March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

That's great sweetz that your back to ttc and great that the Lyme disease isn't giving you trouble, I hope you get lucky early.
I can't imagine ttc so soon in fact I can't imagine ttc again at all ever! Don't get me wrong I would like another but it's just not practical aside from the fact that my oh has said he doesn't want any more kids I don't think I could go through this again and I'll be 35 by the time age gets here then another year or more I know it's not old but I just don't think I could do it again.
But I'm super happy to come along on your journeys for the ride!

Good luck everyone!!!

I will be 35 in December lol
Hi everyone can I join you. I had a miscarriage at 16weeks on 16th Aug having my 2nd AF now so heres hoping we can try this month. Xx
Florence- Welcome and enjoy your marathon! That's the most fun part of this process. ;)

Wishingalways- So sad to see you here under such circumstances. I pray that the next time will work out. Wishing you success on your next try. Fingers crossed for you! :dust:

Sweetz- Welcome back! It's good to see that the LD is being managed.

Hi to everyone else!
wishingalways - Welcome to the group.I am so sorry for your losses.I can't say I am happy to see you here because I do not wish any woman to go through losses.But we have bunch of lovely ladies here to provide you any support you need.All the best for your journey.

Sweetz - Welcome back to TTC.Your little princess is looking at you from above almost ready to come.So I hope you hold and nurse her very soon!FX'd.

Pink - Common 35 is not that old.You can try.But not sure if we think alike.For me I have seen so much in my TTC#1 itself,now I just want one rainbow and a happy ending.I do not have the courage to even think about 2nd one.

Kat - FX'd for you.with those many follies and accupunture your cycle looks hopeful.

Florence - FX'd for you.I hope this is your cycle.

AFM - 10DPIUI and no symptoms.Not sure where I am leading to.Any idea how long the tirgger takes to leave the body.I got 10,000IU on last to last thursday.Doctor told me to test on 27th Oct which will be 16DPIUI.I wanted to test a bit early but afraid of false negative.
No sorry I'm not saying 35 is old but it's my birthday 27th of oct babe no 1 is due in dec, then even if I were to get pregnant straight away which wouldn't happen as ill hopefully be breast feeding we would be looking at maybe 37 for number 2 and I know how hard this pregnancy has been and whilst I am not sorry to be pregnant and I love my little girl more than anything in this world ever Im just not sure I can do it again, it's been such a painful road as all you guys know, the loss the months of trying the peeing on sticks constantly, the disappointment month on month and then after when I'm pregnant the worry and the SPD, I love her but its not been easy, and all this doesn't even take into account that my oh has said he doesn't want any more.

Welcome newbies sorry to see you here but we are a cracking bunch even if I say so myself and I do believe this is a lucky thread!
Sweets, welcome back to the game!

TTCMoon, if you test 12 days past trigger, you should be fine. They told me to wait until 14 DPO, but I think that's just to be super safe. If you do get a positive test, just repeat the next day. If it gets lighter, it was the trigger shot. If it gets darker, it's a real positive! Good luck!

Hi to everyone just joining the group!

AFM, I've been having pelvic discomfort/mild cramping since AF ended a few days ago. I know it's not ovulation. I think my back issues are causing it. Surgery is looking more and more necessary, as I'm not improving with physical therapy, and my foot keeps falling asleep.

Also, today I'm going to be part of a study at the medical school on Art Therapy and infertility. I'm really excited to work with this med student, and I think art therapy would be awesome. The study will continue for several weeks.
A big welcome to Florence and Wishing! I hope you have good news soon!

ES, sorry to hear about your continued pain :(. Keep us updated. Art therapy? Sounds so nice! Let us know all about it.

AFM, this morning I dreamed my water broke and I was in labor. Someone asked me what it felt like to be dialated, and I said it felt like having a saddle up your who ha! I almost hate dreams like that because you wake up and realize it's not true.
Florence & Wishing welcome to the group! You will get awesome support here (as well as some giggles too...we are a cray cray bunch!) I am sorry y'all are here at the same time...but know that we understand here and no question is a stupid question...and nothing is too TMI (you will figure that one out too very soon!! hahaha!!!!!)

AFM-Day #3 of some sort of stomach bug for lil Xan. Past two days hasn't been able to keep much down. Today he woke up and not even a smile. Just a snuggle and sigh. I put him in the living room, which he normally tears up the moment I put him down...nothing. He is just laying there sucking his thumb not even interested in watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Poor lil guy. I hate when they are this small and sick bc they can't tell you what is wrong. :( I am going to try some Pedialyte first then if that stays down, some bananas. Anything milk based has been causing immediate spitting up.
ES thanks for the suggestion.Can't wait to POAS!Planning to test on 14DPIUI.
hey girls this is my first cycle using opks right yesterday I did get a line but very faint, todays test is darker , not as dark as control line but its definitely darker than yesterdays test line im CD 13 I Bd'd yesterday and im planning it tonight, my question is, my cycles are regular 28 usually (this being first cycle after mc im unsure if there will me disruption) but anyway so as the calendar goes tomorrow cd14 id ovulation day, I wud therefore expect an even darker line, if there is no line tomorrow shud I take it that the surge was today? and shud I test tonight incase I only have a 12 hr window arghhh im excited I hope im Oing now ang get caught!!!

baby dust to all (im trying to learn the lingo lol) xx
Hey Ladies

I got pregnant early september, got a positive test at 2 days late. Then started bleeding. Had a scan and there was a sac there but no baby. After loads of blood tests, suspected ectopic and three weeks of bleeding on and off and a course of antibiotics I am finally feeling ok

I'm counting the first day of my last bleed which I think was my period as day 1, so I am now on day 11 and starting to get darker ovulation tests so hoping i'm ovulating soon.
hope so unexpected 212 get bd'ing lol im cd 13 and my lines are getting darker hopefully we will be on our 2ww together and both get our bfp!! good luck hunnie lots of baby dust x
Thanks so much!!

Yeah we are trying to BD every day or every other day at least.

Baby dust to you too :)
Wow, this thread is moving so fast these days I can hardly keep up!

Welcome to the newcomers. I'm so sorry for all of your losses. I do hope you are able to get your rainbows soon. It is a rather lucky thread, I believe.

sweetz - good luck as you get back on the TTC train. Time to start symptom spotting again!

mackjess - I was about 3 or 4 months post partum when I started to become broody again. TTC really can be addictive. I'm sure March will come here soon enough.

Kat - sounds like things have set up really nicely this cycle. I hope everything comes together and you can get your bfp.

ttcmoon - good luck! What day will you be testing?

pink - I think we all have our own personal age of what is "too old". I'm only 30 and I already feel like I'm getting past the child-bearing stage. It doesn't help I live in a more conservative area where most marry young so all my peers having children are at least 4 or 5 years younger than me. People my age already have completed families. I really could not go past 35 either though if this pregnancy is successful we'll probably be done too. I just don't know how much more of this TTC stress I can put up with. And I've been so sick I just don't want to do it again.

afm - My good days are starting to outnumber my sick days so I am really hoping my sickness is going away. But when it comes back it is pretty nasty. And I still worry a lot. I can't wait to make it past 12 weeks.
Hi ladies :hi:

One day away and I always have to catch up on 2 or more pages....I LOVE IT :happydance:

OMG....we have a bunch of new ladies.. I'm so excited to welcome y'all here!!

Florence: Welcome to this awesome thread, the women here is 100% supportive. Sorry for you loss but I was in your same case...My opks were faint and then they got darker so I just BD everynight up until my BFP. I was drained but it worked. So yes BD tonight, tomorrow until that line goes away. And if You get to tired don't worry I'm sure you BD enough to have some store up in ya. GOOD LUCK, I hope this is your time!!! FX!!

Unexpected: Welcome and so sorry to hear that your journey wasn't happily ever after as many other women but my FX that it will be soon!! So BD :sex: away and get ready for the TWW...O my FX for you and Florence!! How exciting!!

Wishingalways: It's never easy to loose something special that you really wanted but we are here to root you on. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss at 16weeks. I can't imagine going so far and then it all dissapear, again I'm so sorry. YAYYYY FOR ANOTHER SHOT AT TTC AGAIN!! Hopefully this time you will give birth to a healthy baby.

Sweetz: :wohoo: :wohoo: Welcome bk ma'am!! YAYYY for TTC AGAIN!!! And then how awesome that you got the go ahead at the perfect time, now to infatuate yourself with Symptns! Poor Xander, I can't imagine how he's feeling or even worse, how you're feeling for him, there's nothing worser then watching your baby be sick and you can't magically make it disappear. I hope he feels better Sweetz, until then just cuddle that precious boy.

Kat S: Oooohhh I'm so excited I hope this is it for you. And I hate those dreams too especially when you really want it but maybe this time it may be a good sign! FX for you!!

Mackjess: Looks like you're the broody queen now. Mine has calm down since school is getting me busier and my DS is keeping me on my toes! But we can be the broody partners together and Seems like we're both on a waiting list. It'll be fine tho. I'm sure these girls will keep us in the loop and busy.

Starry: I know how You feel but don't worry it will come and your mind will be at ease.

TTC moon: How exciting, another tester soon!! My FX for you too!! We'll try to keep u busy until the day comes!!!

Eswemba: That is awesome. That'll keep your mind busy and probably will give some answers.

Pinkcasi: Hey don't feel bad, it's your choice. Esp. If DH says no more. Just love up on Stella, I'm sure she's going to love all the attention.

Garfie: Hello :hi: What's the status ?

Lisalee: :Hi: how ya feeling, a couple more weeks to go

Raendel: Hi :hi:

Tricia :hi: How did you reveal the gender to your family

AFM: DS still fighting a cold and now I and DH have one, arrrrggh! Anywhoo have a great day ladies!

My personals are starting to look like essays :blush:
thanku nevergiving up and everyone this is so lovely, I have one friend ive spoken too about all this and shes super supportive but I don't want to abuse our friendship going on all the time, ive google that much of my questions it automatically types in my question after the first 3 letters lol, and I my DH said he didn't want me to use opks or anything like that as he doesn't want to go through the emotions again. to be fair he doesn't get excited about anything and with my bfp last time he let his guard down as his nan had just died and it was his glimmer of hope, I found out id properly mc'd the day after his nan had died and I was more upset for the pain in his eyes than the feelings inside me, so im not putting him through it aswell as me, im happy now that I have all you lovely ladies, I just love reading everyones posts its so supportive thankyou x
Thanks never but your post made me miss being pregnant already! I really don't know how I'll feel after maybe my family will complete with me my oh my ss and sweet Stella but maybe I'll crave another who knows I kinda hope I don't as its just too hard but I'm not closing the door completely, if we did have another we would have to move house and after the effort that went into Stella's room I don't want to leave it just yet lol

Florence I know what you mean talking to strangers on the Internet is comforting as you know we'll not get bored or annoyed and sometimes you just don't want to over share with actual friends, I understand where your dh is at too my oh wanted to just 'do it naturally!' If I used opk's then he felt like I was forcing it so I just stopped telling him when I got a + and just jumped his bones instead, as the girls here know when I got my bfp this time we only dtd once that month but if you time it right you only need once, hope you get lucky soon.

So pleased to have newbies it's like 'ttc: the new class' lol
Starry n pink !!! Your still spring chickens :)))) I'm 41 next week!!!! I know I leave EVERY thing till the lat minuet !!!!! I'd hate for my little boy to be an only child so I would consider hoping back in the saddle very quickly ;) . But my first and MAIN priority is getting this little one here safe n sound first :) excited for tommrow its V day. :happydance:
Eek v day hooray!!
I know I'm youngish but everyone around me had had their babies the family sister, cousins my oh's family, my friends in fact a lot of my old school friends have teenagers now I wanted to have kids earlier but alas it wasn't to be, I never wanted my child to be an only child but I think it'll work we'll she'll have a big brother who visits but is not here all the time so hopefully it'll mean they'll get on lol
Good luck lefty it's all going well then? Have you gone shopping mad now you know he's a he?
Yay for VDAY.

Kat, hope things are going swimmingly for you. ;)

Hi everyone. I swear one day I'll quit being dumb brained and reply to everyone. I am reading up and rooting everyone on I promise. Welcome to the new ladies!!

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