Good luck Brunette and Mowat! I'm rooting for both of you!
AFM, no chance of pregnancy this cycle. Hubby was sick, then I got sick, so no sweet lovin at the right time. About 1.5 months until my hysteroscopy!
I had an emotional moment in ToysRUs a few days ago. We were there trying to find a kiddie pool to house our new guinea pig (just a baby! He's so cute!) temporarily. We had to stand near the baby section while they looked to see if they had any in the back. I had to watch a young couple walking around with a registry scanner, and the envy and sadness came over me. I've never gotten to do that, and what I wouldn't give to build a baby registry. I started one right before my MC, and a week before the would have been due date, they called to help me finish it.....which just ripped that wound right open. Anyway, I almost had a breakdown right there by the car seats. I was able to suck it up, and once we left I was OK again. Infertility sucks big time.