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March IUI Thread!

Mommymel what's the news? Have you had bloodwork again? Fingers crossed for you!

I just had my second iui this morning so commence the long and tortuous tww!
Mommymel what's the news? Have you had bloodwork again? Fingers crossed for you!

I just had my second iui this morning so commence the long and tortuous tww!

I have been quirtly stalking this thread since march because I couldn't have my last iui due to my clinic being closed.

I just had my second iui this morning too. We can go through this hellish tww together :)
Yes I remember you when I first got on the site. I tied to put up pics of my weims but couldn't get it for some reason. Glad you were able to have your IUI today! That really sucks your clinic won't open on the weekends. But you're in this month so here we go!!
Mommymel what's the news? Have you had bloodwork again? Fingers crossed for you!

I just had my second iui this morning so commence the long and tortuous tww!

Af got me on the 28th April ..... so for 3 month om a row i have a 31day cycle,,,,,,,, first time ever in my life......:happydance:
Hubby and I decided to go straight for IVF next cycle ..... my fs is okay with the idea for me skipping iui#3...... and he has given me a fantastic deal package for the ivf,,,,,,
i sincerely hope this ivf cycle will bring me my long desired BFP...... :cloud9:

how are you doing dear, i hope you are resting well and good luck during this tww....... when are you due to test ?
Mommymel I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out this month! I'm excited to hear how your IVF cycle goes. That's great your doc is giving you a good package. The price is what's keeping us from moving to ivf. Will you be getting started right away?

All in all I'm doing ok. Time is definitely going SLOW! nothing unusual for the tww though.
Oh and I'm scheduled for bloodwork on 5/14. Hope this will be my bfp!
I'm due to test on 5/14 as well but I never test. My cycles are usually about 32 days so I know not to getmy hopes up too early. My tww is usually more of a three ww. I would rather wait for af then see bfn all the time. Not trying to sound negative or anything...its just easier for me that way.
I hear ya I would do the same if I could. Since I'm on progesterone I have to get bloodwork and then stop taking the prog so AF will start. At least we ate getting close to one week down!
Hey Ladies! Havent been on in a long time! Glad to see I wasnt the only one AF got! We are on the same schedule/plan this month so I go monday for my u/s to see what the follies are doing....if anything! This will be our 2nd IUI so we shall see! Good Luck ladies!
Hi Ladies!

Sorry to hear of everyon's bfn...keeping hope alive for those are midcycle or waiting to test! How is everyone doing?

I'm doing good. Saw the fs to discuss our break and next steps when we wanted to get back to meds and the fs. She suggested donor sperm or ivf...ivf more so, but it's so expensive and we've discussed it before never wanted to go that route. Not that we wouldn't if we had to, but we don't think we're there yet...and honestly I don't think we will be, maybe hoping more, but we'll see what see happens.

We'd try the donor sperm, but again, I don't think (maybe hope not) that we will be there.

Didn't see things happening that way at the appt, but I guess that's how it was supposed to go down. Still taking some time off though and just trying to not think about it. Still praying my miracle on a natural cycle.
just a quick check in. we had our first u/s of this cycle this morning, only 1 follicle again! or Dr doesn't seem worried about this, but i guess i just feel like we should have more. Hubby wasn't with me be he had to pick up a friend at the airport, so i chickened out on some of my questions. going back monday for a 2nd ultrasound to see if our teeny (11mm) follie will grow up! i will get Hubbs to help ask the questions. he is so much better at that than i am.

fingers crossed gals! this could be the one for all of us...
Hey Jessgirl...did the follies grow any?
I went today to have my 12 day u/s....We have a bunch of lil dudes on the left but on the right we have one 18 and one 17!! the only 2 big ones we had last month were 14 and 15! linning is 11! So we trigger tonight and IUI Wend! Hoping this is it for us! Tired of the appt. and taking off work and all the $$$$
Jessegirl and baby wishes, looks like you are getting good follies! Good luck!

I am entering the second week of my tww and ready to know the result!
Hi Ladies,

How is everyone doing with their cycles, and meds, and all the other craziness we all go through?

AFM, I either Oed on cd 12 or 13...pretty sure 13, but it very painless without the meds, which I'm so grateful for, and it was 3 days earlier than normal...which again I'm grateful for.

I said I was going to listen to my body so the bd was totally based off of my mood, and I guess it worked cause the bd was timed perfectly. I only used the opk because I got a very dull pelvic ache, like how I used to before the meds, and tested to be sure I could remember what my body felt like...it's been so long, lol. So we'll see how things go. Fxd!

GL Jessesgirl...I'm sure your follie will mature nicely and be ready for O!

Congrats on bigger follies Babywises! Fxd this is it...know what you mean about all the appts.

L4hope, you're getting close. Excited to hear good news from you soon. Fxd!
No Doubt, sounds like your making great use of your time off! Who knows, maybe au natural will do the trick for you! I wish I could try on my own. I don't get an LH surge and therefore don't O on my own. Thanks for checking in to let us know how you're doing. I'm really hoping this will be my month so I won't have to worry about anything other than making it to the 12 week mark. Then I'm sure a whole new set of worries will come! Lol! Come on ladies, we need some bfp's!!
I know what you mean. All I want to worry about is what me and Baby will be eating for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and middle of the night craving...yes, there are 5 meals in the day, lol.

I'm hoping it's our month too, but I'm strangely at peace. Something's around the corner, I know it.

:dust: to everyone!
Hey Ladies! Looks like your all getting close to the end of the wait!
L4hope how are you doing?
Nodoubt...love that 5 meal plan!
I am only 3dpiui today. I,as always, hope this is it! way to soon for any signs for me but looking forward to the end of this wait! Tomorrow, May 13th is Mothers Day. May 13 2011 was a friday and also the day of my D & C. I am going to try to keep my head up but I already feel that dark cloud. I cant believe Our one year mark is falling on mother's day. I am just going to try hard to enjoy my day with my daughter and pray the tears stay away!
Praying we all get those BFP this month. Its time ladies! I dont with test, I am done with $ and I am so over freaking doctor's appt. that have nothing to do with a growning baby! Lets go BFP!!!
HI gals!

Babybwishes me and you are not far off from each other this month. I think i am 3 days behind you. how are you doing in the 2ww?

No doubt I am so glad you have found peace after all the stress this ttc thing can create I am sure it is a nice change of pace. keep us updated :)

My fingers are crossed for you L4hope, and your right, we need some BFP in this thread!

AFM. we had out IUI on friday I am 5dpiui now, and so far It is much more pleasant than last month. our follicle took it's time maturing up, but in the end it was 22mm. I was drinking a little caffine at the begining of this cycle (I was missing Tea so badly) and I feel like it could have been the cause of the smaller follice. I am sure it not actually linked, but my crazy self thinks that when i stopped the caffine again it started growing faster. anyway... that is probably just the clomid crazies taking over my brain. we also had to have a trigger shot this month. my Dr used something called Pregnyl it is just HCG. it was my first time with this shot and I was shocked at the reaction on my tummy! our IUI went much smoother than last month though. we had 6ml 37 mil and 93% mot. (last month was only 1ml, 17mil, 90%mot) so it is MUCH better. the Dr even said "I think this could be your month". Of course he could say that to everyone, but I don't think he would if he didn't mean it. TMI, he even said I had excellent mucus this month. fingers crossed tightly! this month has been a little more stressful then last. I had a Dr appointment for 7 days straight, and the clomid is messing with my sleep patterns so I have been waking up reidiculously early. I would LOVE if this is it for us. as for symptoms I haven't had any (not that i would yet). no cramps like last month either, which I have decided to see as a positive thing. me and hubbs have been trying to walk more, with the PCOS any weight I can lose would be good, so tonight on our walk I did feel like I was going to puke, but I am feeling much better after having dinner so who knows what that is.

whoa I guess I had a lot to say! now we just wait for the BFP's to start rolling in...
Hey ladies,
Babywishes you are in your second week now right? How's it going?

Jessegirl, I understand the worry about caffeine. Of course now I think about everything I do! Oh how I miss being blissfully ignorant to this whole ttc business! Unfortunately we don't get that pleasure since it's such a challenge. I'm glad you had a nice good follie and your doctor is optimistic. Good luck!

No doubt how are you doing?

Afm, af came yesterday. Of course I was so disappointed when my bloodwork came back negative on Monday. But my husband and I talked things over and I think we have a plan. We are going to try clomid and Follistim again this month. If it doesn't work I think we are going to start saving for IVF which will mean taking a break for a while to get the funds. Hopefully it won't come down to that.

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