March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Mowat, I hope you are ok!! I'm worried about the pain you are enduring :(

ES, that is FANTASTIC news about the weight loss! You're on your way and doing great!! Keep it up, Doll!

Eyemom, oh no :( I wish I didn't have to give you condolences :( I'm so sick to death of condolences. It seriously needs to be our turn.

Sweetz, glad you are keeping busy doing fun things! I love crafts :)

Never, I'm so sorry your son is sick. Breaks my heart reading about you listening to his labored breathing :( I hope he's better very quickly now. I hope these colds mean his body is learning how to be a super fighter of infection at an early age, and he'll be a healthy boy almost never getting sick throughout elementary school!

TTC Moon, great news about the 2 (maybe 3) mature follicles!! Did you use injectables to get that many? Fingers crossed for you, Hon!

Tricia, so excited for you! I hope the baby cooperates and lets you know the gender!

I had my first acupuncture appt yesterday. Never did that before and honestly I felt really silly.

She stuck needles in my feet, legs, abdomen right over my ovaries, inside wrists, and my temples (temples were to combat stress). Then here comes the weird part, she busted out a machine with all these wires, and attached the wires to the ends of the needles on my stomach (Looked like a mini jumper cable operation!), and switched it on. The machine created a pulse every second or so and "massaged" my ovaries. It's called "electroacupuncture" and helps deliver a very site-specific message to the ovaries to get with the program.

This is what it looks like

As Halloween is coming up I felt a little like Frankenstein.

In other news, you remember how the doc called and said my FSH levels were really high and my only hope is really IVF or donor eggs (but I can't afford it). Yesterday I was talking with one of the nurses who's generally had a negative attitude towards me since my miscarriage. Before my miscarriage she was great, and then suddenly she was short and testy with me. Treated me like I was so annoying. So anyway she answered the phone (ugh, great) when I called to say I wanted to lower the dosage of the injectables they sent through to the pharmacy because I can't afford $880 meds right now. Another (very kind) nurse told me before if I can't afford it, to just call and they'll lower it to make it more affordable. She acted very annoyed that I wanted to do this, basically treating me like I'm a naughty school girl who won't do what the teachers tell me to do because I'm just naturally contrary. I'd love to take the full 300ml dose, but I can only afford the 150ml dose. She said I really had to talk to the doctor, and I responded that I DID talk to the doctor, and since I can't afford what he recommends, this was his follow up recommendation. I guess I made her mad because she clearly didn't read my chart or she'd know that. Anyway, she then told me that if I wasn't going to follow their advice there wasn't anything they could do to help me, and then she said that soon they wouldn't go on treating me.


I was so angry I just hung up. I was ASSURED that my insurance will pay for as many IUIs as I want. I could see that they would not want to continue to give me IUIs when I'm 44 or 45, but I'm still 41. I was pregnant less than a year ago! I respond beautifully to the meds they give me. If I'm willing to keep trying (and paying), why aren't they? Or is this her way of bullying me? I don't know, but after I calm down I'm going to talk to someone else there and report that conversation. I'm not supposed to have any stress and all that woman does is upset me. If I weren't afraid that another fertility office would turn me down, I'd jump ship.
Mowat- Ugh! Sounds awful! I hope that whatever is going on ends quickly so you can feel normal again.

Tamzing- Welcome! Sorry to hear about your 12 week MC. We have all been through at least 1 MC on this blog so we know how painful it is. Sounds like your body is bouncing back though. It is totally possible to get pregnant immediately afterwards without a period. That happened to me and resulted in a beautiful baby boy. I also had MC last month and am pregnant again this month. Hoping for the same results.

Never- so sorry to hear about your son's cold and the lack of sensitivity from your cousin's parents. It's so frustrating when people bring their sick kids around you baby. Since my baby is in daycare it seems like he's always battling a cold. I have tried every remedy in the book. Sometimes, the Dr prescribes him Amoxicillin b/c it's a bacterial infection and it clears up.

Kat S- Don't feel silly! You're just trying what works. The procedure actually sounds kinda cool to me.
Reading about that nurse made me angry! How dare she treat you like that! What is her problem?!? Do you know if there are any written reviews on this nurse or the facility? Wondering if other people had the same complaint. Anyway, I hope you don't have to deal with her anymore. Maybe you can request someone else on the phone when you call?

Tricia- Yay to finding out the sex!!! How exciting!

Sweetz- Loved the peek-a-boo pic. So cute!

AFM- I think I want to dress my son up as a character (Santa, elf, reindeer, etc) on Christmas. I think it would be so cute.

Not feeling many symptoms. A pimple or 2 on my face. Breasts aren't sore anymore. I may have MS kicking in but it could be in my head. I guess I'll see in a few days. Had some major cramps for about 20 minutes over the weekend and thought it was over. So far nothing so I'm holding out in faith. Have my 1st appt scheduled for 2 weeks from today.
Just to see what happens, I contacted another fertility office via email. It's further away and would honestly be a pain to get to because it's in the city (my current one is only 20 min away/easy drive and easy parking), but if I get turned away from my current place, I want a back up ready to go.
Wow this thread lit up! I gotta get ready for work but can't help but chime in....

Mack, your little guy is suuuuper cute! Your Christmas pics will be awesome no matter what! I've seen photo Christmas cards that have more of a snow scene or a starry night theme and those are mostly blue. I think you can do whatever you want!

Haven't tested FSH, hmmm. That would be to see if I'm making good follicles, right? That's kind of along the lines of what I'm wondering...not necessarily with any one thing in particular, but if I take meds and make a bunch of follies (is that how they work?) or do an IUI and do it that way, there still has to be a decent quality egg around for it to work. Or whatever else it could be. I don't know.

Hi tamzing. Sorry you find yourself here, but welcome. <3 Hope you get another BFP soon.

mowat, sorry about the pain. :( Are you feeling better? Or at least have a better idea what's going on?

Hi Sweetz! Thanks for checking in! That pic of your lil guy peeking over the crib rail is suuuuper adorable. Sounds like you are on the right track with everything. :)

never, sorry your son is feeling lousy. :( That is really the worst. Hope he recovers quickly.

ttcmoon, hoping this IUI cycle is the one! Glad you had a lovely weekend.

starry, praying your scan holds nothing but good news. <3

tricia, can't wait to see your update!

ES, oh fine, considering I had a lousy day yesterday overall. Just want AF to get here so I can get it over with. Of course I'll have my heaviest day when we're traveling. What a witch. :P

Helped yesterday that I have such a sweet little DD. She read me the bedtime story instead of me reading it. THEN she wanted to rock me before bed, hehe. She sang me a song. Then she wanted me to lay down in bed with her for a minute so I did. She said, "Mommy, what's wrong?" So I kind of told her a bit and she said everything comforting she knew how to say at 2.5 years. <3

Hope it's not really AF on her way, ES!

eeeeep, just saw the time. Haha better wrap this up.

Hi Kat, thank you. I agree it needs to be our turn! I would probably feel silly if it were me getting the acupuncture too. But even so I don't think you should feel silly. When you've tried "everything," sometimes if there's ANYthing left to try, you just gotta do it. And who knows maybe it'll actually work.

The story about the nurse at your Dr's office had me fuming too! I'd definitely see if you can talk to someone else, what the heck. And if this is the place you think may have done your IUI too late, I would seriously, seriously look into jumping to a different office. Maybe they'd turn you down, but maybe they wouldn't? The worst that can happen is you'd end up stuck where you are now? It'd be great if you could be in a place where you trust the people and they treat you like a human with feelings, what the heck.

Hang in there lisalee! <3 Crossing everything I've got that everything is fine.

Whew! Ok have a great day ladies!
Goodness me a lot of posts to catch up on sorry if I miss ya.

Mowat, sorry for your pain I hope it subsides soon.

Tamzing welcome sorry for your loss but silver lining, there are a great bunch of ladies on this thread who all understand.

Never, that's so out of order if she knew her child was ill she could of warned you that's not cool.

Sweets I love your artwork you're very talented!

Mack lil one really does suit blue I say go for it, I don't know what I'll put my little girl in for Xmas I have a lol hat and booties that say my 1st Xmas but no actual outfit as such she'll be so tiny I guess just a pretty sleep suit.

Kat I say do whatever you can, it can't hurt right?! I did reflexology when ttc cept by the time I got round to it I was already pregnant but it was still lovely.

Tricia good luck for the scan can't wait to see you lil bub (it's a girl!)

Lisa glad your not feeling too bad, try to not worry too much no 2 pregnancies are the same.

Starry I'm thinking of you today girl!! Hoping it all goes well, were all hanging out for the good news!! xxx

Is that everyone? Who did I miss? Sorry love to you all

Afm, it's a serious duvet day for me today, I rolled out of bed (literally rolled) at about noon and am now watching tv in my bed clothes glorious.
Though I'm still angry with my oh, ok so try to not judge him but on saturday night I got a call at about midnight from him saying he had a car accident, he was on his way home from work and collided with a taxi, he was fine tho, he said he'd call me back, then an hour later he called from the police station, he had been arrested for drink driving, apparently he had had one drink after work but hadn't eaten do was over the limit, he spent the night at the station and was released sun morning. He's going to have to go to court and will probably get a 12 month driving ban, I called the insurance company and they are going to look into it but as he's been charged with a driving offence they probably won't cover the repairs, so as you can imagine I was soooo angry with him, 7.5 weeks away from giving birth and he goes and does this! What on earth was he thinking?!?! I mean what if someone had been injured or worse, what if I'd been in the car?!
Anyway he knows he's been a dick, and I think this has scared him a bit but I don't know what we're going to do now as without a car I literally cannot leave the house I have the mw next week and tho it's not far I can't walk it, we have antenatal classes and what not and without a car, he's going to have to pay for taxis.
Ok rant over x
Eye we must have posted at the same time, I didn't ignore you honest, that bit about dd is so cute bless em that's why we put ourselves through all this heartbreak for those little moments xx
Kat- I can't believe the nerve of that lady, it is hard enough to ttc emotionally and financially, you don't need her nonsense! I am so angry for you, you need kind compassionate people on your side! Hopefully it will all work out for you!
Es- sorry to hear about your bfn, hopefully next cycle is all yours!
Ultrasound went well today, baby is doing great though seemed to be full of energy as was wiggling around a bunch!

Oh and we will be having a BOY!!!! I am a bit surprised yet really happy!


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Yay Tricia! I was stalking for your update. Now just waiting for Starry's scan!
Wow this has been a busy place today !!!
Firstly Kat , I'm so sorry about that nurse , it is NOT ok that she spoke to you like that !! The nerve of her , if I were you I would seriously consider changing clinics if it was at all possible , if its not I would definatly complain !!! Also I have a friend who had 11 mc and then did acupuncture , she is now 21 weeks preg and all is well . She cannot believe it !!!

Pink silly OH but I bet he is ragin with himself also !!! Its really not what you need right now xxxxx

Starry and Tricia hoping all went well at your scans today xxxxxxxxx

AFM : I've had a weird stretching , tight feeling on my newly formed bump yesterday and today on and off . Not pain just tight and weird !!! It goes when I rest or am sitting down , hoping its all normal as a novice to this I have e no clue . It began when my bump popped out of nowhere at the weekend !!!!!!!
Oh Tricia what a lovely pic congrats, you knew it was a boy anyway, a mothers instinct is never wrong!

Thanks left, I'm so angry with him spoke to the insurance co and it's pretty definite that they won't cover it, if he gets convicted which he probably will, and apparently the estimate is sitting at 4.5 thousand pounds to fix, it's just like some kind of ridiculous joke I can't quite believe it!

Yeah that stretching is totally normal at that stage it's just your body preparing for a lil bubba to grow, glad it's all going so well.

Can't wait to hear from starry now.
Left Wondering-how far along are you?

Tricia- YAY!!!!!!!! Baby boy! How exciting!

Pink- Trust me. I bet your husband is more mad at himself than you are. I hope he gets something figured out. Wishing you lots of luck!
Thanks everyone for the great welcome! I'm busy catching up on these posts, this is quite the happening thread. :) I love it! Congrats Tricia173 -- lovely scan. Congrats on the beautiful boy. :)
Thanks lis I know he does feel like an idiot but I'm tired of hearing apologies all the time, everytime he goes out and gets drunk and I shout at him and tell him off it's all I'm sorry baby, I'm tired of him letting me down all the time, I'm 7 weeks off giving birth and it's like he's doing his damnedest to drive me to pre term labour.

I sent him a text earlier telling him that I'm not going to put my engagement ring on again (it's off due to swollen fingers) until he can prove that he can behave like a grown up, like a responsible husband and father, I'm hoping this will scare him enough to stop behaving like an irresponsible teenager.

I know I shouldn't rant and he's not that bad honest, it's not like he's an alcoholic or anything, he just thinks as he works so hard that he deserves a few pints after work but he can't handle them as well as he thinks he can.

Anyway sorry that's not what this thread is about I just need a little vent.
Trica we must have cross posted , I didn't ignore your wonderful news :) another little prince :) and what a wonderful scan :) did you have girl vibes ????

Lisa I'm 23 weeks today :) count down is on to V day please GOD xxxxxxxx
Trica we must have cross posted , I didn't ignore your wonderful news :) another little prince :) and what a wonderful scan :) did you have girl vibes ????

Lisa I'm 23 weeks today :) count down is on to V day please GOD xxxxxxxx

I totally felt it was going to be a girl, but I am not disappointed one bit!
Hey, ladies! I'm back! The scan was PERFECT!!!! The baby is measuring 7+6 and has a heart beat of 174!!:happydance::happydance: and there are no signs of any clots or bleeds in the womb which is a huge, happy first for me!!!:happydance:

I should stay and respond to everyone but I'm getting a massive headache and I get evening sickness so starting to feel quite raunchy. :sick: I need a nap.
Starry that's absolutely fabulous news ivè been checking in all day:happydance:

Hope you can relax a little bit now:hugs:

Ok raunchy must mean something different over there:blush:

So so pleased for you hun:cloud9:



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