March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Lol, never, I was sitting here with a box of cold leftover pizza on my lap when I read your post. Today I just don't care. It's cold out, I'm in pain, and this is as good as it's going to get.:haha:

I wasn't able to continue with art therapy, because I'm already seeing a therapist, and they didn't want my progress to be affected. Bummer.

My back issues are causing me to get trigger points and muscle spasms all over my body and terrible headaches. I've been working on getting the spasms out, but apparently because the bad discs are putting pressure on my spinal nerves, the spasms will just come back. It's just been lots of pain.

My hysteroscopy is November 14th, so I took this cycle off so I could get it done next cycle.

Now to catch up on everyone else!
Got a super super strong OPK today so tomorrow will be 1dpo for me

I just want to be pregnant but am so nervous and scared
O wow Eswemba, that is a lot going on, but the good thing out of all this is the hysterscopy. I wouldn't know if I would want them to find something on my lining simple that can be fixed or find nothing at all. But all I know and hope is they find an answer soon bc we're waiting for ya whenever it happens and I know it will! All the ladies who begun in this thread over a year ago has gotten a BFP and you've put your time in and it will happen to you as well!!! FX!! Until then ENJOY THAT PIZZA!! I know I said I'm no longer eating food but I don't count my DS son snacks as really food do I? I mean their tasteless has to be -10 calories:haha:
Unexpected212: My fingers Are super crossed for you!! Don't give up, we're all in this together:hugs:

Never-Xan is doing great but I think he is hitting the terrible 2s early HAHA

AFM...9 DPO...Nothing significant. Sore throat that is killing me and the stuffiness is getting old. I think it is the weather. Got hit with a bombshell this morning that set my anxiety in full throttle but doing better now. I am not too positive this round that I will get my BFP....we will see the witch is due Saturday.
So bitchy today! Holy cow I'm in a crappy mood. Nothing new to report, just thought I'd share. Maybe it's because I'm on cd 34---let this cycle end!

Hope you guys are having a better Monday than me!
Sorry Mowat: today is so crappy and sorry for your long cycle, hope it ends soon.

Sweetz: you still amazes me that you n Lisa are all in it again...I feel so left behind and left out. Ughhhh I can't wait to join u ladies. FX for you this cycle maybe those symptons are trying to surprise you. Glad Xan is feeling better and haha I can attest to them being in the terrible 2's mode my DS is son busy and gets into everything I forget that he can't walk just yet.

Never omg I am tweaking bc I was sitting watching the game minding my own business and all of a sudden my BBs starting tingling and itching WEIRD!!! lol I also had a McDonald's buffet...and that means either AF if on her way within the next day or 2 or the other. Weird enough my creamy cm is very abundant, but I am cramping and have a bit looser stools then usual. (sorry TMI) lol Ahhhhhh WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN!!!!! THE TWW SUCKS!!!! lol
ttcmoon, how'd it go meeting the carpenter? Sounds so exciting. :)

Hi Kat how ya holding up? It'd be normal to have a stark white bfn between trigger and before a bfp (if a bfp were to happen) anyway right? Or in the case of an IUI would the positive after the trigger just stay positive if pregnancy occurred? It's very possible I'll be learning a lot about this in the next couple of months. Sorry if I'm being too selfish with my questions! In any case, :hugs:

Never, lol oh my, a no food diet. How's that going for you? :P Hopefully not too good because that sounds like a horrible diet! I made this tonight (I tweaked it just slightly). Om nom nom!

ES, sorry that the art therapy isn't panning out, and sorry to hear about your continued back issues. :( GL with your hysteroscopy!

Hi Unexpected! GL! Unless there's more I just don't know (since you know your body and your past experiences and everything), if possible...keep DTD for a couple of days after your +OPK! You could ovulate a day or two after your +OPK. If that was your first + this cycle, it's pretty uncommon (though it has happened to me) to actually ovulate the same day as your +OPK. I'm so bad at keeping up with everyone, maybe you've already talked more about this and I am just not remembering. I totally get the wanting to be pregnant but being nervous and scared thing. Still, I hope it happens for you soon and it's a strong, sticky bean!

Mowat! Hi hi! It feels weird to wish AF on someone 'round here, but hope your cycle comes to an end soon and you are feeling better!

Sweetz! GL! The TWW totally does suck! Hope it all means something good! ;)

All the pregnant ladies, hope you're doing great! <3 <3 <3

Everyone else, happy Monday. Tomorrow is my "Monday." I'M NOT READY!!!! *lol*

AFM, this morning I had a dentist appt (went fine), got my flu shot, and spent a bunch of money on groceries. Cooked a tasty dinner at my mom's house. Was a pretty nice day off, all in all. As for TTC stuffs, I had some cramping this morning and my temp has already been on the rise (pretty weird for me, not sure what I make of it). I feel like I most likely ovulated today. Wish I'd gotten in earlier on the BD, but it should still be enough to get the job done if anything is to happen. At least got one more night to go before I'm counting myself in the TWW. It's already late and I'm sleepy. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! For the CAUSE! Oh I'm loopy. It's totally obvious in this post that my brain is completely gone, lol.
Oh we will keep DTD every day/other day. Gonna try my hardest not to miss this egg!

Thanks for the advice and kind words ladies. I counted it as yesterday because I got a positive OPK sunday and a SUPER positive one yesterday and then it started to fade by mid afternoon and it's back quite pale today so I THINK yesterday was probably ovulation.
Lordy... Holy sleepy today! I got hardly any sleep last night, between my husbands snoring and not being able to get comfy... I don't know what the deal is with the snoring, it has gotten so much worse... And I was already wearing ear plugs and it was a problem.... Ugh
Hi Kat how ya holding up? It'd be normal to have a stark white bfn between trigger and before a bfp (if a bfp were to happen) anyway right? Or in the case of an IUI would the positive after the trigger just stay positive if pregnancy occurred? It's very possible I'll be learning a lot about this in the next couple of months. Sorry if I'm being too selfish with my questions! In any case, :hugs:

AFM, this morning I had a dentist appt (went fine), got my flu shot, and spent a bunch of money on groceries. Cooked a tasty dinner at my mom's house. Was a pretty nice day off, all in all. As for TTC stuffs, I had some cramping this morning and my temp has already been on the rise (pretty weird for me, not sure what I make of it). I feel like I most likely ovulated today. Wish I'd gotten in earlier on the BD, but it should still be enough to get the job done if anything is to happen. At least got one more night to go before I'm counting myself in the TWW. It's already late and I'm sleepy. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! For the CAUSE! Oh I'm loopy. It's totally obvious in this post that my brain is completely gone, lol.

Thanks, Hon. Yeah, it is totally normal to get a negative before a positive...even with an IUI. I just really hoped...

However, I *am* using Dollar store tests, which are only 50 mIU/hCG where FRERs are 25. The box says it's not accurate until the day of the missed period, so no wonder it's stark white.

I'm just sad because all my pre-AF symptoms showed up like clockwork. Weeeeell until today, that is. This is new: diarrhea on 10 dpiui. I checked my logs and that's never happened before. I've not had that past Day 8 since I started logging back in May. I also have a stuffy nose with blood (eww sorry) for the past week. Could just be because we turned on the heat and it dried out my nasal passages, though.

(whoops I hit "save" before I was done!)

Glad your BDing went well and now you have the TWW to look forward to. Good luck!!!
Hiya ladies, urm I really want to do personals but there's soooo much my tiny baby brain can't compute I'm lame but loves ya'll

Tricia it's normal trust me, for a few months there I really despised my oh he would breathe differently especially at night it made me wana put a pillow over his head lol apparently it's normal! As for the uncomfortableness sorry but get used to it it'll only get worse why do you think I'm desperate for her to come now, my mw said it's totally normal and to sleep whenever you can thankfully as I'm not at work I can just nap in the day, I hope you manage to get some relief.

Sounds like loads of you are in or nearing the tww fx'd for all of you!!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes girls it was tiring but totally worth it I'm just hoping I didn't overdo it with the cake, if I have sugar in my pee at next mw visit I'll need testing for gd and noone wants that :-(
Oh one more exciting thing my friends are throwing me a surprise shower! I know it's normal for you Americans but in the uk we don't really do showers and most if my friends already have kids and I didn't throw them showers so I feel so blessed that they're going to the effort for me, I know I said surprise but I know about it, it's cos obviously they had to make sure I was able to do it, all I knew is that it's happening then my mum said the other day that I should ensure the house is tidy by the wkend *wink* so in like ok it's happening on sat, it's so exciting!!!

I've harped on enough about myself, I'll try and not leave it do long then hopefully will manage personals #fail
Ok so I still have abundant CM, woke up nauseous and last night when I took a shower, when the water hit my nipples it HURT!!! If I don't get AF by Sat I will test. I still don't want to get my hopes up bc I don't want to get disappointed but the water has only hurt them when I was pregnant. Super sensitive nips was a symptom in both the MC and pregnancy I had.I also have AF type cramps but my CM always dries up before AF so a bit confused. OOooo So nervous!!! I don't get paid until Friday so that is helping with the POAS temptation lol Ahhhhhh!!!!

Sorry it's a sleepy day, Tricia! I'm not even pg and I want to sleep today too. It was dark and rainy when I had to get up...perfect sleeping weather. Hope you get a burst of energy soon and a restful night tonight! <3

Kat, fx that you get your positive soon and then because you had the negative already it'll just serve to show that it's a real bfp and not just the trigger. ;) Oh my endless optimism, I hope it's not too annoying. Hope your different symptoms mean something good!

(Which Dollar Store tests have you been using? I just discovered that is no more. :cry: There was anecdotal evidence indicating that the Dollar Tree ones...New Choice and one other label from there I don't recall...are actually a little more sensitive. But who knows? :shrug:)

Pink, hoping your sugar test turns out good! That's so great about the shower! You'll have to tell us all about it. :D

AFM, My temp is still not rising as much as I'd like to be able to call it good, so we'll DTD one more time tonight...then I'll be ready for a break. :P I'm afraid I might not get my cross hairs since I didn't temp as consistently in the first part of my cycle. I just discarded a weird high temp I had on CD6 to see if that makes any difference (might just be even worse since it leaves an even bigger gap in my temping). I was out of town and had a crap night's sleep that night. I don't know if I've ever gotten a temp that high in my follicular phase before.

Also, since last night, my LEFT nipple is super senstive! Right one a little, but not near as much. I used to get sensitive nipples as an ovulation/LP symptom all the time...but usually it's pretty symmetrical between the two. I don't think it's anything bad, just weird that the left one bothers me more?
Ok so I still have abundant CM, woke up nauseous and last night when I took a shower, when the water hit my nipples it HURT!!! If I don't get AF by Sat I will test. I still don't want to get my hopes up bc I don't want to get disappointed but the water has only hurt them when I was pregnant. Super sensitive nips was a symptom in both the MC and pregnancy I had.I also have AF type cramps but my CM always dries up before AF so a bit confused. OOooo So nervous!!! I don't get paid until Friday so that is helping with the POAS temptation lol Ahhhhhh!!!!

Hi Sweetz sorry I was working on the other reply and after I posted I saw yours! I hope these are all pregnancy symptoms! Progesterone is an evil thing, so many PMS symptoms being just like pg symptoms. But if these are different for you, can't help but hope! Fx!
Kat- I checked the sensitivity of tests on 2 different sites and got conflicting info. One website said 25 and the other said 50. Confusing for sure! Those are usually the ones I use for early testing though. I believe they work before your missed period but they're just trying to be on the safe side. Hoping that your change in symptoms is a sign. :)

Sweetz- I'll be sitting on the edge of my seat until Saturday. Sounds promising!

Eyemom- is the nipple thing a possible pregnancy symptom? FX!

Tricia- It can be hard to get comfortable in the latter part of your pregnancy. Time for you to cuddle up with a couple of pillows. I got a body pregnancy pillow which was great!

AFM- No news. The Doc never called back with my HCG numbers from Friday. So I'm guessing no news is good news? It hasn't really been on my mind much. Can't wait til my US on Monday so we can get clarity.
Eyemom- is the nipple thing a possible pregnancy symptom? FX!

AFM- No news. The Doc never called back with my HCG numbers from Friday. So I'm guessing no news is good news? It hasn't really been on my mind much. Can't wait til my US on Monday so we can get clarity.
I wish! But no. If this were happening later in my cycle I'd be super excited. Sensitive nipples is always an early pg sign for me, but it also used to be a reliable ovulation and after type symptom. But it is wayyyyyyy too early to spot for pg symptoms. I'm not even 100% sure I've already ovulated (though I think probably I have). I am getting what I deserve talking about OPKs because this time I thought I'd test til they're negative b/c I haven't done it in a while. And sure enough, today's my 3rd day of +opk. This cycle is weird because in some regards it's a lot like the way my cycles used to be (which I consider good b/c it seems I used to be more fertile then too). But in other ways this cycle is different than others too. So I guess we'll just see what happens.

I'd think no news is good news about your HCG! My Dr office always used to say they'd call if there was something but if things are good they probably wouldn't call. Fx for a perfect u/s!
Hey ladies! Sorry I am really out of it today. I just got sideswiped with some insane news yesterday. I might need to head out of town and if I do, getting online won't happen often. It is not set in stone exactly what is going to happen but that is a possibility. Oy vey....that is all I am going to say lol Just, if you pray, please pray for clarity for me on what to do. I am at a loss......

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