City - I too didn't have any mess at home beforehand, so can't help with that bit. I had contractions, but my water didn't break until after I got to the hospital. We did use puppy pads there, though, to catch whatever I was leaking during contractions, so that might be good to have at home too. After birth, I second the peri bottle - take it home and use it! It's very very helpful for keeping things clean and for reducing the burn when you pee if you've had stitches or abrasions. Lots of maternity pads - big super absorbent ones. Also, you might want to put a bit of water on a couple of pads and throw them in the freezer - a frozen pad is lovely relief when your bits are swollen and sore. Ibuprofen helps with the pain, so maybe stock up on that. Other than that, breast pads if you're going to nurse, lanolin for sore nips, and lots of receiving blankets for mopping up baby puke and leaky boob milk. Big receiving blankets are good for swaddling too. One more thing - my midwife recommended getting epsom salts and putting some in a few inches of water in the bath and soaking my bits once a day. I found it really relaxing and relieved some of the discomfort, plus it helps keep everything clean down there. Hope this helps!!