March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

GrGirl, Mamatex, and Mackjess- Thanks for the info about progesterone. I like to get as many perspectives as possible whether good or bad. Mackjess, glad it worked for you last time around.

London- Welcome! I'm sure you'll find the support you need from us. Wishing you a speedy BFP! :)

Pink- How is the car situation going?

Kat- The TWW is maddening isn't it? Ugh!!!!! So sorry to hear that you think you're out this time around. What is the 7 diui curse symptom if you don't mind me asking?

GrGirl- Your signs sound interesting. Sometimes your 1st cycle after MC can be strange. You should start using OPKs now just for the heck of it.

Never & Sweetz- I totally get you with the baby waking up early. Occasionally (like last night) my baby will wake up in the middle of the night! I just put him in the bed between me & the husband and we just both fall asleep. Eventually, I guess the baby falls asleep too.

Never- I meant to comment on your school that last time around but forgot. Glad to hear that you are staying focused. You will reach your goal soon. Good luck!

Sweetz- Fingers crossed for you. The spotting COULD be implantation? I've heard some people say they get that. So you're definitely not out!

Florence- You're definitely in the TWW. In regards to your question- I never had burning nipples. But I can tell you that normally, I got strong ovulation symptoms after ovulation such as really sore boobs which were sore right up until the day before AF. The month of my BFP, that symptom was the opposite- no sore boobs until around the time AF would usually start. Hope that helps a little.

TTCMoon- So sorry to hear you're going through a hard time. Is the Doc talking about other options at this point? Or are you guys sticking to the IUIs for now?

Pinkcasi- listen to the experts (Never & Sweetz). I never had BH so I don't know. And yes, you can start packing that bag but you won't need it for a few weeks!

Hi Eyemom, LeftWondering, Bamagirl, Tricia, and anyone I may have missed. :hi:

AFM- I FINALLY got the progesterone cream after a long 2-day wait due to insurance issues and Doctor issues. I started taking it on Friday and the bleeding has stopped. I also had the 2nd blood draw on Friday and hoping the results turn out good. For now, I am hopeful. Thank you all for your comments and concern. It really is great to have a support group like you ladies. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! :)
Thanks Lisa for the support.I am not sure what are we going to do in this cycle.I will be visiting my doc once I get period.I have stopped the progesterone so it should come soon.
Doctor said we will try 4 IUI cycles then move to IVF.2 more IUI cycles I have in hand.I hope something happens in them.IVF is pretty costly and we may need some time to arrange funds.
Cheers guys I'm calmer today, I feel like she's moved down lower its really uncomfortable to walk but there's no 'contractions' so I'm chilled.

The car sit Lisa is that we've managed to get a loan for the repairs it's annoying but at least we'll have wheels just gotta get quotes sorted and stuff, hopefully it won't take too long to get sorted now, my oh is off work tomorrow so he can call the garage and sort.

So sorry moon that it's sucky now but don't lose faith xx

It's my birthday today hooray!!! It's all a bit unexciting but I guess it is when your a grown up lol and can't have a drunken night out.
Wow!Happy Birthday Pink!What could be more exciting to get a chance to celebrate a birthday with a baby inside.Cherish the moment.:cake: for you and loads of best wishes.May this year bring lots of joy and happiness along with a perfect baby.
I am in verge of losing hope.But I wish to see the end of it.So 2 more IUI's and then 1 IVF for me.Let's see what is there in my fate :)
Hi ladies, I've been stalking u. I recently had a miscarriage as well at 9 weeks. My d&c was done the 18th of Oct. I'm still in a healing process but surviving. I would like to start trying as soon as I'm emotionally ready but scared for the unknown (the what if's). I never bled but spotted for 5 days after my d&c. My gynea told me not to bd for 2 weeks after the procedure.
Any one had a d&c here, after how long did you resume bd'ng? Thank you
Mapha - Wait the two weeks hun - because not only is it painful:blush: you are also leaving yourself open to infection - sorry to find you here and sorry for your loss BIG :hugs:

AFM ladies - still stalking and still getting POS OPKs (new batch) might have to go to Drs soon see if they have any ideas:wacko:


Garfie - thank you and iam so sorry for all your losses hun. I will wait the two weeks the Doc asked me to. I'm thinking of using protection until my first normal cycle as well. I want to try again but very scared
Ok so the sore boobs have stopped which is relieving and nothing else 4dpo prob not my month x
Mapha2 - I had a d&c and I would wait at least the two weeks, we waited two weeks and it was still a tad sore than, and I was even a but emotional about starting to have sex again.

Sorry you had to go through this, a miscarriage is insanely hard!
Hi ladies!

Happy birthday, Pink! :happydance: I never had BH but I agree that's what it sounded like. I guess it's over now, but I think I've heard when that happens to take it easy for a few and drink a glass of water. Glad you're feeling better now!

Hi Never, the thought of having twins myself both fascinates me and terrifies me...but mostly terrifies me though! Of course if that's what I got I'd be over the moon. It's gotta be normal to be sad, but glad you have a sweet hubby to love and support you. Hope you get everything you want down the line. <3

Hi florence, got my fx for you in your tww. Is your DH holding up ok? Would love to see you guys get some good news. Not sure what the deal was with the burning nipples. But I think 4dpo is probably way too early to symptom spot...I think typically one wouldn't have any symptoms until after implantation because that's when the hormones really kick into gear. Still hopeful for you.

Boooooo, Kat! Not sure what your "7dpiui Curse" is, but I hope your body is just faking you out this time! Is it ok if I still hold out a little hope for a few more days?

Hi Starry, hope you're still feeling a little better. Btw, you can change the appearance of the forums back to the old skin. There are instructions in this post:

Left! Glad you made it back! Glad you're feeling better after resting up a bit. :)

ttcmoon, ahhhh noooo I was really hopeful for you. I wasn't able to conceive again before my due date...I wondered how I would go on but somehow I did. Then I thought I'd never make it if I didn't conceive again before the anniversary of the miscarriage...and yet we carry on. I guess you've "been there, done that" too, but still I'm keeping the faith that you won't have to deal with that again. Those "down" times are so so hard. Hoping and praying that you'll feel encouraged again about your next IUI. And hoping and praying it won't come down to IVF. Vent anytime, we're here to listen. <3

Hi Lisa! Glad you got your progesterone! That's great that your bleeding has stopped. Looking for good news about your 2nd beta.

Hi mapha welcome. Sorry to hear about your experience. I never had a d&c so I can't comment, though the advice already given sounds good. Well wishes for your recovery. <3

Garfie, that's so wild, I would definitely be asking the Dr about that. I'm pretty you've already nixed this idea, but OPKs can pick up HCG that even a remote possiblity?

Everyone else, *waves* hope you're all having/had a great weekend.

AFM, it's CD11. Last night's OPK was what I'd consider "almost positive," so I'm looking for a positive probably tonight or maybe tomorrow. Will be so glad when we can just DTD because we want to. Because the magnitude of everything is usually at the front of our minds or at least there's an undercurrent that we're constantly aware of. I have a love/hate relationship with the tww. I'm usually relieved that we've done whatever we could for that cycle. But I also hate the waiting!
hes a little better at the moment, I didn't push for bding when it wa so close to his cousin dying and he doesn't know im using opks or even on this site but he did say to me on o day, I don't feel like it tonight but is this one of those as you cud get pegnant, I just said yeah but given the circustances I really don't thnk we shud worry at the mo, but he was adamant to try so im really crossing my fingers, the funeral is Friday, so I know he will be heartbroken again, we both will, thanku for asking, im 5dpo now with no more symptoms, just that one day on 3dpo where my nipples were really sore im giving up with symptom spotting tho, I found a thread on the 2ww page were he ladies put down everyday what symptoms they had an they turned the post green if it ended up as a pregnancy and red if af, thing is a lot of the symptoms were similar, I just think theyre too similar to af and ovulation, u drive yourself mad don't u! que sera sera, ive done all I can this month so ill just wait and c! fingers crossed w all get our bfps before Christmas!!
Mapha, sorry your here under these circs but you'll get lots of love and support here, I didn't have a d&c butvibeould say go with what the dr tells you and if you need time to recover emotionally then take that time for you to grieve.

Garfie your opk's are weird deffo ask the dr.

I'm failing terribly at personals at the mo, it's been another exhausting day but a good one, my last birthday before I'm a mummy, ill never forget this one.
Pink happy birthday glad this one was good next one will be even more special:happydance:


mapha2 - Welcome to this thread.I am so sorry for your loss. :hugs:Miscarriage is painful both physically and mentally.I hope you recover soon.I too did not bleed much after my blighted ovum last year.As it was an early loss.I had D&C with my first loss and we waited for a month and then started bd'ing.Please listen to your doctor.2 weeks will be good I guess, of course if you are mentally ready.

garfie - :hugs: You should definitely ask your doctor.Our bodies are so unpredictable sometimes.

florence_ - 4DPO is too early.Wait for some more days hun.You won't get symptoms until implantation, which happens between 6DPO and 12DPO.FX'd.
I am so sorry for your hubby's cousin.What happened to him?

Tricia - How are you doing?

eyemon - Happy BD'ing :) Thank you very much for your kind support.These 'low' days are parts of the process.Sometimes we are not among the lucky ones.I am feeling better with the new day.I will be calling my doctor today.I am hopeful for this month, last year I concieved on Oct cycle.So may be this is going to be my month again.I read several threads and have seen woman getting their babies even after 3/4 IUI's.So this may happen to me as well.I am not giving up. :)

Pink - How did you celebrate your special birthday?Indeed it is a special one.Next year it will be more special.

AFM - Thanks ladies for the support.I was feeling very low yesterday.I have been trying for almost 3yrs now with 2 miscarriages and no live baby.I have had numerous clomid cycles with good sized follicles but nothing happened.Now feathers added to it with failed IUI cycles with good everything.I am just wondering if it is DH's morphology or my PCOS struck hormonal body.I am definitely going to ask my doctor.I am eagerly waiting for AF now.New cycle new hope.
I am not giving up!I am definitely going to be a momma and not only me but all of us.FX'd for us.
The weekend was good otherwise was pretty busy with interior ideas.The carpenter is going to bring the shade cards today.Excited!!!!!
He got knocked down by a bus @ttcmoon terrible! Ive stopped tryin to symptom spot dreamt i had my bfp last night . The dream was so real i actually believed it! Wow y do we women do this to ourselves!! I just feel normal and will wait my ten days for af to show and then deal with anything else after that. Spent my whole life wanting af to come and preventing pregnancy! Makes you wonder if all these contraceptive pills cause more harm? Xx
Happy Birthday, Pink!

A few of you asked what my "7 Day Curse" is.'s diarrhea. It's the signal that AF is preparing to arrive in 3-5 days.

Today is 9 dpiui and I tested to see if the trigger was gone. Oh yeah. It's gone. Stark white, Baby.

I talked to my husband, and we want to take a break from the fertility office/meds/IUI until the New Year. We've both basically lost hope after having such a perfect IUI fail. So we'll pay off our "new windows" loan which comes due in January, and then see how we feel. We'll probably still do the syringe at-home insemination just in case, but the expensive visits to the fertility office and pharmacy are over for 2013.
Ok , here I go......

Mapha: Hi :hi: welcome to the thread, so glad u decided to join in. The ladies here are do wonderful and supportive. Sorry to hear of your loss, a m/c is never easy. And I agree with the rest of the ladies, wait to your 2 weeks. I had a D&C at 12 wks and I bled seemed like 4-5 wks. But once I stop bleeding me and DH tried right away, of course my luck we got pregnant right away with the first try but then lost that one too. After that I waited to 1 cycle and I'm holding him in my arms as I type. Just hold out and don't give up.

Ttcmoon: O no sorry to hear that you're going through. But I was there before where I felt like it wasn't going to happen that my body wasn't working but it was and yours will too! If only we could see in our future but unfortunately we just have to wait until we get there!!! Your attitude is Perfect, don't ever give up!

Kat a; Sorry Kat, I still hope u stick around so we can be around when u announce your BFP! My Fingers are always crossed for you!

Florence: Sorry about your DH cousin. And what a wonderful Christmas Present that will be. I hope u still caught it Florence. You still have some days to go until symptons pop in. Don't stress, our FX!!

Eyemom: Your personals was awesome, it really helped me. :sex: away!!i know I would...and maybe u may get lucky like I wish and get some twins. One of us have to get them out of all of us on this thread. FX

Sweetz: Yes!! Our little boys are 8 months almost a year...huh? what? when? How? Did this happen I just pushed him out felt like last month! How is Xan feeling?

Lisalee: no worries, I know prego brain has taken over. Soooo glad to hear the spotting has ceased :happydance: and the progesterone is taking over...Yayyyyyy I'm sooo happy now!!! Go Lisa!!!

Eswemba: How is everything going? With the art therapy?

Garfie; I agree definitely go check that out....but that would be awesome to not be on a time restraint bc of the short ovulation window.

Mackjess: How is that sweet baby doing, are u still broody? Any weight loss?

Tricia : Gosh you're moving sooo fast now. after gender reveal it tends to fly.

Pinkcasi: Sorry your birthday was so tiring I hope u rest up after it was all over. Are u nesting yet?

Grgirl: ARE U in TWW? If so my FX, of course I can't look bk bc I'm on my iPhone arghhh!

Bama: Hope school is going good, you're Soo close that you motivated me to really want to finish!


AFM: I AM OFFICIALLY ON A NO FOOD DIET :haha: or at least that's what I'm telling myself after I just ate a whole box of crackers by myself arrrrggghhhh!! The good news is I lost 10lbs finally I broke my Plato of being stuck. So because Thanksgiving is coming up I really need to loose some weight!anywhoo have a great day ladies

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