March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

A quick pop in for Mamatex: Don't stress to much about AF being MIA. She was MIA for me for the whole 5 months I was breastfeeding and once I didn't pump or put DS on my nipple for 2 weeks bc I was quitting my breast was a bit heavy but my cycle popped on right then and lasted for 6 days. I had a lot of cm during BF but I was to tired from BF to let my DH enjoy it....ewwwww DEFINITELY TMI:blush: Don't worry DH and I got in about 2-3 :sex: but I would still test I just didn't bc I knew I wouldn't be able to handle if it was a positive.

Hi ladies!! Gosh I wish I could just stay off but it's a bit hard when my heart is here with you all too. DONT GIVE UP LADIES!!! Garfie :hugs: I'm always thinking ab cha:kiss:

Pink: You're almost there, I was ready for mine to be over too once I got to the end but induction was not in my plans but on this beautiful journey things change often. I hope she comes soon so you can get some relief.
Hi ladies, I am just starting AF after a chemical/early miscarriage :( DH and I are hopeful and want to start TTC as soon as possible! I guess I feel like that is the only thing that is going to make me really feel better, you know?

If my cycle is normal, I would ovulate around December 15. I guess it could be earlier or later than that though.

Best wishes to everyone!

Everyone here is really nice :)

Good luck! I'm on my second cycle after my miscarriage and hoping to ovulate soon.

FX'd for you
Mama, that would be amazing if you were pregnant! But like Never could just be your hormones getting rebalanced. Are you planning to test?

Eye, good luck this cycle!

Pink, I do long to be pregnant, but I know I would want it over after 40 weeks. Although, I might love it. Who knows! I never got a belly before my MC, so I don't know what that feels like. I hope baby comes soon!

Hi everyone else!

AFM, just waiting for surgery in a few weeks. I read a blog about a woman who had back surgery and got pregnant 8 months later. It gives me hope. Although it was her fourth. Lol.
thanks unexpected, and hi to everyone :) I hope you O soon, was your cycle after your MC fairly normal?
QWK - I came off the pill and ovulated around CD18. Then I got a BFP but started bleeding. Unfortunatley I bled for a week. Stopped for a few days. Bled for a week. Stopped for a week and bled with what was my first AF that lasted 5 days.

The first cycle after the M/C which was last month was normal for me. It was 31 days long. Ovulation around Day 18/19 and about a 12 day luteal phase and 5 days of bleeding like normal.

This is my second cycle after the M/C and I'm getting nearly positive OPK's only on CD12 so not sure if my cycles changing a bit but I guess it's normal to have earlier and later ovulation some cycles or shorter and longer cycles sometimes.

Sorry if that's TMI just the best way I could explain :)
Not tmi! I'm so sorry you had to go through all that, that sounds totally overwhelming :hugs: And coming off the pill probably makes the story a little more complicated too.

I hope this is your O coming up! I noticed last cycle (first one really TTC this time around so first time doing OPKs/temping) that my body geared up to O one time earlier on, but the OPKs never got all the way positive, and then a couple of days later they did the real deal and got nice and positive. It's such a ridiculous process, it still blows me away that anyone ever gets pregnant :P
Qwk welcome and good luck to you, you'll get lots of love and support xx
Eswemba: I'm so hopeful for you!!! This back surgery is a great thing and may be the start to a great surprise....A BFP!! And how Grady would that be to have no more back pain and be pregnant, you so deserve it so until then back surgery bring the BFP on!

Qwk: Welcome to this awesome group, so so so sorry about your loss I do hope your BFP come Soon bc we all know to well that after a m/c a baby will only make it alright at least that's what we hope and want to think. And after my m/c's I waited for one cycle and it was pretty normal although after having a few m/c's I couldn't time a normal cycle bc I never waited long enough but your body will go through some loops trying to normalize itself but that dosent stop you from getting a BFP:hugs: FX for you!!

Hi to all the ladies!!!
Hi qwk, sorry you find yourself here, but welcome and nice to meet you. It's a lovely group of ladies here. They've made my ttc journey so much more bearable. GL, hope you get your rainbow soon.

ES, I'm so excited for you. You'll be feeling so much better soon.

mowat, chart still looking nice, come on temps stay up up up!

Everyone else...hi! <3

AFM, CD12, didn't get a great temp this morning b/c I had to be up so much earlier than usual. But I think ov is soon. OPK is still negative but I'm starting to get fertile CM. I bet that OPK turns positive tomorrow or maybe the next day. I'll be seducing my husband tonight. ;) :blush:
Thanks for the positive thoughts Eye, but I'm pretty sure I'm out. I've gotten a positive 8dpo with the last two pregnancies and I didn't get one today. I wonder if my temps look so good from the progesterone. Good luck to you though! Get to work!
I know that I won't be able to read ALL those posts so I'll just start here. My Story/Intro
Hello!! I'm 25 (26 in 6 days), I've had two losses. One in March 2011 (roughly a month before we moved from the US to Turkey) and another in March 2012 (March seems to not be so lucky for me!!). We were NTNP from when we started dating (May 2010) up until January of this year when we started TTC with doctor help. In Oct 2009 I was diagnosed with PCOS (when I was with my ex husband), but some how when I met my now husband all my symptoms went away. My periods regulated out for the first time in my life and my hormone levels went back to normal. We are currently on cycle 10. We've been married for almost 3 1/2 years. In Feb of this year I had my first HSG and the doctor said my left tube was fine, but right one was blocked - she did successfully flush it. And I did one round of Clomid. My options are limited because we are here in Turkey, and all my medical is done on base unless we want to pay out of pocket. However after the one round of Clomid they couldn't do anything else because they had to remove the OB/GYN from the base due to complications with other patients (she was a Turkish doctor). DH had a SA done in June, and we got the results in July. They said he had low motility because his seminal fluid was to thick. Then, because they could no longer do any kind of fertility treatment on base, we went to our first Fertility Specialist appointment on 25OCT off base. On 1NOV we did a HSG again and another spermiogram (SA). My HSG this time says that both tubes are blocked, however after doing research (like TCOYF) I've seen that if you experience a lot of pain during a HSG your tubes can 'twitch' or even temporarily close during the procedure, which this one was extremely painful compared to the first one. And this time DH's SA revealed macrophalic (large headed) sperm, but nothing else was wrong. The large heads caused low movement though. The doctor said IVF is our only option, but again I think the HSG was wrong because he kept telling me to relax but never gave me a moment to relax and the whole thing (from getting undressed to redressed) took less than 5 minutes, where my last one took about 15 minutes.

I'm currently about 7/8DPO, I'm unsure because the Friday or Saturday I O'd I was unable to do OPKs and DH had told me to stop temping because he became tired of being woken up at 8am every morning so I can "take my vagina temperature". This past Thursday I had red streaked spotting from 1:45pm - 7pm and then nothing for the rest of the night (went to bed around 4am), woke up on Friday at 2pm and wiped and got pink and then nothing all day Friday. Today I had the smallest bit of red when I wiped, but I had to really LOOK for it. My cycles were 32 days long, with me O'ing on CD18, however the past 3 cycles have been me O'ing between CD21 and 22 with my cycles being 35 - 36 days long. AF is due between 30NOV and 2DEC, but because of the mid-cycle spotting I believe I'm going to test on 28/29NOV.
Morning Ladies

Well I thought keeping busy I might avoid her - how wrong was I :dohh:

Mowat - she got me yesterday - so didn't manage to test, looking at my temps it was a deff she was on the way - just kept hoping you know:cry: anyway I'm supposed to have my bloods tested but of course I can't as my cycle has fallen on a weekend:dohh: so roll on Fertility appointment oh and full abdominal scan - let's see if we can find a quick fix eh?:happydance:

Your temps are lovely hun - but I have been fooled by progesterone temps - all you can do is keep testing and hopefully your two lines will come up soon:hugs:

Eye - Enjoy your seduction - come on share what's your plan of attack? - I'll need some fresh ideas in a few weeks:haha:

Never - Mama bear so nice to see you popping into to say hi to your cubs - a big :kiss: for your delightful little boy:hugs:

Mama - Is another bundle of joy in your timeline so soon? - if so when are you planning on testing:happydance:

Esw - Not long now to wait - have they told you how long you will be off work etc - is it a big operation - I often get back aches due to (my age:haha:) and my endo and mine will be mild compared to yours I would imagine - you are such a trooper:hugs:

Unexpected - how are you today? - are you using OPKs this cycle or temping?:flower:

Qwk - Welcome hun - sorry for your loss - we have all been there and it's one of the hardest things to go through - so it's nice to have the support of these lovely ladies - who have a wealth of knowledge (sadly) between them:flower:

Starry - Hi hun - how are you feeling I've seen you on other threads - so I'm following your amazing journey :flower:

AFM - CD2 I would have bet a million dollars I was pregnant this month - until my last few temps - then I knew I was out:cry: I had sore full boobs (all month) pos opk/ferning, good temp spike, nausea, indigestion (I never get that) tiredness and finally a squinter and a more than squinter and still she shows up:cry: on CD 32!!!! ah well maybe a Christmas BFP:happydance:

Have a good day ladies I'm running a stall in aid of my son's special group (Autism) I thought it would be fun to do an avon tombola :happydance:


garfie - I am sorry your body played such a cruel trick on you, especially with the evap lines on tests. :nope: But all the signs you describe make it sound like your body is gearing up to be super fertile. Let's hope you do get your Christmas bfp! :xmas9:

mowat - sorry you got a bfn. I usually get early bfps too so I would probably also be feeling 'out' in a similar situation. I hope you simply have a late implanter this time. Still going to give you some hugs today, all the same. :hugs:

DSemcho - welcome to our little group. I am sorry for your losses and the struggles you're having with TTC. Good luck with your testing this month. Let us know how you're getting on.

qwk - welcome. I'm sorry for your loss too.

afm - slowly getting my energy back though I still have to crash earlier than I am used to. I actually did some Christmas baking yesterday. I'm a little impressed with myself. My plan is to do a new batch about once a week. I did that last year when not pregnant and it seems to be a good strategy for me. At least this year we have a proper freezer for everything. Last winter I put everything in a cooler and kept it outside (our winters are really cold).
Thanks nevergivingup, eyemom, garfie, and starry night :hugs: I really appreciate the warm welcome :)

I'm trying to get my bearings in this thread, it's been a while since I've been a BnB regular!

eyemom, i hope your O is imminent! fx!

dsemcho - yeah I feel like the whole BBT thing is so foreign to DHs. Though after this loss, I think my DH is suddenly into everything we could do to help. I think it really shocked him, like he didn't really think it would ever happen to us.

sorry about AF garfie... I think you and I are on the same CD now, CD 2 for me. Though I have no clue when I'm going to Ov this cycle!

Starry night - congrats on your pregnancy, not sure if I've said that already :)

afm... my pregnancy test this morning was pretty much negative - an IC, if you really, really tried to see a line, there might have been a tiny hint. but it's noticeably less positive than yesterday, which was also just a squinter of a line really. So I figure that's good.

Interestingly, my OPKs have been just a shade less than positive today and yesterday. I started doing them as I wanted a baseline negative you know. Do you guys think this is because of the tiny amount of HCG still in my system combining with regular amounts of LH? I know I've read people could ovulate right after a m/c or chemical, but it seems unlikely that it would happen at like, CD 5 or something. We haven't even started BD-ing again, but I'm wondering if maybe we should just in case...
Garfie - I have been just using OPK's this month. They seem to be getting gradually darker so I'm expecting to ovulate a little earlier this month!

Been BDing once or twice a day lol. I'll be worn out!
Ahhh mowat, my brain did not want to retain that information about the progesterone, but yeh that'll influence your temps. Buuuut I wouldn't count yourself out yet at 8 dpo. I'm with Starry hoping for a later implanter! Sorry I hope my endless optimism is not too annoying!

Hi DSemcho and welcome. Sorry for your struggles. It's a wonderful group here. I hope you're onto something about the pain being a twitchy tube. That was a really fast HSG. I mean I guess it doesn't have to be a lengthy process, but you are so right, that's not a lot of time to relax. I've heard though that most people who find it painful are ones who have blockages. But that kind of brings up an interesting which came first, chicken or egg kind of discussion...could it be that more people diagnosed with blockages are actually having tube spasms? It'd be great if your tubes are actually fine. Hope you can get a sticky bean soon.

garfie, so sorry. That AF is such a tricky witch. :( I know what you mean, even when things are definitely not looking positive, you just can't help but hold on to any tiny little strand of hope! As for my plan of attack. Hahaha ummm. Well. Err. Umm.... :blush: I will say I was successful. ;) I'm so sorry, I'm horrible of keeping track of everyone. You have an appt coming up? That is exciting, hope it goes great. I had to google tombola. Looks fun. :)

Starry, great to hear you are getting your energy back. Hoping for a relatively easy 2nd tri for you! No one in my family really has a Christmas cookie tradition, but seems really fun. And tasty. :)

qwk, thanks! It took me a while to get to "know" everyone, but still I have a hard time keeping up sometimes! And I've been here since June. Sorry, no clue how to interpret an OPK in that situation, though your explanation seems reasonable!

Lol, unexpected, good luck! You should have your bases covered! ;)

AFM, I didn't even bother to temp this morning. I woke up at 4:15 (after getting to sleep around midnight) and finally dozed off again sometime between 5:30 and 6:00 I think. I gave up on temping (which I usually do around 7:10) and finally rolled reluctantly out of bed at 8:15. I guess if it had to happen, at least it's on a day I don't have to work early and DH can take care of DD. I just hate that something weird always happens to my sleep schedule right around ovulation time, making it hard to chart. It's not unusual for the insomnia to hit me AFTER ov, but before is not typical. This time it might not have been hormonal though, might have been my poor DD coughing in her sleep.
eyemom -there is nothing special about my cookies. I donated some last year to a charity bake sale and they all came back to me--no body bought them! I have a peer circle of ladies who bake up such amazing treats and sell them so I make them just for us. My mom always made cookies for us but she was so strict about saving them for Christmas that she would still have a freezer full by about March. And the funny part was she never figured out why. Um, maybe because you never actually let us EAT them? LOL I make a lot of short breads as they are popular with DH. I plan on making a plain shortbread cookie that I dip part of into a chocolate glaze and then I like to make a candy cane shortbread. It's peppermint-flavoured shortbread cookies with melted candy cane on the top. I also want to do sugar cookies. Anything else would be a bonus. Yesterday I made mocha-bite cookies. Basically, they're chocolate cookies with coffee mixed in.

I'm doing more baking today as we're going to a Grey Cup party tomorrow (Canada's version of the SuperBowl). We're also hosting a couple over for dinner tonight. I was really against it as I still get tired easily so I'm making DH do everything. I've taught him how to make homemade pizza.

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