since we also wanna travel out of the country we can't do that if I get pregnant. I want to lose at least 10 lbs each months so if I do get pregnant in June I'll be 160 which is not too bad. At least I'll have an obvious baby bump unlike the last 2 times..but we will make sure to dtd every other day next time.

Are you sad about the third being your last?
Happy Happy new years ladies! I just browsed through the replies since i am holding a party atm. Currently pumping milk so have some time to myself. I'll come back tomorrow once everyone leaves

I eat white bread and rice. I dont like wheat. I think you should dtd as soon as you get a positve opk or to be on the safe side do both day of and after. I got a faint positive when I conceived Zachary and Jayden was a total surprise but I remember conceiving him when I had sticky cm.

Btw this is not related but where you able to bf?

Happy new year!!! Hope you had a nice party :)
Its really getting to me all this stressing contradictive swaying for a boy and I'm not even TTC yet, it feels so much easier for girl swaying for me because don't really have to bother opk just every other day DTD.
No I wasn't able to bf because of meds after being told they would be OK in first place.
You say your planning on TTC in summer, is it once jayden has turned 1? How much weight do you hope to lose before TTC?
Is there any months you wouldn't want your baby to be born?
I wouldn't really want an august baby because being youngest in school year and ideal I'd like a winter baby around months October-december but being asking ste and he's not bothered.
I'm thinking I see how much weight I've lost around Jasmine's 1st birthday in September and maybe start trying then with the 1 time thing for a few months, I'm not sure yet though see how things plan out.

I want to try neXT summer starting June so I can have a spring baby but we might delay it until march of next year since we also wanna travel out of the country we can't do that if I get pregnant. I want to lose at least 10 lbs each months so if I do get pregnant in June I'll be 160 which is not too bad. At least I'll have an obvious baby bump unlike the last 2 times..but we will make sure to dtd every other day next time.

Are you sad about the third being your last?

That would be good if I could lose 10 pound a month so I would be almost at weight I want to be in September, I dread weighing myself tomorrow but it won't be accurate because I've just started my first period after having jasmine and heavy but that was normal for me any way.
Yeah I feel a bit sad that my next will be my last but at least ste is agreeing now to the 3rd which he kept saying no more. I think I need to try enjoy everything about the next pregnancy because not long after I had jasmine everything I moaned about I sort of missed even all the long waiting about in hospital appointment waiting rooms which must sound crazy, I don't miss the worrying though which i know I will still do but I need to enjoy things more because I won't experience it again.
Do you think you will just have the 3 if the 3rd is a girl?or will you have 4 any way?
What does your husband feel about when to start,June or next march?
Thank you sweetie, I came out of hospital about 5 weeks ago and am on a new meds an injection with a mood stabilizer and an anti psychotic along with antidepressant and anti anxiety med and sleeping tablets. I hope I am on the right consternation but, It can be tough going as I am still hearing voices and occasionally hallucinating-BUT a lot less than before I went into hospital.

Thank you for the offer of PM you hun , not many people have had pursal psychosis so its "nice" (not that I wanted you to go through it hun) to meet someone who has been through the same thing. The same goes for me hun if you ever want to talk just PM me xxx

Hopefully 2015 will be our year for MH hun and 2016 you will hopefully have your baby boy (see your wtt ticker :))


Thank you for the friend request :)
How often do you see therapist/psychologist?
My hallucinations didn't last as long only a few months, and I wasn't diagnosed proper until within last year when I changed doctors and town. I knew myself it was puerperal psychosis but no one in my own town that I saw took much notices and as soon as I moved every medical person I seen said it was that without saying it myself.
I hope your treatment can control your hallucinations/voices soon. Can you explain what the voices in your head are kind of like? If you don't want to explain it on here pm me. Its just I was trying have a conversation with my husband the other day and he said that what I experience now isn't voices just what every one does in your head but I do a lot more.

Happy New year Girls.

I see my care coidnatior ever 2 weeks and a psychiatric nurse every 2 weeks-so works out I see someone every week. I see my psychiatrist about once every 2-3 months, more when I have blips.

Sorry you wernt diagnosed at first hun-That must have been so hard. I was totally out of it when I had it was doing really strange things-hanging all clothes from the wardrobe on the window poles, constantly washing LO clothes as I was so paroniod at germs was a weird experiences and I cant remember all of it my therapist says my brain has blocked the bits out it dosnt want me to remember and the memories may or may not come back.

My voices aren't voices in my head-i WISH they were they are outside voice I hear them through my ears. last night was hard, they came back , almost called the crisis team. Its just like someone is talking although they often shout and are angry I try to listen to music but they shout over the music and get cross when I talk about them.

I know I am not in psychosis as I know where I am and I know they are just voices but last night they were saying to me the devils army was waiting outside to take me and my LO, they want me to do things :( (to upsetting to write about) but they tell me If I do the thing they ask, we will be reborn again and i will be well. I went round checking the door last night about 5 times and windows making sure no one could get in. I slept with Lo baby monitor on my pillow so i could hear if anyone went in his room. I have no control over them often music drowns they out, but it wasn't working last night. what a rubbish way to start 2015.

I hope that helps hun sorry Its really hard to explain :nope:

Hellokitty not sure If the BF qu was asked for me.. but i will answer :flower: I tried to BF but couldn't get the latch right I did hand express a little but I put him on bottles. But i was put on tables- anti depressants within 2 weeks of LO birth and not sure If I could have BF on the tablets :wacko:

Girls good luck with losing 10lbs a month I am doing slimming world and that is around about what I am aiming for :)

Heather - I just weighed myself this morning since it is new years day. I would prefer to weigh myself on an empty stomach but the brother took me out for breakfast this morning so I ended up weighign myself after have eaten. I weigh 221.8 which is still lighter than what I started out with.

We may or may not go for no. 4 given our next is a girl. This is going to sound shallow and selfish but I only want no. 4 if it is another girl, but of course thats not within our control. So if our next is a girl I might just stop. I think I will be able to persuade dh into having no.4 if I really wanted to but afraid it'll be another boy. Dh thinks 2 big brothers looking after a little sister is sweet and ideal...but if I am able to conceive a girl next using the low fat diet and dtd schedule I might take the same route and consider no. 4.
Thank you sweetie, I came out of hospital about 5 weeks ago and am on a new meds an injection with a mood stabilizer and an anti psychotic along with antidepressant and anti anxiety med and sleeping tablets. I hope I am on the right consternation but, It can be tough going as I am still hearing voices and occasionally hallucinating-BUT a lot less than before I went into hospital.

Thank you for the offer of PM you hun , not many people have had pursal psychosis so its "nice" (not that I wanted you to go through it hun) to meet someone who has been through the same thing. The same goes for me hun if you ever want to talk just PM me xxx

Hopefully 2015 will be our year for MH hun and 2016 you will hopefully have your baby boy (see your wtt ticker :))


Thank you for the friend request :)
How often do you see therapist/psychologist?
My hallucinations didn't last as long only a few months, and I wasn't diagnosed proper until within last year when I changed doctors and town. I knew myself it was puerperal psychosis but no one in my own town that I saw took much notices and as soon as I moved every medical person I seen said it was that without saying it myself.
I hope your treatment can control your hallucinations/voices soon. Can you explain what the voices in your head are kind of like? If you don't want to explain it on here pm me. Its just I was trying have a conversation with my husband the other day and he said that what I experience now isn't voices just what every one does in your head but I do a lot more.

Happy New year Girls.

I see my care coidnatior ever 2 weeks and a psychiatric nurse every 2 weeks-so works out I see someone every week. I see my psychiatrist about once every 2-3 months, more when I have blips.

Sorry you wernt diagnosed at first hun-That must have been so hard. I was totally out of it when I had it was doing really strange things-hanging all clothes from the wardrobe on the window poles, constantly washing LO clothes as I was so paroniod at germs was a weird experiences and I cant remember all of it my therapist says my brain has blocked the bits out it dosnt want me to remember and the memories may or may not come back.

My voices aren't voices in my head-i WISH they were they are outside voice I hear them through my ears. last night was hard, they came back , almost called the crisis team. Its just like someone is talking although they often shout and are angry I try to listen to music but they shout over the music and get cross when I talk about them.

I know I am not in psychosis as I know where I am and I know they are just voices but last night they were saying to me the devils army was waiting outside to take me and my LO, they want me to do things :( (to upsetting to write about) but they tell me If I do the thing they ask, we will be reborn again and i will be well. I went round checking the door last night about 5 times and windows making sure no one could get in. I slept with Lo baby monitor on my pillow so i could hear if anyone went in his room. I have no control over them often music drowns they out, but it wasn't working last night. what a rubbish way to start 2015.

I hope that helps hun sorry Its really hard to explain :nope:

Hellokitty not sure If the BF qu was asked for me.. but i will answer :flower: I tried to BF but couldn't get the latch right I did hand express a little but I put him on bottles. But i was put on tables- anti depressants within 2 weeks of LO birth and not sure If I could have BF on the tablets :wacko:

Girls good luck with losing 10lbs a month I am doing slimming world and that is around about what I am aiming for :)


Do you mind me asking where your from? Are you in the UK?
Will you be due to see someone soon?
How you explained it my hubby was right its not like with me about hearing voices. It must be very scary.
Heather - I just weighed myself this morning since it is new years day. I would prefer to weigh myself on an empty stomach but the brother took me out for breakfast this morning so I ended up weighign myself after have eaten. I weigh 221.8 which is still lighter than what I started out with.

We may or may not go for no. 4 given our next is a girl. This is going to sound shallow and selfish but I only want no. 4 if it is another girl, but of course thats not within our control. So if our next is a girl I might just stop. I think I will be able to persuade dh into having no.4 if I really wanted to but afraid it'll be another boy. Dh thinks 2 big brothers looking after a little sister is sweet and ideal...but if I am able to conceive a girl next using the low fat diet and dtd schedule I might take the same route and consider no. 4.

That's great you are still at a loss especially after the Christmas period.

I've just done a post on the baby name thread about that I've just found out my sister who is pregnant said she was going to name baby for first name same as middle name I've named jasmine, it was our grandma's name, a few years ago we talked about it and she said she wouldn't use it because I was. Do you think I'm right to be annoyed or like everyone posted disagree?
Heather - I just weighed myself this morning since it is new years day. I would prefer to weigh myself on an empty stomach but the brother took me out for breakfast this morning so I ended up weighign myself after have eaten. I weigh 221.8 which is still lighter than what I started out with.

We may or may not go for no. 4 given our next is a girl. This is going to sound shallow and selfish but I only want no. 4 if it is another girl, but of course thats not within our control. So if our next is a girl I might just stop. I think I will be able to persuade dh into having no.4 if I really wanted to but afraid it'll be another boy. Dh thinks 2 big brothers looking after a little sister is sweet and ideal...but if I am able to conceive a girl next using the low fat diet and dtd schedule I might take the same route and consider no. 4.

That's great you are still at a loss especially after the Christmas period.

I've just done a post on the baby name thread about that I've just found out my sister who is pregnant said she was going to name baby for first name same as middle name I've named jasmine, it was our grandma's name, a few years ago we talked about it and she said she wouldn't use it because I was. Do you think I'm right to be annoyed or like everyone posted disagree?

Personally, I would get annoyed too! Especially if you have talked in the past and she said she wouldnt be using it, she's backing out on her word. Maybe you should bring it up lightheartedly something along the lines of "remember the time when we talked about names?" Maybe she can choose a similar name?

Sooo...I have noticed that my milk supply is dwindling after not pumping for 24 hours yesterday. I was super busy. Just something I am paranoid about, but oh well I'll just give him what I have. I'm just glad I made it to almost the half year mark.
Heather - I just weighed myself this morning since it is new years day. I would prefer to weigh myself on an empty stomach but the brother took me out for breakfast this morning so I ended up weighign myself after have eaten. I weigh 221.8 which is still lighter than what I started out with.

We may or may not go for no. 4 given our next is a girl. This is going to sound shallow and selfish but I only want no. 4 if it is another girl, but of course thats not within our control. So if our next is a girl I might just stop. I think I will be able to persuade dh into having no.4 if I really wanted to but afraid it'll be another boy. Dh thinks 2 big brothers looking after a little sister is sweet and ideal...but if I am able to conceive a girl next using the low fat diet and dtd schedule I might take the same route and consider no. 4.

That's great you are still at a loss especially after the Christmas period.

I've just done a post on the baby name thread about that I've just found out my sister who is pregnant said she was going to name baby for first name same as middle name I've named jasmine, it was our grandma's name, a few years ago we talked about it and she said she wouldn't use it because I was. Do you think I'm right to be annoyed or like everyone posted disagree?

Personally, I would get annoyed too! Especially if you have talked in the past and she said she wouldnt be using it, she's backing out on her word. Maybe you should bring it up lightheartedly something along the lines of "remember the time when we talked about names?" Maybe she can choose a similar name?

Sooo...I have noticed that my milk supply is dwindling after not pumping for 24 hours yesterday. I was super busy. Just something I am paranoid about, but oh well I'll just give him what I have. I'm just glad I made it to almost the half year mark.

I'm glad someone finally agrees with me, even after I put on there that my sister said she wouldn't everyone just saying that it doesn't matter I have no rights to the name, starting to bug me like I'm totally in the wrong which I don't feel like I am at all.

Even after just 24 hours it can go like that, I didn't know that. Do you think you will be able to carry on breast feeding or might you have to bottle? How long did you breast feed Zachary for?

I've changed my mind I'm not weighing myself today because my period still heavy so might leave it until Monday.
I think the main point is that she promised you she wouldnt use it and that it would bug you but still turned around and did it. If it were my own sister, I would be mad too...Plus who would want to use the same name? When my sisters and I were wayy younger we both liked a girl name and I said I would name my daughter that and she was like "darn it! Oh well you can have it". Its quite funny thinking back.

If she named the child after Jasmine not knowing it would bother you well...thats kind of a different story but she did know so I would find her guilty.

I exclusively breastfed Zachary for 8 months and then did formula during the day and breastfed at night. I completely weaned him from the breast at 13 months. The problem with Zachary was my supply was also dwindling at the time he was around Jaydens age but I kept forcing him and refusing to supplement so his weight also suffered after 6 months. He was always hungry and crying but I kept sticking my boob in his face although there was barely anything for him to suck at.

I kept listening to people who were pro breastfeeding and encouraged me to keep doing while my baby was suffering from hunger. So this time, I learned my lesson and as soon as my milk supply decreased at 2 months I started supplementing Jayden on formula. There were days he would get 100% bm if I had enough and days were he would get 60% if I couldnt pump enough but he is a much happier baby and less fussy than his brother and weighs more so all is good.

I am addicted to the scale, I just weighed myself this morning and I am currently 220.2 so almost back on track. My lowest before the holidays was 218. I think I need to start going to the gym too. We're goign to Canada in April so I would like to lose some weight then to be able to wear some nice clothes.
I think the main point is that she promised you she wouldnt use it and that it would bug you but still turned around and did it. If it were my own sister, I would be mad too...Plus who would want to use the same name? When my sisters and I were wayy younger we both liked a girl name and I said I would name my daughter that and she was like "darn it! Oh well you can have it". Its quite funny thinking back.

If she named the child after Jasmine not knowing it would bother you well...thats kind of a different story but she did know so I would find her guilty.

I exclusively breastfed Zachary for 8 months and then did formula during the day and breastfed at night. I completely weaned him from the breast at 13 months. The problem with Zachary was my supply was also dwindling at the time he was around Jaydens age but I kept forcing him and refusing to supplement so his weight also suffered after 6 months. He was always hungry and crying but I kept sticking my boob in his face although there was barely anything for him to suck at.

I kept listening to people who were pro breastfeeding and encouraged me to keep doing while my baby was suffering from hunger. So this time, I learned my lesson and as soon as my milk supply decreased at 2 months I started supplementing Jayden on formula. There were days he would get 100% bm if I had enough and days were he would get 60% if I couldnt pump enough but he is a much happier baby and less fussy than his brother and weighs more so all is good.

I am addicted to the scale, I just weighed myself this morning and I am currently 220.2 so almost back on track. My lowest before the holidays was 218. I think I need to start going to the gym too. We're goign to Canada in April so I would like to lose some weight then to be able to wear some nice clothes.

That's good that jayden is happier feeding with mix of both breast and formula milk. Are you going to have to full time formula feed now though?

That's good about your weight. Its not good for me to weigh myself so much when dieting because I get so obsessed with it. I'm not starting proper with until Monday now, diet exercise and weighing myself, I know its not going to be pretty site when I step on the scale as I feel I've piled on loads more weight :( its my 30th in may so I want to see quite a bit shifted by then.
I am still pumping for him and giving him whatever I get. At this rate, I think my supply is going to be completely gone if I dont do anything about it. I dont get engorged until 24 hours after my last pump. Last night I got approximately 2 oz after 6 hours. Before my goal was to give him more bm than formula or at least 50/50 but nowadays he is getting less bm and more formula.

Woah only 4 more months til your bday!!! I wanted to lose weight for my bday which was 12/12 but only lost 6 lbs from when I started. Well good luck to both of us!

I started drinking the milk tea again and doing the power pump this morning. I made it to a year with Zachary so have no excuse not to do the same for Jayden this time. The only reason Zachary made it to a year was because he slept with us and still wanted to nurse during the night. I completely weaned him from bm during the day time at 8 months. Jayden sleeps on his own and sleeping through the night so the night nursing is out of the question.

Yea, I weigh myself everyday so I can keep track to see if I put on weight. We're going on a trip in April so I am pretty freaked out about looking the same. I think the breastfeeding/pumping is really helping me from at least gaining weight though nomatter how much I eat.
I am still pumping for him and giving him whatever I get. At this rate, I think my supply is going to be completely gone if I dont do anything about it. I dont get engorged until 24 hours after my last pump. Last night I got approximately 2 oz after 6 hours. Before my goal was to give him more bm than formula or at least 50/50 but nowadays he is getting less bm and more formula.

Woah only 4 more months til your bday!!! I wanted to lose weight for my bday which was 12/12 but only lost 6 lbs from when I started. Well good luck to both of us!

I started drinking the milk tea again and doing the power pump this morning. I made it to a year with Zachary so have no excuse not to do the same for Jayden this time. The only reason Zachary made it to a year was because he slept with us and still wanted to nurse during the night. I completely weaned him from bm during the day time at 8 months. Jayden sleeps on his own and sleeping through the night so the night nursing is out of the question.

Yea, I weigh myself everyday so I can keep track to see if I put on weight. We're going on a trip in April so I am pretty freaked out about looking the same. I think the breastfeeding/pumping is really helping me from at least gaining weight though nomatter how much I eat.

I know scary thought I only have 4 months left of being in my 20s :(
So if I manage the 10 pounds a month then I should be at 3 stone down (42 pounds) by then.
How long are you going on your trip for in April?
Haha you're still quite young even when you turn 30. There's a saying "40 is the new 20" lol.

My goal is 10 lbs really but since I am going on the trip in April, it would be wonderful if I lose 15 lbs a month although I know that goal is kinda far fetched but it would be a bonus if I can. I'll only be 175 lbs then.

We were looking at 4 days but we might extend it to a week since we want to visit both Vancouver and Victoria.
I remember joking when ste turned 30 (he's now 34) and its come round quick my turn :( I'm trying to look at it in 1 good way that I have been over weight all my 20s so I want my 30s to be different to be more healthy and happy hopefully.

That be nice if you get to stretch it to a week your trip. Have you been to abroad before with Zachary? Obviously first time with jayden.

I weighed myself and quite surprised as I weighed myself about 3 or more weeks ago and I was 5 pounds heavier than the weight I put on here but I would of thought after Christmas and all the crap I ate I would be even more but I'm 3 pounds less when I weighed myself last, so not as shocking as I expected :)
I've changed my target weight to 5 pound less because even though my weight is classed as normal I want the 5 pounds to give me a little bit so if I gained a couple pound at all I will still be in normal weight range.
Not managed to do any exercise today with because after Jessica went to school we all went back to sleep, I need to start managing without the extra sleep so I can do exercise in morning and I keep missing breakfast too which isn't good.
My husband is 8 years older than me so it feels like a long time til I reach his age lol he is 33 right now I just turned 25 last month.

This is Jayden's first time going on a major trip. We had a mini trip when he was 2 months old and that was to the beach. Zachary hasnt gone abroad either, we have just traveled domestic.

Its good that you end up weighing less than you think, thats always like icing on the cake. My sister invited us out to eat 2 weeks ago for late night munching and I was soo stuffed afterwards. I thought I would be above the 220 range but the next morning I weighed myself and was only 219.6 which is even less than what I weigh now!

On the downside, we are all sick except for Jayden who seems to be fine so far. I was hoping I could pump enough milk for him to boost his immunity but my supply is truly suffering despite drinking milk tea, and pumping more. Oh well, at least I am trying my best and since he will be 6 months in 2 days I shouldnt be so freaked out.

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