March 2015 Pots of Gold

Yay for V-day!! Mine was just yesterday, so very excited here as well.

We don't have our tree yet but will be getting it probably this coming weekend. DS is excited as he started his advent calendar this morning. And we did our exterior lights and put up the interior decor yesterday. I finished my shopping on Saturday, DH says he still has a few things to pick up.

It hasn't been that cold here yet, yesterday was +10 so we didn't need our hats/mitts/scarves! Today is a much more winter appropriate 0- ish celsius
Winter appropriate temps.. Lol! It's been 70s, 80s here.. I hate it.. I miss wearing all the cute winter layers.
Glad everyone's thanksgiving went well.. Mine was very lovely.. Full of family, food, love... As it should be.
I saw hubby too over the weekend, it was great. Now he's returned to finish up his semester and he'll be back for a whole month in just a week and a half.
We probably won't have a big Xmas this year because we have to move out in 2 weeks. Fun
Swamp are you moving to a new city or new place in the same city? I hate moving! DH and I both moved 3 times in 3 years (once separately and then twice together), when we move into our house- 8 years ago- we decided that we wouldn't move again, unless absolutely necessary, until we retire!

If DH is back in a little over a week and you are moving in 2 weeks it sounds like at least he will be there to help! I hope you guys don't have too much heavy stuff... are other people helping or are you paying a service or anything?
Yay for reaching v day! I got there last Friday. I'm impressed that people are so organised for Christmas. I've bought a few presents and that's early for me. And we bought our first thing for the baby at the weekend. We bought a travel cot which comes with its own bouncer, you can either clip it on to the travel cot or use it free standing. It was in the sale so I bit the bullet and bought it. Quite scary tho. I'm having it delivered to my parents house as I'm not ready to have baby stuff in the house yet. Anyway I'm glad everyone is doing well. Next milestone the third trimester! Can't believe its not long now.
Foosh, we're just moving most stuff into a storage unit and I'm moving in with my dad until the birth, then I'll be joining my husband up north in the city hes going to school. And yeah he'll definitely be here to help, along with some other family members. And I agree, moving is the pits. I can't wait to finally buy a house and just not move anymore!

Flou, you and I have nearly the same due date... We'll be hitting 3rd tri right on Christmas day. I can't believe how fast our pregnancies have been progressing!
Hello ladies. I'm glad everyone is doing well and hopefully enjoying the holidays so far. I've been shopping like crazy for xmas and spent a lot so far : ). I am 26 weeks today and have my 3D u/s on the 18th which I'm super excited for. I can't wait to see him! I plan on sharing the video with my family on xmas. So glad we are all hitting the stage where our babies will be fine even if something happened and they came early. It'll probably go slow again after the holidays but for now time is speeding by because everything is so busy.
I hadn't realised we were entering third tri at Christmas. So excited! Both for getting to the next stage and for Christmas.

I had an appointment with my GP on Thursday. This also coincided with the one year anniversary of my second mc. It felt quite emotional hearing our lil man's heartbeat on the same day a year before I had lost my second pregnancy. I felt very humble and thankful for the lil one I'm currently carrying.
Flou we've been thinking the same thing. It's very humbling to think back to where we were just a year ago- we were putting a dossier together to adopt and had just finished the mandatory training. We were devastated by our loss but also grateful for that pregnancy because it helped us get here. And I know I couldn't have had that baby and this one.
Hi ladies how is everyone doing? I've got my MIL staying with me until Christmas eve. I get on quite well with her but she can be quite bossy. With my own mum I can tell her where to go but the constant telling me what I should and shouldn't be doing is getting to me a little. Its not about anything big either. I will just go to the kitchen to start on dinner or something and its a case of where are you going, what are you doing are you ok. Most of the time she is trying to be helpful but with hormones finding it very difficult. DH does stand up for me and acts as a buffer. Also I woke up this morning and noticed on the t-shirt I had been wearing in bed I had leaked breastmilk for the first time. I wondered what the hell it was and figured it out by the position on the t-shirt. Oh the glamorous sides of pregnancy!
Everything is going well here! I have my last high risk appointment tomorrow.

That's difficult Flou, only a couple of days to go. I think I'm going to have to dig out some nipple pads too...boobs were sore and tingly last night

I hope everything is going well with everyone else. Happy holidays!!
All is well with me :)

We traded our truck in for a minivan the other day. And our youngest has been moved out of his room/crib and in to his big boy bed in the room he is now sharing with his older brother. Now just getting ready for Christmas...we are spending the holidays here at home so it hasn't been too busy!

Glad to see you ladies are well :) Our group gets so quiet at times! Not sure if anyone is in Facebook? Feel free to add me if you are.... tasha mae lappage (my profile pic is a wedding pic)
yeah, holidays have been busy... and I just moved out of my house too, and now that Im entering third tri, Im starting to get tired again.

Got some cooking to do for the holidays, Im thinking of making a batch of ricotta cheese from scratch. Should be interesting!
Hi ladies :hi:

Merry late Christmas, Happy New Year & more importantly, happy 3rd trimester :happydance: :happydance:

I think everything is going well, apart from having been really sick recently. Started with a cold just before christmas that turned into a sinus infection which is still lingering :grr: :finger: so after a couple of days of coughing like crazy baby had some reduced movement (or at least I thought it did) so I went to hospital to be monitored & my little monkey was moving like crazy just it had changed positions that's why I felt them a little less. :dohh:

Not packed bag yet although I keep getting advised to do so since my belly is so huge, yep I keep getting the shock & awe look when I say I still have 8 weeks. I mean people really do pity me :haha: I'm a lot less comfortable than I was 2nd tri but I'm not sure if that's just because I'm so sick.

In terms of preparation, I have absolutely no idea but I don't think I'm doing too bad in terms of shopping but I haven't actually begun on nursery.

Really looking forward to hear how everyone is getting along, lots of love & best wishes :yipee:
Hey Kits, nice to hear you're still doing well

I got told off by my midwife at my 28 week appointment for not packing my bag so I did it before my 31 week appointment. Still a few bits missing but it's pretty much done. Not done anything on the nursery yet but starting to put wheels in motion now.

Sometimes it all seems real and then other times it still doesn't. I do keep getting these flashes wherei realise I'm going to have to get this baby out of me at some point lol!
Good to hear from you too Lbrum :winkwink:

That's funny you got told off, i guess i should go ahead and pack mine even though my mw hasn't mentioned it.

Yea, I know what you mean... I'm really trying not to think about labour because at like 27 weeks I had a bit of bleeding so I went to the hospital and they had to check me down there & boy, I was squealing like a pig!!! It really hurt and i thought they were pulling all sorts apart. I usually pride myself with my pain threshold so thought I wouldn't be too much of a softie, but now I don't know how I'm going to make it trying to push a baby out :blush::nope:

Thanks for the catch up!
Hi ladies I am glad to hear everything is going well. Everything is going well here. I had a chest infection last week which aggrevated my asthma. My doc put me on a course of steroid tablets which he reassured me would be fine for baby. Luckily that worked and I am all better now. I also had a couple days of reduced movement after coughing constantly. I guessed I kept my lil man from sleeping and resting and then as my coughing eased his movements picked up again. I still feel I have so much still to do before my lil ones arrival and sometimes it still doesn't feel real that I might actually be a mum very soon!
Glad to hear from everyone!!

Lbrum, I think the same thing... no matter what, one way or another this baby has to come out!!

Anybody have any baby showers coming up soon? Mine is the 7th of February. Im waiting until after that to prepare my birth bag. I cant even believe my due date is less than 9 weeks away...

Other than all that, im doing great!! Been going to my classes and moved out of my apartment in December, so just trying to settle into a new routine.
Hi ladies how is everyone? Everything is fine here. I just seem to be busy with appointments. I had an antenatal class last weekend which mainly confirmed to me what I already know. I discussed my birth plan with my mw an I've decided to opt for a water birth and gas and air. But if I feel the pain is too much I have asked for pethidine. I'm starting to feel like I am ready now and it feels like this might actually happen.
Flou of course it's going to happen! Everyone is getting so close now. Will hubby join you in the the water? Hope everyone else is doing great!

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