March 2013 babies - we all have our beautiful babies :)

Hi everyone!

Alfie is getting really close to crawling now - he gets up on all fours and rocks and pulls himself along. He is getting quite quick! He can also turn very quickly so finds things super speedily!

Phantom movements - yes I get them sometimes. I haven't had AF yet so sometimes I think oh god what if I'm pregnant!! But I felt so ill last time that I'm sure I would know if I was. We don't do it that often anyway...

Well, I've managed to get Alfie to take about an ounce of formula from his tommee tippe bottle and also his tommee tippee cup. Not a huge achievement but a step in the right direction. I am picking up my haberman bottles tomorrow so hopefully they will work. I feel like we are ready to start weaning on to formula now.

Alfie is doing well with stage 2 foods now - he is still not great with finger food as he often gags and is sick, but we are using a stage 2 porridge for breakfast and some Ella's kitchen stage 2 purees. I am also trying to make my own purees a bit thicker/slightly lumpy.
Hi ladies! I have not been on in forever! My little chunkier Carson weighs in at 20lbs! He got both of his bottom teeth at once and is having no success with crawling .. My dr said larger babies tend to do it slower because they have more weight to move.. He's perfectly content sitting up and playing with toys.. He does push himself backwards when he tries to go forwards and just gets really angry lol. He is also starting to get separation anxiety but he's good in the fact that if I leave as long as someone is there ( doesn't matter who) he's happy. He has a huge soft spot for his dad and just lights up whenever he sees him.. I think he'd rather spend most time with him then me.. But that's probably because he usually is with me since oh works a lot. Carson is also just getting over his first cold. I also found out through this cold that he has a blocked tear duct.. A dr mentioned it when he was born but there had been no symptoms of it until he got his cold. Now it just drips all the time. My dr showed me how to massage it and said it should clear up on its own but she will keep an eye on it.

To those ladies that are still breast feeding their lo with teeth .. Way to go!!!!! I'm so proud of you! I was thinking the other day when he chomped on my finger that I was happy I was no longer breast feeding lol.

Hopefully I'll start popping on more and chatting with you ladies! I miss you all! I've been on a Facebook group lately but there are so many rude unsupportive people there that it makes me angry! I love the support form all the ladies on here!
Poppy is desperate to crawl but not quite got it yet!

She is loving her food and eats three meals a day with us. She loves having finger food mango is her favourite! I also do purees and use Ella's kitchen pouches.

She loves standing and has started pulling her self up on furniture!

Hope everyone is well. x
Sportysgirl and skeet glad poppy and Carson are getting on well :D skeet, it is not so much about bf Alfie as a choice as much as a necessity - he will not take a bottle!! I have been trying to switch to formula for a week or two now. Have decided on the softly softly approach - offering formula in different cups, bottles, etc and then still bf on demand. He is not going for it so far. The most success I have had is an ounce from a bottle and a tommee tippee cup! Oh well. There's no rush to give up but I would like my BBs back soon :haha: also I wonder whether Alfie might eat more solids if he has set bottles instead of just snacking on my boobs!! He is still not a big eater - he has 3 meals aday but doesn't eat much at all and hardly opens his mouth, he's so distracted!!

Sportysgirl I love Ella's pouches. They really are as good as home made :) I think Alfie actually prefers them to my food!
Hi :hi:

Wow my BnB lay out has changed! So weird lol.

OMG, phantom movements?!!!! I keep getting them and I smile, I too have not got af ye since afterbirth and sometimes I wonder if im pregnant haha

Skeet, which fb site is that?

Glad everyone and all your babies are well <3

Kaylee's top teeth are coming through now. So glad shes had a couple weeks break from her bottom teeth making their appearance! The teeth grow so fast. They are nearly full length!

Have any of you mummas put the amber necklaces on your bubbas?
Ooo errr I don't like this new look forum. Guess I'm a real stick in the mud since it has been how it has since 2009 for me.
Oh don't say we are having a harsh winter! We can't afford the gas so no central heating. I'm cold already, don't really want my girlies to go through that but what can we do. I put a heater in the room to warm it up before bed but take it out once she is in the room as I don't feels it's safe enough.

Hope Ruben is okay now :flower:

No phantom feelings here thank goodness!

Sophie has started to eat now, she only takes tiny amounts. She has had home made green bean pure, apple pure, a mashed banana, some weetabix, some swede and carrotte pure and I have some broccoli and leek she will prob have tomorrow. She usually gumms on toast as well. Her weight went down though so I have to take her back next week.

She isn't crawling yet but is super active and loves to try and stand. She just loves copying her big sister! It's so sweet watching them sit next to each other and play together nicely.

Still no teeth here, I have given her some medicine tonight though as she has had a rough few nights sleeping, on and off until 2am and tonight she had a red cheek, so think it maybe teeth. I haven't used an amber necklace but I have known people who have and they swore by them.
I took him to the doctor again today and he said he is 90% better than last week, so at least the inhaler is doing its job :)
Excellent baby maybe :)

Kte, hope Sophie's weight has gone up again next week. I find that Alfie hardly gains now. One time a month or two ago he had only gained 2oz in 2 weeks! I was worried but the next time he made it back up to where he should be on the chart so they sort themselves out in the end. It is worrying though when it happens! Glad she is doing well with her food :)
hi all
sorry haven't updated in a while
poor Williams having a rough time trying to fight off a chest infection hes had it for 3 weeks now hes had 2 courses of antibiotics and is now on steroids fingers crossed they work
last time I took him to be weighed he had lost so am hoping next time he gets weighed he would have put on.
we now have 2 bottom teeth n think the top ones are on their way!
Rose- try doing the breast milk from the bottle .. My lo like the advent bottles .. If you can get him to take that .. Then slowly mix the formula with the bm. Do for examp 3oz bm 1 oz of formula..

Baby- happy to hear your lo is doing better!

Sportsy- just found out my lo can not take any chunks of anything yet! Last night we ate at a friends house who has a lo about a month older then Carson she provided dinner for Carson .. He was having a mango purée that had the odd chunk in it.. He actually gagged on it to the point of puking!! I had to fish the piece out of his mouth. It was pretty scary!! I was ready to pull him out and start hitting his back!!
Oh I didn't mention the Facebook site.. It's called pink and blue.. A bunch if the girls from it even made another group think its yellow and brown or something like that, and that groups makes fun of the posts and questioned asked in pink and blue.. I think it's disgusting.. Moms are supposed to support other moms not make fun of them .. No matter the question or difference in opinion on how each raises their child
thanks skeet. He doesn't mind the formula itself I think it's the bottles/cups he doesn't like! He doesn't drink much ebm either. I have pretty much given up now and have resigned myself to the fact that I will be bf for a bit longer! It's not a bad thing... It's convenient at least. Just hve to wait a bit longer to get a few nice bras and wear High necklines again... ;)

Oh - Alfie is the same with lumps. He is starting to get better with stage 2 purees but finger foods are a nightmare - 9 out of 10 times he will get a bit on his tongue and gag until he is sick! I can't give him finger foods when we are out as I know he will make a mess. I am using Ella's kitchen stage 2 pouches as they are a nice consistency - they have texture instead of lumps so Alfie copes better than he does with my lumpy food! I am also trying to get him in to melt in the mouth type finger foods eg maize puffs (low sugar salt etc of course!!) as these are the only things he seems to manage without being sick. Also he has porridge for breakfast- I am mixing 1 spoon smooth porridge with 2 spoons stage 2 lumpy porridge to break him in gently!! Some babies just seem to struggle more with lumps than others... It seems like Alfie is the only one out of his friends who can't manage finger foods :(

Anna poor William, hope he is ok soon! Sure he will bounce back shortly. :hugs:
anna i hope poor william is feeling better soon hun!

sorry my replies are so sparodic ladies!

sorry to hear some of you are having trouble with lumps.. ethan... eats like a darn horse! doesnt matter what it is it just gets rammed in his mouth (as long as its not purree... he doesnt do puree :S ) toast and pasta are his favourites.. oh and colliflour cheese.

weve still no teeth.. and still no crawling. hes starting getting onto his tip toes instead of his knees now so lord knows what hes doing lol. he has started spinning his hands if he wants to sing the rhyme wind your bobbin up <3 super cute

Ethan actually eats more than Seth does! weve another hospital appointment for seth soon with his specialist to see what she thinks of his immune system. he has said his first 2 unprompted sentences this week! Wash my hands and get me hot chocolate! this is the first time ever he has put the words together in context all by himself without being prompted! im so excited! <3 <3
oh oh and uk ladies.. clubcard boost is live today :D I just got all this

1 x Carousel Plastic Playfood £7.50
Fisher-Price Rhyme & Move Stand Up Ballcano £20.00
Keter Holiday Playhouse, Yellow £50.00
My First Kitchen with Zanussi Toy Kettle & Toaster £20.00
Spears Fishing Game £6.00
Tesco Shopping Basket £1.95
Tomy Pop Up Pirate £10.00
VTech 123303 Move 'n' Groove Music Station £15.00

All for £3.49! woop woop xmas is officially finished for the boys now :D
Wow some fab buys!

We have just had Chloe's birthday so now to start with Christmas!

Hope all the poorly babies are feeling better x

Sophie stilli snow crawling but. Now has two bottom teeth, came through on the 1st! I didn't manage to get her weighed so we are going this week now. I'm pretty sure she will be fine. Her eating is going well, she likes different things but not a large quantity, she is still taking at least 4 bottles still though.
I&#8217;ve started to read and post here about a million times in the last few months. Hayden is SO active and I get very little time off. I used to read while nursing, then during naps but now I&#8217;m always trying to get a million things done while she naps as I cannot do ANYTHING while she&#8217;s awake. She is crawling fast now and pulling up to stand so I cannot take my eyes off of her or she&#8217;s quickly getting herself into trouble. STILL no teeth anywhere to be seen although she&#8217;s been drooling like a rabid squirrel for months. Not sure what&#8217;s happening but definitely no teeth&#8230;she came down with a cold last weekend and when we went to the doctor, the poor thing had a DOUBLE ear infection :cry: It was terrible! She&#8217;s just finally on the mend and it&#8217;s been 8 days of hell.

I&#8217;m so glad everyone is doing well! We&#8217;re still on purees as that&#8217;s what she loves and I enjoy making her soups, etc. Since she has no teeth, we&#8217;re in no rush to introduce finger foods just yet. She started clapping about 2 weeks ago which is really cute. She&#8217;ll mimic you if you clap if she&#8217;s in the mood - very entertaining!

bay_maybe - I&#8217;m jealous of Ruben talking! Hayden babbles a lot but nothing coherent. Sorry to hear about the bronchiolitis. Hayden has a cough still from her cold and it&#8217;s awful to hear them cough. I hate it. But I&#8217;m glad to hear Ruben is doing better.

phantom movements - is that what that is??? It freaks me out too! What&#8217;s it from? Is it a phase?

Kte - we&#8217;ve been waiting on a tooth forever now too! She got the pink cheeks last Sunday and turns out it was the beginnings of a cold :nope: But congrats on Sophie&#8217;s teeth! :happydance:

rose - Hayden hasn&#8217;t been gaining much weight in the last 2 months either! I think it&#8217;s all the moving they are busy doing&#8230;she was 17.5lbs at her 6 month check up and just weighed in under 19lbs at the doctors a week ago at 8.5 months!

anna - well wishes to William!

skeet - I just started lumpy foods with Hayden and she gagged the first few times but is now a total champ at eating bits of stuff. But only when it&#8217;s in a soup. She still struggles with finger foods!
Mrs c, Alfie used to really struggle with finger foods to the point were a cucumber pip on his tongue would make him throw up!! However I gave him some cereal melt in the mouth snacks designed for babies (Ella's kitchen - only made from organic cereals and dried raspberry) and some maize and carrot powder sticks and he quickly got used to them and can now manage toast, bits of fruit etc without being sick! I am so relieved I was starting to get worried that he would always be on purée :haha: he also likes rich tea fingers although he only gets those as a very special treat!!
Oh and kte Alfie is the same - little amounts and variety with him too!! He still loves his milk too and feeds about 6 times a day and during the night although I have noticed he is starting to feed less often now

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