Babybwishes, sorry as well for your no. I'm still hoping you'll get it this month or next. Trust me ladies, the whole process of IVF scares the bejesus out of me!! I absolutely hate needle so just having to do some shots up to now has not been fun. And I know I'm going to be on shots daily for about four weeks!!! Not to mention the egg retrieval. Being put under doesn't scare me so much, in fact I'm glad I won't know what they are doing to me. I mean really, a giant needle in the vagina, through the uterus to get to the ovaries!!!! WTH! Buy, I just keep thinking of the big picture and I know I can get through this to get my baby!
So with all the needle beforehand, babybwishes and no doubt, it will give you plenty of practice for the iv needle if you would have to do IVF. But I truly honestly hope it won't come to that for you ladies.
As for programs at my office....You can do one shot for about $12-15k. Or what we are doing, the shared risk program for 20-22K, depending on
Whether or not we need ICSI. Now bear in mind, this doesn't include the cost of the meds which will run $2000. But if we get some to freeze then it would help with future cycles. For our money, we get 6 cycles to get a live birth. If that doesn't happen we would get a full refund. While I have a lot of hope that we'll be successful the first time, it's still a gamble. And when you're talking about thousands of dollars, we just can't spend that much without having a few shots at it. My office has a 65% success rate so I'm feeling really positive that this will work for us. No doubt, I would def consider switching to a program like this. I feel like it's the safest bet for your money. And even if it works the first time, you may have some frozen embies for later if you want to try for a sibling. If you have that already, then it's only about 5K. One thing to know with the shared risk program, you have to qualify for it. First, no insurance coverage...check my insurance won't cover jack for infertility(but it will diagnose me with it..thanksva lot!!) the next test was a day three ultrasound for my antral follicle count. It must be at least five on each side....check! Bloodwork to check fsh and estroidal(one of them must be 8 or less)...waiting to hear on Tuesday. Next Wednesday I have a sonohystogram to check my uterus. And the last thing is a trial transfer which I guess they just measure and figure out where they will put the little embies (Oh and you also have to be willing to put two in to do shared risk)
As for starting, I am on bcp right now to get the hormone ball rolling. Lupron shots start on cd21 to supress the ovaries. Whew that was a lot!! But this is a lot to take in and process. Glad I can ramble on to you girls!