March IUI Thread!

He's always been "on board" with it...and I used that term EXTREMELY He doesn't like the idea of it, but is willing to try it at least once he said. Once we get ourselves losing the rest of my weight, him continuing in his strive to do better (so far so good btw)...we would try an iui with his sperm again, then diui, then onto ivf. But I'm still thinking natural bfp too. I think I'll piiiccckkkkk....this month! Lol, if only it were that simple.
Yes I wish it was that simple!! Ha! I sent a message to your inbox so hopefully it went through. If not, let me know.
It went well. I'm still able to do the shared risk program but it's slightly modified because of my estroidal being high. Instead of a full refund they will deduct 10% per cycle. All in all we are ok with that because the plan is to get pregnant!! And even if we didn't, the amount we would lose if we went through all six unsuccessfully is about how much one cycle would cost if we couldn't do the shared risk. My doc still feels confident that I will get pregnant but says I may need to be stimulated harder to get eggs. Here goes nothing! I start my first medicine(shot), Lupron, on Thursday. I continue on bcp for another week. Hopefully this will do the trick for me!
Hey babywishes and No Doubt! How are things going? It's been awfully quiet here lately.

I have started my first injection of Lupron to "shut off" my ovaries. I take my last bcp tomorrow!!! Yay! After AF I'll have a baseline and will start actively stimming my ovaries! I'm so ready yet so nervous that its really starting. I'm really hoping this will bring my bfp! Hope you ladies are doing well and enjoying summer :)
Hey L4! How exciting...yet nerve wrecking...this is that it's finally in progress! Praying you only have to do this once and your bfp is on its way. Do you know around when egg retrieval and the beta would be yet? You'll have to keep me posted on everything.

I'm not sure where everyone is, I was actually about to just start keeping up with you on your journal if you had one or via I hope babywishes is ok cause we haven't heard from her since he last iui. Hopefully that was her bfp.

AFM today is day one and she is a pain. Last night the cramps and pressure were so bad and I was only spotting plus o had the worst headache ever. So I took a naproxen before I left this morning cause I cannot sit in pain all day. I had pretty much decided to give up but I'm in that stage where I've become so accustomed to thinking about it and whatnot that it's hard to let go And its really not that I want to give up I just want it to monopolize my thoughts the way it does. Letting it not monopolize my actions was the easy part. Most of the month I'm fine, bit this month towards the end I was having a lot of symptoms know how that goes. Just gotta focus on that part not taking hold of me. But anywho, tis the life of ltttc.
Is anybody still out there?

LOL I am afraid this thread is dying.... I haven't been on in ages myself, so is there a new thread people have moved on to?

how is everyone doing? where is everyone at in their "journey"?
LOL Jessesgirl. I didn't even know I was still subscribed to this thread. If there is another one, I don't know about it. I've mainly been sticking to my journal and the ones I stalk cause a few select members have dominated the discussion forums and it's always so negative.

Things are good with me, coming out of O into the tww. How are things with you?
I am good. We are pretty close this cycle. I am 2 dpiui and have my fingers crossed. This was the first month with 2 follicles. The month before we never did the iui (no follies). Do this of officially my 3rd iui. I am trying to stay upbeat and not go crazy during the wait. It helps that we are really busy. We just moved and I am also helping my mom with a new business she is starting so it all keeps me busy in my time outside regular work.

I just have a funny feeling this might be the month. Which probably just means I will over invest in it emotional and be triple devastated if it doesn't work but for now I am happy.

If this iui doesn't work our doctor wants to look at "more aggressive options" I don't know exactly what that means yet as far as ivf or something else. But time will tell hopefully this is it!!

So that is what is new with me.
Fxd this is it for you Jun and you don't have to try "more aggressive" treatment!
Fingers Crossed for you too No Doubt. We can wait this one out together....
Hey No Doubt... How did you tww end. I got another BFN...:(

I called the Dr and went for the obligatory bloodwork, we discussed options and he told me that we are canidates for IVF because of our unique situation. My husband (who would kill me if he knew i posted here) has moderate to sever ED so BDing is not always possible and often the IUI is the only chance we have in a month. So after a relativley brief chat about options (IUI with Injectibles, or moving on to IVF) I am left with the distict feeling that the DR thinks we should move on to IVF. he even told me that 75% of people that IUI will work for, it will work in the first 2 months. WHAT!!! were on cycle 4 (iui3 due to a cylce i didn't responde at all) so what kind of chance does that give me!!!

anyway, the next day we go in for an appointment to discuss in detail and make a decision. and he seemed to have totally changed his tune, just saying he thinks another iui is best. Don't get me wrong, I am not eager to go to IVF with the cost and how hard it is on your body. but is just seemed like he totoally changed his opinion from the previous day.

so long story, shorter than it could be we have decided to do 1 more IUI with Injectables and then we will move to IVF.

I didn't take any of this very well, (first adjusting to the idea of IVF -a and a much stronger chance of success thinking "oh maybe just one more month and we will finally be PG", digging around for where we would come up with $4000 Plus the cost of medicine, and then having to quickly adjust to the IUI Idea at the office) and I embaressingly cried at the DR office. I have NEVER done that. and I don't want to do it again, but just thinking about it all makes me want to cry right now!!

oh and just to make things even more upsetting he told me that in younger women with PCOS OHSS is a big risk, so if we do move to IVF next month we do one cycle for the egg retrieval and then they freeze the embryos and then allow the body to recover then then to the embryo transfer the following month. so we just have to wait even longer.... I am sort of being a downer, so I don't continue on my little rant... but I have had a lot happen in a short time frame. and as much as I love my husband, he doesn't seem to understand understand the way my mind works regarding all of this. :)

thanks to all the virtual friends out there. and good luck to you all.
I'm sorry about the bfn hun. Maybe the iui with injectable will work. Have you been doing injectables? Sorry, I can remember, but if you guys think ivf is best then maybe you guys should just listen to yourself and go with that option. The doctors can only tell you so much about yourself. At some point you have to trust you. If you do go with ivf tell them you don't want to wait. OHSS sucks, but you'll live through it. If you don't mind the waiting an extra month, then wait.

I'm actually still in my tww, so we shall see shortly what's going to happen. Starting to get some cramps, but still staying positive. Have had a few different things happen to me this cycle that don't usually happen. Keep me posted.
ok even though this thread is practically dead I just need to update those who might be following. I got a faint BFP this morning 13dpiui (first cycle with injectibles, and accupuncture). I go for my blood test tomorrow, and am trying really hard not to get excited until it is confirmed. I think i might go an get more tests today. Part of me thinks the test was broken or something... the other part of me is so happy because I have NEVER had a positive test before.

how is everyone? i am itching to find out where everyone is at.

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