March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Blue bird- the lactation consultant told me breast milk has enough goodness (actually a word but can't remember, immunities maybe??) in it to not bother sterilizing. It's only formular bottles that need sterilizing.
Anti-bodies maybe Wouldluv?

I stopped sterlising anything last time when Roh started crawling at 7 months and I popped to the loo and came back to find him trying to chew the pushchair wheels! :sick: :dohh:

Woke up to the terrifying noise of a potty hitting the floor and the words, "oh no poo poo fall out of the potty, put it back in" :argh: Needless to say - fun morning so far! :haha:
yum battenburg - really fancy some now, even if it is 8.30am!lol

sounds like a fun morning Emera.....not

im feeling nervous today, im off to work in a mo to do a full days work!!! aaah! and im taking the dog (i usually do) and the baby with me!! plan is he sits in his bouncer in the corner of my office (i have my own room)....

it was a last minute pleading form my bodd which meant i couldnt organise childcare and with him still being BF i couldnt leave him anyway so boss said bring him in!

not going well so far, R has peed down the front of my only dress that fits.... im still wearing it. just gave it a quick wipe and hope it doesnt smell. lol

R not eaten porridge this morning so i can see a long tiring day ahead....
Cupcake...good luck today. Hope rest of day is uneventful:haha: that roh wanted to put the poo him

The more i.think.about weaning..the less excited/more nervous i get....just want to make sure i right. Read your guide emera which is great and also.have a book...shows traditional and blw in combo....perfect. Just dont want to give too much or too little....too early with lumps?? Making sure no salt (later on in our food)...sugar. What juice they can drink.if any. Worried M wont take a much to.think.aboit

Going to.try M with cup with nothing in it so.she can.get the hang of holding handles and finding.her mouth. I was unsure about sterilising...bunged it in steriliser a couple of times but was planning to.just wash and dunk in boiling water for a few mins

Missy ...happy to meet up.too. Not sure if you.were planning omn coming over Bracknell way? Remember you mentioning...otherwise

Have a good day all...hubby a week off...feeling a bit down....lethargic and uninpired Poor M
Good luck cuppie!!!!! Lol at the wet dress!! And just typical about R breakfast :(
Emera I love how hard Roh is trying to get this poo thing right!
Wish I was closer to emera and her cakes...I'm going to be a massive fan of your new business!
Mitch I'm with you on the weaning worries...mine are a bit different...I'm such a foody and it's really important to me that N loves his food...sure we'll be ok...hope you and M have a nice day - I'd recommend a costa outing :)
Swimming with N this morning... He loves it for 20mins then hates it for 10mins which sounds hideously loud in a pool!!!
Mitch, start weaning with less rather than more and increase slowly. If M immediately drops milk intake then give less. You don't want to decrease milk intake until they are eating a full range of foods. Lumps wise, if she doesn't like the texture of something, she'll spit it out! Around 8-10 months is usually when they can tolerate rough mashed texture, before than well mashed or pureed is likely to be more successful. (Or foods that have a naturally smooth texture when gummed for blw, like fruit/veg, yogurt/cream cheese/houmous loaded spoons, toast crusts). Different babies are different though. My friends girl refused anything with texture up to about 16 months, where as Roh would eat little sandwiches and pasta pieces from about 7 months. :shrug: There's nothing to be nervous about, just take it slowly and gently and if something doesn't work, then go back and try it again in a few days :)
Oh, and juice, I wouldn't go there. Just offer water and milk only from the start, or you'll end up with them refusing water, as obviously juice is tastier. Since Roh has been 2 I now give him well diluted orange squash with his snacks.

Cuppie good luck at work, brave lady! :hugs:
Morning all - hope you had a good weekend :)

Im well into the olympics... loving it... can see me not going outside for 2 weeks :haha:

Crow - so sorry about your dad hunni, hope he gets better soon and i will keep you all in my thoughts

Cuppie - i didnt realise you were heading back to work.... full time? part time? one off?

Loo - have a great holiday ;)

jumperoo / bouncer - G has a bouncer which he LOVES and we have no pets so i dont see need for anything else at the mo. will get him an activity centre or something in october time though.

Missy / other shreders - i just did day 5 (should hv been day 6 but i missed it yesterday) and its still blinking hard, but defo easier! but not much though :haha:

weaning - im actually NOT stressed about it. Im not going to do anything yet, but will start giving G a little bit of baby porridge in August when he is 5 months (unless he shows earlier signs of wanting it). When we return from our holiday he will be 6 months and then i will start introducing vegetable puree/mash as per the C&G weaning guide - but mix it in with baby led. I wont be giving him fruit juice though or any fruits at first either.

So this mornign has been hellish. He is FINALLY napping but has grizzled ALL morning.He refused my boob but took a bottle. I was almost crying i was so stressed by it.

That being, ive made a decision to now combo feed. Basically, he will be exclusively breastfed between 9pm - 11:30am but in the daytime i will ofer a bottle. Im doing this as he takes my boob easily in the night and early morning... but refuses in day :shrug: I will still offer my boob first in day time, but if he refuses twice then a bottle will be offered. its just too stressful otherwise.

Jabs at 2pm.... he usually doesnt cry or have any adverse reactions... bet he does today.

Got a KIT day on weds - G will be coming with me to birmingham. Meeting Chairman and my line manager (who is leaving in sep). Im nervous.

I dont know what i want to do work wise :( Gah.
Sorry still struggling to catch up girls still here until tomorrow!!

Waula - yay for nice holiday and know you mentioned something about going back to work and stuff...but can't remember now!

Re weaning - I started weaning J because he was watching/trying to grab every mouthful that went in my mouth if he was sat with me or near me! he absolutely loves his porridge! but tried him in his bumbo yesterday on the table while we all had a sunday dinner and pureed some carrot but he was NOT impressed, got some brocolli in freezer that I made for him so might try that tonight. I'm trying not to rush things and keep things simple.

hopefully I'll be able to catch up in next couple of days :thumbup:
Funny how different they all are eh? F has nooo interest in my food when I'm eating, just sits there eyeing up the boobs! :haha: Glow, I love the image of J in his bumbo with the carrot being like, "uh, what's this orange crap, where the heck is my porridge?!?" :haha: cute! :)

FT, good luck with jabs and your KIT day! :hugs: sounds like combi feeding will take the pressure off. There's nothing more stressful than refusing feeds! :hugs:
N has been awake since 7am and shows no sign of exhaustion unlike feeding him into submission. X
Hello lads

Just at the hospital taking a break. Reading your posts is a good diversion, to be honest, we will blw at some point but I haven't really thought about it so much, that said, E is very interested in watching us eat and loves sitting at the table.

My dad is not well, he's sedated and though slightly less so today, we're waiting to see if the antibiotics have kicked in, and whether the confusion he experienced is related to that or something else. More tests today which will mean a heavier sedation. I'm just stood there holding his hand, watching the monitors, reminding him to breath when there's a long pause. Edith is here, we're taking shifts outside with her, she's in her pushchair smiling st me now. I don't know what will happen. My head is in shadow.

E fought sleep till the last, finally giving in at 11.45 but went through until 5 and then until 9. Thank goodness, mum and I needed a break, mum more so.
Morning, lads! :flower:

Ms.C.- Sending massive hugs your direction. :hugs: :hugs:

FT- P was doing the same thing to me (fighting the boob), and that is what led me to combi feed, and then ultimately wean the boob completely. Of course, I had to go back to work, so it was going to happen sooner or later, but his fighting the boob was so stressful and exhausting for both of us. After 4 or 5 days of both of us crying through every feeding, it was such a huge relief to make the decision. Mealtime should not be that stressful. So if you're facing a similar thing with G, I think you'll actually enjoy BF more at nighttime. :thumbup:

Solids- The boys like to eat, and do pretty well with it, but I've been fairly lazy about introducing new things since it's such an ordeal to make food and feed two babies. (I don't mind the cooking and mashing, but pureeing is a pain.) So I've decided that I'll go ahead and buy organic baby food rather than making it until they're old enough to have lumpier stuff. Thus far they've had:

Brown rice cereal
Japanese sweet potato (white)
Regular sweet potato

Tonight, I think we'll move to some peas. I'd like to get a few more veggies under their belts before we move to fruits. I want to do avocado, but they've been yucky this season. Maybe in a few more weeks there will be a better selection.
Crow - my heart goes out to you and im just keeping my fingers crossed that everything will be okay :hugs:

WT- yup its been HARD last few days trying to feed. he just refused my boob again. I dont understand why he gobbles it up first thing in morning and through the night tho? maybe its to do with a faster let down - as there are bigger gaps between feeds ? :shrug: anyway. it is what it is... isnt it? :haha:

G just had his jabs... he whimpered when the first 2 went in to one leg (but they did them at same time which was great) - but as usual that was it. was back to smiling straight away. so at least thats something.

oooooo getting excited about the diving now.... come on team GB! :)

ok, given what Crow is going through i know this shouldnt be important to me, but i could have cried. I received my new bikini today and altho i love the bikini itself - IM hideous. Gah. I honestly think im disgusting atm. Im sooooo jelly like. Its just so downheartening. pity party over.
oh Msc - massive huge hugs hun. Sending healing thoughts to your Dad. Glad E is keeping you going.
WT/FT - no idea on boob'd be a disaster at this end as N wont take milk from anything else!!!!! I think your relaxed attitude to it is perfect.
N is having a melt down. He is so tired but refusing to give in. I've even had the hoover out next to the cot!!!! :haha: just rescued from it and he went from loud shouting to giggling and cooing when I picked him up. Hmmm... these little people are getting cute!!!
Bloody loving the olympics :dance: c'mon Tom!!!
oh and FT I'm with you with the jelly belly body... I know its exercise that I need but with N refusing bottles I just can't do ANYTHING. I'm hoping the shred helps. I used to run 3-4 times per week as well as 3-4 spinning classes per week and an active job... Bloody glad this boobing takes some calories or I'd be the size of a house!!!!

ooops totally didnt mean to shout heehee
MsC - massive hugs and healing thoughts for your dad. I can't imagine what you're going through :hugs:

I'm also loving the Olympics, watched 3 hours of eventing so far - the 23 new bbc Olympic channels on sky are amazing!!! And GB are in the lead team and individual, hurrah!

Oh and last night z did 11.30 to 5.15!!! And then 5.45 to 8.15, woo hoo. However he's now wet 3 different beds in 3 nights, I think there's a problem with the pampers I've just opened.
FT/Waula- I'm feeling you on the jelly belly. Actually, let me be honest... I *wish* it were just a jelly belly. It's more of a jelly entire midsection and thighs. :blush:

I think running is going to be the only way to take it off. If only there were about 3 more hours in the day.

EDIT: WOW, Lozza! That's fabulous!!!! (The sleep, not the bed wetting.)
GB are kicking diving ass! whooohoooo

ps... WT when i say jelly ''belly'', i mean jelly belly, thighs, chest, bum, legs, face, ears....

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