March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

I don't really know what it all means but i do think that sometimes all the opk's and the counting and the temping and goodness knows what else, I think it sometimes causes more problems, we get so caught up in it all is the opk positive? Or nearly positive? Am I surging? Have I ovulated? It drives you insane. Don't get be wrong I used opk's as well but you do have to take em with a pinch of salt, they're handy to get a general picture if your cycles but I think just dtd every other day throughout the month and your bases are covered.
Also bear in mind that a mc seriously screws up your cycles for a long time I don't think I had a 'normal' cycle at all after my mc before I conceived how it happened I don't know, we only dtd once during what I think was my fertile time we just got lucky.
Sorry I've written loads lol I think in trying to avoid the washing up lol
Yeah it's officially driving me insane so as of next month no more OPK's for me. If I'm not pregnant after the 6 month mark I'll try using them again.

The stress can't be good

Haha I need to wash up too I know the feeling
Garfie- They are both different brands of OPK's taken at the same time. The line came up INSTANTLY

the other darkish ones I got around cd 18/19 were only coming up 5/10 minutes after I'd done the test

I thought i'd ovulated because it was around when I usually do and I got one OPK with the line almost as dark at the control line

Guessing this might be TRUE ovulation as it's my first without a doubt positive of the cycle
I don't wana be one of those people that says 'it'll happen when you stop worrying' as I know how bloody annoying those 'helpful' comments and it's all easy fir me to say as I'm pregnant and having a baby tomorrow.
But as someone that has been there it is super stressful it nearly tore my relationship apart, I still don't know if we're going to be alright and my oh tells me that it all started to go wrong after the mc, the stress of it all the constant worrying and fretting, having to dtd on wye it took over my whole world and every month I would cry when it was another no and he was so worried and stressed about me thinkingvi was going to have a breakdown.
Just try to have a few months just doing it the old fashioned way before it becomes a chore that's what I wish I'd done.
Or you could say 'fuck off pink you don't know what your on about, it's alright for you your about to have a baby'
That's fine too. x
I'm watching this old 1940 Cary Grant movie called "Penny Serenade" in which the female lead wishes for a baby in the beginning, and they eventually get married and she gets pregnant, but loses the baby in an earthquake. She's in the hospital and her husband (Cary Grant) is promising her a house and a car and clothes, but she says, "I can't seem to care about those things now. They don't seem important anymore. The one thing I've really wanted I'm never going to have." After her miscarriage, she sees baby stuff around town and the look on her face is heartbreaking.

Anyway, I thought it was well done and it made me happy to know that even back in the 1940s this situation was acknowledged by the major motion film industry and not swept under the rug.
Garfie & Pink - Just did another 2 different brand OPK's with much more diluted wee (around 30 mins after those ones) And the much darker line came up within 30 seconds.

Whereas my earlier almost positives were with really concentrated wee and only coming up almost as dark over 10 minutes

This must be my true surge. I have felt quite crampy today and my boobs are hurting

I'm going to jump on my OH when he get's home.

Also Pink I do really appreciate the advice. When I got pregnant with my son we hadn't been together long and it was such a strain. Things had gotten back on track and we were happier than ever and then the M/C happened and it has put a HUGE strain on things.

Not so much the TTC side of things. He's just happy to get sex every day lol. It's more that I'm not as much of a happy/laid back person anymore and I'm more snappy. I guess the M/C hit me a lot harder than I realised. We are ok but could be better.

I think next month I'm going to take a more relaxed approach. Have sex every other day or when we feel like it.

I know stress can be one of the worst factors. My friends were trying for 5 years and both had REALLY stressful jobs. They moved and changed jobs and she was pregnant within 3 months and then when her son was around 6 months old she got pregnant again.

Kat- That sounds like an interesting film and it's nice to know that these things were aknowledged then. Sometimes I feel like I can't tell anyone about what happened to me because they don't know what to say.
Kat, that's cool. Grey's Anatomy is the show that got me started thinking about adoption!

Unexpected, I couldn't even try for 2 cycles following my MC because I had a D&C. I was really sure it would happen very quickly once we did because of everything I read online. But......and this is just my has been a year and a half since the MC and I haven't seen another positive test. (I was just thinking how if my husband knew how much I have spent on HPTs he would kill me!) Anyway, it does take time for you body to balance out the hormones, and looking back I wouldn't analyze your first few cycles very much because they might be off. I'd say, because I did this, if your cycles are still off at 6 months post MC, go get that checked out.

Also, related to the stress thing, I watched a documentary on Stress (it's on Netflix.....I really recommend it). And, scientifically and chemically, constant stress really makes us sick......affecting processes from immunity to reproduction, because the way our bodies were made, in times of stress immunity and reproduction can take a back seat while the body puts more energy and HORMONES towards keeping us alive and safe from immanent danger.

This is why I'm sure my constant level of pain and muscle spasms have so much to do with my infertility. And this is why I'm also hopeful that once I'm recovered from surgery, I'm going to have a better chance of pregnancy. I literally just had a 2 day period. 2 days. And the more I stay in pain, the shorter they are getting.

Ok, I'm done.

Pink, good luck tomorrow! Can't wait to see pictures of your baby girl!
OPK's were negative yesterday (I took like 8 of them through the day lol) so I'm guessing I'm 1/2DPO.
I'm watching this old 1940 Cary Grant movie called "Penny Serenade" in which the female lead wishes for a baby in the beginning, and they eventually get married and she gets pregnant, but loses the baby in an earthquake. She's in the hospital and her husband (Cary Grant) is promising her a house and a car and clothes, but she says, "I can't seem to care about those things now. They don't seem important anymore. The one thing I've really wanted I'm never going to have." After her miscarriage, she sees baby stuff around town and the look on her face is heartbreaking.

Anyway, I thought it was well done and it made me happy to know that even back in the 1940s this situation was acknowledged by the major motion film industry and not swept under the rug.

Sounds like a good movie. I like seeing movies or reading books where someone else 'gets it'. In one of the Anne of Green Gables' books, Anne and her husband lose their first baby to stillbirth and Anne is so affected and depressed by it. She's a very verbal character and expresses her feelings so well. I had to reread the book after my first loss and I was impressed how well the author captured the loss of a child. I later found out the author had lost a baby to stillbirth in real life. The books are from the early 1900s so it's nice to see it dealt with so accurately. Anne even has loved ones saying that her next baby will replace the one she lost and Anne quickly shuts that idea down.

Both the movie and book, The Help also has a character dealing with recurrent miscarriage. I cried a little during that part of the movie and that was after I only had had one loss. I then read the book after my following losses.

DSemcho - perhaps the weird spotting was actually AF? My sister has really wonky cycles (sometimes she'll only get 2 a year) and she has told me that sometimes her AF is only spotting. I hope this next cycle goes smoother for you.
I absoloutley adore the book and the movie of The Help.

I hadn't suffered a loss at the time but I felt that she was such a lovable character and they portrayed it well.
Unexpected :hugs: I was all set to tell you 4 dpo is too soon to look for symptoms, but if you're only about to ovulate, it's definitely too soon to symptom spot! It's so aggravating right? GL jumping your OH. :thumbup: Most people won't find themselves in my boat (secondary infertility), so don't take this to heart too much, but I was personally glad I kept up with the charting because I was able to shortcut a few months in pursuing my options with my doctor because I could show him my charts I already had. Do what you need to do to stay sane though...that matters the most! Low stress and feeling good about where you are with your OH absolutely make a difference. I am totally believing you will get your rainbow. And hopefully very soon! <3 <3

Oh and if your LP is 11-12 days, I think that should be okay. 10 days I don't know but iirc it's a bit borderline. But I conceived DD when my LP was 12 days. I'm with garfie, I bet if you ov late this cycle you'll just have a late AF (or bfp!) too. :hugs:

ttcbabyisom, did you get your trigger? How are you doing? Good luck!

Hi Reba, so sorry you find yourself here, but welcome. :flower: Hope you have a very HAPPY new year.

brunette, :hugs: that's so hard. I find that I'll be going about feeling fairly okay but then at times the emotion will just hit like a ton of bricks. I feel for you. <3

Ohh pink haha don't worry about cleaning too much. That's wonderful about your vacation. In some ways, traveling with a baby is easier than traveling with a little kid. So enjoy! Sometimes just time away...anywhere! is good for the soul. Anyway, SO looking forward to your updates. <3

Kat that's really interesting. I find it a bit surprising too. It's refreshing in a way though to see these stories told with some accuracy.

ES...we are the same. I'm at the year and a half mark with this cycle. :hugs:

DS, that puts you in a rather different spot than you thought in your cycle? Maybe you did have AF or maybe it's a long cycle? In any case, GL!

Starry, my MIL loves Anne of Green Gables and I never took any interest, but now I really want to read it. If I can handle it....

AFM, 8 dpo and still feeling nothing. I want to be pregnant this time for all the same reasons as before PLUS if I'm not, I'll ovulate I think on Christmas Eve, which will already be nuts with Christmas Eve service at church, family stuff, and putting together a massive kitchen set for DD. Hahaha I'm going to be so tired. :dohh:
Eyemom - Thank you. The doctor does think I ovulate and implanted late with my son which is why I didn't get a positive till I was about 7days past when I expected my period.

I'm going to get BD'ing and look forward to getting back into the TWW

I don't know what I'd do without you ladies you are all so nice and reassuring and full of words of wisdom when I need them.

Thanks for helping me keep sane :)

Eyemom. Lets hope you get your Xmas bfp soon!
Pink how are you being so relaxed !!! Tommrow is the big day :) best of luck with everything :)

Hi everyone else just a quick post as I'm dashing out again :)
eyemom - it definitely wasn't AF. I only had one day of barely any pink and it only lasted for like 3 hours.
Hi guys!
I hope this is the right place to post...

:angel: I miscarried in August with my first pregnancy. I haven't been actively TTC since then, we decided to wait until we are more financially stable (what does that even mean, anyway?) ... but November we didn't use protection and had a very "whatever happens happens" attitude and I was thinking for sure I'd get a positive, but alas I am on my period as we speak. :witch:

So after a wonderful Thanksgiving with my man's family who have ADORABLE kids, we have decided to officially TTC this month once Aunt Flo has gone... so I should be ovulating 14-15 December, so we are hoping for a New Years surprise!

Hi Reba, welcome!!! Oh to be 26 again and in this ttc world. I would feel so much better and like i had more time.

So sorry to hear about your miscarriage. They are the worst! Good for you for trying to be more financially stable before trying again. That's really hard to do too! and then you think when you're "not trying", it will happen like it does for so many and then when it doesn't, you're like "WTH?" i know that feeling too. I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving and I really hope you get that BFP surprise you are so wanting for the new year! :dust:
4dpo and feeling out. Still not even sure if I ovulated. No real symptoms I guess.

Don't think I can keep going through the dissapointment and it's only been 2 months of TTC since my loss :(

oh honey, it's too early for symptoms. You just hang in there!!! :hugs:
Hi ladies. Can I join you? I wont actually be trying untill after my first AF shows but hoping for a bfp in January :)

Good luck to everyone xxx

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