Mamas or soon to be mamas who are morbidly obese, lets be buddies!

Glad you are all OK and jayden is sleeping through. You having nice Christmas yourself? Girls are fine,jasmine feeds around every 3 hours in the day but sleeps from anything from midnight/1 to 8-10 so pretty good.
I spoke to ste about it and he thinks its rubbish and like your mom said with hers nothing changed and still had both sexes.
Both times I was eating junk so going off that it should of been boy both times, I'm a vegetarian but at both conception I wasnt eating much fruit or veg.
Well next time is my final shot so may well be 3 girls like my mum but hoping I take after my sister and have 2 girls then a boy :)
At least you have still at a loss, I dread to step on the scales on the 2nd.
Aww Heather..I really hope that you will get a boy next. Wouldnt it be wonderful if we got pregnant around the same time again lol but I am leaning towards next summer so thats only 6 months away for me. I sure hope I get my girl next.

tbh, my cycles have always been wacky so I had no idea when I ovulated. When I went off of previous cycles and tried to get a fertile window I never got pregnant. I went to see my obgyn doctor and he said its because I am either not ovulating or my cycles vary too much so when I think that I am dtd during my fertile window in reality its either passed or havent arrived yet. So best bet is to dtd every other day just to catch the eggy. So thats what we did with Zachary and got pregnant second month.

Jayden was pure luck. I got my first period when Zachary was 8 months, I waited for the second month to see what my next period would look like. It was a 42 day cycle. Third month I believe was 35, 4th month was when I got pregnant and we only dtd once. I had a strong feeling I was ovulating because I had pain on my right ovary also I had cm while I was showering that I told my husband we needed to dtd now! Lo and behold we got pregnant with him!

Sorry, I went on too much but both times I conceived my boths I didnt have a precise idea of when I ovulated just went based on symptoms...If I was ovulating the day I conceived Jayden makes total sense why he turned out a boy. If you want a boy you need to dtd on the day of ovulation and I girl a few days since male sperm dies faster but they are fastest to reach the egg.
Yeah I heard that's what they say for a boy at ovulation but just spoke with a woman that said she DTD 3 days before and had a boy and also said it has been total opposite for both so I'm really thinking its just 50/50. We dtd 3 days before, day before and day after to conceive jasmine as we were doing it every other day and I was guessing fertile time with the look of cm. With conceiving Jessica I hadn't a clue and was dtd every day and I didn't even know about ovulation then at only 19. So I don't even know if to do anything different next time as all the information you look up can be contracdictive. Maybe I will eat a few things but nothing else because on a site it did say all the stuff about timing etc wasn't true and only the diet had a small percent chance of increasing chances. Have you talk to your husband about swaying? What does he think?
My hubby thinks its a joke and like someone explained on a forum well I've heard this said a few times now its like tossing a coin you could get heads a couple or so time in a row but every time its a 50/50 chance.
hi girls hope its ok to join the conversation. i did the stick test things-sorry cant remember what they are called now so we dtd and i feel pregnant with my boy. would love to know if there is truth in that theory!

Yeah I heard that's what they say for a boy at ovulation but just spoke with a woman that said she DTD 3 days before and had a boy and also said it has been total opposite for both so I'm really thinking its just 50/50. We dtd 3 days before, day before and day after to conceive jasmine as we were doing it every other day and I was guessing fertile time with the look of cm. With conceiving Jessica I hadn't a clue and was dtd every day and I didn't even know about ovulation then at only 19. So I don't even know if to do anything different next time as all the information you look up can be contracdictive. Maybe I will eat a few things but nothing else because on a site it did say all the stuff about timing etc wasn't true and only the diet had a small percent chance of increasing chances. Have you talk to your husband about swaying? What does he think?
My hubby thinks its a joke and like someone explained on a forum well I've heard this said a few times now its like tossing a coin you could get heads a couple or so time in a row but every time its a 50/50 chance.

I spoke to my husband and he said he'll do everything I want him to if it increases the chances but personally he thinks its a 50/50 chance.
Like you, I will probably just try to change my diet and eat more fruits and veggies since with both times with the boys Ive been eating junk food and meat, and carbs.
hi girls hope its ok to join the conversation. i did the stick test things-sorry cant remember what they are called now so we dtd and i feel pregnant with my boy. would love to know if there is truth in that theory!


Hi topsy! Congrats on the new baby! Did you mean ovulation tests?
Hey Hun sorry I wasn't very clear in my post... My little boy is almost 3, meant when I conceived him :) and yep that's it Ovulation test, thank you. I bought about 100 of them off e bay :) xxx
Hey Hun sorry I wasn't very clear in my post... My little boy is almost 3, meant when I conceived him :) and yep that's it Ovulation test, thank you. I bought about 100 of them off e bay :) xxx

I think I only did the ovulation test once with ds1. It was a faint line. We dtd that day and got pregnant...but if thats the true for a boy I dont think it would work with conceiving a girl since with a girl you need to be a few days from ovulation.
Yeah I heard that's what they say for a boy at ovulation but just spoke with a woman that said she DTD 3 days before and had a boy and also said it has been total opposite for both so I'm really thinking its just 50/50. We dtd 3 days before, day before and day after to conceive jasmine as we were doing it every other day and I was guessing fertile time with the look of cm. With conceiving Jessica I hadn't a clue and was dtd every day and I didn't even know about ovulation then at only 19. So I don't even know if to do anything different next time as all the information you look up can be contracdictive. Maybe I will eat a few things but nothing else because on a site it did say all the stuff about timing etc wasn't true and only the diet had a small percent chance of increasing chances. Have you talk to your husband about swaying? What does he think?
My hubby thinks its a joke and like someone explained on a forum well I've heard this said a few times now its like tossing a coin you could get heads a couple or so time in a row but every time its a 50/50 chance.

I spoke to my husband and he said he'll do everything I want him to if it increases the chances but personally he thinks its a 50/50 chance.
Like you, I will probably just try to change my diet and eat more fruits and veggies since with both times with the boys Ive been eating junk food and meat, and carbs.

Would you say you was eating more salty foods when you conceived your boys? I don't eat meat as I'm a vegetarian but they was saying if I eat more protein like eggs beans instead that helps.
How do you think you will do with dtd next?will you use opk or just do it regular like every other day? I'm not sure if I will use the opks if it did increase chances maybe.
Oh and when you conceived jayden you said you did it once, how long before that did you DTD before that? Sorry for being nosey just if its true about being at ovulation for a boy then I was thinking how long before not to DTD. Sorry for rabbling.
No I dont really like salty foods. I did eat a lot of carbs though, like rice and bread. I dont think I will be using opks because I think once you get a line it means you will ovulate in 24 hours and that usually points to a boy (since you're dtd soo close to ovulation). Besides the diet change, I dont think I will change anything.
hi girls hope its ok to join the conversation. i did the stick test things-sorry cant remember what they are called now so we dtd and i feel pregnant with my boy. would love to know if there is truth in that theory!


Hi did you DTD when got the first positive ovulation test? How often was you dtd or did you just wait for the positive?
We dtd on the Fri (start of honeymoon this is how I remember :)) sat I got a dark line on the opk and Dtd then- and sat with my legs in the air after and a pillow under my bum (maybe tmi Sorry) BUT I wanted to get pregnant, and then dtd on the mon. we also used concieve plus on the fri and sat of dtd (again sorry if tmi xxx) By the thur/fri (still on honeymoon and made DH stop for so many drinks as was sooooo thirsty, and went off all food-NOT like me at all!) i had an uncomfortable feeling on my right side which I am convinced was him implantation in my womb! I don`t know how long it takes for implantation but I am convinced that was what it was.
Good luck and sending you baby boy dust hun xxx
No I dont really like salty foods. I did eat a lot of carbs though, like rice and bread. I dont think I will be using opks because I think once you get a line it means you will ovulate in 24 hours and that usually points to a boy (since you're dtd soo close to ovulation). Besides the diet change, I dont think I will change anything.

Would you say you always ate breakfast? This is another thing they say especially cereal.
I think I might do 3 months of doing the ovulation tests and just doing it 1 time once get positive and if not pregnant by then I will go back to how I conceived jasmine and DTD every other day and fx because I don't want to waste too much time.
We dtd on the Fri (start of honeymoon this is how I remember :)) sat I got a dark line on the opk and Dtd then- and sat with my legs in the air after and a pillow under my bum (maybe tmi Sorry) BUT I wanted to get pregnant, and then dtd on the mon. we also used concieve plus on the fri and sat of dtd (again sorry if tmi xxx) By the thur/fri (still on honeymoon and made DH stop for so many drinks as was sooooo thirsty, and went off all food-NOT like me at all!) i had an uncomfortable feeling on my right side which I am convinced was him implantation in my womb! I don`t know how long it takes for implantation but I am convinced that was what it was.
Good luck and sending you baby boy dust hun xxx

Thanks for replying and don't worry about tmi I think all of us on here share quite a lot lol
I suppose it could of been either day before or day of with you.
What diet did you have when conceiving your boy, was it more a boy diet would you say?
Do you think you will be doing girl swaying methods then? When do you plan to plan to TTC again? I must apologise for all my questions lol
No I dont really like salty foods. I did eat a lot of carbs though, like rice and bread. I dont think I will be using opks because I think once you get a line it means you will ovulate in 24 hours and that usually points to a boy (since you're dtd soo close to ovulation). Besides the diet change, I dont think I will change anything.

Would you say you always ate breakfast? This is another thing they say especially cereal.
I think I might do 3 months of doing the ovulation tests and just doing it 1 time once get positive and if not pregnant by then I will go back to how I conceived jasmine and DTD every other day and fx because I don't want to waste too much time.

Nope, as a matter of fact I skip breakfast most of the time and just eat lunch. I will probably try your method next, dtd every other day since thats how you ended up with Jasmine.
No I dont really like salty foods. I did eat a lot of carbs though, like rice and bread. I dont think I will be using opks because I think once you get a line it means you will ovulate in 24 hours and that usually points to a boy (since you're dtd soo close to ovulation). Besides the diet change, I dont think I will change anything.

Would you say you always ate breakfast? This is another thing they say especially cereal.
I think I might do 3 months of doing the ovulation tests and just doing it 1 time once get positive and if not pregnant by then I will go back to how I conceived jasmine and DTD every other day and fx because I don't want to waste too much time.

Nope, as a matter of fact I skip breakfast most of the time and just eat lunch. I will probably try your method next, dtd every other day since thats how you ended up with Jasmine.

Its all so condradictive isn't it, I suppose other than the meat with you. Is the bread you ate whole wheat/whole grain or white bread? Did you say you don't really eat any veg or fruit? Or is there any that you do at all?
I'm confused about when is best to DTD because I've been told 1 time when get + opk but that could be day before O so could favour a girl again because I conceived jasmine day before according to the ultrasound dating. So what do you think best day of + opk or day after or both?
Jessicasmum I can't quote cause I am on my phone.

Yep you are right about sharing lots of info on bnb ;)

Sorry I don't know what I boy diet was but up until that fri I was healthy eating as it was our wedding honeymoon. I was eating 3 meals a day with fruit as snacks.

We are not trying for another one I have bad pnd-still and other mental health problems. But if we were I would dtd a few days after a postive opk as would have liked a girl.

As any qu you like hun I am happy to answer them be any help I can xxx
Jessicasmum I can't quote cause I am on my phone.

Yep you are right about sharing lots of info on bnb ;)

Sorry I don't know what I boy diet was but up until that fri I was healthy eating as it was our wedding honeymoon. I was eating 3 meals a day with fruit as snacks.

We are not trying for another one I have bad pnd-still and other mental health problems. But if we were I would dtd a few days after a postive opk as would have liked a girl.

As any qu you like hun I am happy to answer them be any help I can xxx

Your sounds more like a boys diet as you were eating a more varied health diet.

So sorry about your pnd. I has puerpal psychosis after having my 1st and end up being sectioned :( I also have bipolar type 2 and have phobias. My 2nd pregnancy was better because I had a lot more support and people was aware more and also I stayed on my anti depressants and straight after having baby I was given a small dose of anti psycotic.
I hope you are getting the help and support and I hope things improve so you feel you can have another :)
thansk sweetheart, they are looking into Bipolar 2 with me at the mo, I am filling in a mood diary. I had puerpal psychosis too and ended up in a mother and baby unit over 3 hours from home :( I thought my baby was someone else :( I have been hospitlised twice more in the last 10 months due to psychosis- I hear voices and have hallusnations normally about people or things trying to take my son away from us its all very sureal, but am getting a lot of help now.

Thank you for sharing, you have given me hope especially as you say your second pregnancy was better thats so good to hear sweets :)

xxx Hugs and happy new year to you xxx

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