March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Pink how are you being so relaxed !!! Tommrow is the big day :) best of luck with everything :)

Hi everyone else just a quick post as I'm dashing out again :)

I don't know if relaxed is the right word I'm freaking out inside, I'm trying to clean and tidy but I can't stand for long without my back and hips hurting, it took about 3 hours to do the washing up lol
I freaked out earlier as my sil was giving us her baby monitors but she kept forgetting to give them to my mil to pass over, my mil text me earlier to say she has them but they're not working I'm like wtf!!! I'm less than 24 hours away from giving birth and now you anounance they don't work!!!
So she says she'll buy us some and sends me a link to some they're cheap, nasty tacky monitors but how do I say no?!?! So I'm texting my oh who's at work to get him to fix it and my mil meanwhile is waiting for a response.
If I can't have the motion sensor one then I at least want a video one.

I'm fuming!!!!

Anyway and relax *breathe* I have no idea if I'm ready, no clue if my bag has everything i need, omg I'm having a baby!!!!!
Reba - Welcome!!!

Brunette - I'm so sorry :( I never even got as far as confirming my pregnancy with the doctor I got a positive test and then hours later started bleeding. I can't imagine how hard it must be to have got an appointment etc. *hugs*

Yes, loss is such a horrible thing. i wonder sometimes how i'm even still standing. I had my first loss at 10+3, went to hear heartbeat and it was gone. my latest loss, the same exact thing, but i did get to hear the heartbeat a week before the loss and it was magical only to be told one week later at 8+1 that it was gone...actually that both hb's were gone. It was twins. :-( i felt like i was going through deja vu or something.
Welcome Reba sorry for your loss there are a good bunch of ladies here who will love and support you.

:hugs: brunette milestones suck

Unexpected it's difficult but you will get there, it took me 6 months to conceive post mc, I realise I was quite lucky but if everything is ok the average is 6-12 month to fall pregnant, try to not get disheartened xx

One more day ladies, thank god last night was awful my hips and pelvis sooo painful, I have so much cleaning, who was it that said to do it yesterday instead of today? Lol you were so right today I'm tired, in pain and my fingers are swollen and painful.

Hope everyone's good, I'll post news when I can tomorrow or thurs, would be nice to have some bfps to come back to anyone testing.

Oh and just remembered, do you guys remember I said that we had the opportunity to go on holiday next year for free (free accommodation) but we couldn't go as my oh wasn't prepared to take the baby and I won't leave her behind, well last night he said he's changed his mind and the 3 of us can go, he thinks we really need some time away and after everything I totally agree we were supposed to go away earlier in the year but the SPD put paid to that, yey I'm so excited, it's going to be right as still gotta find money for flights and spending money but yey.
Hopefully it'll all settle down now she's coming, we talked yesterday and I asked him if were still engaged we are and I think we can get back on track.

Yay, you're about to have your precious baby in your arms!!! :cloud9:

thank you for the advice on post mc. i'm still waiting! My last pregnancy was in january so approaching the year mark of that. The mc was in March so 3 months until the year mark for that. I hope december is my month!

Yay for holiday now going to happen. Exciting! :-)
TTCbaby - I'm sorry for all you've been through *hugs* You are a strong lady as are all of us here.

We will get our BFP's, December is our month!

And if not we can have lots more fun trying :)
Pink - Good luck with everything tommorow. Will be thinking of you. Try and relax and conserve all your energy!
I don't really know what it all means but i do think that sometimes all the opk's and the counting and the temping and goodness knows what else, I think it sometimes causes more problems, we get so caught up in it all is the opk positive? Or nearly positive? Am I surging? Have I ovulated? It drives you insane. Don't get be wrong I used opk's as well but you do have to take em with a pinch of salt, they're handy to get a general picture if your cycles but I think just dtd every other day throughout the month and your bases are covered.
Also bear in mind that a mc seriously screws up your cycles for a long time I don't think I had a 'normal' cycle at all after my mc before I conceived how it happened I don't know, we only dtd once during what I think was my fertile time we just got lucky.
Sorry I've written loads lol I think in trying to avoid the washing up lol

Great advice here Pinkcasi!
Garfie- They are both different brands of OPK's taken at the same time. The line came up INSTANTLY

the other darkish ones I got around cd 18/19 were only coming up 5/10 minutes after I'd done the test

I thought i'd ovulated because it was around when I usually do and I got one OPK with the line almost as dark at the control line

Guessing this might be TRUE ovulation as it's my first without a doubt positive of the cycle

Yes, those are both super positive so i would count this latest batch to be true and make sure to bd now to cover bases!
I don't wana be one of those people that says 'it'll happen when you stop worrying' as I know how bloody annoying those 'helpful' comments and it's all easy fir me to say as I'm pregnant and having a baby tomorrow.
But as someone that has been there it is super stressful it nearly tore my relationship apart, I still don't know if we're going to be alright and my oh tells me that it all started to go wrong after the mc, the stress of it all the constant worrying and fretting, having to dtd on wye it took over my whole world and every month I would cry when it was another no and he was so worried and stressed about me thinkingvi was going to have a breakdown.
Just try to have a few months just doing it the old fashioned way before it becomes a chore that's what I wish I'd done.
Or you could say 'fuck off pink you don't know what your on about, it's alright for you your about to have a baby'
That's fine too. x

no, you are RIGHT ON HERE TOO! This is where i'm at. Not 100% the same place but pretty close. DH and I have had several fights about all of this ttc business. It's really stressful and can really strain even the best of marriages.
Kat, that's cool. Grey's Anatomy is the show that got me started thinking about adoption!

Unexpected, I couldn't even try for 2 cycles following my MC because I had a D&C. I was really sure it would happen very quickly once we did because of everything I read online. But......and this is just my has been a year and a half since the MC and I haven't seen another positive test. (I was just thinking how if my husband knew how much I have spent on HPTs he would kill me!) Anyway, it does take time for you body to balance out the hormones, and looking back I wouldn't analyze your first few cycles very much because they might be off. I'd say, because I did this, if your cycles are still off at 6 months post MC, go get that checked out.

Also, related to the stress thing, I watched a documentary on Stress (it's on Netflix.....I really recommend it). And, scientifically and chemically, constant stress really makes us sick......affecting processes from immunity to reproduction, because the way our bodies were made, in times of stress immunity and reproduction can take a back seat while the body puts more energy and HORMONES towards keeping us alive and safe from immanent danger.

This is why I'm sure my constant level of pain and muscle spasms have so much to do with my infertility. And this is why I'm also hopeful that once I'm recovered from surgery, I'm going to have a better chance of pregnancy. I literally just had a 2 day period. 2 days. And the more I stay in pain, the shorter they are getting.

Ok, I'm done.

Pink, good luck tomorrow! Can't wait to see pictures of your baby girl!

LOVE THAT SHOW! It's one of my favorites!
Kat, that's cool. Grey's Anatomy is the show that got me started thinking about adoption!

Unexpected, I couldn't even try for 2 cycles following my MC because I had a D&C. I was really sure it would happen very quickly once we did because of everything I read online. But......and this is just my has been a year and a half since the MC and I haven't seen another positive test. (I was just thinking how if my husband knew how much I have spent on HPTs he would kill me!) Anyway, it does take time for you body to balance out the hormones, and looking back I wouldn't analyze your first few cycles very much because they might be off. I'd say, because I did this, if your cycles are still off at 6 months post MC, go get that checked out.

Also, related to the stress thing, I watched a documentary on Stress (it's on Netflix.....I really recommend it). And, scientifically and chemically, constant stress really makes us sick......affecting processes from immunity to reproduction, because the way our bodies were made, in times of stress immunity and reproduction can take a back seat while the body puts more energy and HORMONES towards keeping us alive and safe from immanent danger.

This is why I'm sure my constant level of pain and muscle spasms have so much to do with my infertility. And this is why I'm also hopeful that once I'm recovered from surgery, I'm going to have a better chance of pregnancy. I literally just had a 2 day period. 2 days. And the more I stay in pain, the shorter they are getting.

Ok, I'm done.

Pink, good luck tomorrow! Can't wait to see pictures of your baby girl!

Wow, we have the same story. I couldn't try for 2 months either after my mc because of a d&c and i was POSITIVE it would happen quickly for us too given the stats I'd read but here we are, nearly a year later and no bfp since. :-( i hear ya girl.
Unexpected :hugs: I was all set to tell you 4 dpo is too soon to look for symptoms, but if you're only about to ovulate, it's definitely too soon to symptom spot! It's so aggravating right? GL jumping your OH. :thumbup: Most people won't find themselves in my boat (secondary infertility), so don't take this to heart too much, but I was personally glad I kept up with the charting because I was able to shortcut a few months in pursuing my options with my doctor because I could show him my charts I already had. Do what you need to do to stay sane though...that matters the most! Low stress and feeling good about where you are with your OH absolutely make a difference. I am totally believing you will get your rainbow. And hopefully very soon! <3 <3

Oh and if your LP is 11-12 days, I think that should be okay. 10 days I don't know but iirc it's a bit borderline. But I conceived DD when my LP was 12 days. I'm with garfie, I bet if you ov late this cycle you'll just have a late AF (or bfp!) too. :hugs:

ttcbabyisom, did you get your trigger? How are you doing? Good luck!

Hi Reba, so sorry you find yourself here, but welcome. :flower: Hope you have a very HAPPY new year.

brunette, :hugs: that's so hard. I find that I'll be going about feeling fairly okay but then at times the emotion will just hit like a ton of bricks. I feel for you. <3

Ohh pink haha don't worry about cleaning too much. That's wonderful about your vacation. In some ways, traveling with a baby is easier than traveling with a little kid. So enjoy! Sometimes just time away...anywhere! is good for the soul. Anyway, SO looking forward to your updates. <3

Kat that's really interesting. I find it a bit surprising too. It's refreshing in a way though to see these stories told with some accuracy.

ES...we are the same. I'm at the year and a half mark with this cycle. :hugs:

DS, that puts you in a rather different spot than you thought in your cycle? Maybe you did have AF or maybe it's a long cycle? In any case, GL!

Starry, my MIL loves Anne of Green Gables and I never took any interest, but now I really want to read it. If I can handle it....

AFM, 8 dpo and still feeling nothing. I want to be pregnant this time for all the same reasons as before PLUS if I'm not, I'll ovulate I think on Christmas Eve, which will already be nuts with Christmas Eve service at church, family stuff, and putting together a massive kitchen set for DD. Hahaha I'm going to be so tired. :dohh:

Hi there eye! Yes, got my trigger! So excited. Ok, so the appointment went great! I have mature follies! One on the left was 27mm and two on the right, one is 20mm which is mature and the other is not quite there yet at 16mm but with my trigger shot, I have more chances and that 20 and 16 could easily mature right before O! Yay! I truly don’t want all 3 to fertilize but whatever happens, I will be fine with. Please just let ONE at least fertilize in there!

I am a little nervous about that 27mm one though because that’s above the 18-25 for norm so was concerned I already O’d but she said I did not and that it’s just nice and big. She seemed really excited so I guess I’ll stay that way too and just cross my fingers. I then did some research today and it said if you are on femara, 23-28mm is perfect for achieving pregnancy so mine is right on if that's true!

I asked her about next cycle if this one fails and she suggested femara with IUI so I’m really excited about that. DH is concerned about the cost so I need to find out about that and we’ve been saving so I think we’ll be ok and I really want to do this so hopefully that’s what is in store for next cycle IF this one fails. So I updated my chart ahead of time just because she said I should technically O tomorrow night if my body goes by the clock so it’s just a guessing game so I went ahead and put my line in. I could O really anytime between tonight, tomorrow, tomorrow night or anytime Thursday. I think with that one that’s already fully matured, I think it will be tonight or tomorrow night for sure. So here we go...

Your chart is still looking great! :hugs:
Hi ladies. Can I join you? I wont actually be trying untill after my first AF shows but hoping for a bfp in January :)

Good luck to everyone xxx

Welcome sailorsgirl and SO sorry to see that you just had a loss only yesterday???!!! oh my gosh sweetie, i'm so so sorry! How far along were you? I will pray for a quick recovery and a bfp in January! :dust:
I think the baby died a while ago as they couldnt find a sack yesterday, plus I lost a clot on saturday, I was 7 weeks when it was all confirmed yesterday though. Still bleeding right now but no pain anymore.
We are debating ntnp until after Christmas but also want to focus on having a brilliant christmas with our two children. Nothing like a loss to remind you of what you already have?
Thank you for your kind words, today is a better day than yesterday and I am sure each day will get easier. Although I have to go back to the hospital tomorrow to have repeat bloods to ensure my hormone levels are dropping. It seems an odd thing to be hoping for after the excitement we felt this time last week.
Thank you for having me here and I am sorry if I ramble.

I think the baby died a while ago as they couldnt find a sack yesterday, plus I lost a clot on saturday, I was 7 weeks when it was all confirmed yesterday though. Still bleeding right now but no pain anymore.
We are debating ntnp until after Christmas but also want to focus on having a brilliant christmas with our two children. Nothing like a loss to remind you of what you already have?
Thank you for your kind words, today is a better day than yesterday and I am sure each day will get easier. Although I have to go back to the hospital tomorrow to have repeat bloods to ensure my hormone levels are dropping. It seems an odd thing to be hoping for after the excitement we felt this time last week.
Thank you for having me here and I am sorry if I ramble.


I'm just so sorry hun. Hang in there! :hugs:

Yes, focus on your two beauties you currently have. It will help.

Yes, it's a very strange feeling to be wanting the levels to drop quickly after wanting so bad for them to continue rising a week earlier. Ugh...i know...
ttcbabyisom, that is GREAT about your appointment! FX for one or maybe two but maybe not three. ;) I hope this cycle is the one!

Thanks, hope my chart stays's this weekend/first of next week that I'm worried about!

sailorsgirl, I can't believe it, did I miss you? Or maybe you just uploaded a new avatar so I'm not putting it together? In any case, so sorry if I missed you before. So sorry for your loss, my heart aches for you. Each day does get easier but in my experience there are still hard days seemingly out of nowhere. Extra snuggles for the sweet babies you have at home. :hugs:

Pink I'm stalking you.

Everyone else *waves*

AFM, still not feeling anything. Well, had some weird twinges on my right side (more of a pinching sensation) for a few seconds earlier, not sure if that's good, bad, or neutral. Feeling the urge to pee on a stick tomorrow even though I'm not really feeling optimistic and it's pretty early anyway. This whole ordeal has made me crazy. :P
They whole TTC makes me crazy too :rofl:

I refuse to POAS before AF is due anymore. I used to but I find a BFN is more upsetting than AF.
brunette - I feel the same way about bfn's being worse than AF but people on here have a way of convincing you to test early! lol Peer pressure at it's finest.

eyemom - good luck. Yeah, pinching is so hard to interpret as it could really mean anything. The TWW is enough to drive anyone batty.

ttcbaby - I'm not overly familiar with fertility treatments but your appointment does sound very positive and exciting. So when will you be considered in the TWW? Get on the BD'ing and all the best! Can't wait to see how this cycle turns out for you.

sailorsgirl - I am so sorry to hear about the loss you're going through. It can be quite the shock to learn that all your hopes and plans for your baby are being dashed so quickly. :( I hope it finishes quickly and you can work on healing both physically and emotionally. Also, so your rainbow can come all the faster!

pink - ack! I'm so, so excited for you!!!! I hope your induction goes smoothly and Stella makes a timely entrance. Can't wait to hear all about her!
Hi ladies, I was away for the holiday and just trying to catch up... I think I'm just going to try to pick up from here forward...! Hope you all are doing well!
Ah looks like my misscarriage isn't going to be as straightforward as we had thought.

I have just recieved a phonecall from epu asking me to repeat blood tests on friday as my hcg levels are not dropping as quickly as they expect. May be a slower recovery than we thought.

Hope you had a lovely holiday qwk.

Good luck Pink!!


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