Hey No Doubt... How did you tww end. I got another BFN...
I called the Dr and went for the obligatory bloodwork, we discussed options and he told me that we are canidates for IVF because of our unique situation. My husband (who would kill me if he knew i posted here) has moderate to sever ED so BDing is not always possible and often the IUI is the only chance we have in a month. So after a relativley brief chat about options (IUI with Injectibles, or moving on to IVF) I am left with the distict feeling that the DR thinks we should move on to IVF. he even told me that 75% of people that IUI will work for, it will work in the first 2 months. WHAT!!! were on cycle 4 (iui3 due to a cylce i didn't responde at all) so what kind of chance does that give me!!!
anyway, the next day we go in for an appointment to discuss in detail and make a decision. and he seemed to have totally changed his tune, just saying he thinks another iui is best. Don't get me wrong, I am not eager to go to IVF with the cost and how hard it is on your body. but is just seemed like he totoally changed his opinion from the previous day.
so long story, shorter than it could be we have decided to do 1 more IUI with Injectables and then we will move to IVF.
I didn't take any of this very well, (first adjusting to the idea of IVF -a and a much stronger chance of success thinking "oh maybe just one more month and we will finally be PG", digging around for where we would come up with $4000 Plus the cost of medicine, and then having to quickly adjust to the IUI Idea at the office) and I embaressingly cried at the DR office. I have NEVER done that. and I don't want to do it again, but just thinking about it all makes me want to cry right now!!
oh and just to make things even more upsetting he told me that in younger women with PCOS OHSS is a big risk, so if we do move to IVF next month we do one cycle for the egg retrieval and then they freeze the embryos and then allow the body to recover then then to the embryo transfer the following month. so we just have to wait even longer.... I am sort of being a downer, so I don't continue on my little rant... but I have had a lot happen in a short time frame. and as much as I love my husband, he doesn't seem to understand understand the way my mind works regarding all of this.
thanks to all the virtual friends out there. and good luck to you all.