Hi ladies!
I was hoping to get some advice and opinions?
I tested on 10-12dpo and ofcourse got a BFN.
However on day 12 it was mid day and I didnt hold my bladder for hours lol.
at 13dpo
i have been constipated (sorry tmi)
Got sick to my stomach in the morning cooking breakfast
The eggs just smelt horrible to me.
no sore boobs but every now and then ill get a pain under my armpit.
But its weird for me as my nipples always get sore/itchy a few days to a week before af.
ive also had a little back pain more so the middle side to lower part of my back.
havnt really had a lot of cm but ill feel wet like af had started but then nothing.
Ive been cramping a little but not painful and sometimes its like a twingy cramp.
Also I checked my CP (which I dont know much about) and its kinda soft tilted back/upward with just a little slit like feeling.
This Morning BFN
Same twingy campy feeling,
body achy, slight headache.
Checked cervix, still soft, tilted up and so high upward that i cant reach it to make sure its closed.