March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

11dpiui and BFN on a FRER (I caved and bought one)

Sweetz, sounds like you are certainly in the middle of some nasty drama there. I know you'll do the right thing :)
Sweetz, I hope everything works out with whatever is going on.

Kat, sorry about your bFN. I hope it changes!

Sorry for not doing personal responses this morning. I've only got a little time, and just wanted to update on my back situation.

So yesterday, I had a discogram, and they put needles into my back directly into the spine to try to locate the source of my pain. Holy s**t it was painful! The worst pain I've ever felt in my life. Good news is they found the source of my pain, which is definitely the 2 bad discs. Bad news is the doctor said I would probably benefit from a 2-level spinal fusion. If it relieves the pain, I'm all for it. But TTC would be put off for a while.

So that's my update. I'll get on later to read through previous posts.
Hello all I am new to this. Long story short me and my husband lost our baby @6w6d along and the baby past on october 3rd of this year. Well we resumed sex after a few days and I am now having pregnancy symptoms again. But I am shooting for that BFP this coming up month I wish all of you the best. Can't wait to see who gets their rainbow babies this month.!
ES - ouch! That does sound very painful. It sounds like a tough place to be. Do you put up with the pain and TTC or do you go fix the back and put TTC on the backburner? Neither option sounds fun.

lex -welcome to our little group. I am so sorry for your loss. I do want to warn you that it's common to keep getting pregnancy symptoms long after a loss....espeically right before AF. This past time I even got a faint bfp right before my first AF but it kept getting lighter and lighter. It turned out my hcg hadn't gone to zero yet so I was still testing positive from my lost pregnancy. It really sucked. Though some ladies do get pregnant right away. If your tests are get darker and darker then it would most likely be a new beanie growing inside.

kat - sorry about the bfn. :(

afm - had another really sick day yesterday. Getting really tired of it. Oh well. It should be getting better soon and it makes me feel like things are still progressing. I see the OB next week.
ESwemba84 - Glad to know that you found an answer for your back pain.I hope it gets completely cured now.How long you need to put TTC on hold for this?

lexieruth23 - I am so sorry for your loss.Welcome to this thread.Losses are always painful.The pregnancy symptoms after miscarriage can be misleading.But many girls here got preggo even before first period.So It can happen!FX'd for you.As mentioned by starry if the BFP line getting darker day by day its a new baby then.

starry Night - All the best for your appointment with OB.Sending loads of energy to the tired momma.

Kat - 11DPO could still be early, test in 2 days again.HCG is supposed to double in 48hrs.

Tricia - Snoring is really annoying.It may happen from breathing disorder or obesity.Do not neglect, better to see a doctor.

Pinkcasi - Wow!Suprise baby shower sounds great.

Sweetz33 - All the best.I too hate TWW. :)

lisalee1 - It should be a good news.FX'd.

Eyemom - Sore breats are great pregnancy sign.I am hopeful for you...

AFM - AF got me today.Having an appointment tomorrow.
Thank you so much it feels go to be in with a group of women who understand me. I know for sure my hcg has gone all the way back down as I had it tracked back down but even if it is af thank goodness I am getting back to normal god will bless me with a beanie as u say lol as soon as he feels we are ready but im going to encourage him and keep trying lol.
I don't know who 'they' are, but 'they' say your most fertile after MC so fingers crossed lexiruth!! xx
Hey ladies!!

(((LEXI))))) SS for your loss but you found an awesome group of supportive ladies.

TTC SS the witch got you...

It seems that some clarity has come out in my situation so that is good, not over but progressing. <3 Had a horrific vivid dream last night that scared the bageezus out of me.:sad2:

So I am 11dpo, same symptoms. Still have the abundant CM, it isn't drying up. I am overly emotional. Hungry, sore BBs. I am not testing until Saturday. So I guess we will see eh?? Still staying pessimistic.
SWeetz sorry for the drama your caught up in :( hope it all works out in the end . Your chart is looking good lady :)
ES- Ouch! I hope you get some relief soon for your back.

Sweetz- Why are you torturing us by waiting to test? Unless you normally get sore boobs in the TWW, it definitely sounds promising to me! :dust:

Lexi- Welcome to the group! Very sorry to hear about your loss. But you have found a great support group. There are ladies at all stages of TTC. I have gotten preggo twice straight away after a MC so just know that it CAN happen. Hoping you get your rainbow soon. :hugs:

KatS- Sorry about your negative test. I was getting excited about the change in symptoms. Well, at least you have a few more days. :hugs:

TTCMoon- Sorry AF caught you. You said you have an appt tomorrow. What type of appt? Are you getting tests run?
Lisa it is a fear thing....I am waiting until the absolutely last moment.
Kat, sorry about your bfn. :(

ES, sounds like progress on your back situation. Hope you are feeling better soon somehow.

Hi lexie, so sorry for your loss :hugs: but welcome. Wishing you the best, hope you get your rainbow soon.

Starry, sorry you had a bad day yesterday. Hope it eases up (consistently) soon. Hopefully in some way it's reassuring to "feel pregnant" though. :-/ Looking forward to a great update after your ob appt. :)

ttcmoon, so sorry AF got you. :( :hugs: GL at your appt.

florence, hang in there...still soon for symptoms. I do know folks who got a bfp with no symptoms.

Sweetz, it's wild how real dreams can be right? :( Glad you're getting some clarity on your situation. Your symptoms sound promising, I am so hoping they mean something! Even though you're protecting yourself by waiting to test, I am still amazed at your will power...I have NONE. :) Also, grats to your Sox. :)

Hi Lisa, hope you're still doing well.

Hii everyone else!

AFM, still got the sensitive nipples, still left more than right, don't think it has any special meaning b/c I've barely even ovulated. I am encouraged though to have some symptoms that remind me of my seemingly more fertile days??? (Sensitive nipples used to be pretty typical for me, but not in several months.) Maybe there's something in the Fertilaid that causes me to have this symptom? Don't know. My temp finally hit a point I can be pretty confident I've ovulated. It was weird this time. I just kind of hovered between my usual pre-ov and post-ov temps for a few days. But I never go this high without having ovulated. Because of that and my bad temping for a few days, I'm not sure fertility friend is going to give me cross hairs this time. :( Guess I'll see in the next couple of days.
I got a trick for Halloween: my period. I think I'll dress as a witch to give out candy tonight.
Kat- I'm sorry about AF :(

Sweetz- your chart looks promising! Hope the drama sorts itself out for you.

Es- at least you can get some pain relief? That's always a positive thing.

Eyemom- my temping has been all jacked up this cycle too (thermometer broke and I had to wait for a new one) so not sure FF will like me either :(

AFM, just waiting to O (still). Have all the signs but just can't get a + OPK :( Still in the middle of the BD Marathon, so we'll see. Feeling really pessimistic today :( Never had a single drop of blood when I was pregnant with DS and other than hyperemesis the entire time and issues from that, everything went ok. Now just since July I've had 2 losses! WTH!?! And my OB won't test until there are 3 :( The only thing he did test last loss was my progesterone and that was ok. The part that's concerning me is that even though it was July and October, they were pretty much consecutive attempts. We didn't try a cycle and NTNP a cycle, then went back to trying in October.
OB said it was bad luck :( But now of course I can't help but worry.
Kat, that totally stinks. So sorry. :hugs: Do your docs have you do progesterone after IUI? Has yours checked out good before? You've probably said before but I can't keep up.

GRGirl, hope you O soon! I hate it when it's later than usual. Honestly I just tire of all the BD. That's bad right? Yeah, two m/cs has to be so rough. I'd want testing too. Though I've also heard it said that one is "bad luck," two is "really bad luck," and with three then you get stuff checked out. I have a friend in St. Louis whose Dr started testing after two due to suspicious circumstances/"coincidences" about hers. But it seems pretty unusual. No less frustrating though! Will certainly be praying when you get your bfp it'll be a strong, sticky bean! Hope you can feel some peace about the whole process. <3
Eyemom, yup, they check my progesterone regularly. It's fine and I don't need supplements.

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