mowat: Hope the meds are helping and not thwarting you. cd24 is a crazy day to ovulate
ttcmoon: Happy to hear about the move. Good luck with testing!
garfie: Hey!!
Tricia: You are moving along!! 21 weeks!!
ESwemba: It sucks when we get news that is not the best news, but I love that you are facing this with a positive attitude. I think the lifestyle changes you make will have an impact. Your attitude will help you guys even more. That is my thought process anyhow...
bamagurl: yay for fun baby stages. I cant wait to interact with Sky more. She is a few days over 2 months and is a joy, but I wish I could interact with her more. She is starting to smile and that is nice to see!!
FLorence: Hello and welcome. Good luck with your BD'ing
eyemom: Such a wealth of knowledge you are!! I thought I was going to be able to temp and chart, but I don't have things consistent around here to get up at a certain time in the morning or do temping at a certain time in the evening. Perhaps when Sky is a little older and things settle down I can do natural family planning. It would be so much easier to pop a bill but I am trying to not go back to hormonal birth control
Lisa: Thank you for updating. Your numbers look good. I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts.
Sweetz: Glad you are cleared to TTC. Go Go Sweetz!
londongirl: Sorry for the reason you have to join us, but welcome!! I did not use progesterone supplements but I did take gummy B vitamins that had B6 and B12 in them. I read on a Google research website that B6 is supposed to increase progesterone.
I asked my OB about progesterone cream and he did not believe in its efficacy, but I have read stories from women who feel it aided in carrying them through a full term pregnancy....
Starry: Hope you make it through your drive alright
GrGirl: Welcome. Sorry your thermometer broke. Hope it arrives on time!!
Pink: Enjoy your afternoon with your friend! You deserve a day of fun after having walked. It does take a lot out of you when you get to the end of the third trimester. I forced myself to walk up and down the street, but it was a chore to say the least lol
never: I see you are still on top of things. You go girl lol
Sorry if I missed anyone!
AFM: I have been attacked by cramps all morning. I hope this isn't a sign of my period coming because I am going to a music festival Saturday evening and don't really want to deal with a heavy period while trying to use a porta potty. Yuck!! It could be indigestion from something I ate yesterday. My Mother in law and father in law stopped by for a visit yesterday evening. My MIL, being the spontaneous person she is, brought us Chicken Fried Steak dinners from Church's Chicken. It was alright, but I wonder how long it had been sitting up in her car. She lives over an hour away in a small rural area (FIL stays in town to commute to work during the week) and I imagine she bought the food in her area. She never asks us what we might want for dinner or if we want something. She just does stuff. There have been many times where i was preparing lunch or dinner and she will bring food I wouldn't normally buy. Anyway, I took some Ibuprofen. I hope my period stays away this weekend!