Kat, sorry about your bfn.
ES, sounds like progress on your back situation. Hope you are feeling better soon somehow.
Hi lexie, so sorry for your loss

but welcome. Wishing you the best, hope you get your rainbow soon.
Starry, sorry you had a bad day yesterday. Hope it eases up (consistently) soon. Hopefully in some way it's reassuring to "feel pregnant" though. :-/ Looking forward to a great update after your ob appt.
ttcmoon, so sorry AF got you.

GL at your appt.
florence, hang in there...still soon for symptoms. I do know folks who got a bfp with no symptoms.
Sweetz, it's wild how real dreams can be right?

Glad you're getting some clarity on your situation. Your symptoms sound promising, I am so hoping they mean something! Even though you're protecting yourself by waiting to test, I am still amazed at your will power...I have NONE.

Also, grats to your Sox.
Hi Lisa, hope you're still doing well.
Hii everyone else!
AFM, still got the sensitive nipples, still left more than right, don't think it has any special meaning b/c I've barely even ovulated. I am encouraged though to have some symptoms that remind me of my seemingly more fertile days??? (Sensitive nipples used to be pretty typical for me, but not in several months.) Maybe there's something in the Fertilaid that causes me to have this symptom? Don't know. My temp finally hit a point I can be pretty confident I've ovulated. It was weird this time. I just kind of hovered between my usual pre-ov and post-ov temps for a few days. But I never go this high without having ovulated. Because of that and my bad temping for a few days, I'm not sure fertility friend is going to give me cross hairs this time.

Guess I'll see in the next couple of days.