March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

I think I'm only 9dpo not 10 Did a test today and negative but I realised I was counting ovulation as day of positive OPK rather than the day after

Been cramping badly today, sore back and nausea. Hoping its implantation and not af showing her face early, she's due Sunday!

Hope everyone is well. Luck and baby dust to all x
I was just thinking about my temps and I don't know...I'm probably just trying to make myself feel better. But I have a theory.

My temps went up a lot higher with the time change...this went along with the thermal shift I was expecting, but also my body thought I was sleeping in an hour later than usual. So would it be too far-fetched to think that my temps might go down a little as my body adapts to the time change instead of it being as if I'm temping an hour late? Am I making any sense?

In the last 15 minutes or so I've also been having a metallic taste in my mouth. Oh how I hate symptom spotting, haha. I wish I could just stop.

I'm also realizing I haven't been having the insomnia I so often have in the luteal phase...knock on wood. I'll happily skip that, pregnant or not.

Still, all other signs are pointing to NO.
Well, the metallic taste only lasted maybe 20-30 min. Who knows what that was all about :shrug:

Quiet night. Hope everyone's doing ok!
Baby dust to everyone here!!! And Nothing but joy to all the prego ladies here!!! And TWW my FX!!! And the ones TTC don't give up!!

Well I think it's my time to take a break from the threads. I'm so busy now with my crawler and school and life that I can't get on as much and let's be honest I have nothing exciting to post since I'm not trying Soooo I'm going to take a break for a while and focus on my family and studies. I wish the best to everyone here! Good luck and take care of y'all selves(is that even a word:haha: ). I will be lurking!!
Pinkcasi - your wait will be over very soon and she wont be premature either.You will get a very healthy and happy princess.You have gone through 36 weeks the rest is just so small as compared to it.

Kat S - Good to know that you are giving it a try.I will be going for my next scan tomorrow and hope my follies catch up.In PCOS follies generally grow at slower rate.

Starry Night - All the best for your OB appointment.How are you doing?

Unexpected - All the best darling.I can smell a BFP!!!!

eyemom - metallic taste sounds promising to me too.We ladies never stop spotting small symptoms!huh!are you still getting boob soreness.You mentioned one boob was sore...

nevergivingup - Oh no!Please do not leave us.Keep checking the thread please.We need your support here :) How is your crawler doing now?

AFM - Taken another injection today.Went to check the woodwork at home.THe carpenter is still working to make ply boxes.It is going to take long before we actually see the end product.
I need to come to office tomorrow for support.So no weekend excitement.I have a folli scan tomorrow let's see if the follies have grown.I will update you girls!

I hope all are doing good here.All pregnant ladies are having good time with their little one inside them.I am keeping fingers crossed for myself.I got my last BFP in last yr november cycle.It's been 1yr I am trying after that with no luck.I am hopeful with this IUI cycle, may be Nov is lucky for me!As it was in last yr.Please pray for me!I am keeping fingers crossed for all of you lovely ladies.
Never I get it lovely, lurk about if you can but I do understand that you feel like you can't contribute as your not pregnant or ttc, just so you know you can and you do contribute, you always know just what to say to make us feel better so don't go too far ok.

Ttc good luck with your scan hope your follies are good.

Everyone else trying good luck!!!

All the prego ladies hope you're all well and enjoying the cooking process, it feels like it's dragging now but trust me when you get towards the end it'll feel like it's flown and you'll think omg amino ready for this, so breathe relax and enjoy. x

Afm I had a great nights sleep on wed night, no pain at all I woke up feeling so good it was great, last night however really made up for it, I barely slept at all it was hideous my poor oh doesn't get to sleep either when I'm like that and he's gone off to work poor thing.
Oh and did I say my pram arrived I'm soo excited can't wait to have a play lol and the car is in the garage and all being well should be fixed on 2weeks so hopefully just in time to bring Stella home.
Unexpected, good luck! I hope this is it for you!

Eyemom, oooh metallic taste? That's a good sign! I hope it's not a trick!

Never, oh I'll miss you! Some days you are the only one who keeps me going! But I understand that Real Life needs your attention. Go make us proud and check in when you can.

TTCmoon, another day of follie growing! Go follies, go!!
Sorry this is a short reply as I have to hurry and get ready for an early-start work day. But I tested this morning and BFN. 10 dpo I think, so it's "still early." But ehhhhhh.

(And ttcmoon, no, I had one sore nipple for a few days, then I thought the sides of both boobs were sore for a couple of days but idk...but no, nothing like that in a few days. Those symptoms were more around ovulation time, and the further I get from ovulation this cycle, the fewer symptoms I get.)
Never :cry: this little cub is gonna miss you - check in when you can and give that gorgeous little boy of yours a big :kiss: from me

Eye - Yes it is early - still got my fingers crossed for you.

TTC - Grow follies grow - come on :flower:

Pink - Can't believe how soon you will hold your little rainbow :happydance:

Kat - Good for you deciding to go for it :happydance:

Love to all the pregnant ladies as always:hugs:

AFM - Not posting much these days - don't really have a lot to say - going to Drs on Monday for CD21 to tell you the truth I'm getting a bit down about it all at the moment. Hubby is so excited today he picks up his new baby (a new car) and me I'm still waiting for my new baby and the years are rolling by and I'm not getting any younger - soon be time to quit:cry:

Got the lighest shadow on a few IC but not getting my hopes up, been cramping and sore back like I'm going to start AF any second. Due on Sunday.

Hate squinting at tests and being sure there is something and then not sure lol.

Thank you so much for all the kind words it really means a lot,
Sorry your feeling down garfie, I guess only you and you dh know when it's time to give up I do hope you get your rainbow before that time comes xx

Unexpected, argh I knew there would be a wild rush of bfps now, test again in the morning yeah I bet it's darker!!!
Never, you will be missed, I love your posts! But you gotta do your real life thing! Please update us once in a while if you can! Best wishes for you and your schooling and your sweet family. :)

ttcmoon, fx for a good scan! Will pray that THIS is your cycle! :hugs:

Kat, thank you, though I think it probably was a trick. It was such a blip on the radar but I got a little excited and was at the computer at the time so I just had to post about it, haha. It happened very, very briefly again this morning too. But eh. I don't know. How are you doing?

garfie, I don't really know what to say, but many :hugs::hugs: for you. Still hoping and praying you get your rainbow.

Unexpected! That would be amazing if it's real! Did it have any color to it or just a shadow? I am 10 dpo too and I didn't even have a squinter, so I'm hoping yours is the real deal! Will be eagerly awaiting your next update. ;)

Hope everyone else is doing well! <3

AFM, not much else to report besides the BFN this morning. Didn't even temp this morning since I had to get up early and my sleep was pretty much crap too. I was happy that I hadn't had the luteal phase insomnia I usually get this cycle...but last night I did, grr. Only other symptom today was semi-TMI-ish: had some mild cramps for a couple of hours, at one point it almost felt kind of burning. Then I had a bit of pinkish-brown mucus. Which I don't even dare hope is IB because I've had "could this be IB???" twice this cycle already, haha. Ugh. I'm feeling okayish I guess, but I have a feeling I'm going to take this AF hard assuming she comes.
Unexpected212 - I agree with pink, more BFP's are definitely in their way in this cycle.Test again and keep us updated.

Garfie - I am sorry to know you are feeling low :hugs: I hope you get an answer soon.

Kat - How are you doing?

Pink - How are you doing today?How is stella doing inside? :)

eyemom - I am sorry for your BFN.And yes it is still early.It could be IB but may not be as well.Pinking mucus is common in early pregnancy as well.I am keeping my fingers crossed.I hope you sleep tight and enjoy the weekend :)

AFM - Went for scan today.Lining is at 7.8 patchy.My doctor is not happy.I have 2 follicles this time one at 14 and one at 15.Expecting them to grow more in these 2 days.My IUI will be on next wednesday I guess.Things do not look good for me in this cycle but still I am keeping my hope up.We will have to take a break from medicated TTC for some months if this cycle does not work.
We are not ready for IVF yet both mentally and financially.That would be my last resort.This is my 4th IUI (3rd with this doctor).I took injections daily but still ended with only 2 folli and bad lining.Looks like I stopped responding to medication.I have been doing medicated cycles for so many days now!Poor me.Please pray!
Hi ladies , there are so many of you I would love to give a really big hug to right now , ttc moon , Garfie , Kat , eyemom ( hope I have not left anyone out ! ) Here is a really BIG HUG for you all :hugs: .

TTC is one of the hardest journeys I've ever been on and consumes your life and every waking moment . Sometimes it plain wears you out !!! :nope: I am hoping and praying that you all get your BFP soon xxxxxxxx

Never I will miss you and your posts , you have always always been so positive , honest and supportive to everyone . I have really enjoyed your company and wish you all the best of luck for your journey onwards :) don't forget to come back and see us again xxxxxxxxxxx love to you and your little man

Pink the days keep counting down eeeeek not long now :happydance: AFM not a lot to report , the days are ticking by and overall I'm doing great . Next biggy is my GD three hour test on the 25th of November .

Hope everyone has a super weekend and does something nice to spoil themselves . Cause ladies your worth it :flower:
garfie - :hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry that you're feeling down. I can't even imagine the journey you've been on. I only know how draining my own has been. No real words other than I am hoping you will be surprised by your rainbow soon.

ttcmoon - I'm sorry your body seems to be not responding to medication anymore. Infertility is so, so unfair and I wish I could kick it in the face. :grr: Fingers crossed that your body surprises you this month and you get your bfp anyways.

eyemom - so sorry about your bfn. Hopefully, you simply have a 'shy' bfp waiting for you but I understand not wanting to get your hopes up too high.

unexpected - hope those squinters turn into real lines soon! Can't wait to hear the update.

Left - good luck with your GD tests. I hope you get the tastier drink. I always get the orange-soda flavoured kind but I heard some get some that taste like flat Sprite. Yuck.

afm - my all day and all night sickness is returning. :wacko: It's not as overwhelming as it had been a few weeks ago but it is picking up and I'm nervous that I'll be sick the whole time. I don't deal well with sickness. My barfing phobia is in full swing. I cry and my heart pounds and I can't breathe every time I throw up. It's so scary.:nope: At this point in the pregnancy I'm still hoping it will be worth it in the end.

Each day that I get closer to my last loss milestone (12+3 weeks) I get more and more scared. I don't know how the baby is actually doing. I'll hear the heart beat (hopefully) on the 18th but I have to pass that last milestone to get there. My 12 week m/c was so out of the blue that I know anything can happen yet.
Looks like I'm out. 11dpo and still a squinter on an IC but NOTHING on FRER so I'm thinking it's a fault in the test's im using thats bringing up a shadow/evap. The squinter is so faint i might as well just have line eye lol.

I'm also having REALLY bad period pains. Feels like AF is coming any second.

Onto the next month I guess!!

I hope everyone has more luck this month than me!

Thanks again for all your kind words ladies. Hoping December will be my month!
Garfi, good luck at the Dr on Monday. I'm with you on the 'feeling down'. 8 IUIs, a year + at the fertility office and no baby in sight. When is it going to be our turn?

Eyemom, you really are having symptoms that would get *my* hopes up if I were you, so I get it. I hope this is the real thing!!

TTCmoon, I'm sorry your dr isn't happy about your lining, but your follicles sound great! two at 14 and dr would be thrilled! Is there anything they can give you to improve your lining? When I was on injection only, I got ONE follicle. And I was up to a very high dose. I started getting nice multiple follicles when I changed to a Letrizole/injection combo. I did the Letrizole for 5 days, then did injections for two days and BAM...4 mature follicles. That seemed to be the combination that worked for me.

Hi, Left!! Nice to hear from you as always! Thanks for the hug!

Starry, I'm sorry you are suffering from MS all day. Here we try for months and months to get pregnant only to be sick the whole time making it next to impossible to enjoy. Not fair. We'll be here holding your hand as you get through your milestone. I can only imagine how hard it is to see it coming.

Unexpected, I'm so sorry it was an evap :( Well, as they say, "you're not out yet!" Good luck, Hon.

AFM, CD 9 today. I had some injection meds left over from last cycle. Since they are mixed and therefore only good for 30 days and cost us $500, I decided to take what was left this cycle. I did one injection yesterday and I'll do another today. The plan is to do an at-home insem via syringe when my Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation monitor gives me the green light.

I'm enjoying my time away from the fertility office, and really hope that like lots of women my age, I'll just fall pregnant at home "naturally" lol.

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