
I was all set to tell you 4 dpo is too soon to look for symptoms, but if you're only about to ovulate, it's definitely too soon to symptom spot! It's so aggravating right? GL jumping your OH.

Most people won't find themselves in my boat (secondary infertility), so don't take this to heart too much, but I was personally glad I kept up with the charting because I was able to shortcut a few months in pursuing my options with my doctor because I could show him my charts I already had. Do what you need to do to stay sane though...that matters the most! Low stress and feeling good about where you are with your OH absolutely make a difference. I am totally believing you will get your rainbow. And hopefully very soon!
Oh and if your LP is 11-12 days, I think that
should be okay. 10 days I don't know but iirc it's a bit borderline. But I conceived DD when my LP was 12 days. I'm with garfie, I bet if you ov late this cycle you'll just have a late AF (or bfp!) too.
ttcbabyisom, did you get your trigger? How are you doing? Good luck!
Hi Reba, so sorry you find yourself here, but welcome.

Hope you have a very HAPPY new year.

that's so hard. I find that I'll be going about feeling fairly okay but then at times the emotion will just hit like a ton of bricks. I feel for you.
Ohh pink haha don't worry about cleaning too much. That's wonderful about your vacation. In some ways, traveling with a baby is easier than traveling with a little kid. So enjoy! Sometimes just time away...anywhere! is good for the soul. Anyway, SO looking forward to your updates.
Kat that's really interesting. I find it a bit surprising too. It's refreshing in a way though to see these stories told with some accuracy.
ES...we are the same. I'm at the year and a half mark with this cycle.
DS, that puts you in a rather different spot than you thought in your cycle? Maybe you did have AF or maybe it's a long cycle? In any case, GL!
Starry, my MIL loves Anne of Green Gables and I never took any interest, but now I really want to read it. If I can handle it....
AFM, 8 dpo and still feeling nothing. I want to be pregnant this time for all the same reasons as before PLUS if I'm not, I'll ovulate I think on Christmas Eve, which will already be nuts with Christmas Eve service at church, family stuff, and putting together a massive kitchen set for DD. Hahaha I'm going to be so tired.