March 29, 2011 Bump Buddies!!! 6 Boys, 1 and only Girl

So baby wasn't moving so much yesterday and I was getting sad- but s/he woke me up in the middle of the night. Got a few really big kicks this morning and I would have felt them on the outside if I got my hand there fast enough.
babyseal- I hope that you feel better soon!!! being sick is nooo fun!
As far as getting married I'm just going to go into the courthouse and yell at someone. It's so unprofessional that I'm waiting over a week for a return phone call.
Thought this would be fun, found it in Second Trimester, copy, paste and fill in the info. Thought it would give us a bit more info about each other. Not that we dont know anything about each other

Pregnancy: (Planned, Surprise, LTTTC, complications etc)

EDD: Due date

Pregnancy number: Is this your first pregnancy?

Team: , or

OH: Anything you want to write about your OH

Birth Partner: Your OH? Your Mum? No birth partner?

When did you decide the name: If you have decided!

Stupidest thing you’ve done but blamed it on your pregnancy: Dropped a plate? Ran over your friend's foot?

Happiest moment so far: What's made you smile

Scariest moment so far: If there has been a scary time

Most looking forward to: About having your baby.

Least looking forward to: Something about a newborn you're a little apprehensive about?

Best thing about being pregnant:

Worst thing about being pregnant:

Stretch Marks: Do you have them?

When did you’re belly button ‘pop’: If you can remember!

Cravings: nom nom nom

Previous boobie size: ?

Current boobie size: Is it bigger than previous?

Leaky boobs: Did you get them/have you got them?

Weight gain/lose: 3lbs? 3 stone?

Are you getting BH contractions and if so when did they start:

Do you want to BF, FF or combo: What do you plan to do?

Cloth Nappies: Are you using regular or reusable nappies?

Homebirth: Is it something you want to do/have considered

Waterbirth: A possiblity?

Painkiller plan: No pain relief, G&A, Epidural? What are you planning?
I did this on that thread but I'll do it here too :)

Pregnancy: Planned, but surprising because we had given up.

EDD: March 30th 2011

Pregnancy number: Uno

Team: :blue:

OH: He's been really good about not being a pain in the butt lately :)

Birth Partner: DH & Best friend.

When did you decide the name: I think 10 weeks or so.

Stupidest thing you’ve done but blamed it on your pregnancy: Everything, it's a good excuse! lol ;)

Happiest moment so far: Every ultrasound, but particularly the 3d one.

Scariest moment so far: Just the typical aches and pains.

Most looking forward to: Getting to meet him :cloud9:

Least looking forward to: The lack of sleep, I wont have help from DH except for on weekends, so it should be interesting.

Best thing about being pregnant: Lots of relaxation :)

Worst thing about being pregnant: Hot flashes, Wanting a tall glass of red ;) but totally worth the wait.

Stretch Marks: Do you have them? Not yet, I thought I was getting some but luckily that wasn't the case. I'm sure I will later though! I'm genetically screwed as far as getting them goes.

When did you’re belly button ‘pop’: Its starting now.

Cravings: If it's edible I crave it ;) Sweets, Savory & Spicy!

Previous boobie size: ? A!

Current boobie size: B (should be C), its getting pretty tight bra wise.. I'm gonna give Pam Anderson a run for her money before long.

Leaky boobs: Did you get them/have you got them? Eh, not really leaky but definitely have leaked.

Weight gain/lose: 8 pounds ^

Are you getting BH contractions and if so when did they start: None yet, *knock on wood*

Do you want to BF, FF or combo: What do you plan to do? Both, or at least try breastfeeding.

Cloth Nappies: Are you using regular or reusable nappies? disposable all the way.

Homebirth: Is it something you want to do/have considered? Not possible here!

Waterbirth: Definitely, the delivery rooms here have gorgeous birthing pools, I'm excited about that.

Painkiller plan: Some type of pain relief, not sure what yet. Just anything to take the edge off.
ahahaa I finally found your on the other thread....took me a bit due to all the content in the here is mine
Pregnancy: (Planned, Surprise, LTTTC, complications etc) Planned ttc for 2 years with one miscarraige

EDD: 03/22/2011

Pregnancy number: 5th, one was blighted ovum

Team: Blue!

OH: Met when we were 15 on a coed soccor team, first child at 16, married at 19. I am lucky to have such a wonderful guy who stuck around and is very involved in everything! But he still does piss me off sometimes!

Birth Partner: Hubby, and 11 year old son might be there

When did you decide the name: When we found out he was a boy we picked the first name-Maxwell and the middle name we already decided on if it was a boy-Grant after my hubbys favorite uncle who died last year

Stupidest thing you’ve done but blamed it on your pregnancy: Forgot where the car is parked everytime I go to the store. Losing credit cards and everything else!

Happiest moment so far: Feeling baby move and finding out he is a he. The positive test!

Scariest moment so far: Getting hot flashes in the store and feeling like I am going to pass out. Headache that lasted a week.

Most looking forward to: Everything!

Least looking forward to: The pain of labor

Best thing about being pregnant: Feeling kicks and just the awe of what is going on in my body

Worst thing about being pregnant: headaches, being very pissy all the time, peeing to much

Stretch Marks: Got them low down with first son, high up with second son, and right in the middle with daughter. Not to mention on boobs thighs arms etc... Gross! At least I cant get any new ones this time right?

When did you’re belly button ‘pop’: I have a really deep belly button so it has never popped, but gotten a lot shallower

Cravings: milk

Previous boobie size: small C

Current boobie size: average C, not much growth

Leaky boobs: nope

Weight gain/lose: 5lbs gained

Are you getting BH contractions and if so when did they start:every now and then, completely painless and started at about 11 weeks

Do you want to BF, FF or combo: Strictly breastfeed

Cloth Nappies: disposable diapers

Homebirth: not really an option in the states, or for me since considered high risk

Waterbirth: Probably not since I will want an epidural, even though I know it probably wont work

Painkiller plan: Anything and everything they will give me, my last 2 epidurals did not work due to scarring in my back, so will probably feel everything anyways. But I will ask for it anyways. Maybe it will work?
Pregnancy: talked about ttc but didnt think it would happen as quick as it did

EDD: March 29, 2011

Pregnancy number: 2

Team: :blue:

OH: Is a wonderful man who loves the Lord and his family! :flower:

Birth Partner: My Hubby

When did you decide the name: haven't decided yet :wacko:

Stupidest thing you’ve done but blamed it on your pregnancy: Started the wash without putting clothes in it....twice now! :laundry:

Happiest moment so far: Finding out our little boy is perfectly healthy (Found out I have a chromosome abnormality and had a 1 out 2 chances of passing to DS.

Scariest moment so far: being told I had a 1 out 2 chance passing down a chromosome abnormality to my son that would either end in miscarriage or severe deformity.

Most looking forward to: Just having him in my arms! :baby:

Least looking forward to: Recovery after delivery and lack of sleep

Best thing about being pregnant: Feeling baby kick and move

Worst thing about being pregnant: Back pain and lower pressure pain

Stretch Marks: Yeah thought I was lucky first go around but sure enough they showed up about a month prior to delivery, sure they will only get worst this time around. :blush:

When did you’re belly button ‘pop’: LOL as soon as I POAS... :rofl: actually never went back to normal after first baby :shrug:

Cravings: nom nom nom.....potatoes, fruits and veggies

Previous boobie size: 34B

Current boobie size: 36C :holly:

Leaky boobs: With first about 1 month prior to delivery. Boobs not yet leaking

Weight gain/lose: 10lbs gained :shhh:

Are you getting BH contractions and if so when did they start: 19 weeks

Do you want to BF, FF or combo: Breast all the way!

Cloth Nappies: Disposable until later probably

Homebirth: No going to hospital

Waterbirth: No

Painkiller plan: Pain relief through IV and if cant handle pain then bring on the epidural
My newest symptom I am chalking up to pregnancy is my hip joints. They hurt and make me want to punch someone. They have always given me mild problems, I had surgery on one when I was 18. I am fine all day and by the end of the night I can't straighten my body up or bear weight. Poor DB has to drag me to bed.

I hope everyone has a good night, I'll do the new questionnaire tomorrow. Off to bed, goodnight!
Sorry the hips are bugging you babyseal.
I went to the dr. today to try to figure out my shoulder problem. she said that it in NO WAY could be pg related! What ever, I know that it is. She basically accused me of asking for painpills/ anti-inflamitories. I told her all I wanted was for her to put that it's pg related so my insurance would cover physical thereapy and she said NO I AM NOT GIVING YOU ANTI INFLAMITORIES!
I wanted to punch her.
BabySeal Sorry about the hip issues!

Missfox sorry doctor's appointment didnt go the way you hoped it would, hope your shoulder feels better soon!
Missfox that stinks your doctor reacted that way. I am so thankful I found a good regular doctor.. took some hunting but he is great.. (and puts up with me haha).
Pregnancy: talked about ttc but didnt think it would happen as quick as it did

EDD: March 27, 2011

Pregnancy number: 1

Team: I was team pink at first but we're having a boy!

OH: We went to high school together and never crossed paths in those four years... then met up one day in a bar through a mutual friend (who has liked me forever, but I just wanted to be friends with him). It was love at first sight, we both rode street bikes and had everything in common. <3

Birth Partner: My Hubby and my mom

When did you decide the name: At this rate I will never have a name picked out

Stupidest thing you&#8217;ve done but blamed it on your pregnancy: Gone to the pet store for cat food, walked into the dollar store instead and never got cat food.

Happiest moment so far: DB feeling first (faint) kick last night (anterior placenta)

Scariest moment so far: In the beginning not knowing if I would stay pregnant or not. I wasn't supposed to be able to get pregnant because my progesterone levels have always been close to nothing.

Most looking forward to: Feeling the greatest love for someone.

Least looking forward to: Recovering. Complications.

Best thing about being pregnant: Seeing the progress of baby.

Worst thing about being pregnant: Hips.

Stretch Marks: Already had them from just weight fluctuations.

When did you&#8217;re belly button &#8216;pop&#8217;: Still normal

Cravings: Grilled cheese

Previous boobie size: 36C

Current boobie size: A very snug 36C

Leaky boobs: Not yet.

Weight gain/lose: total of 13 gained

Are you getting BH contractions and if so when did they start: Nope

Do you want to BF, FF or combo: I dont know!!

Cloth Nappies: Probably not.

Homebirth: No going to hospital

Waterbirth: If there is a birthing tub available

Painkiller plan: No idea yet.
So DF is going to become DH today. It's exciting- we're gonna finally have the same last name (hehe, I feel like we should have been married since the first day I saw him)
Congrats MissFox! Thats super exciting. Getting married is such an exciting time.. I agree.. It feels like things are finally "right" when it's official ;)

Now you just gotta apply for a new social security card and all that.. the joys.
;) That was the only pain in the ass about getting married was applying for the new card and all that.
Pregnancy: (Planned, Surprise, LTTTC, complications etc) Planned but still surprised.

EDD: 4/7/11

Pregnancy number: UNO

Team: I'll find out in six days!!

OH: Is amazing and going to be a great father <3

Birth Partner: OH and probably my BFF

When did you decide the name: Always knew the girl name (OH picked it) and just chose a boy name

Stupidest thing you&#8217;ve done but blamed it on your pregnancy: Forget EVERYTHING

Happiest moment so far: Knowing that baby loves daddy already- and that daddy can feel baby move

Scariest moment so far: Just thinking of life and panicing!

Most looking forward to: LIFE as a family!

Least looking forward to: POOP

Best thing about being pregnant: Being happy

Worst thing about being pregnant: Being crazy/emotional

Stretch Marks: Do you have them? LOTS SINCE 9 WEEKS!

When did you&#8217;re belly button &#8216;pop&#8217;: It hasn't/ might not

Cravings: nom nom nom LEMONADE. LEMON EVERYTHING

Previous boobie size: 34DD

Current boobie size: 36DD (ok, that's just what i can find in the store! doesn't fit too good either!)

Leaky boobs: not uet

Weight gain/lose: 1.5lbs!

Are you getting BH contractions and if so when did they start: not yet!

Do you want to BF, FF or combo: BOOBIEFEED! Will probably also pump and let OH feed with a botle

Cloth Nappies: Are you using regular or reusable nappies? NO NO NO

Homebirth: Umm, not for my first

Waterbirth: There is 1 water birth tub at the hospital I'm going to deliver at soooo... FINGERS CROSED!

Painkiller plan: No pain relief, G&A, Epidural? IV should help take the edge off- I really want to avoid the epidural as it has always stopped my mom's labor, but if I honestly can't handle it I might go for it.
Bella- I've already had to do it 1 time this year, I'm not gonna stress on it. I just have to go first thing in the morning and it should be fine. DMV also. That's worse than the SS office!
hahaha I have been married for almost a year and a half, as still havent got SS and DL changed, was just thinking I need to get this done, going to do it next about procrastinating big time!!!!

Congratulations on getting married today!
Oh and still dying to find out what your having!!! :coffee:
as for the epidural ladies....wait as long as you can or at least past 3 cm I labored for 14-15 hours just to get to 3 and my total labor was 24 hours (in hospital) water broke 2 hours before we went in. And to those in US dont get meds right away unless you want to be bed ridden....wish I knew this for my first.
Yea, I'm planning on holding off for as long as possible. I've always had horrible menstrual cramps so I figure it's prepping me for something! I've blacked out from the pain being so intense and still usually don't take anything. I'm going to try to keep my normal "pain goes away" and "even when it's bad pain killers don't help like I want them to anyways" attitude. I had a spinal tap and was given 30 vicodin to last 2 days. I took 2 at one time, still was in pain so stopped taking them all together and just dealt with the pain. 3 weeks later it went away.
I'm sure a spinal tap is way more painful than an epidural, I do have to admitt my back hurt for a couple weeks after but I have horrible back pain from being in a car accident so dont know if that made the pain feel more severe or not.
The spinal tap was horrible. I had headaches from it for over a month! I couldn't bend over and stand back up quickly and I ended up missing almost 3 weeks of work. I wasn't thinking of the epidural being too painful but I'm just afraid it will stop my labor like it did with my mother. And I've experienced a lot of pain and it sucked but I'm hoping I can use that to get through labor.

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