March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

I've still got baby brain I swear!!

Hope everyone is well

I've got sore boobs, cramps and vivid dreams and weeing loads. Trying not to get my hopes up but it's so hard.

Based on my usual 31/32 day cycles I am due on my period tommorow. However knowing I ovulated way later I don't think I'm due till Saturday/Sunday.
Hey Ladies,

I'm a little confused and disappointed, so maybe you guys can give me your opinions. Ok so I came off BC in early November and my period came on Nov 13th. So I'm usually 33-35 days for YEARS! Never has been any other way. Well here it is a week before my period and I noticed bleeding. Enough to feel a panty liner. BC has never threw my cycle off in the past. This has NEVER happened before! Me and my fiancé had some pretty intense sex last night (TMI) sorry!!! Before I went to bed, hours later, it was no heavier and if it is my period by this time it gets heavy...idk what's going on.

Could this really be my period?? A early miscarriage or implantation bleeding? I'm just so shocked because this never happened before. Well with my last pregnancy I did bleed everytime after sex. Idk I just don't want to get my hopes up!
I'm sorry Mariah I have NO idea. It could be implantation bleeding??

OR I have bled once when we had rough sex and it irritated my cervix causing me to bleed.

Maybe call your doctor if you can and ask if you are worried?
Ah guys I'm feeling so out :(

I've been having bad right sided kidney and abdomen pain and finally went to the doctor and they said I've got a UTI

Does this mean I'm out???

Doctor did say illness can delay ovulation which may be why I ovulated so late this cycle. I've got some antibiotics (ones safe for pregnancy)

Do you think a UTI means I'm out? Means most of my symptoms are just because I'm ill

babiiblu, welcome (back?) so sorry for your loss. :hugs: sounds like you're doing your part to get your Christmas miracle. ;) I hope it happens for you.

Pink, yep cluster feeding is when she wants to eat several times in a relatively short time frame. It's normal. She won't always do it. If she does it in the evening, maybe she's tanking up for the night? Or yeah babies like snacks too. :D Sounds like you are doing great mama.

I think a big thing for success BFing (at least for me) is to have a person or two nearby who is either currently BFing or has not too long ago. IRL would be great but online is fine too. Just someone to support you who remembers what it's like. I had a friend (a few hundred miles away though) who was nursing and working and pumping same as me, so we'd talk on the phone often to help each other out (I think she helped me more since her LO is 3 mos older) or just vent if need be. I don't know about where you live, but in the US, most nurses want to help but they don't receive a lot of training about breastfeeding. But the lactation consultants are AAAMAAAAAAZZZZIIINNNNGGG. So the fact that you are already set up with a breast feeding support worker and you're looking into a meetup group, you are setting yourself up very, very well. And as you said, interacting with some other women will be good too. :)

If you haven't already, maybe unsubscribe to that other forum thread so you're not tempted to go back and look. :P Negativity isn't going to help anyone.

Glad you had a nice day with your OH too. :)

Left, sounds like you are preparing yourself just right. Biggest shock to your system? Yup yup. Even when you think you can't keep your eyes open or sit up straight and the thought of being awake makes you want to cry, your heart is just so full. <3

Unexpected, I don't think a UTI would necessarily make you out. I think those things would be pretty independent of one another. Glad they gave you a safe antibiotic just in case.

Mariahs mom, I don't think implantation bleeding would fill a panty liner but idk for sure. And I doubt it's an early miscarriage though I know it's hard not to be afraid of that with what you've been through. But I have my doubts that at a week before your expected period you'd bleed that much? Maybe it's just a one-off early period? If anything is really weird though, never hurts to ask your doctor.

AFM, not much to report. Yesterday's bleeding didn't amount to much so I don't know if I should call it CD 1 or if today's actually CD1. You'd think these things would be straightforward but sometimes it's still hard to say. I'm going to stick with yesterday though. Still feeling strangely okay about far.
:haha: I'm sure left can be forgiven - she has mega baby brain at the mo :winkwink:

As for you Pink - sorry to say but you never get rid of baby brain - it just gets worse:haha: or that's my excuse anyway.

I also used to swaddle my boys - not sure if ladies still do that though - it gives them a feeling of security. Have you seen when Stella jumps in her sleep it wakes her up - if not you will:winkwink:

Has hubby changed her bum yet?:haha:



Yeah she jumps a lot it makes me jump lol in the hospital just after she was born the mw swaddled her and I said about learning the technique but she said no it's not recommended anymore apparently, I don't know why, she sleeps much better but I'm rubbish she manages to wriggle her arms free.

My oh hasn't don't too many nappies it has to be said but he did get peed on yesterday so that was amusing, I was getting ready and suddenly there was 'babe, help she's peeing everywhere' ha ha, she's done it to me so it's only fair, I normally change her bum just cos I'm up and feeding her.

Eye, that's a good point I do have a friend who's lo is about 9 months, she exclusively Breastfed and prob still is, he wouldn't take a bottle ever so she had to fb, I might give her a ring for a chat, then by way of passing it in, I have a friend who I due on fri, I already passed on the blanket tip so maybe we can support one another while bfing.

Omg you might not want to know this but my boob is engorged! It's so big and hard and painful and I've not been able to feed from it all day, the other one is now like a soggy empty carrier bag lol, but I think I fixed it, I was going to wait till the mw comes tomorrow but was worried about running out of food, so I googled it, finally managed to hand express some out so that stel could latch, it feels soooo much better.

Is that a normal thing, engorgement? The Internet says it comes from under feeding which worries me but she got weighed yesterday and has only dropped 110 grams, the midwife was very impressed, so I must be doing something right.
Pink - You are alternating boobs aren't you - even though you may have favourite which is comfier:winkwink:

Also try putting a hot flannel over it - engorgement is normal (its called the booby fairy:haha:) pain should not be ignored:hugs:

Good job you don't have a boy - they pee every time their nappy is off:haha:

Keep up the good job mama:happydance:


Yeah I'm trying to alternate tho sometimes I do forget which it's supposed to be, I was trying to keep a list of when she fed and which side but it's hard when your sleep deprived.

It just came on so fast one minute it's fine and the next it's totally broken, I'll have to watch out for that, also now I'm using the broken boob to try and fix it will the other one do the same if it's neglected? Omg it's all too much.

Thanks tho I don't feel like I'm doing a good job more stumbling about in the dark hoping for the best lol, my SPD is playing up, my back hurts my front hurts in fact I don't think there's part of me that doesn't hurt, I have a headache all the time, I'm so dehydrated and my oh has gone back to work today :-(
Engorgement is totally normal in the beginning. Just hand express a little and then let her feed. Try and alternate boobs as much as you can.

As for dehydration. I went through pints and pints of sugar free cordial in the beginning!! So thirsty!
Hi, Everyone!

Pink, sorry you are having trouble BF! I always read how hard it is, so don't feel like you've done anything wrong! Hopefully it'll all smooth out soon.

Eyemom, my dr did not count the first cycle day that only had a little blood. The first day of bright red full flow was CD 1. Hope that helps!!

Unexpected I'm so sorry you got a UTI. Those are so awful! Hope your meds have eased the pain by now.

AFM, CD 11 today. My OPK says I'm not there yet, so I'm still brewing.

Last night I dreamed I was 16 weeks pregnant, but hadn't been to the drs yet because I kept expecting to lose the baby and didn't see the point. I thought "Well, I'm 16 weeks now. I should probably start taking prenatal vitamins and see the doctor!". I used to hope these dreams meant something, but now I know it's just my hopes manifesting in my dreams. I hate waking up from them because I'm happy for a second and then realize I'm not pregnant and feel all mopey.
Thanks Kat! Feel like I've been punched in the kidney so not fun lol

7dpo and still got sore boobs and feeling crampy

I feel out. If I am I think I'm going to NTNP next month.
Pink when I was in the hospital they said you're not supposed to wrap up their arms anymore, but you can still wrap em up snug but leaving the arms out. They can still startle awake but she might feel more secure.

Glad your OH got peed on, it's only fair. ;)

Careful you don't have a plugged duct. I got it twice and it can be miserable, but there are lots of good articles online about how to relieve it. But sounds like what you did gave you some relief so hopefully that's all fine now! I had an Itzbeen baby care timer that I used to remember which side to start with each time (I called it my brain, it helped with a number of things). My mom said she put a safety pin on her bra strap to know where she started each time. Any little thing that can help you remember. I always thought I'd remember, but after a while, it's impossible to remember.

That's interesting, Kat. If it's like brown spotting (just an example), I don't count it. But usually the light stuff before AF has like a (sorry to be gross) different consistency...? But this was just like AF, just not very much of it. Getting heavier today (CD3???) but still lighter than usual. I have been reading online that it's normal to start light and then get heavy. I'm just used to starting heavy (I'm lucky to get a CD1 of what I call "warning blood"). If I don't count last two days and I call today CD1, that would give me a 15-day luteal phase which MIGHT have happened ONCE in my memory but basically it just does not happen to me. So weird! Also, I've read on here (may have been another thread) that someone else's doctor calls even spotting before a period CD1...I'd never count some of that stuff, so who knows. No wonder it's confusing if it's not even consistent among the experts.

Anyway Kat, good luck as you're approaching ovulation! I hate those dreams. :hugs:

Oh oh! Last night I dreamed we adopted 10 young children, all siblings. :wacko: They were lovely but had some issues and I remember wondering how we were going to buy so many car seats/boosters and how we would afford them all. But mostly I was frustrated b/c even after a few days there were so many children, I felt like I couldn't truly get to know them all. Hahaha. So not that this is news, but I don't want that many kids. :P

Unexpected, :hugs: Hope you're feeling better soon. 7dpo is too early to feel out! Though while I say that, I understand the feeling. Hopefully in a few days things will be looking up???
I should think more positivley I know but I feel more dissapointed if I get my hopes up.

TMI but my boobs hurt, I've got loads of white lotiony CM and my cervix is so high I can't even reach it lol.

Hope these are good things.
Unexpected - ooooh all sound good hun:happydance: when are you testing?:hugs:

Pink - It is important whilst bf to eat and drink plenty hun - I used to keep a scrunchie on the wrist I was feeding from maybe that might help you to remember:flower:

You are a fab mummy and if you have to come on here every day for reassurance then so be it - if I'm around I will cheer you on from the sidelines:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Kat - Are you trying naturally this month or are you having some help:hugs:

Eye - :rofl: 10 young children - wowzers er 3 will be enough for me if I get there:haha:

Hi to everyone else:hugs:


Eyemom - I love children and this is no offence to anyone but any more than three children...the idea of it scares the crap out of me. All the washing and cooking and sleeplessness. Sounds like a funny dream lol

Kat- Good luck with your next cycle hun. Heres hoping 2014 is a lucky year for all of us trying

Pink - You still sound like you are doing great. Proud of you for persevering! x

Garfie - I know! My non pregnant cycle I had pretty much no symptoms around now and i feel like I did my pregnancy cycle but I'm trying SO hard not to get my hopes up. Sore swollen looking boobs were always my first symptoms.

Also how embarassing but I tested yesterday and today with cheapies. Stupid I know!

Probably do one until/if AF arrives every morning lol. I'm obsessed!
Unexpected :hugs: It hurts to hope, but at the same time ya gotta wonder we all go crazy eh? If you don't want to get your hopes up, I'll keep hoping for you ok? Oh, and I've totally tested at weird and possibly pointless times, too. Just can't help myself sometimes. As far as I'm concerned, that's why internet cheapies were invented....

Pink, yep I agree with garfie, eat and drink plenty. I was hungrier while BFing, even more than when I was pg. And drinking tons of water is essential. I still think you are doing awesome. :thumbup:

Garfie, hi! Hahahah there's noooooo way I'm having more than 3 kids. I think in the dream I had 12 total kids. I have one of my own, so maybe I had a second of my own by then? It was really, really strange. I used to want 2-3 kids, leaning toward 3. Now I'll feel so lucky and blessed to get a second one. If/when we have a second, we're going to NTNP and then if I get pregnant again or not, we're fine either way. But my luck the next pregnancy would be twins. Oh heaven help me if that happened. :P

Anyway, called my Dr's office to ask how to proceed since I tried 3 cycles after HSG and still nothing. Asked the question about hormones given my luteal phase insomnia and also (embarrasing) worsening acne over the last year or so. Nurse called me back and she's going to discuss with him. He's out this afternoon and in surgery in the morning, but hopefully tomorrow afternoon or Friday I'll have a better idea as to what's next.
Eyemom - thank you for hoping for me it means a lot, I'm the same id like 2 maybe three children but I'd want a bigger age gap between my 2nd n third. I feel like twins would be lovely but I bet the reality is hard work.

I get spots a lot so I can sympathise with the acne my skin is like a 13 year olds still
Unexpected - How big an age gap - say 13 years:haha: that's what there would be between my eldest and if I manage another:dohh: people say I'm crazy at my age (42) :haha: maybe they're right:wacko:

Did you test this morning - don't worry about testing early - I always do you are so close to me this cycle - I tested today BFN (9DPO) :winkwink:

Eye - I have one annoying spot on my chin - who put that there:haha: I can still cover it up - note to self must stop picking it:blush: Hope you get some answers soon hun.

AFM - I received another letter for another scan in the New Year - only just had one at the beginning of December - can't say they are not on the ball this time:happydance:

Love to all


Garfie, hello! Glad you are having another scan. More scans is always good!

Yeah, other than acupuncture, I'm trying the "natural" route (at home syringe insemination). In fact, my Clearblue Digital Advanced OPK went straight from "open circle" (not near ovulation) yesterday straight to "solid smiley" (ovulation asap) today. Usually you get a few days of "blinking smiley" in between as your hormone levels start to amp up for ovulation. I wonder what this means? I don't have any EWCM, but I was crampy pretty much all last week. I'll take a cheapie opk later on today and see what that says. I don't feel like I'm ovulating already (CD 12).

Eyemom, I hope you hear back from your doc asap!
I'm just so desperate to be pregnant after my M/C

99% I'm out this month. Low open cervix. AF cramps. stretchy CM which I only get before AF.

Thinking my period will come tommorow or saturday only giving me a 9/10 day LP when my last two were 14 days then 12 days.

I just feel like I can't take it anymore already. I know it's stupid many of you have been trying much longer

Just want to cry, keep dreaming every night I get a positive test and then last night I had a dream I was pregnant with twins. When I wake up I'm so sad :( I feel terrible moaning but I can't help but feel so down today

Garfie - Tested today and nothing :(

Kat S - Good luck this cycle. FX'd for you

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