March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Oh starry I'm actually crying I'm so happy for you!!!!!

The worry doesn't end but you know that but it's the first hurdle over, this one is a keeper I just know it, it's a real lil fighter, just try and relax till next appt, I know that's easier said than done.

Glamourai welcome, sorry bout that you came in in the middle if some wonderful news we had been waiting eagerly for, good luck to you, you'll get some good support from this bunch of ladies.
Today I'm feeling a bit down! I know I've only been trying since August with one MC in the middle of that but I'm still feeling down.

Someone on my Facebook just announced they are having a baby and they are a serious drug/heroin addict who posts scary things every day about gun/knife crime and drugs in their life. Just made me sad.

It's not my place to say who deserves a baby and who doesn't. That's not what I'm thinking. It just made me sad.

Also this cycle is draggginggg
Oh sorry unexpected it sucks when you get the anounancements especially when you have an opinion about that person and let's be honest we all do have opinions, it's just not fair, but aug is not all that long, I know it feels like forever at the moment but you'll get there. x

Hope things are ok for you at the moment :) you must be so excited! Not long at all now :)

Yeah I try not to judge people. I always think people should live however they want as long as it isn't hurting anyone else, but to bring a child into the situation she is in just seems wrong. But who knows, it might be what she needs and it might help her to turn her life around .I hope so.

I was way more relaxed about it until I had the M/C now the desire to get pregnant is ridiculously intense.
Yeah I'm not too bad, everytime I have Braxton hicks I think this is it lol
Last night and sorry if this is tmi, me and oh thought we'd try and 'urge her out' :winkwink: before we could even get down to :sex: the Braxton hicks kicked in and really ruined the mood, oh got excited thinking that he had kick started labour :haha:

I'm terrible for judging based on first impressions I don't mean to but :shrug: it happens, maybe like you say it'll be the making of her, you just have to hope for the best I guess.
Having a mc changes everything, before mine we were NTNP afterwards it was the only thing in the world I had to be pregnant again, I felt like such a failure I had to make it right and I was lucky that it happened for me relatively fast but it nearly tore my relationship and mental health apart, so be careful. x
I remember BDing to try and induce labour. I just felt so huge and uncomfortable we soon gave up on that idea lol.

I never had ANY braxton hicks. My contractions that I had when I was in labour were the only contractions I felt.

Yeah I feel like I am obsessing. OPK's every day from end of my period (incase my cycle changes) and then I'm testing from like 8dpo.

I know I am blessed to have a beautiful son and that in the grand scheme of things I'm so lucky, but I just want to be pregnant and it's all I can focus on.
Yeah it wasn't a good plan but I feel a bit bad as poor oh has gone without for months now cos I've been in so much pain, but there's something very unsexy about sex when you can feel another human moving inside you before he's gotten anywhere near lol

Bh are horrible, I worry now that when it's real I'll not be able to tell the difference lol they say bh don't hurt pah they bloody well do!

I get it I really do, the desire, the need, we all do and the more your made to wait the more impatient you get, it's normal I think when you want it badly.
It makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one who has felt this way or will feel this way. Thank you.

Yeah I get that. When I was pregnant with DS I had a bleed early on (that they think was implantation) But it meant I didn't go near my husband for about 3 months. Then between 3-6 months pregnant everything was great in that department but after about 6 months....god It was uncomfortable!!!

Hope your lil girl comes nice and on time for you :)
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.

Starry, I had been catching up on your posts and wanted to say Congrats! I know you must be over the moon.

Unexpected, just sending you a big hug. I know how sad and frustrating it can be.
Yeah it wasn't a good plan but I feel a bit bad as poor oh has gone without for months now cos I've been in so much pain, but there's something very unsexy about sex when you can feel another human moving inside you before he's gotten anywhere near lol

Bh are horrible, I worry now that when it's real I'll not be able to tell the difference lol they say bh don't hurt pah they bloody well do!

I get it I really do, the desire, the need, we all do and the more your made to wait the more impatient you get, it's normal I think when you want it badly.

I had the same worry about not being able to tell the difference between BH and real contractions, but contractions are definitely distinguishable from BH. Not to scare you, but the breathing exercises I learned in my class didn't help lol. Of course, everyone's experience is different but no worries. My biggest advice is to not tense up and to just let the contraction come. If you feel it is too much, there is nothing wrong at all with accepting pain medication or an epidural. I personally just opted for the epidural because I didn't want narcotics in my system or the baby's, but it is a personal choice. Can't believe the day is almost here. It could literally be any day now!!!
So happy for you starry! I don't think the worries ever go away, at 25 weeks I still worry something will happen...
Unexpected - pregnancy announcements are always hard but even more so when it seems the person is bringing a child into a dangerous situation. I'm pretty easy going (for instance, I don't care if a person is very poor. They still deserve a child, imo) But dangerous situations....I just can not stand to hear about it...especially after a loss. There is a girl many women in my church know who was pregnant with her 4th kid and, as I am the pastor's wife, they thought it was my duty to go help her or talk to her as she was very troubled and social workers were threatening to take her kids away. She would beg people for money and then turn around and get a manicure or buy new clothes for herself. I was like, um, I just had 2 miscarriages in a row. I don't want to see any pregnant ladies, never mind one who can't take care of the ones she already has. I outright told people that I would have a VERY hard time being nice to her. I begged some of the ladies who actually knew her personally to deal with her. I am a stranger who has no sympathy. In the end, her kids were all taken away, including the baby who was born later. I find those situations really unfair and I don't feel badly for saying so. I don't wish bad on anyone so I hope things work out for this girl but I do feel I wish I was the one with four children.
:happydance: Starry brilliant news - I'm not going to say relax (cos you can't and I fully understand that) but take it easy - you're growing a precious little bundle - come on rainbow baby:kiss:

Welcome Last to an awesome group :flower:


Oy vey I did it again. SO sorry ladies.

Pink there is a very distinct difference between bh and the real deal. You will notice the difference. As for the breathing...yeah that was a huge fail for me too.LOL

Starry yay for heartbeat!

Tricia I was worried until I popped out lil man and am still worried Haha

Welcome to the newbies!

AFM - This lil bean is taking a lot out of me. I juat can't seem to get enough sleep i hate being so out of it and sharing with everyones journeies. :'( . This time around it is very different. I'm hoping that means team pink :-) Had pregnancy verification appt so i can change my insurance. Now just waitin on verification it is changed so i can see an OB.

I am so sorry if I missed I said, super out of love to all
Ok ok I'm still lurking and taking a break but I can't stay silent when great news or someone needs encouragement has posted...YAYY GREAT NEWS STARRY!!! Soooo happy for you :wohoo: :wohoo: Now Grow baby grow!!

Welcome Last to an awesome group!!

Ok now I'm crawling back in my hole to lurk and back silent again.....mmmmmnnnnn o yea while I'm at it....Mamtex I love your ticker!! I'm counting down everyday!!! I lost 18lbs so far but I know I'm going to gain them bk on Turkey day...Bring it ON!!

OK IM NOW BK IN MY HOLE.....Hi to all the ladies!! Ok ok okaaaayyyy now I'm logging off for good :winkwink:
Hi never glad your still lurking, hope all is well.

Left feb no way that's only 3 months away! It's gone so fast how exciting, how're you feeling?

So I just got back from the midwife, had another stretch and sweep, apparently I'm no further along now than I was last week :cry:
I'm 1cm dilated and she's not even engaged, I was really hoping to be further along, I'm pretty gutted to be honest, I'm seeing the consultant on Monday at the hospital and she'll probably do another sweep and want to book me in for induction *sigh* I didn't really want to be induced, I really want her to come on her own but the midwife really thinks I should take it, I just don't know what to do.
It's made me so depressed again.

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