March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Thanks girls, I don't know I really don't I just feel so far past the end of my tether I can't cope anymore.

I do have friends and family close but I don't want to tell anyone just yet as I don't want people thinking badly of him and I will rant and rave, plus telling people (irl) makes it a bit real.

There have been so many times during my pregnancy when I've told him I don't want him and he's said 'yeah yeah ok dear' and it's just hormones and we both know it but now I'm not angry I'm not ranting and raving and I wonder whether there is any way back.

I don't want to be left a single mum and I certainly don't want to be left 3 weeks before I'm due to give birth that's a stress I really don't need but staying together just because the alternative is too scary isn't right.

I just really don't know what to do :-(
Pink big hugs to you ...... I'm with Starry now may not be the best time to make big decisions . Maybe press the "pause" button for a while . At least until Stella arrives and you are feeling physically better . Wether you like it or not Hormones are raging through your body !!!! And on top of it your in constant pain ans discomfort , not to mention anxious , worried , excited , terrified and overwhelmed !!!! ( all I'm thinking perfectly normal feelings and emotions at this stage )

Give yourself a break , be kind to yourself and concentrate on minding you !! And Stella . If this means OH sleeping on the sofa for a few weeks until you have space to make decisions so be it . At least your ride to the hospital maybe on offer !!! I hope he comes home and is willin got wait to make any big decisions for your relationship xxxxxxx
ES it made me so happy to see you doing well. So glad you're feeling better about things. If you end up adopting, those children will most certainly be a huge blessing in your life and they will be so lucky to call you momma. No matter how you become a mom, it is exciting to know you will be one, one day. And you will be great. I think I'm nearly ready to consider adoption as well, but I don't think DH is there yet.

Pink, I'm so sorry you're going through such a rough time like this. I think Starry gives wise advice. I don't really know what to add, so I'll just offer my :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Unexpected, sorry you're out this cycle. :( "New cycle, new hopes" though!

AFM, I'm out too. AF hasn't gotten here properly, but it's 13 dpo and another BFN and I've begun spotting just a little. Not expecting AF until tomorrow, but we shall see. Might happen late tonight. So I'm pretty sure it's on to the next cycle for me as well. Blah. I was having a harder time of it yesterday but I'm coming around now.
eyemom - next month is our month I can feel it :) also you are not out until the witch shows!

Pinkcasi - I think the girls are right. Concentrate on you and the baby for now and give yourself as much time and space as you need.
Thanks lovlies I really hate complaining and I don't like slating my oh he really isn't that bad it's just difficult just now.
He's not coming home tonight he's staying at a friends to give us some space he said he'll be back tomorrow and we can talk, I'm really conscious that there are hormones flying about so I don't want to make any rash decisions, I'm just so scared that we can't go back, i never planned to be a single mum.

I'm sorry you gals are out onwards and upwards, still time for that Xmas beanie.
ES- I am glad to know that you are feeling better emotionally.I would request you to give priority to your back pain first.Adoption is a great thing, definitely a very good way to become a mother.
But it is not so easy thing to go with.Both you and your DH need to be mentally prepared completely.Take your time and think over it.

Pink - I am so sorry dear...Big hugs for you.I am with starry and Left -This is not the correct time to make big decisions.Give him a call and tell him how much I need him at this moment, without losing temper.Sometmes even if it is not your mistake a sorry and a few kind words can make huge difference for you,your relationship and the small one coming soon.

Unexpected - I am sorry for your BFN dear.Sometimes luck just plays the cruel role.I am sure time will change soon and you will get BFP.I know it must be very hard to digest at this moment and you must be feeling low but next month when you get BFP you will just forget about this month.It will definitely happen..

mowat - Sorry to know about your DS's stomach flu.How is he doing now?BD well girl!Fingers crossed.

Kat - Go girl!May the swimmers meet the eggie asap!

Mamatex- How are you doing?

eyemom - I am so sorry.:hugs: I do not know what to say.I expected so much for you this time.I hope next month is yours.I will keep everything crossed for you.

Starry -You are almost at the end of first trimster.Did you announce your pregnancy yet?How is it going so far?

AFM - Tomorrow is my IUI!Yesterday was cd13 and I had 3 mature follicles of - 19mm,18.5mm and 18mm.I got the hcg trigger at night.My RE is still not happy with my lining though.It was 9mm yesterday but the appearance is patchy rather.
I am still keeping my hopes up.I have seen so many "perfect" cycles failing for me.So I just hope this not so perfect one does the trick.I need blessings and prayers from each one of you :)
Pink, I hope things are better after a day apart. It's possible your OH is freaked out by the fact that he's about to be a father and that his whole life is going to change. Makes some guys get squirrely. But as long as you keep your head down and remain as calm as you can (OMG you're having a baby - yay! How can you be calm?!?) and I bet when he sees his little daughter, all will become clear. Do any of his friends have kids yet? If not, he might be feeling suddenly alone and "out there" and scared. Everyone pays attention to the mom-to-be, but dads-to-be need some TLC, too. He might just need some reassurance that he's going to be a great dad. I don't know, but I hope he comes around!

Eyemom, ugh I'm so sorry :( There's nothing to say but "god this sucks".

AFM, I had acupuncture yesterday and shortly thereafter EWCM started (who saw that on a license plate? OMG that made me laugh so hard!). Did our at-home insemination last night. Volume was seriously low :/ Did my Clearblue ovulation test this morning and got another blinking smiley, so things are timed well so far. We have time for one more "go" tomorrow.
Pink, I hope things are better after a day apart. It's possible your OH is freaked out by the fact that he's about to be a father and that his whole life is going to change. Makes some guys get squirrely. But as long as you keep your head down and remain as calm as you can (OMG you're having a baby - yay! How can you be calm?!?) and I bet when he sees his little daughter, all will become clear. Do any of his friends have kids yet? If not, he might be feeling suddenly alone and "out there" and scared. Everyone pays attention to the mom-to-be, but dads-to-be need some TLC, too. He might just need some reassurance that he's going to be a great dad. I don't know, but I hope he comes around!

Eyemom, ugh I'm so sorry :( There's nothing to say but "god this sucks".

AFM, I had acupuncture yesterday and shortly thereafter EWCM started (who saw that on a license plate? OMG that made me laugh so hard!). Did our at-home insemination last night. Volume was seriously low :/ Did my Clearblue ovulation test this morning and got another blinking smiley, so things are timed well so far. We have time for one more "go" tomorrow.

I wish I could ies this as an excuse but he already has a son with his ex so it's not like this is new to him, it's completely different circumstances granted but he really should be the 'together' one, I know men are weird though and that's why I've made allowances for him but there's only so much leeway I can give I mean I thought that smashing up our car because he was drink driving would be the wake up call he needed but apparently not he behaves like his 18 or something yet I'm at fault because all I ever do is insult him and put him down I said 'don't give me reason to then!'

He's coming home tonight so we'll see what happens, I have my sweep tomorrow with the midwife and I really don't want to go on my own, I hope we can just bumble through until she gets here I can't do it on my own last night I just felt so lost and vulnerable, hopefully once she's here I'll feel stronger about going it alone if need be.

So I got my CD21/22 blood test result back and it was 10 - I was fairly happy with that score (pos 3DPO) see chart.

My dr (or should I say the receptionist) said 10 sorry no ovulation - :growlmad: and now I can't speak to my Dr until Thursday:growlmad: to see what all this means.

From what I know a 10 is okay right? showing I have Od - once again it is the stupid Drs thinking every woman Ovulates day 14 and has a period day 28.

So in theory if she thinks I have not Od what will she do?

I will try and catch up later - but I have had a crap day at work and now I can't even speak to my Dr:growlmad:


ttcmoon, thanks for cheering me on. Maybe next month is my month. I'd take an early Christmas present in the form of a bfp. :) As for you, I'm praying this IUI is the one! That's great about the 3 good follies. I guess maybe it stinks that the lining is somewhat patchy, but as you said, maybe you just need a not-so-"perfect" cycle to do the trick. As long as a bean finds a good place to stick then it's good right? I'm just guessing at how this works, but surely you still have a chance. You have a great outlook. FX!!

Kat, thanks for your support. <3 It totally does stink but I'm feeling more positive about things currently (of course it's a roller coaster but I'm at a good place atm). GL with your at-home insems! I guess only you know what's normal for your OH but it doesn't have to be a lot. When my DH gave his sample for the SA I was like...there's usually more right?? But it was still within the normal range for volume, and there were 250 mil swimmers in there. So doing this 2-3 times you surely have a good chance!

Hey garfie, sorry you're having a rough time of it. :( I don't know anything about the numbers, but I hope you can get some good answers and soon. :hugs::hugs:

AFM...CD2? Maybe 1? But counting it as 2 I guess. Always seems like it should be so straightforward, but some cycles it's hard to know how to call it. Feeling pretty okayish but still have some sad or angry moments. :-/ Meeting with a woman from church in a couple of weeks who has gone through almost the exact same thing as me. Looking forward to having someone to talk to face to face.
It really is helpful to have someone in real life to talk to. A woman at my church has also had 3 miscarriages. She is older now so that is long in her past but you never really forget so she has always been very understanding.
Even though I felt hot all night (and have a cold), but temperature this morning was the lowest its ever been. Hmmm. Just did an opk and it's looking pretty close. Don't bother calling tonight---we won't be answering the phone!
Mowat - :happydance: go girl :cry: you won't be answering my calls:haha:

Starry - I am pleased you have sadly found a kindred spirit - I think this is why I am on these threads as no one understands me in real life (my mum tries) but after 5 mc I think even she is getting a bit tired of me going on about it:cry:

Eye - How great would that be - your pregnancy test under the tree for DH - I have already done that one - wrapped my pregnancy test up - or perhaps you could get a little tee shirt saying I'm the eldest - see how long it takes him to realise (Oh look at me, my imagination is running wild):haha: Good luck anyway and I hope you get your Christmas wish:happydance:

TTC - What can they do about a patchy lining - hey maybe we all have that some months and that's why it doesn't happen? (it's only because yours is being examined) that we are all getting to know a different side to the story - very interesting about your IUI - fingers crossed as always:happydance:

Pink - How are things? - I agree with the others (but was sad when I read your post) don't do anything rash - I have been a single mum to a toddler and a baby (it wasn't easy) I left my xhubby (he was a violent man) when I was 3 months pregnant with my second - so deff see if you can work things out hun - it could just be an overload of hormones that is making things look strange at the moment. Also if in your heart you no there is no way back only you can make that decision and you will be strong enough for your Stella and you will be an excellent mum - as any mum on here will tell you when it comes to protecting our children we are animals:growlmad:

Kat - Hope your insem goes well - good to see you can still laugh some days it's hard so sending BIG :hugs: your way:flower:

Es - Sorry to hear your back is still giving you trouble - any dates yet?:hugs:

AFM - I have calmed down - and come to the conclusion the dr doesn't know what she is on about - testing me on 3DPO:haha: will be interesting to see what she has to say for herself on Thursday when I phone.:dohh:

Hugs to all the other ladies


Eyemom- I loved the status in your signature,go and get the santa hat for your hubby soon.Do not forget to bring one for my dh as well!

garfie- you are right,this patchy uterus stuff can't even be controlled by the RE also.We all have it in some or other cycles.I loved your outlook towards life.May God bless you.How your two babies are doing?how old are they?

pink- how are you doing dear?did you had a chance to talk to your hubby.

starry-it is always good to find someone who has gone through the similar situation.I am sad for that lady but at the same time thanks to her for being there.

mowat - go girl!!!happy bd'ing

iui over for me.semen sample was good as far as motility and count is concerned but the morphology was pretty less,only 4%.I am still keeping my hopes high....only 14 days to go!
Thanks girls and sorry I'm not doing personals I'm totally self absorbed just now, my oh came home last night but I was asleep in the sofa I just woke up and went to bed I was too tired for 'the talk' he slept on the sofa sndcthis morning we just went to the midwife, he's now gone off to work so we've not had chance to talk, it's weird and awkward but I texted him the other night and said that I love him and want to make it work he replied saying we'll get through this so I think as long as we both want it we can survive, it's just been so stressful for us both, we need to just stop and regroup I think but at the moment the priority has to be Stella.

Speaking of Stella midwife today, stretch and sweep blimey that's not nice is it?!? The first time I've been touched down there in a long time and it was not pleasant lol the mw said that 'things were happening' already I'm 37 weeks and it was my first sweep so I was expecting to me shut up tight but she said I was already moving along sooooo tho I don't expect her to show today it is possible she could come anytime argh!!!!!
It feels so weird down there and I don't know whether it's because of the poking or if things are moving, just have to wait and see I guess.
I did have a dream last night that my waters broke tomorrow in an antenatal class, maybe a premonition.

Hope your all well good luck for Xmas bfps xx
Dear Pink...I am sure both of you can really work it out.I am sending you loads of positive vibes for both your relationship and Stella.
We all are eagerly waiting for Stella...I know you are having discomforts but that is the beauty of motherhood.You have been waiting so long for this time to come..Aren't you?All the best for your journey :)
Pink, glad there is a move in the right direction, both for your relationship and your pregnancy. It's interesting to hear what you are feeling in these last days/weeks. Good luck!

Garfie, yeah, shouldn't she be testing more like 7 dpo?? Wow.

Ttcmoon, fingers crossed the IUI is a success!!

AFM, cd 13 and anther day of blinking smiley. Hrm :/ I'm wondering if I might not be ovulating this cycle. Well, we'll see what tomorrow brings. Wondering if we should wait an extra night to do the at home insem. Allowing him 2 days in between will improve his sample, but allow less times we can do an insem before the possible O.
Woo hoo, go mowat!

Garfie, thanks. ;) Even if I got a bfp, there's no way I could hold it in til Christmas. ;) Plus, he's always asking, "When do you start testing? Did you test yet?" I should know one way or the other by Dec 7 or 8ish, depending when I ov. Anyway, GL talking to the doctor, oh boy wish I could be a fly on the wall. ;)

Tangent but thought you ladies might get a kick out of this. One of those things that I've gotten so used to I hardly think of it. But my husband calls the "window," "necessex." Necessary+sex. So he'll ask, "When do we start necessexing?" LOL :haha:

ttcmoon, here is a hat for your DH: :xmas12:
;) I am loving your PMA girl. High hopes for you!

Hey pink, sounds like things are working out. Wishing you the best. If you both want it to work, I think it can. Just caution when the baby blues hit, it might not all be kittens and sunshine after Miss Stella is here, but even so, his own words "we'll get through this." Things WILL calm down. <3 Onto more exciting things, that sounds like an encouraging visit with the MW. And umm...yeah...that sweep is kinda...yowsa! I was 2 cm dilated at 36 weeks and the doctor (wasn't mine, saw a partner that day) warned me not to get too excited. Well I took that advice to the extreme and found myself packing half my stuff totally last-minute between contractions. Hahahaha ohhh girl I bet you can find a better balance than I did. Exciting that things are moving! Oh boy as I'm typing I'm just getting more and more excited for you, hahaha.

Kat, I had kind of a weird one like that last cycle. That is a tough call (about the timing). You could try splitting the difference and doing it in the morning but idk maybe that's a bad idea.

I've had this window open FOREVER so I'm gonna go ahead and post and if there's any catching up to do I'll have to do it later! But not trying to skip over anyone! <3

Edit: phew, no new posts since I started this one. *lol* Hope everyone else is doing alright. :hugs:
GD FLU! I just knew this would happen. OH came home from dog class last night to inform me he had the flu. I'm home now at lunch and he's still feeling crappy. Well, he'd better feel "better" by tonight or I might just need to find someone else to inseminate this egg! And I'm sure I'll have the flu as soon as he's better.

Hi to everyone! Good luck Kat. Good luck Pink. Love the "necessexing" Eye---my OH just says "just tell me when it's time". Romantic.
Eye love the necessasexing lol I will remember that if I ever ttc again.
And I've had my bag packed for weeks I'm so organised it's ridiculous lol, 75% effaced I don't know what that means but hopefully it means she's not far away.

Mowat sorry to hear your dh is poorly just tell him it's necessasex sick or not lol

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