Garfi, good luck at the Dr on Monday. I'm with you on the 'feeling down'. 8 IUIs, a year + at the fertility office and no baby in sight. When is it going to be our turn?
Eyemom, you really are having symptoms that would get *my* hopes up if I were you, so I get it. I hope this is the real thing!!
TTCmoon, I'm sorry your dr isn't happy about your lining, but your follicles sound great! two at 14 and dr would be thrilled! Is there anything they can give you to improve your lining? When I was on injection only, I got ONE follicle. And I was up to a very high dose. I started getting nice multiple follicles when I changed to a Letrizole/injection combo. I did the Letrizole for 5 days, then did injections for two days and BAM...4 mature follicles. That seemed to be the combination that worked for me.
Hi, Left!! Nice to hear from you as always! Thanks for the hug!
Starry, I'm sorry you are suffering from MS all day. Here we try for months and months to get pregnant only to be sick the whole time making it next to impossible to enjoy. Not fair. We'll be here holding your hand as you get through your milestone. I can only imagine how hard it is to see it coming.
Unexpected, I'm so sorry it was an evap

Well, as they say, "you're not out yet!" Good luck, Hon.
AFM, CD 9 today. I had some injection meds left over from last cycle. Since they are mixed and therefore only good for 30 days and cost us $500, I decided to take what was left this cycle. I did one injection yesterday and I'll do another today. The plan is to do an at-home insem via syringe when my Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation monitor gives me the green light.
I'm enjoying my time away from the fertility office, and really hope that like lots of women my age, I'll just fall pregnant at home "naturally" lol.