Mamas or soon to be mamas who are morbidly obese, lets be buddies!

Hi everyone I haven't updated in a while. Since the wedding I gained a bit of weight back (11 lbs) but I'm back at weight watchers and have lost half of the weight I gained since my wedding :)

I've been drinking green tea with lemon for a couple of weeks, just the normal stuff from the supermarket. It helps me so much with hunger pangs. If I have one at around 3pm, I've found it stops me snacking :thumbup:
mabythistime - welcome! All the ladies in here are very supportive and have some good tips. You will get some helpful ideas and tips from them.

Embo - Congrats on the wedding and its great that you're losing weight again. I think that most women gain weight during their wedding time or shortly after because of all the stress. I gained a lot of weight after my wedding.

Heather where are you? I miss hearing from you, come back!! Are you doing ok?

Afm, I got my bfp today but that is not going to stop me from staying on track. I guess I will have to go return the green tea since I wont be drinking it anymore for the next 8 months. I paid 300 for all of that now I need to get the money to put it towards this baby. Since we signed up at the gym before finding out that I am pregnant, I'm still gonna walk and eat healthy. I read about some women who lost a great amount of weight while pregnant by walking and eating healthy. Hoping I will be among those.
thanks ladies!

embo78 - its going good so far. I have my first prenatal app next thursday. Cant wait to go I just want to make sure baby is ok.

I wonder where Heather went? I sure miss having her in here and hope everything is ok.
Hi Lily really sorry for not responding sooner, I haven't been posting on BnB at all recently I just felt it was making me worse at times looking up every little thing and I just felt it best I took a break, I hope you understand.

Oh wow a massive congratulations :D How is the pregnancy going so far?

As you might have guessed from my signature, I am also pregnant :D I got the first :bfp: on Monday also did a 2nd Monday too and 3rd Wednesday morning (pictures of the first 2 tests in my journal).
I went to GPs Wednesday morning and have got the first midwife appointment next Thursday (30th January).
Congrats again Heather! Yea I know how it is sometimes things on forums or the internet on general can drive you crazy! Just awhile ago I just started reading your ttc journal. I will have to catch up on that. Glad you are back and hope everything goes well at your appointment!

My pregnancy is boring really, its a quiet, drama free pregnancy. Baby hasnt been causing a stir except for the occasional morning sickness.
Thank you very much :D

I have no morning sickness so far. Did you have much with Zachary? I had quite a bit with Jessica and had it way before my positive test but like I've said before that wasn't until 7 weeks gone.
I don't even feel pregnant yet really, I get cramps now and again and sore boobs are hardly anything which is normally a lot worse when I get AF. I suppose I shouldn't complain of no symptoms but sort of in a way makes it less real iykwim
Heather - I had horrible morning sickness with Zachary. I remember wishing it would end. I lost 6 lbs my first tri. This time around, I get morning sickness only a few times but for the most part its much easier than with zachary. I also had really bad cramping at one point that was similar to my chemical miscarriage. I've had none so far this time around. So it is an easy pregnancy so far. What I am worried about right now is experiencing pre term labor again. I'm not categorized as high risk or anything and last time Zachary was a total accident for being a preemie but still...I dont have a bond with this baby yet. Last time was much more magical...I started talking to my bump as soon as I was confirmed pregnant.

So before I got pregnant I bought 6 packs tea called "green tea hawaii". It was supposed to aid me with losing weight with 100% money back guarantee. I still have 5 unopened packs and they wouldnt let me return it for money and keep trying string me along...Gosh I hate those pricks. I will never purchase anything from a kiosk again. I will try selling it off on ebay if not then I will continue giving them a hard time until they give my money back.
I've taken nearly a year of hiatus to grow a baby. On July 7th I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Jayden is nearly 3 months now. Its time for momma to get back on track with losing weight! Would love to have a third baby but not before some of this weight is gone!

Somehow I find the weight harder to lose second time around. With Zachary I lost 16 pounds in a month after having. This time I've only lost less than 2 lbs so far and all that happened within the past 2 or 3 days because I have been extra busy last few days.

I was aiming for a weight loss of 10 lbs this month but its the end of the month now and I am almost 9 lbs short.

Hope I will have better results next month!
Glad you have started this thread up again :D

I will weigh myself tomorrow morning and sort of start dieting but not strictly at first, I will stop the treats (chocolate, crisps, cakes etc...) and takeaways but just eats meals I want to in reason that are home cooked.
I can't really start exercising until I get the go ahead when have my 6 week check because of having a C-section, hopefully I will lose a few pounds by then. I will get stricter with the meals once I've done this for a week or 2 because I don't want to go in all guns blazing like I normally do and it just doesn't work because it ends up all or nothing.

I will try to get on tomorrow and update on my weight.
So I've lost 0.8 lbs since last time I updated which is 5 days ago. So excited about that, havent really started on my dieting really. I guess its the breastfeeding Jayden is going on a growth spurt so he's extra hungry. I either have to nurse him more often or pump every 2 hours.

Hi Heather! Glad to see you back here. Yeah I get what you mean about no dieting straight away. I havent really dieted just eating more healthy like salads and cutting down on the carbs. Somehow after having Jayden I found that losing weight is harder than when I had Zachary. I think I was 238 right before I delivered and after I got home from hospital I was 231 so I only lost Jayden's weight it seems.

I've lost an extra 9.2 lbs since then so really not that much.

So excited that we can both be back on this journey together! I am trying to look different for Christmas!
:thumbup: on the weight loss so far Lily :)

Weighed myself this morning and I'm 240 pounds (17 stone 2 pounds), think I'm still 6 pounds over the pre pregnancy weight though.

Oh and my goal weight is 159 which is the most I can be to be in the normal weight range for my height, depending how I feel when I get to this goal if I might want to lose a little extra pounds.
:thumbup: on the weight loss so far Lily :)

Weighed myself this morning and I'm 240 pounds (17 stone 2 pounds), think I'm still 6 pounds over the pre pregnancy weight though.

Oh and my goal weight is 159 which is the most I can be to be in the normal weight range for my height, depending how I feel when I get to this goal if I might want to lose a little extra pounds.[/QUOT

We will eventually get to our goal weight! Its been super busy with 2 babies around the house. I just gave Zachary a bath and now its Jayden's turn for a bath, pump milk, and then cook dinner...I dont have any time or energy left for house cleaning oh well that can wait.

How's life with you?
:thumbup: on the weight loss so far Lily :)

Weighed myself this morning and I'm 240 pounds (17 stone 2 pounds), think I'm still 6 pounds over the pre pregnancy weight though.

Oh and my goal weight is 159 which is the most I can be to be in the normal weight range for my height, depending how I feel when I get to this goal if I might want to lose a little extra pounds.[/QUOT

We will eventually get to our goal weight! Its been super busy with 2 babies around the house. I just gave Zachary a bath and now its Jayden's turn for a bath, pump milk, and then cook dinner...I dont have any time or energy left for house cleaning oh well that can wait.

How's life with you?

Yes we both will reach our goals weight :D at least I have 15 months before I hope to start TTC again so I'm not in as much rush with a shorter time scale to lose all the weight, I think a little slowly but surely this time FX.

I know what you mean about the house work. It all feels brand new to me even though I have had a baby before but because it was 9 years ago and I was very ill when Jessica was a young baby that I didn't really do all the main things for quite a while and this was left to Ste and my mum. It is very tiring and that but I wouldn't change it for the world because now this time I am well enough to do most of the motherly duties :D
:thumbup: on the weight loss so far Lily :)

Weighed myself this morning and I'm 240 pounds (17 stone 2 pounds), think I'm still 6 pounds over the pre pregnancy weight though.

Oh and my goal weight is 159 which is the most I can be to be in the normal weight range for my height, depending how I feel when I get to this goal if I might want to lose a little extra pounds.[/QUOT

We will eventually get to our goal weight! Its been super busy with 2 babies around the house. I just gave Zachary a bath and now its Jayden's turn for a bath, pump milk, and then cook dinner...I dont have any time or energy left for house cleaning oh well that can wait.

How's life with you?

Yes we both will reach our goals weight :D at least I have 15 months before I hope to start TTC again so I'm not in as much rush with a shorter time scale to lose all the weight, I think a little slowly but surely this time FX.

I know what you mean about the house work. It all feels brand new to me even though I have had a baby before but because it was 9 years ago and I was very ill when Jessica was a young baby that I didn't really do all the main things for quite a while and this was left to Ste and my mum. It is very tiring and that but I wouldn't change it for the world because now this time I am well enough to do most of the motherly duties :D

I can imagine it feeling sooo new again! At least you got to enjoy Jessica by herself for a very long time...the downside of having my babies close together is that I cant spend quality time with neither most of the day...only when one of them nap and the other is asleep.

I cant wait til the day where I finally reach my goal weight and can start taking pics and posting them on husband is always posting pics of just him with boys because I requested him not to put me on fb and more than once his friends have asked how come they never see me...awkward and dh doesnt know how to reply because he knows I wont like him telling the truth.

Speaking of weight loss, I havent had any success in the past 3 days..we just had a "feast" past 2 nights so dont think I'll see any weight loss soon...but I am gonna sign up for the gym tonight.
So I finally signed up for the gym but havent had a chance to go yet. Probably will go tomorrow. I lost 0.6 lbs in the past 9 days...which is kind of sad but hey its at least its coming off without me doing anything yet.

Havent heard from you in awhile, Heather. How are things going?
after a lot of struggles finally down 3.8 lbs. I need to stop weighing myself daily. Its really stressful. Instead I will continue practicing healthy habits and weigh myself once a week. Next weigh in is next thursday. As long as I do everything right and dont cheat, pretty sure I will lose some more. I am also adding 20 minutes of exercise into the day. Not much, but at least its a start. I havent exercised for awhile so need to get used to it again. Hopefully after 1 or 2 weeks I can go up to 30 then 40...etc.

Some days I feel so depressed about being obese. I still have at least 80 lbs to go for my bmi to fall into the high end of "normal". 80 lbs sounds like a lot and I dont have faith in myself. There are days where I just want to sit on my butt and munch away because I dont think I can do it. I end up smacking myself in the face and telling myself that feeling sorry myself will not get me nowhere...I'll even pack on more weight. So really need to stay motivated. I guess when I reach the 10 lb weight loss mark I will be much more motivated.
Hi lily sorry not messaged in ages but you know the crazy not 2 mins to yourself with baby and also my laptop is broken so now using mobile which isn't always good.
How are you and the boys? Have you talked about setting a date for TTC number 3? Do you think you will try any swaying methods this time or don't you believe in them? I'm unsure about them myself as I've been looking into it. We both need to swap our TTC methods because I have the 2 girls hoping for a boy next and you the oppersite lol.
Congrats on the weight loss so far, how do you feel its going? Mine is none existent and the last time I weighed myself I put on not lost so I'm starting proper January 2nd as its pointless for me to say new years day. I have got an abs cruncher frame and a powerspin for my arms for Christmas so hoping this will help. I will update weight when I start.
Hi Heather! Its soo nice to hear from you again! My boys are great, Jayden has been sleeping through the night since 3 months so its awesome. How are your girls? Are they behaving nicely for you? How was christmas?

I weighed myself on the 22nd and was 218 so a 6 lb weight loss but just weighed myself this morning and it was 221 so only a 3 lb weight loss I have 6 days since the new years hoping I can go back down to the 218 or it would be awesome if I could go down to 215!

Regarding ttc, I was at my mom's for christmas and EVERYONE told me I need a girl. I personally love getting support from ppl regarding ttc, makes me feel like my next child is expected by everyone and look forward to pregnancy but I talked to my mom (she has 4 girls and 2 boys) and she thinks its a bunch of rubbish. She said she never ate anything different, position always the same, has no idea what tempting or bothering to know when she ovulated and still got her mix.

I was my mom's first girl and then she remarried. My stepdad and my mom wanted 3-4 kids from their marriage and they got their wish after my 2 sisters, their third was a boy. So I really hope the same will go for you.

We will probably try ttc next summer but dh wants to travel overseas to visit his family so that may delay our plans by 6-7 months, Jayden will be 19 months by then so I guess if we decide to travel baby no. 3 wont be here until end of 2016 so Jayden will be 2.5 years.

I was in the missionary style both times and thats supposed to yield girl but ended up with 2 boys. Dietwise I think someone mentioned eating fruits and veggies and losing weight (kind of starving mode) to get a girl since it makes the environment of the egg less acidic (was that true for you? Did you eat more fruits and veggies each time?) and eating more meats if you want a boy. It might be true or just a coincidence I dont know but I've never been too fond of my fruits and veggies. Also read that being overweight mothers usually end up having boys (but obviously not the case for you or everyone) yea I really dont know. My mom and doctors think its a 50/50 chance. Honestly besides the dieting (since I need to lose weight anyways) and having some fun in bed (changing positions) I dont think I will strictly sway. I am really hoping for a girl but if its another boy dh and I agreed to one more try.

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