What!!! Another queue jumper
Congrats Danielle, but really... you should tell your little boy that was just not on
Well, as you can tell still NADA this end! To top it off, it seems as if my 'clear out' at the weekend was indeed actually a bug as now hubby has it. Great timing eh?
So now I'm sat here thinking jeez, I'm so uncomfortable but really need hubby to be on top form when I go into labour so can't happen until he is ready.
Anyway, I've just ordered my double buggy as think that may have been on my mind a little. Well, it wasn't really but recently everyone was so concerned I hadn't sorted it out. I mean, I had a baby bjorn and buggy for Daniel so I wasn't too concerned. But, that job is now done and should be here either tomorrow or Thursday. What a service!!
Glow - Hope the sun lifts your mood today and you feel better. I've got a sweep on Thurs so the race is on
although remember, you are not allowed to go before me... same time is ok though
Happy due date City
Edit - Mitch - I was one of the 'lucky' ones and it really continued throughout... apart from the odd growth spurt etc so got everything crossed that Mia is a good sleeper already
Thanks for popping in actual March Mamas... I think I may well go into April though at this rate