March babies, our time has finally come!

List all updated, am feeling very sick today and tired didn't sleep well last night. Was nesting a lot last week, but this week am feeling too weak housework has gone to pot!
I feel OK today, having the usual soreness in my hips, ribs, back, and legs. Baby girl moving all around. Woke up with contractions but they've gone now after I drank a liter of water. BH are getting more and more and more uncomfortable, I hope I have her soon so this can just be over.

:hugs: to all march mommies, esp those with painful contractions already.

Full term tomorrow :wohoo:
List all updated, am feeling very sick today and tired didn't sleep well last night. Was nesting a lot last week, but this week am feeling too weak housework has gone to pot![/QUOTE]

I am feeling exactly the same- I am soooo tired at the moment!! Not sleeping well at night so don't think that is helping and Mini P as definately dropped and I feel like they are going to fall out when I'm walking (sorry TMI!!)

Oh well, this weeks task is washing and packing hosp bag so at least that is all things to do in the house- haha!!!

Hiya everyone. Well im in hospital. I had a bleed last night so they asked me to come in. They think it was from the examination i had that morning but they just wanted to check. My BP was high though on 3 different tests so they decided to keep me in last night. Been having BP checks throughout today and 2 were ok and 1 was still a bit high so doctor decided to keep me in again tonight. I have also had some brown mucusy come away this morning and a little bit throughout the day again, they say it maybe a show or it maybe from examination. MW thinks my BP is fine today but DR obvioulsy thinks differently else he wouldnt of advised to keep me in would he. They have also picked up contractions/BH on the monitor earlier too which is good, least i know these pains arnt in my head! lol. I just want them to get stronger now!! xx
Yeah feel fine to be honest. Had a bit of a headache and felt really sick earlier but lay on my bed with my eyes shut and that eased. Im just getting frustrated with differences in opinions really from different MW's and then Dr's opinion. Making me feel like a fraud! xx
I'm feeling rubbish today and suffering same symptoms dull headache and really tired!!
I had a footlong meatball subway and its seemed to make me worse :(
Good luck to all you ladies in labor/about to be in labor! :yipee:

Can't believe that it'll be march in 13 days!
Oh my many of us feeling poor today...

Fabby hope things get better with BP and contraction increase for you. I hate the fact that it seems the doctors/mw either dont communicate or agree either, it only causes us confusion and frustration.

As for me I had a very crazy night...sorry so long....
Wow where to start....last night at 9pm I ran to our local grocery store to pick up milk and a few other groceries along with dropping off our redbox rentals, not even in the store 10 minutes and started having what I thought was round ligament pain well took an easy and thought well I just get the milk and go home and have hubby pick up the other groceries tomorrow. the pain went from discomfort to excruciating to the point I was stopped in the middle of the aisle had one of the store attendants grab the milk and slowly made my way to the front checkout...I was in the most pain I have ever been in I had to have the check out attendant get my items out of the cart which at that point told her I cant bare the pain anymore and said I need to sit, they brought a chair for me to sit in and I broke out in tears of not only pain but embarrassment. called my husband to see if he could get our neighbor to watch our son while he came to pick me up..I had the only car with the carseat...neighbor didnt answer, so one of the store attendants offered to give me a ride home so he got my car keys and put the groceries in the car brought my car around and brought me a motorized cart...I couldnt even stand up, then they called the ambulance, not even 5 minutes went by and the ambulance was there, my bp was 160/102 felt dizzy and they brought me to my hospital, while one of the attendants drove my groceries home. I went from having one solid contraction that lasted for about 20 minutes to having them every two minutes and couldnt breathe. got hooked up to fetal monitors and given IV fluids they monitored me for three hours still dilated to 1cm and no change, BP went down to 129/87 and contractions were spaced out to 10minutes apart. Got discharged at 130am got home around 2am and have in-laws watching David while I rest today. Following up the OB on the 22nd unless things change.
Fabby take care your in the right place, Doc knows best I guess he is playing it safe rather than sorry!

Sammy wow you take care and look after your self

it really does feel like these March babies are in a real big hurry to get here

to any one feeling sore or in early labour or in labour big :hugs:
Went to doctor today. 1 cm dialated and 50% effaced. He is measuring 38 weeks, even though I am only 35 weeks. Hid head is still high. BP is still going up, so depending on that I will be induced between 37 and 39 weeks. So only 2-4 weeks to go! She is also going to strip my membranes and give me a growth scan next week.
I feel like crap lately too, it must be an end of pregnancy thing.
Thinking of you Sammy and Fabby.
oh my sammy! i hope you are ok today! glad you have some family there to help out with the LO. sounds like you need to get some rest and relaxation. maybe its just the start of things though??? i hope either things lighten up or turn into real labor. no sense in being in pain unless its going to progress things along!

fabby- hope you and baby are ok no matter what the dr and mw differ on. its very frustrating to have communication break down like that. im glad the dr is keeping you there where they can at least keep an eye on you and baby. if it was enough of a concern that even one person says you should stay, then you should. like someone else said, better safe than sorry!

hugs to all who need them!!!:hugs:
I feel so horrible atm....its so not fair feeling like I've been hit by a semi this late in pregnancy....I feel sorry for myself and everyone else who have had a rough pregnancy.
Aww!! :hugs: to all of the March Mommies who are having a rough time! Feb has NOT been a good month for a lot of us! Mine has been especially rough not physically but financially and emotionally. (if you want, read my journal) but we still feel blessed that everything and everyone is A-O-K! :flower: I cant wait to see all of the March babies :happydance:
...and Im kind of surprised that with all of these contractions and people visiting L&D only 3 babies have been born early...
...and Im kind of surprised that with all of these contractions and people visiting L&D only 3 babies have been born early...

I agree! Maybe there will be a sudden rush of babies appearing soon? Good luck everyone! :thumbup:

Blugh can I join the feeling crappy club, I was at hospital for 3 appointments yesterday, orthotics, who said I now need an AFO for each leg, although I have managed to convince them that one at at a time for now. Then nurology, still no magic cure and they confirmed further nuro degeneration, and that full time wheel chair is getting closer. Then mat unit, who want me to see doc about anti- depressants.
This time 5 years ago my eldest daughter was being born. it seems to be coming round really fast and 3 weeks today my little man will be being born!! still feel rubbish wish i could sleep but i have a very over active two year old to keep entertained lol.

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