March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Sailor - They very rarely are straightforward hun - BIG :hugs: hope this comes to an end for you soon:flower: how far on where you? did you have HCG drawn before:hugs:

Pink - Any news yet?:hugs:

Qw - Did you go anywhere nice for your holidays:happydance:

Brunette - I'm the opposite (as some months before my cycle was so short I never got to POAS) so now as long as I think I'm in with a chance I will POAS from 8DPO:wacko:

Eye - It can go either way at the moment - but keeping my fingers crossed for you - hope your DH was wearing his santa hat:winkwink:

TTC - 3 ow wow:wacko: but I'm like you I will take whatever is offered:hugs:

AFM - POS OPK today and nice temp rise - hope it's not a Fake Ovulation again - just trying to keep myself busy got a day off today - so what have I done - Lunch:nope: hairdressers:nope: manicure:nope: massage:nope: cleaned the bloody house from top to bottom:haha: at least its ready for when we put up the xmas decs this weekend:happydance:


qwk, good to see you, hope it was nice time away

sailors, so sorry, hope recovery goes as well for you as possible :hugs:

garfie, :hugs: I don't really expect anything to mean much, I just wish I could stop paying attention to every little thing for a minute, kwim? Lately my thoughts are less, "could this be something good?" and more, "could this be something wrong with me?" Oh I wish I could just shut myself up. :P

Anyway, come on REAL ovulation!

Pink, I've been thinking about you all day! When I type it out it sounds kinda creepy lol. Hoping and praying things are going smoothly for you. <3 <3 <3

AFM, I didn't bother temping this morning b/c I woke up at 5:30 am. ;_; I must really hate myself b/c I went ahead and tested this morning (9 dpo) on an IC. Now I only have ONE LEFT. And of course it was BFN (I have my doubts I'd show a pos that early anyway b/c my prior BFPs on 12 dpo were super faint). I'm a little different than most ladies, those early BFNs help me in a way. Keep me grounded so I don't get my hopes up too much I guess. And then when AF does come, I'm more prepared for it and I don't lose my mind too much. Well that's most of the time. Today I'm just feeling tired and off and slightly under the weather and I miss my baby in heaven and I just want one in my arms already. Sometimes I pray that God will give our baby a kiss for me....
Hey everyone, sorry no personals just a quick update.
I'm in hospital and still pregnant, I think it's started I'm getting the period like pain but its going very slowly, my oh has had to go home so I kinda hope she doesn't come overnight as he'll have to rush back.
Been here all day and I'm so bored and really pardon the French but really shitting myself!
I don't know that she's guna wait all night.
OMG PINK, you're in the hospital!!! Holy Cow(I'm Soo not calling you that) Wishing you a speedy easy and smooth delivery!!! I'm sooo excited for you!!! Can't wait to hear of your labor story!!!
Hey everyone, sorry no personals just a quick update.
I'm in hospital and still pregnant, I think it's started I'm getting the period like pain but its going very slowly, my oh has had to go home so I kinda hope she doesn't come overnight as he'll have to rush back.
Been here all day and I'm so bored and really pardon the French but really shitting myself!
I don't know that she's guna wait all night.

Hi Pink :) great to hear from you:) try get some rest while you can !!!! Did the hospital send Oh home ??? I wish you all the luck in the world . Not long now tll your little princess will be here and in your arms :cloud9: xxxx try get some zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Hey everyone, sorry no personals just a quick update.
I'm in hospital and still pregnant, I think it's started I'm getting the period like pain but its going very slowly, my oh has had to go home so I kinda hope she doesn't come overnight as he'll have to rush back.
Been here all day and I'm so bored and really pardon the French but really shitting myself!
I don't know that she's guna wait all night.

Induction can be a slow process, but once things kick into gear, time flies!!
Can't wait for an update Pink! I can't even believe I have literally been here through your entire pregnancy, and now she's finally going to be here!

Eye, I totally agree about the BFNs. I would rather be informed then wondering.
ttcbabyisom, that is GREAT about your appointment! FX for one or maybe two but maybe not three. ;) I hope this cycle is the one!

Thanks, hope my chart stays's this weekend/first of next week that I'm worried about!

sailorsgirl, I can't believe it, did I miss you? Or maybe you just uploaded a new avatar so I'm not putting it together? In any case, so sorry if I missed you before. So sorry for your loss, my heart aches for you. Each day does get easier but in my experience there are still hard days seemingly out of nowhere. Extra snuggles for the sweet babies you have at home. :hugs:

Pink I'm stalking you.

Everyone else *waves*

AFM, still not feeling anything. Well, had some weird twinges on my right side (more of a pinching sensation) for a few seconds earlier, not sure if that's good, bad, or neutral. Feeling the urge to pee on a stick tomorrow even though I'm not really feeling optimistic and it's pretty early anyway. This whole ordeal has made me crazy. :P

where's your temp today, it's wednesday?!

Um yeah, i'm not looking FORWARD to them saying "it's triplets" but i am desperate enough at this point, i'll take whatever god wants to give me. If he thinks i can handle 3 at once, then so be it! I will be an insane person and my husband will probably leave me but i'll have my babies! He, he...oh man...twins, ok...triplets, no!
brunette - I feel the same way about bfn's being worse than AF but people on here have a way of convincing you to test early! lol Peer pressure at it's finest.

eyemom - good luck. Yeah, pinching is so hard to interpret as it could really mean anything. The TWW is enough to drive anyone batty.

ttcbaby - I'm not overly familiar with fertility treatments but your appointment does sound very positive and exciting. So when will you be considered in the TWW? Get on the BD'ing and all the best! Can't wait to see how this cycle turns out for you.

sailorsgirl - I am so sorry to hear about the loss you're going through. It can be quite the shock to learn that all your hopes and plans for your baby are being dashed so quickly. :( I hope it finishes quickly and you can work on healing both physically and emotionally. Also, so your rainbow can come all the faster!

pink - ack! I'm so, so excited for you!!!! I hope your induction goes smoothly and Stella makes a timely entrance. Can't wait to hear all about her!

I should be 1 dpo tomorrow. rough estimate. i have been having horrible pains today so i think i'm going to O tonight or did today. They say you typically O 36 hours after the hcg injection. I had that yesterday morning at 7:30 so if it's right on the money (which we know it never truly is), i will O tonight at 7:30. I really think it happened in the last few hours because my pain is almost gone where it was unbearable before. So crazy! We are supposed to bd again tonight so that will for sure happen and tomorrow morning and that's it. done and in 2ww. ;-)
Ah looks like my misscarriage isn't going to be as straightforward as we had thought.

I have just recieved a phonecall from epu asking me to repeat blood tests on friday as my hcg levels are not dropping as quickly as they expect. May be a slower recovery than we thought.

Hope you had a lovely holiday qwk.

Good luck Pink!!


Ugh, i'm sorry honey. waiting for those levels to drop is the WORST! :hugs:
qwk, good to see you, hope it was nice time away

sailors, so sorry, hope recovery goes as well for you as possible :hugs:

garfie, :hugs: I don't really expect anything to mean much, I just wish I could stop paying attention to every little thing for a minute, kwim? Lately my thoughts are less, "could this be something good?" and more, "could this be something wrong with me?" Oh I wish I could just shut myself up. :P

Anyway, come on REAL ovulation!

Pink, I've been thinking about you all day! When I type it out it sounds kinda creepy lol. Hoping and praying things are going smoothly for you. <3 <3 <3

AFM, I didn't bother temping this morning b/c I woke up at 5:30 am. ;_; I must really hate myself b/c I went ahead and tested this morning (9 dpo) on an IC. Now I only have ONE LEFT. And of course it was BFN (I have my doubts I'd show a pos that early anyway b/c my prior BFPs on 12 dpo were super faint). I'm a little different than most ladies, those early BFNs help me in a way. Keep me grounded so I don't get my hopes up too much I guess. And then when AF does come, I'm more prepared for it and I don't lose my mind too much. Well that's most of the time. Today I'm just feeling tired and off and slightly under the weather and I miss my baby in heaven and I just want one in my arms already. Sometimes I pray that God will give our baby a kiss for me....

Awe sweetie! :hugs:
Hey everyone, sorry no personals just a quick update.
I'm in hospital and still pregnant, I think it's started I'm getting the period like pain but its going very slowly, my oh has had to go home so I kinda hope she doesn't come overnight as he'll have to rush back.
Been here all day and I'm so bored and really pardon the French but really shitting myself!
I don't know that she's guna wait all night.

Thinking of you and good luck!!! can't wait to see her!
ttcbaby - good luck!! I like to BD the day after "O" as well, just in case.

pink - so excited! I hate when the hospital sends the men home but you want him well rested to encourage you through labour so it's best he get his rest as hospital floors are very uncomfortable. (I do cry whenever I'm at the hospital and DH has to leave...I'm such a sap) Anyways, labour does sound like it has started. Everyone is different but it could be several more hours before it really gets going. Get your own rest before then if you can. Labour is tiring!!! I was so excited the days leading up to my actual deliver that I had gotten hardly any sleep and I was just so, so exhausted it made everything tougher to handle.
Hey Everyone!

Sailors - Hello! So sorry for your loss. *hugs* I remember wanting my tests to turn negative which was so weird.

Pink - Wishing you a smooth and as pain free as possible labour. You must be so excited!!

Eyemom - FX'd the twinges mean something for you. One of us has to get a BFP this month!!!

TTC baby - Counting today as ovulation so I think we'll be quite close in our TWW together that will be nice!!

As for me. I have managed to fit in 4 rounds of BDing in the last 48 hours so I think I've covered my bases! Officially 1dpo tommorow as my tests faded from around 8pm last night and are faded again today :)
For all you ladies hoping the man in RED brings a very special gift of a BFP , I'd like to send ye an early Christmas gift ;)

sailorsgirl - so sorry to hear that, you are two weeks farther ahead than I was with my recent miscarriage... i hope your numbers drop fast...!

garfie - congrats on the opk and temp! I am not sure I even want to know what a fake ovulation is!! I have enough to worry about ! :rofl:

eyemom - I just wanted to give you :hugs: - I really hope this is your month...

ttcbabyisom - :dance: for ovulation!

unexpected - that's impressive!! good for you! :)

pink - best of luck!!!!! it is truly an amazing adventure!

We did travel a little for the holidays, to my mom's house - about an hour flight away. We'll also be flying to DH's family for Christmas, more like a 2.5 hour flight, ick.

Starting to have some ov signs over here, some cramps and EWCM :) OPKs still negative, but hope it won't be too long... :)
I am new to this and I just want to start off by saying it has been a joy to hear all of you guys stories.

Just a little background on me: My name is Dee Dee, I'm 28yrs old and engaged to my highschool sweetheart. So last April me and my fiance moved in together (we were long distance) and a month later I found out we were expecting a:baby: on May 7th. It happened so damn fast. We were more than excited. I had an ankling I was preg because I would wake up in a puddle of sweat, very sore breast, cramping and brown discharge. Had my OB appt on May 14th to confirm pregnancy. During the appt the OB was concerned abt the spotting and advised us that worst case it is a threatened abortion :(.. well the spotting stop and the pregnancy was progressing beautifully.

Well at our 20 wk US we found out we were having a beautiful little girl. Mariah Brooklyn. But before we could get too excited we were advised I have a short cervix measuring at .8cm. Had to see a MFM doc right away. Long story short we lost our beautiful angel Sept 8th. Doctor said there was an infection from the bacteria B-strep (I believe that is the name). Now 3months later we TTC **Fingers crossed**...HOPING FOR THAT BFP!:shrug::bfp::bfp:
I am new to this and I just want to start off by saying it has been a joy to hear all of you guys stories.

Just a little background on me: My name is Dee Dee, I'm 28yrs old and engaged to my highschool sweetheart. So last April me and my fiance moved in together (we were long distance) and a month later I found out we were expecting a:baby: on May 7th. It happened so damn fast. We were more than excited. I had an ankling I was preg because I would wake up in a puddle of sweat, very sore breast, cramping and brown discharge. Had my OB appt on May 14th to confirm pregnancy. During the appt the OB was concerned abt the spotting and advised us that worst case it is a threatened abortion :(.. well the spotting stop and the pregnancy was progressing beautifully.

Well at our 20 wk US we found out we were having a beautiful little girl. Mariah Brooklyn. But before we could get too excited we were advised I have a short cervix measuring at .8cm. Had to see a MFM doc right away. Long story short we lost our beautiful angel Sept 8th. Doctor said there was an infection from the bacteria B-strep (I believe that is the name). Now 3months later we TTC **Fingers crossed**...HOPING FOR THAT BFP!:shrug::bfp::bfp:
Sending :dust: to all you ladies this holiday season! I just wanted to pop in & say I may not personally know all of your stories by heart but I know that we all have a common goal!

Pink~ Sending positive labour thoughts your way!

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