Hey y'all!
I took the plunge and announced my pregnancy to everyone yesterday after I got a great report from the nurse at my doctor's office. In my first blood draw, my HCG levels were 33 and they jumped up to 187, which the nurse said was a perfect rate to be increasing for someone at approx. 5 weeks. I had to tell because my family couldn't keep the secret!
Anyways, my symptoms have been fatigue (I've never felt so tired!), very slightly tender breasts, menstrual-like cramps, bloating, very frequent urination, a few cravings, and a very, very heightened sense of smell... no morning sickness as of yet, but my appetite has been a little unpredictable- sometimes I'm ravenous, other times, I have little desire to eat.
I go August 4th for my prenatal exam with my ob/gyn. The nurse said that if my HCG levels are above 1000 by then, he may want to do an ultrasound (yay!). It's interesting to hear you ladies in the UK describe your healthcare system. I feel like I learn so much and gain so many interesting perspectives from these forums. Thanks for sharing!
Happy pregnancy to everyone!