March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Glow i seen your status on facebook about men in Lycra. One of my friends from primary school is riding track in the Olympics! :)
Oops, forgot about the opening ceremony since we finally bought a new laptop. Mine had totally died and MrC is being moved out of the back bedroom for the nursery so the old desktop is going. All this means we will be spending more time around each other by default, and that we have a decent laptop to work I have use of an iPad. Anyhow, all that means it's taken all evening to add on files and programs. Might watch some Olympics highlights tomorrow.

Emera, so sorry about F. What happened that made you take her to the doctors? How exactly do you clear out a baby's ear of wax? E has inherited MrC's waxyness and I'm not sure how to keep her ears safely clean.

E's been a total windy-pops tonight and was a nightmare to feed...writhing on me in pain and farting away. Same last night. Odd.

Bummer about the house Cupcake :-(
MsC, you shouldn't really clean their ears out, except for the outer bit, which I do with a damp cotton wool ball then dry the tricky bits with a cotton bud. If you think they have badly blocked ears the doc needs to look at it.
I took F to the docs as when I got her up from her nap her ear went "squelch" when I touched it, and a load of goo literally ran out of it! :sick: so yeah, pretty obvious once the drum has burst and the stuff comes out! Yuck. When Roh has had ear infections, he's been quite obviously ill, with a temperature and crying in pain etc. F wasn't doing any of that, so I had no idea she was ill except for her gunky eyes still not clearing up. :shrug:

Weirdly she does seem unwell now, and according to the doc she'd feel a bit better now that there isn't so much pressure on the inner ear. :shrug: Maybe its just because I'm worrying about her that she seems ill. :dohh:
WT - The problem with my not losing the weight is that by the time I was 3 months pregnant I looked more like 20 weeks and by 28 week just before my water broke I looked ready to pop her out... all the weight was in my tummy and I hadn't gained anywhere else really. So now it is all still sitting on my tummy and if I don't suck it in all the time I look PREGNANT. Looking fluffy has to be better than looking pregnant when you aren't! lol

Emera - Poor F! That just sounds painful to me.

Question. Keira's eyes stopped with the goopyness a long time ago but I noticed recently that she sometimes gets this white goop in her eye. It doesn't look like the yellow goop that used to crud up her eye and its nowhere near as profuse. Is this something I should ask the Dr about or just wipe out like you do with the yellow goop?
Oh no, poor f! You did say she was a bit squawky bur she's obviously just a strong stoical woman! Brave girl.

Mitch, m is so sweet on holiday, loving her little dresses.

Lozza, am looking out fir you and z!

I'm going to pick up tons of stuff for today. A friend was going to a carboot tomorrow with her sons toys and clothes and so I've just said I'll have the lot. £30 for toys and clothes up to 24months!

So I just weighed myself, I'm officially 3 stone lighter than at my peak in pregnancy! So I'm also about 7 lbs less than pre pregnancy. I love breastfeeding! Gonna do it forever.

Where's waula got to?
Missy good on the weight loss! :). And good on the £30 for all that stuff!
OH and I are mulling over whether to buy F a new jumperoo/actvity centre or wait for my nephew to be done with their one. F just wants to stand and bounce all the time, and we have a door bouncer, but can only use it on the kitchen door, so I'd have to spend all my time in there, and I'd bake waaay to many cakes if I did that!! My SIL is using the exosaucer still for my nephew so she can bung him infront of the tv :dohh:

Skadi I just wipe F's eyes a few times a day with cooled boiiled water. The doc said if the eyes aren't sore and red and it isn't bothering her, plus the treatments haven't cleared it up its just blocked ducts, so swab them to clear the build up and otherwise leave them was his advice.

Just change F's yucky poonami nappy, which is a bit green from the anti-biotics, ick! Anyway, nearly had a heart attack as there were a load of red blobs in it, and I was thinking "oh crap, she's got a penicillin allergy, its making her gut bleed!!" Then I remembered that she'd managed to grab a red paper napkin the other day and had sucked on it before I saw and grabbed it. So, she must have eaten some of it, because sure enough, on closer inspection, the red was small bits of paper! :rofl: Oops, her first solids was paper napkin! :haha: She seemed to enjoy it though. Obviously I'll get right on with the Crunchie bars next, so she doesn't just get a taste for the paper texture and refuse anything else! ;)
Poor F!!! J sometimes get's a sticky eye I do the same and wipe with cooled boiled water and cotton wool, so far haven't had to see the Dr. I also massage in the corner of his eye and this seems to help too.
I'm well chuffed with all that stuff. Loads of toys, like a little piano for when he can sit/stand, loadsof cars and books, Sophie the giraffe, plus tons of lush clothes, all like next and stuff, and a floaty wet suit. The books are great as the little boy we got them from has eye problems so they are specially to develop his eyes .

T loves his jumperoo, he's the same as f, just wantsto stand and bounce. The door bouncer is annoying to set up and he's kind of out ofmy view if i want to do something... they sell them on ebay/gumtree loads. Or ours was in the Amazon sale.

Poor gooey eyed babies! I've not really had an issue with that, were more crusty skin over this way!

Oh and we gave t a cucumber stick the other day! He enjoyed himself with it! Didn't eat it but tried it.
Oooh i tried M with a sippy cup/beaker was a hard spout one (have a softer one if she prefers)....grabbed and held it really it into her mouth and i think some water came out but wasnt overly impressed that it wasnt something more tasty :haha:. Might try a bit of formula in one. Anyone else tried a cup yet? L&l i know you did with O a while ago??

Loads and loads of drool here....and not the normal chewing of hands and fists but proper shoving two fingers in her mouth that go either side of mouth...obviously along gums so we could have the start of teething. Loved the cooled teething ring out of fridge too. No grouchiness with it at all...doesnt seem to be uncomfortable but time for that i guess
We tried a cup this week too! Same result, slightly disgusted that it was water. Very cute faces.
well done on weight loss missey. i have a stubborn 1/2 stone to lose that i don't think is going to come off unless i actually put some effort into it (and baring in mind i bought a multipack of quavers today in sainsburys i cant see that happening any time soon)

not done much today, looked at a house that was over priced and needed a tonne of work doing to it. we decided even if we got it for a bargain price and did all the work we would still be unhappy with the size of the bedrooms so its a no.

saddos that we are, we are still clinging to the hope that they might put the house on the market in a couple of months once thye have got over their 'health scare' (or at least sorted their life plan).

really must get on and tidy the house...
Cuppie, Quavers are made of air mostly, you'll be fine! :haha:

We use a cup quite often now with F, either with a little water in, as she now sits in the high chair whilst we are eating, so i thought it would be nice for her to have a cup to drink from, for practice, at meal times. She's also so fussy with bottles that i've given up with them, so she has her ebm out of a cup too. Much less fussing involved, lots of slurping though! :haha:

Oh, exciting, i sat F up today and she stayed sat up all by herself for about 10 secs, and then slowly keeled forwards on to her hands! :) I'm mostly excited as i've never had a baby that sits before! Roh went right from rolling to crawling and cruising, and NEVER sat at all! Even now he tends to squat rather than sit :shrug: It will be so lovely when she can sit there and play with things :)
Oh, and i'm having such a naughty dinner, sausages, potato scallops, fried tomato, fried mushroom, beans, fried egg, and....fried bread! :dance: Yummy, but omg the fat quota!!! :shock:
D's not even rolling yet. Will sit and stand if supported. I put her in a friends jumperoo the other day and she just face planted the 'desk'. I don't think she is going to be quick off the mark developmental wise :hugs:

Meat balls spiced with cumin, coriander, chili, nutmeg and cinnamon with pasta followed by an experimental slimming world friendly chocolate cake for pud :wacko:

We go on holiday tomorrow and I've still done nothing to prepare. Gah. Ought to get organised!
Loo - Not all babies roll so I wouldn't be worried about it.

Keira keeps sticking her hands in her mouth too. Generally as many fingers as possible. Every now and then she sticks them in far enough back that she has to gag!

We are off to a wedding in Toronto today while my sister watches Keira at my house. I feel bad for my sister because Keira was being just awful before I left!
Skadi, enjoy the wedding, good luck to your sister! :wacko:

A bit weirded out by both kids actually going to bed and staying asleep for 2 hours!?! So, done a load of development baking (working up recipes for my business plan, i need to test, perfect and cost them, so i'm experimenting for now). The girls at playgroup are going to love me this week, i'll never eat all of this lot on my own! Made the fat free sugar free muffins again, also, blueberry, fresh ginger and honey buns, lemon and rosemary cake, north african style (dairy-free) orange and cardamon cake, oh, and some chocolate and chilli fudge. Kitchen smells yummy, its all baking now! :)

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