Congrats on your positive OPK Kat! Good luck on the home insemination!
Starry, I originally joined this group a few months after my MC not really expecting to become a LTTTCer........but I did. You shouldn't worry about saying something that would hurt our feelings. I've never been offended or saddened by anything anyone has said on here, and sometimes I feel like what I post can be super depressing or take away from other people who are trying to celebrate their pregnancies or TTC milestones. I'm personally in a good accepting place, and love to hear success stories!
Mowat, you should do the progesterone. Sperm has an amazing ability to find its way to where it needs to go!
Pink, i hope that as you come to the end of your pregnancy and welcome your little girl into the world, all of these stressors ease up. I hope you are able to focus on the joy of bringing new life into the world. Everything else will work itself out.
Hi everyone else! Garfie, sweets, mama, left, never, Mack, unexpected, moon......all you guys!
AFM, spinal fusion is set for December 9th. I'm so ready to get this over with and feel like new!