Hi ladies
One day away and I always have to catch up on 2 or more pages....I LOVE IT
OMG....we have a bunch of new ladies.. I'm so excited to welcome y'all here!!
Florence: Welcome to this awesome thread, the women here is 100% supportive. Sorry for you loss but I was in your same case...My opks were faint and then they got darker so I just BD everynight up until my BFP. I was drained but it worked. So yes BD tonight, tomorrow until that line goes away. And if You get to tired don't worry I'm sure you BD enough to have some store up in ya. GOOD LUCK, I hope this is your time!!! FX!!
Unexpected: Welcome and so sorry to hear that your journey wasn't happily ever after as many other women but my FX that it will be soon!! So BD

away and get ready for the TWW...O my FX for you and Florence!! How exciting!!
Wishingalways: It's never easy to loose something special that you really wanted but we are here to root you on. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss at 16weeks. I can't imagine going so far and then it all dissapear, again I'm so sorry. YAYYYY FOR ANOTHER SHOT AT TTC AGAIN!! Hopefully this time you will give birth to a healthy baby.

Welcome bk ma'am!! YAYYY for TTC AGAIN!!! And then how awesome that you got the go ahead at the perfect time, now to infatuate yourself with Symptns! Poor Xander, I can't imagine how he's feeling or even worse, how you're feeling for him, there's nothing worser then watching your baby be sick and you can't magically make it disappear. I hope he feels better Sweetz, until then just cuddle that precious boy.
Kat S: Oooohhh I'm so excited I hope this is it for you. And I hate those dreams too especially when you really want it but maybe this time it may be a good sign! FX for you!!
Mackjess: Looks like you're the broody queen now. Mine has calm down since school is getting me busier and my DS is keeping me on my toes! But we can be the broody partners together and Seems like we're both on a waiting list. It'll be fine tho. I'm sure these girls will keep us in the loop and busy.
Starry: I know how You feel but don't worry it will come and your mind will be at ease.
TTC moon: How exciting, another tester soon!! My FX for you too!! We'll try to keep u busy until the day comes!!!
Eswemba: That is awesome. That'll keep your mind busy and probably will give some answers.
Pinkcasi: Hey don't feel bad, it's your choice. Esp. If DH says no more. Just love up on Stella, I'm sure she's going to love all the attention.
Garfie: Hello

What's the status ?
Lisalee: :Hi: how ya feeling, a couple more weeks to go
Raendel: Hi

How did you reveal the gender to your family
AFM: DS still fighting a cold and now I and DH have one, arrrrggh! Anywhoo have a great day ladies!
My personals are starting to look like essays