March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Can I please join? I had a MMC in May 2012 at 11 wks then natural mc in August :(
No kids yet. My first cycle after this mc took ages but this second cycle I had ov spotting, Fertile CM and clear thermal shift :) DTD lots and feeling pos. I also saw a specialist who agreed to prescribe progesterone when I get my next bfp. Has anyone here used progesterone supplements with any luck?

Bring on the 10-day wait! (I get bfp at 10 days).
Welcome, london girl. I'm sorry to hear about your losses. I hope this is your lucky month that you get your rainbow!

lisa - I hope you get your prescription sorted and that the progesterone is what you need to keep your little one safe.

afm - pregnancy insomnia strikes again. I would have to get up soon anyways. We're going to visit the in-laws and it is a long, long drive. I'm a little nervous as it's still unpredictable how sick I will get during the day. A few days back when we finally decided to go I was feeling really good. But yesterday.....oi. And that was with a full day of anti-nausea meds. I can never tell how a day will go when I wake up because morning is my best time and I always feel good in the morning.
Welcome, london girl. I'm sorry to hear about your losses. I hope this is your lucky month that you get your rainbow!

lisa - I hope you get your prescription sorted and that the progesterone is what you need to keep your little one safe.

afm - pregnancy insomnia strikes again. I would have to get up soon anyways. We're going to visit the in-laws and it is a long, long drive. I'm a little nervous as it's still unpredictable how sick I will get during the day. A few days back when we finally decided to go I was feeling really good. But yesterday.....oi. And that was with a full day of anti-nausea meds. I can never tell how a day will go when I wake up because morning is my best time and I always feel good in the morning.
Lisa- My OB said that too last time when I went in, that low progesterone=spotting sometimes. He tested my HCG and Progesterone, and then I MCed before I could get the results back anyway. So next time as a precautionary measure he'll test it and then give me a low dose, even if it's borderline low. So glad your betas are good!! Yay!

AFM, my stupid thermometer broke (same reading 3 days in a row, grrr) so off to get a new one online today and hope it comes in in time. Got a very faint line on an OPK (it was stark white a couple days ago) so that's some progress.
Glad to hear the good news, Lisa!! Once you get that progesterone, I hope things settle down!!
Lisa- glad to hear the numbers are high enough! Fingers crossed they are where they need to be in a couple days!
Hey ladies,

Thanks for the update Lisa was concerned about ya glad your levels are right, once you get your progesterone sorted it'll be fine, naughty babby worrying mommy. Take it easy though!

Welcome London girl sorry for your losses but were a fabbo group of gals even if I say so myself lol

Omg I went to the dr today just for my flu jab so a 2 second appt, my friend came round to do my nails for me (beautiful again, I feel human!) and then bless her she gave me a lift to the surgery but I then had to walk home, it's not far but it was awful, agony it took ages as I'm sooo slow and I'm so exhausted definately not doing that again, but I have new hair and new nails and my friend is coming over for gossip this afternoon so tho I can't nap it'll be nice to catch up, lovely to talk to someone other than the cat or my unborn baby lol
mowat: Hope the meds are helping and not thwarting you. cd24 is a crazy day to ovulate

ttcmoon: Happy to hear about the move. Good luck with testing!

garfie: Hey!!

Tricia: You are moving along!! 21 weeks!!

ESwemba: It sucks when we get news that is not the best news, but I love that you are facing this with a positive attitude. I think the lifestyle changes you make will have an impact. Your attitude will help you guys even more. That is my thought process anyhow...

bamagurl: yay for fun baby stages. I cant wait to interact with Sky more. She is a few days over 2 months and is a joy, but I wish I could interact with her more. She is starting to smile and that is nice to see!!

FLorence: Hello and welcome. Good luck with your BD'ing

eyemom: Such a wealth of knowledge you are!! I thought I was going to be able to temp and chart, but I don't have things consistent around here to get up at a certain time in the morning or do temping at a certain time in the evening. Perhaps when Sky is a little older and things settle down I can do natural family planning. It would be so much easier to pop a bill but I am trying to not go back to hormonal birth control

Lisa: Thank you for updating. Your numbers look good. I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

Sweetz: Glad you are cleared to TTC. Go Go Sweetz!

londongirl: Sorry for the reason you have to join us, but welcome!! I did not use progesterone supplements but I did take gummy B vitamins that had B6 and B12 in them. I read on a Google research website that B6 is supposed to increase progesterone.

I asked my OB about progesterone cream and he did not believe in its efficacy, but I have read stories from women who feel it aided in carrying them through a full term pregnancy....

Starry: Hope you make it through your drive alright

GrGirl: Welcome. Sorry your thermometer broke. Hope it arrives on time!!

Pink: Enjoy your afternoon with your friend! You deserve a day of fun after having walked. It does take a lot out of you when you get to the end of the third trimester. I forced myself to walk up and down the street, but it was a chore to say the least lol

never: I see you are still on top of things. You go girl lol

Sorry if I missed anyone!

AFM: I have been attacked by cramps all morning. I hope this isn't a sign of my period coming because I am going to a music festival Saturday evening and don't really want to deal with a heavy period while trying to use a porta potty. Yuck!! It could be indigestion from something I ate yesterday. My Mother in law and father in law stopped by for a visit yesterday evening. My MIL, being the spontaneous person she is, brought us Chicken Fried Steak dinners from Church's Chicken. It was alright, but I wonder how long it had been sitting up in her car. She lives over an hour away in a small rural area (FIL stays in town to commute to work during the week) and I imagine she bought the food in her area. She never asks us what we might want for dinner or if we want something. She just does stuff. There have been many times where i was preparing lunch or dinner and she will bring food I wouldn't normally buy. Anyway, I took some Ibuprofen. I hope my period stays away this weekend!
AWESOME numbers Lisa!! WOO HOO!!!!

London, welcome, SS for your loss., nails, gossip!!! AWESOMENESS!!!

Never, you are awesome. Just thought I would throw that one in there.

AFM - trying to sneak in a nap while Xan sleeps bc I am so tired!! Woke up today with a slight temp drop, but woke up early (to pee and get a drink lol) and then went back to sleep. Have a cough, stuffy nose so I think I am getting a cold. Other than being tired, a bit gassy, hungry (for once ate a full breakfast...I usually just have toast). Nothing too spectacular here. Breasts a bit tender....but did just have a doc so a breast exam yesterday. IDK. I don't want to get my hopes up only to have them dashed again, ya know?

I hope all you other ladies are doing well!!!
Lisa, good news about the HCG numbers. For my first test, my HCG and progesterone were good. A few weeks later my progesterone did drop, I think to 12 or 16, and I started taking it. I took it thru the entire first trimester and had no problems.
Pink, glad you had a fun time getting all glamified!

MamaTex, I hope AF stays away so you can enjoy your event!

Sweetz, oh no you are all stuffed up? UGH. Well, I hope it's a sign!!

AFM, 5 dpiui and nothing to report. Actually, I'm kind of hoping that means something. I checked back over the past 4-5 months, and on 5 dpiui I ALWAYS have mild cramping. I had no cramping today at all. The sniffles I came down with the other day didn't progress into anything further, so I have had a runny nose for a few days. Could be something...could be nothing. Evil TWW and evil symptom spotting!!
Hi londongirl, sorry you find yourself here, but it's nice to meet you. Lovely ladies here. Hope you get your bfp very soon!

Starry, sorry about the insomnia. How are things going with the in-laws? Hope you ended up feeling good all day.

GRGirl, stinks about your thermometer. :( Hope the new one gets to you quickly.

Pink, that reminds me, I REALLY need to get my flu shot! I put it off til after the tww last time (was hoping against hope I could just get it at my ob's office), then we were out of town. So now I really need to go get it. So thank you for the reminder, haha. Ladies, pester me until I get this done. :haha: Anyway, YAY!!! for new hair and nails. Amazing how much better that can make a girl feel.

Mamatex, hahaha ohhh girl you flatter me. :blush: Really I wouldn't say I'm a wealth of knowledge. I just have a lot of experience with temping and who knows, maybe half the time I don't know what I'm talking about. ;) Temping is really interesting and useful, but it would be hard with a teeny tiny LO. Hope your period stays away!

Kat, hope your "nothing" means "something"! [-o<

AFM, nothing to report. Almost time to get busy. :P Thinking about doing an OPK even though it would be wayyyy crazy for me to get a + this early (I'm 8 dpo). And ummm go Cards. :)
Hey lovlies, i do hope that all these symptoms and non symptoms mean something, we need more bfps!

OMG i have such bad heartburn im going through gaviscon like theres no tomorrow, i do hope you cant overdose on that stuff as i just swig it out the bottle lol

today is my day of rest, i know im not doing much of anything just now but i feel like ive had a busy week, so today im going to stay in my dressing gown (housecoat) and do absolutely nothing. I have a big family 'thing' tomorrow as it's my birthday on sunday, blimey 35 already, it's crept up on me this year and i have no idea what im getting or what i want, whenever anyone asks what i want all i can think of is baby stuff, 'oh please buy me this baby bath that i want' what's that all about!!!!?!?

So anyway it's 2 other family members birthdays around now aswell so were having a big joint family meal out so that should be good.

So anyone got cool plans for the weekend?

Hi ladies!

We have so many ladies in TWW that's soooo awesome!!!! My FX that we get some BFP's Soon!!

Not much personals today for I am tired after dealing with DS nightly, he loves to wake up early while I'm just want to put the pillow over my heAd hoping he'll fall bk to sleep on his own.

Just popping in to say hi to Londongirl and welcome!!!
LOL Never I did that this morning and grumbled. HAHAHA!!

Well, I woke up and the temp dropped more but maybe that has to do with the temp outside dropping to the 50s and DH stealing the covers *brrr* lol Same symptoms, except very hungry, a bit crampy, and nauseous at the same time. I am still keeping FX'd.

Hope all the ladies are doing well!!!! Oh......and go Sox!!! ;)
So I swear I'm posting on here all day but I'm bored on lunch :P lol My future in-laws (who are awesome) are taking DS tonight so Fiance and I can go out to dinner And then tomorrow we're going to a roller derby game with DS and some friends and carving pumpkins for Halloween with DS. I'm SO excited for the weekend!!

Weird thing is, CM is progressing and I'm getting all emotional (which I usually do a few days before O) except I'm only on cd9! I usually O like cd16-18 or so (last month it was even cd20) so this is WAY early for this... I'm worried the MC is making everything all weird :( *sigh*
Grgirl: post away ma'am, it's always someone reading. And I do that too when I'm in class and the teacher hasn't entered yet I'll post comment after comment, that's what this thread is curve our boredom from everything ESP TTC! And yes ma'am, as m/c will definitely mess up some things with your body trying to get itself back on track and I don't know about anyone else but once I m/c then Ovulated I felt every cramp or strange feeling when Ovulating I don't know if it was me paying extra attention or my Ovulation was actually stronger.

Sweetz:hahaha Don't u enjoy those mornings!!! Ahhhhhhh I just be wanting to scream!!! But then I have to think for a second and realize this is what I wanted so I drag myself to get him out his crib, feed him and rock him back to sleep while trying to catch a 10 second nap myself!
I feel ya Never! It is like PLLEEAASSEEEE child....sleeeeepppp hahahha!!!

GRG Post away girl!! We are normally huge chatterboxes in here.

Nothing new here. Just finished dinner and now relaxing. Same ole same ole. :)
Sweetz: We seem
To be on the same routine with these boys!

Pinkcasi: Happy EARLY Birthday!!! I hope u have as great time! And don't feel bad my birthday came before DS delivery and he asked me what I wanted and I said the same, baby this baby that items. He thought I was crazy but that's all I could think a about. It's normal.
HI Ladies! Happy weekend! Tomorrow is my "Friday" and it's looking to be SUPER busy. Which is fine...good actually. But coming off of vacation I feel like I'm not really in full gear yet. I'll have to snap into it to survive tomorrow!

ttcmoon have you been around? Been thinking of you!

Haha GRGirl it's okay, you're addicted to us. ;) Hehehe kidding, kidding. But really you're smart. I always think, "Oh, I'll post later when I have more time." And then there are some 5 pages to catch up on, I try to do personals and it takes like an hour, and then my reply is probably so long that no one reads it. :haha: So it's good to post often, keeps things in manageable doses for you! Sounds like an awesome weekend ahead! Do you do OPKs? I usually O day 15 but sometimes it's as early as day 12. But I'm already kind of feeling it coming on too (I'm CD9). I did an OPK last night and it was still negative, but I still feel like I could ovulate relatively soonish.

AFM, meant to do another OPK tonight but I already had a bunch of tea before I remembered. :dohh: I think I'll go pee on one anyway. I've been taking the Fertilaid for a few days now and I don't know if it's making me more libidinous :winkwink: and having more/better CM or if it's all in my head or if it's coincidence or what. But I guess I'm not complaining.

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