qwk - congrats!!! Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months.
Kat - sounds like quite the decision. I haven't been in that position so it would be easy for me to say "yeah, just go for the donor, why not?" But in the moment I'd probably feel more torn. Do you think your OH would go for it? With donor I don't think you'd have any insight on the medical history/background of the family but you would be pregnant with the baby the whole 9 months and get to experience that. The baby would be fully yours in that sense.
Hopefully this cycle will surprise you and it won't come to all that.
mowat - thinking of you and good luck with testing tomorrow!!!
pink - Stella is so precious. I'm glad that she's such a good sleeper (not jinxing things, I promise!) and that breast feeding is starting to go better.
afm - not too much to report. I have a scan on the 2nd so hoping to find out the gender. Baby has been quiet but the heart beat was good at the appointment on Monday so no longer obsessively feeling for kicks though I still feel some. Just trying to get ready for Christmas and enjoy things for once.